Page 17 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 12-16-2015
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LegalsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter													                                                                                                                                                                                                         Dec. 16, 2015 • Page 17

                                                     Clear Lake City Legals                                                                                                                           Landfill North Iowa

REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING                                                                    53137	 Amazon	                          Library Supplies	                                  643.42          LANDFILL OF NORTH IOWA
                                                                                                                                                                                      240.05          UNAPPROVED MINUTES OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING
The Clear Lake City Council met in regular session on Monday, December 7, 2015,            53138	 Arrow International Inc	         Medical Supplies	                                    48.71
at 6:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers, at City Hall, with Mayor Nelson P. Crabb            53139	 Baker & Taylor Books	            Library Books 	                                    331.27
presiding. All Council Members present.                                                    53140	 Bell’s Fire Stop Inc	            Inspections	                                     7,179.82          	 The regular monthly meeting of the Landfill of North Iowa Executive Commit-
                                                                                                                                                                                  139,097.10          tee was held on December 8, 2015, beginning at 7:32 A.M., at the Landfill Education
Mayor Crabb asked that the agenda be amended to add the following:                         53141	 Cardmember Services	             Mtg Expense and Supplies	                          967.00          Center, 15942 Killdeer, Clear Lake, Iowa.
                                                                                                                                                                                        39.90         	 Present at the meeting were Barney Ruiter, Chairperson, David Abele, Vice
	 -Excavator’s License: Holland Contracting, Forest City, (new).                           53142	 Carpenter Uniform Company	 Uniforms	                                              5,600.00          Chairperson, and Jay Waddingham, Member. Others present were William L. Rowland,
                                                                                                                                                                                    2,123.84          Director, Mitzi Brunsvold, Education Coordinator, and James J. Locher, Attorney.
Nelson moved the agenda be approved as amended, seconded by Callanan.                      53143	 Cerro Gordo County Treasurer	 Election Fees & Assessments	                        1,050.00          	 Ruiter called the meeting to order.
                                                                                                                                                                                    2,282.08          	 Minutes for the Executive Committee meeting held November 12, 2015, were
Passed Unanimously.                                                                        53144	 Charlson Excavating Company	 W 7th Ave N Pay Est #3	                              1,500.00          approved upon motion by Abele, seconded by Waddingham and unanimously adopted.
                                                                                                                                                                                      284.77          	 Monthly bills were reviewed and approved for payment, upon motion by
Boehnke moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Callanan:                         53145	 Chemsearch	                      Boiler Chemicals	                                  412.50          Abele, seconded by Waddingham and unanimously adopted.
                                                                                                                                                                                        67.32         	 Monthly financial statements were presented. Upon motion by Abele,
	 B. Minutes – November 16, 2015.                                                          53146	 City of Clear Lake Water Dept	 Inter-Dept Water Bills	                                73.20         seconded by Waddingham and unanimously adopted, the financial statements were
                                                                                                                                                                                        49.10         accepted subject to annual audit as required by law.
	 C. Approval of the bills & claims.                                                       53147	 Clear Lake Arts Center	          FY16 Budget Allocation	                          1,210.00          	 Rowland circulated a list of accounts past due more than ninety days.
                                                                                                                                                                                      896.40          These, seven altogether, amounted to $2,005.94 out of total accounts receivable of
	 D. Licenses & Permits:                                                                   53148	 Clear Lake Reporter	             Publications & Newsletters	                        611.27          $226,597.56.
                                                                                                                                                                                    2,171.59          	 Brunsvold reported that action on grant submissions relative to the Environ-
	        -Liquor License: Class C Liquor License (LC) (Commercial) with Outdoor 	 53149	 Clear Lake Sanitary District	             Televising	                                          49.80         mental Management System Project would be acted upon at the end of this week.
                                                                                                                                                                                        78.16         	 Rowland provided information regarding activities with the LNI consulting en-
	 Service & Sunday Sales, The Other Place, (renewal).                                      53150	 Clear Lake Telephone Co	         Phone Service	                                       76.04         gineer. An agreement regarding services for 2016, approved at the last Board meeting,
                                                                                                                                                                                        55.98         was executed.
	 -Excavator’s License: Cole Excavating, Greene, (renewal).                                53151	 Clear Lake Volunteer Fire Dept	 November Services	                                  184.69          	 Discussion followed regarding a personnel decision made by Rowland, as a
                                                                                                                                                                                      412.50          result of which a position at LNI became open, which he indicated would not be filled
Roll Call: All Ayes.                                                                       53152	 Compass Business Solutions	 Printing	                                            15,640.70          immediately.
                                                                                                                                                                                      220.00          	 By way of an Operations Report, Rowland described a new system, including
Mayor Crabb announced that it was the time and place for the citizen’s forum. There 53153	 Complete Concrete	                      Snow Hauling	                                      136.00          online and telephone features, installed for the purpose of scheduling the drop off of
                                                                                                                                                                                   11,728.00          hazardous materials at LNI by residential customers.
was no citizen comment.                                                                    53154	 Crescent Electric Supply Inc	    Supplies	                                          753.70          	 It was announced the next Executive Committee meeting would be held at
                                                                                                                                                                                      180.00          the LNI Education Center on Tuesday, January 12, 2016, at 7:30 A.M.
Scott Flory, City Administrator, reviewed the proposed E. Main Avenue Street Re-           53155	Culligan	                         Supplies	                                          192.28          	 The meeting adjourned at 7:59 A.M.
                                                                                                                                                                                      508.20          	 Bills Approved for Payment.
construction & Bike Lane Extension Project and stated that one of the major capital        53156	 Culver-Hahn Electric Supply	     Supplies 	                                         375.00
improvement projects for FY 17 involves the reconstruction of East Main Avenue,            53157	 D&D Cleaning Service	            November Services	                                 151.42
between S 20th and S 24th Streets. He advised that additionally, it is proposed to         53158	 Dearborn National Life Ins Co	 Group Life Insurance	                                173.75
extend the existing bike lanes as part of the project. Jason Petersburg, P.E., Veen-       53159	 Demco Inc	                       Library Supplies	                                    42.04
stra & Kimm, stated the preliminary estimate of the probable cost of construction is       53160	 Don’s Body Shop	                 Vehicle Repairs	                                     89.04
$795,861 and that the City will be receiving an STP grant award in the amount of           53161	 Federal Companies	               Remote Backup Services	                         44,821.55
$450,000 and TAP funding in the amount of $70,000 to offset the cost of the project. 53162	FEDEX	                                  Postage	                                           161.69
Flory advised that City staff and Veenstra & Kimm have negotiated a professional           53163	 Freedom Mailing Service	         CASS Certification	                                  34.64
services agreement for design and special assessment services and total cost for           53164	 Gopher	                          Program Supplies	                                    80.00
those items is a not to exceed $66,200. Hugi moved to approve the professional             53165	 Green Canopy Inc.	               Rental Fees	                                         67.26
services agreement with Veenstra & Kimm, seconded by Callanan. Passed Unani-               53166	 Gregor Trucking, Tom	            Snow Hauling	                                        83.28
mously.                                                                                    53167	 Heartland Asphalt Inc.	          Asphalt Patches	                                   379.00
Flory gave an update on the Water Treatment Plant High Service Pump(s) Replace- 53168	 Hess, Dean C.	                              Tuition Reimbursement	                             121.01
ment Project and stated that at its regular meeting on November 17, 2014, the City         53169	 Ia Specialty Hospital-Belmond	 Drug Testing	                                          92.44
Council approved a construction contract with Dean Snyder Construction in the              53170	 IMWCA	                           Work Comp Insurance	                                 45.00
amount of $365,000 for the project. He advised the Project Engineer has now filed          53171	 Ingram Library Services	         Library Books 	                                    495.40          Date	 Num	 Name	                                         Memo	                              Paid Amount	
the “Certificate of Completion” with the City Clerk, indicating that all work has been     53172	 Iowa Concrete Paving Assn	       Registration Fee	                                1,601.00          11/13/2015	 37808	 MCSEWAGE	                             Refund of Overpayment	             40.92
completed in compliance with the project plans & specifications previously approved 53173	 Iowa DNR	                               15 S Shore Electric	                            43,813.81          11/13/2015	 37809	 MCSTREET	                             Refund of Overpayment	             64.00
by the Council. He noted the final value of work completed on the Project was              53174	 Iowa Prison Industries	          Signs	                                           2,147.28          11/17/2015	 37812	 Society for Human Resource
$369,099.80, which is $3,099.80 more than the original contract amount. Peters-            53175	 Iowa Rural Water Association	 Dues 	                                                680.20          		  Management	                                          Bill Rowland Membership #9006346293	 190.00
burg reviewed Pay Estimate #6 (final) in the amount of $43,813.81 to Dean Snyder           53176	 K&H Co-Op Oil Company	           Fuel	                                              770.00          11/19/2015	 37814	 Brunsvold, Mitzi	                     Expenses	                          35.79
Construction. Nelson moved to approve Pay Estimate #6 (final), seconded by Brant. 53177	 Kappmeyer, Tera M	                        Expense Reimbursement	                               50.00         11/19/2015	 37813	 Iowa State University	                Mitzi/ Water Rocks Winter Summit	  595.00
Passed Unanimously. Brant introduced the following Resolution and moved its                53178	 King Construction & Overhead Door	Door Opener	                                   11,596.31          11/23/2015	 37815	 Petty Cash	                           Supplies	                          41.07
adoption, seconded by Callanan. Roll Call: Passed Unanimously. Whereupon, the 53179	 L-3 Communications	                           Equipment	                                      13,194.40          11/23/2015	 37816	 Ruiter, Byron	                        2015 Meetings/Mileage	             1,275.20
Mayor declared the following duly adopted:                                                 53180	 Larson Printing Company	         Notary Stamp	                                  692,697.99          11/23/2015	 37817	 Abele, David	                         2015 Meetings/Mileage	             1,094.00

                             RESOLUTION No. 15-61                                          53181	 Larue Distributing Inc.	         Supplies	                                    Cash Balance          11/23/2015	 37818	 Waddingham, John	                     2015 Meetings/Mileage	             1,237.50
   A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE WORK – WATER TREATMENT PLANT HIGH 53182	 LeDoux Signs	                                               Police Car Graphics	                                               11/23/2015	 37819	 Allan, Lon	                           2015 Meetings/Mileage	             453.90
                    SERVICE PUMP(S) IMPROVEMENT PROJECT                                    53183	 Marco Inc.	                      Copier Maintenance	                          1,169,499.97          11/23/2015	 37820	 Anderson, Andy	                       2015 Meetings/Mileage	             412.50

Petersburg gave an update on the W 7th Avenue N Watermain Improvement Project 53184	 McCann, Linda	                                Library Book	                                  509,149.58          11/23/2015	 37821	 Benson, Lynn	                         2015 Meetings/Mileage	             52.65
and reviewed Pay Estimate #3 in the amount of $139,097.10 to Charlson Excavat-             53185	 Mckiness Excavating Inc.	        Buddy Holly Strm Swr Ext Prj. Pay Est #1	      237,952.37          11/23/2015	 37822	 Brosz, Mark	                          2015 Meetings/Mileage	             360.75
ing. Brant moved to approve Pay Estimate #3, seconded by Callanan. Passed                  53186	 Mechanical Air Systems Inc.	     Furnace Repair	                                  46,914.30         11/23/2015	 37823	 Crowell, Brian	                       2015 Meetings/Mileage	             371.10

Unanimously.                                                                               53187	 Mercy Medical Center-N IA	       Laundry & Pharmacy Supplies	                      6,069.12         11/23/2015	 37824	 Nelson, Tony	                         2015 Meetings/Mileage	             232.41
Flory reviewed the Buddy Holly Place Storm Sewer Extension Project and stated that 53188	 Merritt Computer Service	                Services	                                      279,070.88          11/23/2015	 37825	 Dickman, Joey	                        2015 Meetings/Mileage	             338.00
at its regular meeting on October 19th, the Council approved a construction contract 53189	 Midwest Tape	                          Library Audio Books	                           408,652.92          11/23/2015	 37826	 Ellingson, Marloe Jr.	                2015 Meetings/Mileage	             66.45
with McKiness Excavating of Mason City in the amount of $49,987.50. He advised             53190	 Nettleton Excavating, Brian	     Snow Hauling	                                  135,197.14          11/23/2015	 37827	 Flatness, Mike	                       2015 Meetings/Mileage	             297.75
that the Project engineer has now filed the “Certificate of Completion” with the City      53191	 NIACC	                           Training Courses 	                           8,973,707.71          11/23/2015	 37828	 Lansing, Randy	                       2015 Meetings/Mileage	             384.90

Clerk, indicating that all work has been completed in compliance with the project          53192	 North Iowa Broadcasting Inc.	 Red Ribbon Week Ads	                                                  11/23/2015	 37829	 Lubkeman, Paula	                      2015 Meetings/Mileage	             497.35

plans & specifications previously approved by the Council. Petersburg stated that          53193	 Northland Glass	                 Plexiglass	                                                        11/23/2015	 37830	 Lunning, Michael	                     2015 Meetings/Mileage	             89.20

the final value of work completed on the project was $47,180.58, which is more than 53194	 Notary Division	                        Renewal Fee	                                                       11/23/2015	 37831	 Martinson, Dan	                       2015 Meetings/Mileage	             66.45

$2,800 less than the original contract amount. Petersburg reviewed Pay Estimate #1 53195	 Office Elements	                         Copier Maintenance	                                                11/23/2015	 37832	 Michaelis, Robert	                    2015 Meetings/Mileage	             229.00

(final) in the amount of $44,821.55 to McKiness Excavating of Mason City. Nelson           53196	 Office of Vehicle Services	      Salvage Tags	                                                      11/23/2015	 37833	 Mogk, Robert	                         2015 Meetings/Mileage	             64.15

moved to approve Pay Estimate #1, seconded by Boehnke. Passed Unanimously.                 53197	 Outdoor Furniture Inc	           Bench	                                                             11/23/2015	 37834	 Morgan, Russell	                      2015 Meetings/Mileage	             298.00

Hugi introduced the following Resolution and moved its adoption, seconded by               53198	 Petty Cash -City of Clear Lake	 Petty Cash Replenishment	                                           11/23/2015	 37835	 Morton, Kent	                         2015 Meetings/Mileage	             372.50

Boehnke. Roll Call: Passed Unanimously. Whereupon, the Mayor declared the                  53199	 Petty Cash -Clear Lake Library	 Petty Cash Replenishment	                                           11/23/2015	 37836	 Nagel, Mary	                          2015 Meetings/Mileage	             206.25

following duly adopted:                                                                    53200	 Physicians Claims Company	       Ambulance Billing Services	                                        11/23/2015	 37837	 Nohrenberg, Jolene	                   2015 Meetings/Mileage	             626.15

                             RESOLUTION No. 15-62                                          53201	                       Library Supplies	                                                  11/23/2015	 37838	 Pulju, Corey	                         2015 Meetings/Mileage	             64.15

   A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE WORK – 2015 BUDDY HOLLY PLACE                                53202	 RC Trucking Ltd.	                Snow Hauling	                                                      11/23/2015	 37839	 Robak, Jeff	                          2015 Meetings/Mileage	             364.20

                        STORM SEWER EXTENSION PROJECT                                      53203	 Red Geranium, The	               Supplies	                                                          11/23/2015	 37840	 Rustad, Roger	                        2015 Meetings/Mileage	             426.30

Shane Cooney, Veterans Memorial Golf Club Foundation, gave an annual report of             53204	           Rise Broadband	        Services	                                                          11/23/2015	 37841	 Silver, Ray	                          2015 Meetings/Mileage	             362.40

the 2015 gofl season at the Veterans memorial Golf Club and stated that revenues           53205	 River City Roofing	              Repairs	                                                           11/23/2015	 37842	 Stevens, Jon	                         2015 Meetings/Mileage	             372.50

were up 8.6% versus 2014 revenues. He stated that the Board is pleased that the            53206	 Roth, Pete	                      Expense Reimbursement	                                             11/23/2015	 37843	 Swenson, Marge	                       2015 Meetings/Mileage	             400.75

course was able to realize its fifth season of positive net income.                        53207	 Shineway Services	               November Services & Floor Refinishing	                             11/23/2015	 37844	 Tornquist, Scott	                     2015 Meetings/Mileage	             44.60

                                                                                           53208	 Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc	   Engineering Services	                                              11/23/2015	 37845	 Urdahl, Jay	                          2015 Meetings/Mileage	             312.20

Joe Weigel, Public Works Director, gave an update on the following: N. Shore Drive 53209	 Snyder Construction, Dean	               Plant High Srvc Pump Rplcmt - Pay Est #6	                          11/23/2015	 37846	 Wyborny, Jodi	                        2015 Meetings/Mileage	             60.13

Street Tree Planting and the 12th Avenue S. Bridge Improvement Project.                    53210	 Staples	                         Office Supplies 	                                                  12/07/2015	 37850	 Petty Cash	                           Supplies	                          33.82

There being no further business before the Council, Brant moved to adjourn at 7:19         53211	           Storey Kenworthy	      Cabinets	                                                          12/08/2015	 37851	 IPERS	                                Retirement Contributions	          8,736.05

p.m., seconded by Nelson. Passed Unanimously.                                              53212	Streicher’s	                      Supplies	                                                          12/08/2015	 37852	 Treasurer, State of Iowa	             Withholding	                       2,734.00

NEXT REGULAR MEETING – MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2015                                           53213	 Stryker Sales Corp.	             Supplies	                                                          12/08/2015	 37853	 Advantage Administrators	             Flex Fees	                         81.00

					/S/	Nelson P. Crabb	 53214	 Sunset Law Enforcement	                                                                           Ammunition	                                                        12/08/2015	 37854	 Airgas North Central	                 Supplies	                          270.67

					Nelson P. Crabb, Mayor                                                                53215	 Teamwork Tech & Integration	 Services 	                                                             12/08/2015	 37855	 All Star Pest Control	                Pest Control	                      45.00

ATTEST:                                                                                    53216	 TQ Technologies	                 Services 	                                                         12/08/2015	 37856	 Alliant Energy	                       Utilities	                         2,151.31

/S/	 Jennifer Larsen		                                                                     53217	 Traces	                          Library Books 	                                                    12/08/2015	 37857	 Avesis	                               Vision Ins	                        176.10

Jennifer Larsen, City Clerk                                                                53218	 Traffic&Transportation Product	 Traffic Signal Supplies	                                            12/08/2015	 37858	 Bauer Built	                          Tires/Equipment	                   1,678.59

                                                                                           53219	           Veenstra & Kimm Inc.	  Engineering Services	                                              12/08/2015	 37859	 Black Hills Energy	                   Utilities	                         378.80
                                                                                           53220	           Verizon Wireless	      Phone Service	
CITY OF CLEAR LAKE                                                                         53221	           Visu-Sewer Inc	        Sewer Rehab Project - Retainage	                                   12/08/2015	 37860	 Brunsvold Trucking	                   Leachate Hauling	                  8,100.00
                                                                                           53222	           Wheatcraft, Hope R	    Expense Reimbursement	
WARRANTS APPROVED BY CITY COUNCIL ON 12/7/2015                                             	                TOTAL	                 	                                                                  12/08/2015	 37861	 Clear Lake Independent Telephone	 Utilities	                             297.33

			                                                                                                                                                                                                   12/08/2015	 37862	 Clear Lake Mirror Reporter	           11/12/15 Board Meetings Publications	 180.83

CHECK #	 VENDOR	                     DESCRIPTION	                               AMOUNT                                                                                                                12/08/2015	 37863	 Coloff Interactive	                   Education	                         405.00
Transfer	 City of Clear Lake Payroll Acct	 Transfer 11/13/2015 Wages & Taxes	                                                                                                                         12/08/2015	 37864	 Conney Safety	                        HHW Supplies	                      460.88

Transfer	 City of Clear Lake Payroll Acct	 Transfer 11/27/2015 Wages & Taxes	  140,703.15 City of Clear Lake                                                                                          12/08/2015	 37865	 Culligan	                             Water/Office/Shop	                 54.50

Wire	 CEDE & Co	                     Bond Interest	                            41,536.25 Statement of Revenues & Expenses                                                                             12/08/2015	 37866	 Delta Dental	                         Dental Ins	                        1,015.68

Wire	 Iowa Dept of Revenue	          November Sales Tax	                       4,553.00 	                                      Cash Balance			                                                        12/08/2015	 37867	 EMC National Life Company	            Life Ins	                          301.22

Wire	 Payment Service Network	       Contracted Services	                        138.95 	                                          11/16/15 	      Receipts	     Expenditures	                        12/08/2015	 37868	 Express Personnel Services	           Temporary Employees	               4,403.60

53121	 Verizon Wireless	             Phone Service	                                96.59 General	                                  4,422,638.37 	  153,221.70 	  (305,876.11)	                        12/08/2015	 37869	 Federal Companies	                    Off Site Back-up	                  45.00

53122	 Clear Lake Bank & Trust Int	  Bond Interest	                            14,681.13 Road Use Tax	                             1,111,174.60 	  83,135.45 	   (24,810.08)	                         12/08/2015	 37870	 Foth Infrastructure & Environmental,

53123	 Postmaster	                   Water Bill Postage	                         962.16 Employee Benefits	                                                                                            		  LLC	                                                 Engineering Services	              17,397.45

                                                                                                                                   504,083.05 	    5,833.33 	    (766.80)	                            12/08/2015	 37871	 G & K Services-Des Moines	            Uniforms/Entry Mats	               176.89

53124	 BUFFINGTON, KIM	              Lakeview Room Refund	                       125.00 TIF Revenues	                              347,931.54 	    0.00 	            0.00 	                           12/08/2015	 37872	 GeoLogic Computer Systems	            Monthly Service Contract	          300.00

53125	 COHAN, CARY	                  Water Deposit Refund #2257	                   44.59 E/D Loan Trust	                           237,636.07 	    316.30 	          0.00 	                           12/08/2015	 37873	 Hawkeye Auto Body	                    Detail/2000 Tahoe	                 150.00

53126	 COOK, FAITH	                  Water Deposit Refund #2125	                   58.21 Law Enforcement - State	                  10,399.75 	     0.00 	            0.00 	                           12/08/2015	 37874	 Health Works	                         Drug Screens/Flu Shots	            552.00

53127	 JOHNSON, HEATHER	             Library Book Refund	                          12.99 Firefighter Benefit Trust	                46,814.68 	     99.62 	           0.00 	                           12/08/2015	 37875	 Helps Drain Cleaning	                 Jetted Line from manhole	          200.00

53128	 KAMMRAD, TJADEN	              Water Deposit Refund #2218	                   49.71 Kinney Lindstrom	                         0.00 	 6,069.12 	                 0.00 	                           12/08/2015	37876	 HyVee	                                 Supplies	                          36.14

53129	 LEAKE, DAVID	                 Water Deposit Refund #2124 & Credit Bal. Refund	 118.98 Debt Service	                         217,451.61 	    43.02 	       (45,526.88)	                         12/08/2015	 37877	 IMWCA	                                Work Comp	                         1,653.00

53130	 OCHOA, MATT	                  Water Deposit Refund #1686 & 2457	            57.29 Capital Projects	                         286,093.57 	    0.00 	 (7,022.69)	                                 12/08/2015	 37878	 Interstate Motor Trucks, Inc.	        Equipment Repairs/Maintenance	     65.58

53131	 OPAT, MICHAEL	                Water Deposit Refund #2500	                   39.73 Riley Trust	                              357,248.19 	    808.26 	          0.00 	                           12/08/2015	 37879	 Iowa Illinois Safety Council	         Membership Renewal	                395.00

53132	 PANKRATZ, CINDA	              Water Deposit Refund #2426	                   67.13 Water	                                    616,658.79 	    26,043.38 	   (234,049.25)	                        12/08/2015	 37880	 K&H Cooperative	                      Fuel	                              7,385.80

53133	 ROBERTSON, DEB	               Water Deposit Refund #1078	                   54.71 Sewer Rental	                             597,901.12 	    9,520.15 	    (15,530.37)	                         12/08/2015	 37881	 Lake Auto Parts	                      Equipment Repairs/Maintenance	     477.27

53134	 ULLRICH, KELLY	               Water Deposit Refund #1701 & 2079	            23.29 Solid Waste	                              124,711.41 	    13,054.26 	   (2,568.53)	                          12/08/2015	 37882	 Liberty Tire--MN	                     Tire Recycling	                    2,327.08

53135	 WHITEHURST, BECKY	            Water Deposit Refund #1164 & 2510	            2.20 Storm Water Utility	                       484,063.51 	    3,454.85 	    (56,547.28)	                         12/08/2015	 37883	 Locher Law Firm	                      Legal Services	                    980.00

53136	 Alliant Energy	               Gas & Electric Service	                   21,712.80 Total	                                    9,364,806.26 	  301,599.44 	  (692,697.99)	                        12/08/2015	 37884	 Mason City Chamber of Commerce	 Education	                               50.00

                                                                                                                                                                                                      12/08/2015	 37885	 Mason City Community School District	 TARP	                              186.98

   Clear Lake School Board                                                                                    Notice of Probate                                                                       12/08/2015	 37886	 Mason City Public Utilities	          Water Bill for Leachate	           19,980.00

                                                                                                                                                                                                      12/08/2015	 37887	 Menards MC	                           Supplies	                          250.33

                                                                                                                                                                                                      12/08/2015	 37888	 Merritt Computer Service	             Server & Installation	             6,361.00

Joint Work Session of                                                                           THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT                            be forever barred.                                 12/08/2015	 37889	 Midwest Electronic Recovery	          Electronics Recycling	             3,635.00
Clear Lake CSD and Mason City CSD                                                                        STORY COUNTY                              	
At the Area Education Agency 267                                                                                                                   Dated this 7th day of December 2015.               12/08/2015	 37890	 Napa Auto Parts--Mason City	          Equipment Repairs/Maintenance	     74.72
December 7, 2015                                                                           IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF
                                                                                                      MARY ANNE COADY                                                                Suzanne Rock     12/08/2015	 37891	 National Tire & Battery	              2013 Tahoe Tire Repair	            15.99
                                                                                                              Deceased                                                                     Proponent
                                                                                                                                                                                                      12/08/2015	 37892	 North Iowa Media Group	               Education	                         569.00
                                                                                                   Probate No. ESPR029309                                                    1218 Wisconsin Ave.
                                                                                                NOTICE OF PROOF OF WILL                                                             Ames, IA 50014    12/08/2015	37893	 PAETEC	                                Utilities	                         123.68
                                                                                                WITHOUT ADMINISTRATION
Present – President: Bergvig; Directors; Brady; Moeller; Tesar; Superintendent Micich                                                                                                                 12/08/2015	 37894	 Prairie Inet	                         Utilities	                         76.91
and Secretary Leerar.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      12/08/2015	 37895	 PSC-Philip Services Corp.	            RCC Waste Disposal	                19,620.55

                                                                                                                                                                                                      12/08/2015	 37896	 Retrofit Recycling	                   RCC Waste Disposal	                6,317.67

                                                                                                                                                                                                      12/08/2015	 37897	 River City Communications, Inc.	 Security	                               18.00

John Berg gave an IASB presentation on Simplifying School Finance.                                                                                                                   Samuel Coady     12/08/2015	 37898	 Rotochopper, Inc.	                    Equipment Repairs/Maintenance	     76.48
                                                                                           To All Persons interested in the Estate of                                                                 12/08/2015	37899	 Staples	                               Supplies	                          49.54
                                                                                           MARY ANNE COADY, Deceased, who                                                               930 Margate
Dr. Anita Micich facilitated Assumption Wall Activity with the Boards.                     died on or about the 3rd day of November,                                             Chicago, IL 60640    12/08/2015	 37900	 Staples Advantage	                    Supplies	                          327.82
                                                                                           	 You are hereby notified that on the                                                     Amy Courneya     12/08/2015	 37902	 Test America, Inc.	                   Leachate Analysis	                 4,012.25
                                                                                           7th day of December, 2015, the last will                                                        Proponent
Jason Christenson, Lora Jensen and Anita Micich all discussed their jobs and the           and testament of MARY ANNE COADY,                                                                          12/08/2015	 37903	 Tractor Supply Co.	                   Supplies	                          113.88
sharing Agreements with the Boards.                                                        deceased, bearing date of the 25th day of                                                821 Hodge Ave.
                                                                                           March, 2015, was admitted to probate in                                                  Ames, IA 50010    12/08/2015	37904	 UPS	                                   Postage	                           26.53
                                                                                           the above named court and there will be no
                                                                                           present administration of the estate. Any               John A. Tillo                                      12/08/2015	 37905	 Verizon Wireless	                     Utilities	                         91.25
                                                                                           action to set aside the will must be brought            Attorney for Estate
President Bergvig declared the work session adjourned at 7:45 p.m.                         in the district court of the county within the          Pasley and Singer Law Firm, LLP                    12/08/2015	 37906	 Wellmark Blue Cross Blue Shield	 Health Ins	                             14,995.42
                                                                                           later to occur of four months from the date             323 6th St.
                                                                                           of the second publication of this notice                Ames, IA 50010                                     12/08/2015	 37907	 Xerox Corporation	                    Xerox W7120P Copier Maintenance	   29.84
                                                                                           or one month from the date of mailing of
____________________                 ________________________                              this notice to all heirs of the decedent and            Date of second publication: 23rd day of            12/08/2015	 37908	 Ziegler, Inc.	                        Equipment Repairs/Maintenance	 17,955.73
Chyrl Bergvig, President                 Lorna Leerar, Board Secretary                     devisees under the will whose identities                December 2015.
                                                                                           are reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter                                                                12/08/2015	 37910	 Iowa Department of Agriculture	       Scale License	                     84.00



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