Page 13 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 12-16-2015
P. 13
“I thought our conditioning and depth GHV
showed up a little bit as we took control of the Results
game and got on a run.”
CLHS Head Boys Page 14
Basketball Coach
Jeremy Ainley
Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter Dec. 16, 2015 • Page 13
Clear Lake Reporter Lions pick up wins over Charles City, H-D
SPORTS The Clear Lake boys pushed City found some shooting Clear Lake down 12-8 after the our bench,” added the coach. things. It is a tough role, but time.”
CALENDAR their record to 3-1 with a pair of rhythm in the third quarter and first quarter of play. “They are not getting the min- there just happens to be some Coming off the bench and
wins last week. The Lions post- outscored the Lions 22-10. By The strategy didn’t work for utes they want, or even deserve good players in front of many scoring two points apiece was
Thursday ed a non-conference win over the fourth quarter the Comets long. The Lions went on a 9-0 sometimes, but when given the of them, but the must be ready Jarod Anderson and Ryan At-
Charles City, then got the North had cut the Lions’ lead to three run and dominated the second opportunity are doing good as there time could come at any- kinson.
•Clear Lake 8th grade boys bas- Central Conference season off to points. quarter on their way to a 29-20
ketball at Algona, 4:15 p.m. a good start by topping Hamp- “I thought our conditioning halftime lead. Clear Lake’s Justin Sholly (left), Parker Truesdell and Thomas Storbeck put some heavy defensive pressure on
•Clear Lake 7th grade boys bas- ton-Dumont. and depth showed up a little bit More runs in the third and a Hampton-Dumont player as he drives to the basket. -Reporter photo by Chris Barragy
ketball home vs. Algona, 4:15 p.m. CL 75, Charles City 63 as we took control of the game fourth quarters helped the Lions
•Clear Lake 7th grade girls bas- The Lions shot down the and got on a run to get up 20 to the 23 point victory. Grapplers finish week strong
ketball home vs. Algona, at Clear Charles City Comets Monday points before winning by 12,” “I was really pleased with Clear Lake wrestlers started
Creek, 4:15 p.m. night, Dec. 7. said Coach Ainley. our aggressiveness on defense,” the week slowly, but finished Thursday at 8:30 pm. 138: Ryan Leisure. Ryan is
•Clear Lake JV/V wrestling home “I really liked how aggres- Justin Sholly had a great said Coach Ainley. “We forced with a solid outing at a four- 15-0 on the year and recorded his
vs. H-D and Algona, 6 p.m. sive we came out against a big, all-around game with 10-points turnovers and the pace to be team tournament in Webster Wrestlers go 1-2 at 100th win in just his junior year. He
•Clear Lake 9th grade boys bas- athletic opponent,” said Lions and 14 rebounds. Thomas played at our style, which got City. Webster City duals is being a great leader for us this
ketball at Iowa Falls-Alden, 6:30 Coach Jeremy Ainley. Storbeck shot it well again and them tired and in foul trouble.” The Lions opened the week The Clear Lake wrestling year.
p.m. Zach Lester set the tone for finished with 19-points. Parker Zach Lester had another at Iowa Falls-Alden for a North team traveled to Webster City 145: Kaleb Froiland. Kaleb is
•Clear Lake JV/V boys basketball the home team with some key Truesdell provided a spark off strong game. The sophomore Central Conference match. The Saturday and took third in the at a comfortable weight class and
at Mason City, 6:15 p.m. early drives to the basket and the bench with five three-point- led the team with 18 points Cadets recorded a 40-27 victory. four-team tournament. is 8-7 on the year.
•GHV 7th/8th grade boys basket- getting some quick points. The ers for 15-points. Lester also and, more importantly said the “We did not come ready to The Lions faced perennial 152: Ryan Faught. Ryan went
ball at West Fork, 4:15 p.m. Lions jumped out to a 16-11 had a well-rounded game with coach, seven assists and six re- wrestle against Iowa Falls,” said 3A power Southeast Polk in 5-0 on the week. He is extremely
•GHV JV/V wrestling triangular at first quarter lead, then outscored 13 points, eight assists and five bounds. Coach Gary Weber. “Since that their first match of the day. The coachable and is making strides.
Belmond-Klemme, 6 p.m. the Comets 20-10 in the second steals. Zach Tatum recorded Zach Tatum continues to meet, the kids have really picked Lions lost, 65-13. Eric Faught, 160: Rhys Glidden. Rhys
•GHV JJV boys basketball at Lake for a 36-21 halftime lead. a career high of 13-points and perform at a high level, scoring up their intensity.” Ryan Faught and Ryan Leisure moved up two weight classes to
Mills, 6:15 p.m. “We really shot the ball eight rebounds. 16 points and grabbing six re- A bright spot in the match all went 3-0 on the day and were help the team and had a great
well, particularly from the out- Rounding out the scor- bounds. was the effort by Ben Finn, who also the three winners in the first match against Ankeny to help the
Friday side with Thomas Storbeck ing was Parker Pitzen with four Parker Truesdell and Thom- was wrestling in his first varsity dual. team win.
hitting four threes and Parker points and Nick Naumann with as Storbeck shot the ball well match. Finn earned an 8-2 de- The Lions battled hard, but 170: Dalton Grell. Dalton had
•Clear Lake V wrestling at Battle Truesdell hitting five threes,” one. from outside with 12 and 15 cision at 138-pounds. Also win- lost 38-31 to Webster City. a huge win against Webster City to
of Waterloo, Young Arena said Coach Ainley. “Those two CL 75, H-D 52 points respectively. Truesdell ning was Ryan Leisure at 145, as Clear Lake won its last dual give us a chance to win. He is also
•Clear Lake V girls and boys bas- are our best threats from outside The Lions were looking to pulled down five rebounds and well as Kaleb Froiland at 152. of the day, 43-26, against An- wrestling up a weight for the team.
ketball at St. Edmond, 6:15 p.m. and are shooting well so far this get out to another quick start had six assists. Storbeck had six Brothers Eric (106) and Ryan keny. 184: Dalton Mennenga. Dal-
•GHV JV girls and boys basketball season.” when Hampton-Dumont came rebounds and two assists. Justin Faught (152) won by fall. Eric “We wrestled very well ton had a pin against Webster City
home vs. Lake Mills, 4 p.m. The coach thought his team to town Friday night, Dec. 11. Sholly put in eight points and pinned his opponent in :40 sec- Saturday. The kids fought and and wrestled well against Ankeny
•GHV V girls and boys basketball may have come out a little too Unfortunately, the Bulldogs Parker Pitzen added two. Each onds, while Ryan took just :19 scrapped much better than they
home vs. Lake Mills, 6:15 p.m. relaxed after the break. Charles used an effective zone to keep player had seven rebounds. seconds. did on Thursday night in their See WRESTLING on page 15
“I am also very pleased with In the second match of the loss to Iowa Falls,” said Coach
Saturday Bulldogs night, Clarion-Goldfield-Dows Gary Weber. “Our staff was RYAN LEISURE
shut CL Clear Lake’s Mckenna Backhaus looks for her shot as she drives to the defeated the Lions, 46-28. Eric very proud of them, especially
•Clear Lake V wrestling at Battle girls down basket during Friday night’s game. -Reporter photo by Chris Barragy Faught, Ryan Leisure and Eric since we were without three Ryan Leisure wins
of Waterloo, Young Arena Faught picked up wins. starters.” 100th match
•GHV V wrestling at Iowa Falls- Ninth ranked Hampton- Mueller with two steals apiece. said Coach Smith. “Hampton is C-G-D- also topped IF-A, The coach provided these
Alden, 10 a.m. Dumont (3-0) disrupted a three “I’m disappointed in the not 30 points better than us and 51-27. comments about each wrestler’s Ryan Leisure is on pace to
game win streak by the Clear way our girls value the processes it starts in practice. You practice week: become Clear Lake’s all-time
Monday Lake (3-2) girls with a 63-34 of preparing. We haven’t had like you play and we are playing Battle For Floyd of win leader. Leisure, a junior,
victory Friday night, Dec. 11. the practices we had at the start the way we have practiced lately. Swaldale 106: Eric Faught. He went recorded his 100th win Satur-
•GHV JV girls and boys basketball “We never got off to the of the season and I feel it has That needs to change.” The wrestling team is home 5-0 this week and wrestled like a day at the Webster City duals.
home vs. Humboldt, 4 p.m. start we wanted,” said Coach translated over to our games,” Thursday, Dec. 17. The Lions senior. He beat the ninth ranked The current CLHS leader is
•GHV V girls and boys basketball Bart Smith, whose team scored will wrestle Algona at 6 p.m.; wrestler from Southeast Polk, 11-3. Tucker Weber with 150 wins.
home vs. Humboldt, 6:15 p.m. just four first quarter points to Algona will wrestle Hampton- 113: Bryan Hillyer. Bryan only “Ryan has put in a lot of
put themselves in a deep hole. Dumont at 7 p.m.; and Clear weighs 105-pounds and is compet- hard work the past 10 years
Tuesday “Hampton is a really good team Lake wrestles H-D at 8:30 p.m. ing very well up a weight class. and deserves all of the accolades
when they make shots— and In the early 1990s, Hamp- 120: Jackson Hamlin. He had that come his way,” said Coach
•Clear Lake 9th grade girls bas- they did. It’s hard to play catch ton wrestling Coach Steve Deike four outstanding wrestlers to com- Gary Weber.
ketball at Waverly-Shell Rock, 5 up when they are making their wanted to create a rivalry with pete against this week and gave
p.m. shots and we aren’t being aggres- Clear Lake wrestling. He came 100 percent. That is all we can
•Clear Lake JV/V girls basketball sive. “ up with the idea of a traveling ask.
at Waverly-Shell Rock, 6:15 p.m. The Lions had a better trophy. Because Swaldale is half- 126: Aaron Canchola. Aaron
•GHV JV girls and boys basketball second quarter and equaled way between the two towns, an showed improvement Saturday.
at Eagle Grove, 4 p.m. the Bulldogs’ output with 13 idea was born. The two teams 132: Will Kirschbaum. Will has
•GHV V girls and boys basketball points. At the half, H-D held a will battle for the trophy this a lot of heart and is only a sopho-
at Eagle Grove, 6:15 p.m. 31-17 lead. more. He is having a good year.
A flat start in the third quar- 132: Ben Finn. Ben had a big
•Basketball: Sat., Dec. 19, at ter doomed the Lions, as they win against Iowa Falls in his first
Drake, 3:30 p.m. fell behind 42-24. The Bulldogs varsity match of his career. He is
•Basketball: Tues., Dec. 22, home continued to press in the fourth undefeated on JV and is having a
vs. Tennessee Tech, 7:30 p.m. and outscored the Lions 20-10 great year.
for the 29-point win.
•Basketball: Sat., Dec. 19, at Big Emily Snelling and Jessica
Four Classic vs. Northern Iowa, Faber finished in double figures
Des Moines, 6 p.m. for the lions with 11 and 10
•Basketball: Tues., Dec. 22, at points respectively. Center Ellie
Cincinnati, 6 p.m. Biebesheimer put in five points,
while Chloe Mueller and Erin
•Basketball: Sat., Dec. 19, at Big O’Tool had three apiece. Jor-
Four Classic vs. Iowa State, Des dyn Barragy made one basket
Moines, 6 p.m. for two points.
O’Tool was a defensive spe-
•Wrestling: Mon., Dec. 21, at cialist, grabbing a team-high 11
Desert Duals, Las Vegas, Nev. rebounds. Snelling followed
with five rebounds and joined
on Page 14
Drs. Thomas Bieber and Jason Skinner, along with their staff,
would like to welcome Dr. Dan Scarrow!
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