Page 12 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 12-16-2015
P. 12
Local NewsPage 12 • Dec. 16, 2015 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
North Iowa
musical artists
can share songs
Inspiration 97.9 KCMR FM is
seeking North Iowa and southern
Minnesota artists to share their in-
spirational and Christian music with
listeners of the radio station. They are
now seeking artists to participate in
their Hometown Talent project.
Hometown Talent is inspired and
produced through a partnership with
Poet Biorefining-Hanlontown and
“Every now and than we hear
about a local artist that has a wonder-
ful inspirational song and we certainly
try to play their song. Now we are The Englin family, (L-R) Jack, Lauren, Heather and Mike, of Clear Lake, partici-
making more of a concerted effort to pated in the Kids & Canvas class last year over Christmas break and have signed up
do more of this for our listening au- to do it again this year.-Submitted photo.
dience,” announced station manager Winter break fun idea:
Bill Schickel. Kids & Canvas at the Arts Center
“Those selected to have their song
played on KCMR will also do a spe-
cial interview so they can talk more
about the song and give our listeners a Looking for something fun, dif- to the paint smocks. Cost is $40 per
better understanding of just what they ferent and engaging to do with your couple (adult and child).
were thinking when they created that family over Christmas break? How “This is our most asked for event
song,” added Schickel. about an Arty Party for you and your at the Arts Center,” says director Paula
Food pantry donations KCMR announcer Kim Svejda favorite young person? Hanus. “I can’t tell you how many
will review all of the submitted mate- On Tuesday, Dec. 29, at 10 a.m., grandparents tell me that their grand-
Everybody’s helping stock the Clear Lake-Ventura Food Pantry. Recently, guests at the Lake Theatre were invited to do- rials from individuals or groups to de- the Clear Lake Arts Center is offering child asked, ‘Grandpa, when can we
nate nonperishable food items as “admission” into afternoon movie specials. The results were amazing, according to Betty termine which artist will be featured an adult and child Arty Party called do that painting class again.’ It’s fun
Sherman, theater manager. Volunteers then transferred the items to the United Methodist Church location to stock the during the 2016 hometown talent Kids & Canvas. (Any adult will do, and engaging and everyone walks
shelves for those who need assistance providing their families with food. The Pantry is open to all residents in need from showcase of inspirational and Chris- parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, fam- away with a finished painting – a tan-
Clear Lake and Ventura on Wednesday evenings from 5 to 7 p.m., first and third Friday afternoons from 1-3 p.m., and tian music on Inspiration 97.9. ily friend, etc. Or any child will do, gible memory of the experience.”
Saturday morning, 9-11 a.m. Pictured are Food Pantry volunteers (L-R) John Morgan, Denny Keith, Roger Walston and Once each month, on the last grandchild, niece, nephew, neighbor Kids & Canvas will be Tuesday,
Gary Harris picking up donations made at the Lake Theatre.-Reporter photo. Thursday of the month at 10:35 kid, etc.) Dec. 29, at 10 a.m. in the Sukup Per-
The step-by-step class will walk forming Arts Wing of the Clear Lake
CL, GHV school districts added am., Svejda will introduce the new the participants through the process Arts Center. Class size is limited. To
artist or group and their song. That of painting on canvas. In the end, register, call or email the Clear Lake
song will than be played on KCMR everyone walks away with a finished Arts Center at 357-1998 or clac@cl-
to teacher leadership system for the next 30 days. painting, ready to hang on the wall.
North Iowa and southern Min- All materials are provided, right down
nesota musicians are asked to submit
their original demo cd of a song plus
Iowa Department of Education As of this fall, all 336 Iowa school tests. a one page story about themselves and Buying or Selling a Home in
Director Ryan Wise has announced districts had applied to join the teach- School districts are chosen for the their music to Home Town Talent c/o the Clear Lake Area?
the next group of school districts cho- er leadership system. The 97 newly system based on recommendations of Inspiration 97.9 KCMR FM.
sen to launch local teacher leadership accepted districts will implement the Commission on Educator Leader- These can be mailed to 316 North Trust one of these Real Estate Professionals
plans through Iowa’s Teacher Lead- their teacher leadership plans in the ship and Compensation, which evalu- Federal, Mason City, Iowa 50401 or
ership and Compensation System. 2016-17 school year. The remaining ates applications. dropped off from 8-4:30 Monday
Clear Lake and Garner-Hayfield-Ven- 40 school districts will have an oppor- Districts that apply to start teach- through Friday at the radio station’s
tura School Districts are among the tunity to refine and re-submit their er leadership systems are required to office.
new participants. plans for approval in the next two set a vision and goals for what they Cd’s and mp3’s, along with a 100
Ninety-seven school districts have months. Wise said he is hopeful that plan to accomplish. They also must word introduction of the artist or
been added to the state system, bring- all of Iowa’s school districts will join address “must-haves,” such as setting group and their song, can be emailed
ing the total number of districts in the the teacher leadership system by the a minimum teacher salary of $33,500, to [email protected]
teacher leadership system to 295 (88 2016-17 school year. improving entry into the profession
“I have had the opportunity to through efforts that include mentor-
percent of Iowa districts). 415 First Ave. S., Clear Lake
Library’s “This system is about supporting visit many school districts with teach- ing new teachers, and a rigorous selec- (641) 357-3330
teachers to do their best work so that er leadership plans, and the feedback tion process for leadership roles.
Children’sour students can do their best work,” has been very positive,” Wise said. The teacher leadership system 15412 Dodge Avenue, Clear Lake
“What I’m hearing is that the system cost nearly $50 million in fiscal year
empowers teachers and principals to 2015. That amount is expected to Charming 2-3 bedroom home tucked away in Dodges Point. Situated on 70 ft. of
work together in new ways and that grow to about $150 million annually lake frontage with calm waters and glorious sunsets. $875,000
Wise said. “Students and schools to-
2800 4th St. SW #3, Mason City
Departmentday face higher expectations, and we 641.424.9400 • 1.877.243.8221
invites families tomust support the critical and complex
work of teaching in order to improve teachers have found greater support, by fiscal year 2017, which would en- 1406 N. Carolina Ave., Mason City
Contemporary 5 bedroom home with open floor plan. In-town acreage with 2.5 acres.
Dec. 28 eventinstruction. We’re doing that through opportunities for collaboration, and able all districts to participate. Backyard has terraced walk-way to Winnegao River and deck. $599,900
Iowa’s teacher leadership system, and ownership over decision-making, par-
it’s exciting that so many school dis- The public is invited to come en- 302 Main Ave., Clear Lake
(641) 357-0500
Deadline is todaytricts share this commitment.”
for Toys for Tots Iowa’s teacher leadership system,
ticularly as it relates to professional joy the wonders of winter in the Chil- 36 Venetian Drive, Clear Lake
development for their colleagues.” dren’s Department at the Clear Lake
School districts in the teacher Public Library on Monday, Dec. 28, Immaculate 5 bedroom, 3,000 sq. ft. ranch home includes lake access and a boat
which taps into the expertise of top leadership system are at varying stages. slip. It has 10 ft. ceilings, Cambria countertops, and finished lower level. $399,900
teachers to improve classroom instruc- Some are in their second year, while donations from 5-6 p.m.
tion and raise student achievement, is others are gearing up for participa- Children ages three to six-years-
the centerpiece of the state’s landmark tion. The deadline is today, Wednesday, old and their families are welcome
education reform package passed by A recent report on the first year Dec. 16, for donations to the 2015 to come build their own gingerbread
the Legislature in 2013. It is the na- of Iowa’s teacher leadership system Toys for Tots toy drive. KIMT and its house, enjoy some cocoa and hear
tion’s most comprehensive teacher found progress has been made toward Giving Your Best partners Diamond story time.
leadership system. About 25 percent each of the system’s five goals, includ- Jo Casino and First Citizens National Those planning to attend are
of Iowa teachers will be in leadership ing attracting new teachers, retaining Bank are teaming up with the North asked to call the library at 357-6133
roles when the system is fully phased effective teachers, promoting collabo- Iowa Marine Corps League and The to register, or sign up in the Children’s
Salvation Army for the drive. Department.
in. ration, rewarding professional growth
The system paves the way for and effective teaching, and improving
more support and greater collabora- student achievement. In addition,
WEDNESDAY NIGHTtion for all teachers to learn from each students in the first 39 participating
other instead of operating largely in school districts saw a jump in profi-
isolation within their classrooms. ciency rates on state math and reading
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