Page 15 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 12-16-2015
P. 15

SportsDec. 16, 2015				                      Page 15                                                                                                                                                             JBimasTBkfhuoJeieciuntmbkrola,augmlosltarfitCmisgCwosehleenestdeta.ewkrs’isLnt anwkeaers.

CL JV basketball team falls to                                                              Ch$ca1hmE0onbiincteeerCrpBoltreoifuzaacewrnk.iLsonatahkneedr a
West Fork; tops C-G-D
                                             er Gerhardt each chipped in five,
	 The Clear Lake JV boys basket-             while Sean Wendal added four points.
ball team split a pair of games last         	
week. The team is currently 2-2.             CL 33, C-G-D 20
West Fork 38, CL 32                          	 The Lions again started off slow,
	 A slow start hindered the JV               but were able to battle back and pick
team in a matchup against West Fork          up a 33-20 win at home on Friday,
on Tuesday, Dec. 1.                          Dec. 4, against Clarion-Goldfield-
	 The Lions only managed eight               Dows.
points in the first half. Going into the     	 “The Lions worked hard on the
second half, the Lions shook off the         defensive side and they showed bal-
rust and upped the defense to help           anced scoring,” said Coach Austin Pe-
make a comeback. Even with a great           terson.
effort in the second half, the Lions         	 Sam Pedelty and Nate DeCamil-
fell, 38-32.                                 lo led the way with 10-points apiece.
	 Sam Pedelty led the team with              Ryan Atkinson added six, while Tori-
18-points. Max Makenna and Hunt-             an Lee and Sean Wendal each chipped
                                             in three-points.

Clear Lake JV wrestlers                                                                     CLEAR
compete in Algona tournament                                                                LAKE

	 Clear Lake took part in the Al-            Spencer Christensen’s place is 2nd and                                                                                                                       GHV
gona JV wrestling tournament Friday          has scored 4.00 team points.
night, Dec. 11.                              1st Place Match - Cole Johnson (Fort           NICK NAUMANN                    EMILY SNELLING                    MIRANDA JACKSON                                    TURNER ALBERTSON
	 Jacob Pingel led the Lions with            Dodge) won by decision over Spencer
a 4-0 record to finish first. Dylan          Christensen (Clear Lake) (Dec 5-1)          Nick is a senior post player for   Emily is a junior returning let-  Miranda is a senior guard on                       Turner is a senior returning let-
Crotty, Kade Hambly, Chance Poley            1st Place Match - Spencer Christensen       the Lions. He is the son of Scott  terwinner. She is a guard.        the Cardinal team. She is the                      terwinner. He plays guard. He
and Spencer Christensen each fin-            (Clear Lake) won by fall over Tj Koob       Naumann and Dana Naumann.          She is the daughter of Wendy      daughter of Eric and Chris                         is the son of Joe and Jody Al-
ished second at their weight. Ben            (Humboldt) (Fall 0:43)                                                         and Patrick Snelling.             Jackson.                                           bertson.
Stroup, Riley Brekke and Jake Keith          1st Place Match - Spencer Christensen
each placed fourth.                          (Clear Lake) won by fall over Kali Zufall   This contest brought to you by these community minded sponsors
                                             (Estherville Lincoln Central) (Fall 1:11)
Algona JV Scramble Results                                                                  The Perfect Place For                                                                                                A Tire Store
                                             Chance Poley’s place is 2nd and has                                                                                                                                   ... And A Whole Lot More!
Jacob Pingel’s place is 1st and has scored   scored 4.00 team points.                                   Senior Living
5.00 team points.                            1st Place Match - Chance Poley (Clear
1st Place Match - Jacob Pingel (Clear        Lake) won by fall over Adam Brandt (North       405 27th Ave. South • Clear Lake, IA                           200 Hwy. 18 W., Clear Lake • 357-8118                  880 Hwy. 18 W.
Lake) won by fall over Peyton Woodbeck       Union) (Fall 1:44)                             641-357-7083 • Email: [email protected]                                                                                     Clear Lake
(Eagle Grove) (Fall 0:20)                    1st Place Match - Chance Poley (Clear
1st Place Match - Jacob Pingel (Clear        Lake) won by fall over Alex Anderson                and: 300 Lyndale St., Osage, IA.                                                                                (641) 357-7117
Lake) won by fall over Zaden Moe (Algo-      (Hampton Dumont) (Fall 0:21)                                  641-832-2270
na) (Fall 1:01)                              1st Place Match - Triston Licht (Fort
1st Place Match - Jacob Pingel (Clear        Dodge) won by fall over Chance Poley
Lake) won by major decision over Eli         (Clear Lake) (Fall 1:31)
Handy (Fort Dodge) (Maj 10-1)
                                             Christian Jacobs’s place is 3rd and has
Riley Brekke’s place is 3rd and has scored   scored 2.00 team points.
2.00 team points.                            1st Place Match - Triston Licht (Fort
1st Place Match - Riley Brekke (Clear        Dodge) won by fall over Christian Jacobs
Lake) won by fall over Austin Chinn (Spen-   (Clear Lake) (Fall 2:27)
cer) (Fall 3:04)                             1st Place Match - Christian Jacobs (Clear
1st Place Match - Tyler Watson (Interstate   Lake) won by fall over Logan Fiddler (Hum-
35) won by decision over Riley Brekke        boldt) (Fall 1:10)
(Clear Lake) (Dec 4-3)                       1st Place Match - Cameron Clark (West
1st Place Match - Logan Moser (Hum-          Hancock) won by fall over Christian Jacobs
boldt) won by fall over Riley Brekke (Clear  (Clear Lake) (Fall 0:35)
Lake) (Fall 1:33)
                                             Kade Hambly’s place is 2nd and has
Jake Keith’s place is 3rd and has scored     scored 2.00 team points.
0.00 team points.                            1st Place Match - Kade Hambly (Clear
1st Place Match - Nathan Nissen (Spen-       Lake) won by decision over Preston Cink
cer) won by fall over Jake Keith (Clear      (West Hancock) (Dec 5-0)
Lake) (Fall 0:34)                            1st Place Match - Kade Hambly (Clear
1st Place Match - Cole Stewart (Inter-       Lake) won by fall over Cole Dickinson (In-
state 35) won by decision over Jake Keith    terstate 35) (Fall 1:59)
(Clear Lake) (Dec 2-0)                       1st Place Match - Nate Kollmorgen (Hum-
                                             boldt) won by decision over Kade Hambly
                                             (Clear Lake) (Dec 7-2)                                                                                                                                                                           •High Speed Internet
Dylon Crotty’s place is 2nd and has scored   Ben Stroup’s place is 4th and has scored       Main Avenue, Clear Lake                                                                          •Cabinets                                        •Digital Cable TV
2.00 team points.                            0.00 team points.                                  (641) 357-5241                                                                                 •Decking                                       •Business Solutions
1st Place Match - Dylon Crotty (Clear        1st Place Match - Tyler Vitzthum (Hum-                                                                                                                                                           •Wireless
Lake) won by decision over Keegan Lynch      boldt) won by fall over Ben Stroup (Clear                                                                                                            •Paint                                      •Home Security
(Fort Dodge) (Dec 6-2)                       Lake) (Fall 1:33)
1st Place Match - Kaden Smith (Fort          1st Place Match - Elijah Torres (Humboldt)                                                                     210 N. 4th St., Clear Lake • 357-2134         107 North 4th Street • 357-2111
Dodge) won by decision over Dylon Crotty     won by fall over Ben Stroup (Clear Lake)                                                                                        Visit us at:
(Clear Lake) (Dec 5-1)                       (Fall 1:19)
1st Place Match - Dylon Crotty (Clear        1st Place Match - Peyton Spangler (St. Ed-
Lake) won by injury default over Mitch       mond) won by fall over Ben Stroup (Clear
Kampen (Humboldt) (Inj. 0:00)                Lake) (Fall 0:46)

WRESTLING                                    fen (Fall 0:40) 113: Quinton Buresh (IFA)      Offering Drive Wise Classes                                     12 N. 4th Street • 357-2131 • Fax: 357-2133
from page 13                                 over Bryan Hillyer (MD 13-0) 120: Dante                                                                                   e-mail: [email protected]
                                             Tacchia (IFA) over Jackson Hamlin (Fall            3005 Willow Creek Ct., Clear Lake                                
to help the team win.                        3:58) 126: Dillon Rubow (IFA) over Aaron               357-2612 or 800-469-3325
	 195: Kade Hambly. I cannot say             Canchola (Fall 4:00) 132: Caleb Smith
enough good about Kade. He weighs            (IFA) over Will Kirschbaum (Fall 1:10)      _
172 and is wrestling up two weight class-    138: Ben Finn (CL) over Brock Steinfeldt
es and winning as a freshman. His come       (Dec 8-2) 145: Ryan Leisure (CL) over                                          12 N. 4th St.,                  Return to the Reporter office by 5 p.m. each Friday       TIE BREAKER:
from behind win against Ankeny fired up      Logan Steelman (Fall 1:16) 152: Kaleb                                           Clear Lake                      OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK (No Copies Please)                TOTAL POINTS OF
our team and catapulted us to the win.       Froiland (CL) over Montana Marchant                                                                                                                                 GAME #1______________
	 220: Spencer Christensen. Spencer          (Fall 2:45) 160: Ryan Faught (CL) over
won by forfeit against Ankeny. They are      Owen Kinnetz (Fall 0:19) 170: Michael                                                                          Circle the predicted winner
a very big school and they had no one        Kent (IFA) over Dalton Grell (Fall 2:59)
tough enough to stay out for wrestling at    182: Collin  Hoover (IFA) over Dalton
220 and we did.                              Mennenga (Dec 5-1) 195: Peyton Wil-
	 285: Kyle Willms. Kyle had a nice          liams (IFA) over Kade Hambly (Dec 10-
win against Clarion and Ankeny. At times     6) 220: Victor Sanchez (IFA) over Carter
he gives up 50-pounds and is doing very      Garrington (Dec 7-4) 285: Zack Duncan
                                             (IFA) over Kyle  Willms (Dec 7-3)
IFA 40, CL 27

106: Eric Faught (CL) over Drake Stef-

                                                                                            1. Clear Lake @ St. Edmond (B) 8. Samford @ Nebraska                                                          15. Northwestern @ DePaul
                                                                                                                                                                                                          16. Indiana @ Notre Dame
                                                                                            2. Clear Lake @ St. Edmond (G) 9. Texas @ Stanford                                                            17. N. Carolina @ UCLA
                                                                                                                                                                                                          18. Villanova @ Virginia
                                                                                            3. Lake Mills @ GHV (B)                                         10. Baylor @ Texas A&M                        19. Wichita State @ Seton Hall
                                                                                                                                                                                                          20. Georgia Tech @ Georgia
                                                                                            4. Lake Mills @ GHV (G)                                         11. Oklahoma State @ Florida

           JOIN OUR FREE                                                                    5. Iowa State @ UNI                                             12. N. Carolina St. @ Missouri
                                                                                            6. Iowa @ Drake                                                 13. Butler @ Purdue

                                                                                            7. Utah @ Duke                                                  14. Colorado St. @ Kansas St.


                                                                                         CONTEST RULES: 1. Only official entry blanks from the Clear Lake Reporter will be accepted. All entries must have name and phone number included to be eligible. Blank tie breaker scores will be zeros. 2. Entries must be received at the Clear Lake Reporter office by 5 p.m. each Friday
                                                                                         or be postmarked Thursday! Any mailed entries received after the following Monday are not eligible. 3. You may enter as many times as you wish; however, you must use an official entry blank from this paper. No copies will be accepted. 4. Each previous week’s winner will be listed in the
                                                                                         Mirror Reporter. 5. In case of ties, the tie-breaker guess will determine the week’s winner. 6. Weekly winners will receive $10 in CL Chamber Bucks & your choice of another prize.

PLAY THE CL TEL BOWL CHALLENGE                                                           CONTEST RULES: 1. Only official entry blanks from the Clear Lake Mirror Reporter will be accepted. All entries must have
                                                                                         name and phone number included to be eligible. Blank tie breaker scores will be zeros. 2. Entries must be received at the
Pick the winning teams of this year's bowl games and                                     Clear Lake Reporter office by 5 p.m. each Friday or be postmarked Thursday! Any mailed entries received after the following
          you could win a great prize from CL Tel.                                       Monday are not eligible. 3. You may enter as many times as you wish; however, you must use an official entry blank from
                                                                                         this paper. No copies will be accepted. 4. Each previous week’s winner will be listed in the Mirror-Reporter. 5. In case of ties,
      Sign up at:                                                 the tie-breaker guess will determine the week’s winner. 6. Weekly winners will receive $10 in Clear Lake Chamber Bucks and
                                                                                         the choice of another prize.
   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20