Page 7 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 9-23-2015
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Lake LifestyleClear Lake Mirror-Reporter Sept. 23, 2015 • Page 7
(Family Features) There’s a reason why they are called fur babies. From tiny unlike barking, bouncing or jumping is even more controllable by training. If the
puppies to large hounds, Americans take serious pride in canine family members. problem exists with your pup, the ASPCA provides the following tips to correct
In fact, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals the problem:
(ASPCA) there are about 70-80 million dogs in homes across the country. And •In order to successfully train your dog to interact with other people, you
although they may be a more-than-welcome addition to the family, they may need to train him or her one-on-one first. When greeted by your jumping dog,
not receive such a warm welcome from the neighborhood - leaving owners to keep calm. The more excited you are, the more excited your dog will be. If it
wonder what might be causing some hairs to stick up on end. The answer could begins to jump, do not reach out to pet or stroke the dog. Instead, keep your
be simple: poor social etiquette. eyes raised to avoid eye contact and keep your arms and hands away until the
No one likes to consider their dog as a source of disruption in the community. dog keeps its front feet on the ground.
While enjoying relaxing evening walks together or playing in the backyard, people •Once the canine has calmed and is standing on four feet, immediately
may never consider the behavior of their dog to be a problem, especially if its reach out to show affection. This will emphasize the importance of staying down
disposition is friendly around people. But if watched closely, they may notice when greeting. If the dog becomes excited and begins jumping again, restart the
he or she is coming across as a nuisance - meaning it might be time to correct process.
behavioral issues such as barking, jumping or not staying when instructed. •If initial training tips don’t help, or if training takes a while, it’s important to
If you feel like your little pup could cause a commotion in the neighborhood, keep your dog on a short leash while interacting with other people. Products like
don’t fret! There are tools and steps to follow that will help take your dog from comfortable no-jump dog harnesses work well in keeping control over your pup
bothersome to beloved. and will help other people feel more comfortable around your dog. In addition,
Barking always keep treats on hand to encourage your dog to stay calm and by your side.
Oftentimes, the most disruptive action by a dog is also the hardest to control: Staying
barking. From sounding the alarm to separation anxiety, dogs use barking as an If your dog doesn’t have a jumping or barking problem, he might have
alert system. But it also is known as one of the most common causes for frustration a problem with running free. Between the front yard, backyard and entire
among neighbors. To get barking under control, consider the following training neighborhood, there’s just so much to see! But this can be extremely invasive
tips: and bothersome to other neighbors. If your dog commonly attempts to break
•First, identify the factors surrounding your dog’s barking. Is it more common free during a walk or run, or tries to get loose from the yard or house, try the
during the day or at night? Are there triggers nearby such as people, animals or following steps to control the behavior:
machines? According to the ASPCA, some barking issues can be resolved by •According to the ASPCA, the hardest to achieve but most effective training
removing problematic objects or noises. If the problem can’t be fixed by removing tip to control your dog when it attempts to run or chase is establishing a call that
objects, have your dog checked to make sure that he or she isn’t suffering from works. To train your dog, simply practice the specific call repeatedly for as long
a health issue. as it takes until the dog begins to adapt. Each time you make the call toward
• Using tools and proper training together is often the best way to bring your dog, reward him or her with a treat to set firm expectations that coming
barking under control. Products that feature audible deterrents are oftentimes when called is a positive thing. Try practicing this training exercise while on a
a good way to stop incessant yapping from a dog. Tools like the First Alert(tm) walk. If your dog begins to wander, simply pat your legs and call it for a treat to
Bark Genie Automatic Ultrasonic Bark Deterrent use safe, pet-friendly ultrasonic set expectations that your dog should stick close to you when outside. Keeping
technology that detects barking and emits sound to help control it. a training tool with you can also be handy in case your dog decides to ignore
•To efficiently handle a barking problem, be sure to begin correctly training a command or call. Using a tool like the First Alert(tm) Bark Genie Handheld
your dog while using a bark deterrent. First, never encourage or reward a dog Ultrasonic Bark Deterrent utilizes the same pet-friendly technology and allows
for barking. If your dog barks compulsively, try “quiet” training. Allow the dog for more precise training control over your dog.
to bark initially, then instruct him or her to “quiet” and hold its snout for a few •If your dog is attempting to break free from an enclosed area such as a
seconds. If the dog remains quiet after you let go, give it a treat as a reward. backyard, ensure that your fence is an appropriate height, that there are no gaps
Not all dogs are the same, so training bark control can be difficult. However, in the fence and that your dog isn’t prone to digging to escape. Practice the same
with enough positive reinforcement used with training aids like the Bark Genie, training tips to calmly control your dog and remember - it might take some time!
excessive barking can be quelled. •If nothing else works, and if time allows, tire out your pup with extensive
Jumping play time! An under stimulated dog can get extremely antsy, but enough activity
Does your dog jump on strangers? If instructed to stop, does he or she listen? will help to reduce the urge to break free when out in public. You’ll have a good
Jumping and tackling can be perceived as aggressive behaviors and can give off time, and your pup will too.
the appearance that you might not have complete control of your dog. However, First Alert for Pets Bark Genie(tm) products are available at Wal-mart stores
nationwide. For more information, visit
Ways to make a shelter dog feel welcome
(Family Features) Animal shelters are full of that are unsafe, such as chemicals and certain house a complete, balanced food with real meat as the No.
lovable dogs of all breeds, sizes and ages deserving plants, out of reach. Cords and objects that invite 1 ingredient.
of a good home and ready to become your next chewing also should be tucked away. If certain areas Introduce a schedule. Providing dogs with a
four-legged family member. In fact, according to will be off limits, use baby gates to block them. consistent routine right off the bat can help ease
the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty Expect accidents. While house training a their stress during the transition. Set a schedule for
to Animals, nearly 2 million dogs are adopted into puppy is to be expected, you may find that an walks, feeding time and training so he can settle into
new families each year. older dog needs help in this area as well. The stress a routine that feels a bit more familiar.
However, choosing the right dog is just the of transitioning into a new household can lead to Approach training with patience. Without
beginning. The first weeks after bringing home an accidents, so keep this in mind and be sure to provide knowing how your pet was trained, it can be
adopted pet are critical. It’s a time to get to know your new pet with lots of potty breaks, patience and difficult to predict how he will respond in his new
one another and build a lifelong connection. Here instruction. environment. For example, he may be used to
are some steps to help ease the transition: Start with smart nutrition. Providing your new receiving treats for good behavior, while you prefer
Create a pet-friendly environment. Keep items dog with a high-quality diet from the beginning can to reward with praise. Plan to be flexible, and soon
contribute to a lifetime of whole body health. Chose you’ll come to a shared understanding.
Check out this page weekly for fun tips on a variety of topics. Brought to you by these community minded sponsors.
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