Page 2 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 9-23-2015
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Local NewsPage 2 • Sept. 23, 2015 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
CANDIDATES them and give back for what the com- Fire at Culver’s MORE
from page 1 munity has done for myself and my Clear Lake
family,” Ebeling concluded. The Clear Lake Fire Department was dispatched to Culver’s, 1204 N. 25th St., at 11:44 a.m. Saturday. A fire in the Mirror-Reporter
of the Clear Lake Area Chamber The City Council election in kitchen was contained to just the fryers. No damage estimates were reported on the building or kitchen area. The res- CALENDAR
of Commerce and Co-Chair of the Clear Lake will take place on Tuesday, taurant had to be closed while it awaited new frying equipment. It re-opened Monday. The CLFD was on the scene for
Chamber’s IGNITE Clear Lake En- Nov. 3. a little over an hour.-Reporter photo by Chris Barragy. from page 1
dowment Campaign that has raised
close to $1.2 million for community Interim mayor, Saturday con’t
fireworks and its economic impact three Council
on the community. He also served members home again? Long has ties to Clear
as president of the Association for unopposed in Lake and is on her national tour cele-
the Preservation of Clear Lake and is Ventura brating her novel. Long will be at the
currently serving on the board. He is Clear Lake Arts Center, 17 S. 4th St.,
also the president-elect of the Cerro The ballot for Ventura voters from 1-3 p.m. Saturday.
Gordo Independent Insurance Agents will be sparse, as three City Council
Association. incumbents will run unopposed. In- Life Expo
“I am running for two reasons. terim Mayor Lynn Benson, who took
First, I want to ensure that Clear over earlier this year when Art Tesar A Life Expo will be held Saturday,
Lake will be the type of community resigned because he was moving from Sept. 26, to inform and inspire people
that my children will want to live and the community, is also unopposed. to meaningfully connect within their
work in when they get older. Next, I Council members seeking re- communities and discover their pas-
want to be sure that the City contin- election include Darwin Avery, John sion and purpose by featuring exhibi-
ues to have low taxes, solid infrastruc- E. Quintus and Michael Thackery. tors who will offer ideas for participa-
ture, robust economic development, tion within the community. All ages
continued public safety, all of which will be able to learn about classes to
results in a high quality of life for our take, clubs to join, activities in which
Clear Lake residents,” Ebeling stated. to participate, volunteer experiences,
”The people of Clear Lake are its best and services that are provided within
asset, and this is one way I can serve your community. The headlining en-
tertainer is Denise Shipler, an inspira-
WE BRING OUT THE SMILE IN YOU ! FIBER OPTICS Burglary suspect arrested tional speaker and singer from Clear
from page 1 Lake who has produced two albums
Drs. Thomas Bieber and Jason Skinner, along with their staff, Chad C. Trenary, 35, of the security footage as the suspect, ac- and appeared at the Iowa State Fair.
would like to welcome Dr. Dan Scarrow! construct, fiber optics provide a more se- Clear Lake, has been arrested by cording to the police. The free Life Expo will be held at the
cure, virtually unlimited capacity for data, Clear Lake police and charged At 11:40 p.m. Thursday, an of- Hub, 501 1st Ave. N., Clear Lake (the
voice and video services. Wireless services, with one count of second-degree ficer allegedly observed Trenary at- former bakery building) from noon to
although less expensive to deploy, have a burglary, a Class C felony; two tempting to open the backyard win- 3 p.m. Prizes will be given away for
limited bandwidth capacity and some se- counts of attempted second-de- dow and door of a residence in the those in attendance. The Life Expo is
curity issues. Ultimately, fiber optics pro- gree burglary, a Class D felony; 1400 block of North 23rd Street. being organized by Opportunity Vil-
vide a backbone infrastructure to integrate and one count of third-degree At 12:52 a.m. Friday, Trenary al- lage and United to Serve with Passion
all high speed Internet, interactive TV and burglary from a motor vehicle, legedly entered a vehicle parked at a and Purpose.
“smart home” uses like energy efficiency an aggravated misdemeanor. residence in the 2300 block of 16th
102 N. 5th St., Clear Lake • (641) 357-4112 and home security, better shared informa- According to police re- Avenue North, took a house key and
tion and collaboration. cords, Trenary attempted to used it to gain access to the residence. CL Tel was one of the early providers gain access to a residence in Police say he opened the front door,
of fiber optics in Iowa, installing its first the 2300 block of 16th Avenue gaining entry with his head and hand
Monday - Friday • 7:30 -5:00 fiber optical network in 1989 to connect North through the back door at before being observed and confront-
all long distance calls to Iowa Network Ser- 12:06 a.m. Sept. 2. Access was ed.
vices. Other fiber optics projects have me- not gained. Trenary was being held in the
thodically been deployed throughout the Trenary was identified on Cerro Gordo County Jail Friday on
years in Clear Lake and Ventura. $25,000 cash bond.
Pets leader
jailed for Arrest made in
refusing to quick change scam
return dog
A Kansas man has been charged
The coordinator of a North Iowa with ongoing criminal conduct in the
animal shelter was jailed for a few wake of a “quick-change” scam in-
hours last week after she refused to volving Clear Lake businesses.
release a dog to its owner. Darryl Montgomery, 33, of
According to a report from the Kansas City, Kan., was arrested on
Cerro Gordo County Sheriff’s Office, Saturday on one felony charge of on-
Debbie Kern, 57, coordinator of the going criminal conduct. In addition,
Patriots for Pets Rescue and Shelter in Montgomery also was wanted by au-
Clear Lake, was ordered by a magis- thorities in Colorado for a parole vio-
trate judge to turn over a dog to the lation. He is being held at the Cerro
Sheriff’s Office so it could be returned Gordo County Jail without bond.
to its owner. Montgomery is accused of at-
Kern refused to turn over the tempting to “swindle money from
nine-month-old shepherd mix dog multiple businesses” in Clear Lake,
and the magistrate ordered the Sher- acording to the Clear Lake Police De-
iff’s Office to take Kern into custody partment.
and hold her under no bond until the Quick-change artist scams in-
order was fulfilled. volve confusing store clerks mak-
The Sheriff’s Office reported that ing change, although the complaint
the dog was released a few hours later doesn’t state what tactics police be-
and Kern was released from custody. lieve Montgomery used in his alleged
attempts to fool the employees.
Grissom says…
To avoid vibration or shaking of the vehicle
when a tire rotates, the tire must be properly
balanced. This balance is achieved by positioning
weights on the wheel to counterbalance heavy
spots on the wheel-and-tire assembly. A wheel
alignment adjusts the angels of the wheels so
that they are positioned correctly relative to
the vehicle’s frame. This adjustment maximizes
the life of your tires and prevents your car from
veering to the right or the left when driving on a
straight, level road. These adjustments require
special equipment and should be performed by a
qualified technician.
If your care shakes, vibrates or veers
left or right, stop in to see us.