Page 1 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 6/10/2015
P. 1
Girls State Golf pg. 9
Isolated T-storms
throughout week
Chance of isolated
thunderstorms Thurs-
day-Monday. High of
79 degrees on Sunday.
More weather on page 5.
USPS 117-120 VOL. 145 Issue 23 June 10, 2015 Serving Clear Lake and Ventura since 1869 • Hometown newspaper of Louie & Kathy Covillo $1.50
Clear Lake Residents evacuated when
Mirror-Reporter crew hits unmarked gas line
Some residents needed to be evacuated from their their equipment struck an unmarked gas line.
Thursday homes and traffic was re-routed after a gas line was Clear Lake police officers and firefighters were on
Rededication ruptured early Thursday, June 4, by workers. the scene and re-routed traffic for about an hour and
A crew from North Iowa Septic Service was re- secured the scene until Alliant Energy could respond
The public is invited to a re- portedly working near the intersection of North 6th and clamp the two and one-half inch line.
dedication ceremony for Clear Street and 4th Avenue North about 12:15 p.m. when No injuries were reported.
Lake City Hall on Thursday,
June 11. A ribbon cutting on Fires pop up along I-35
the $1.5 million project will be Clear Lake and Ventura firefighters were kept busy may be connected to the fires. Authorities were alerted
held at 3:45 p.m., followed by along Interstate 35 Friday, June 5, battling a series of that someone inside a vehicle pulling a white camper
tours and refreshments for the grass fires. was throwing things out of a vehicle window around
public from 4-6 p.m. A special A total of five small fires were spread out over a the time the fires were reported.
section featuring the remodel- stretch of about one mile along the southbound lanes Anyone with information about the fires is asked
ing of City Hall and expansion of I-35 from the B-20 exit to the Clear Lake exits. to contact the Clear Lake Police Department at 641-
of the Clear Lake Police Depart- Officials believe the blazes could have started by 357-2186 or the Clear Lake Fire Department at 641-
ment appears in this issue. someone throwing something from a vehicle and are 357-2613.
asking for the public’s help in finding a vehicle that No one was hurt by the fires.
Answer session
Come to the Clear Lake
Public Library on Thursday,
June 11, from 4-5 p.m. to find
out the answer to “How’d they
do that?” and many other ques-
tions. The Science Center of
Iowa will help the audience ex-
plore how entertainment often
works through scientific de-
ception, so why not go behind
the scenes and see what’s really
going on? Phone 357-0315 to
Thursdays on Main Firefighter Mike Meester slides down the new brass pole at the Clear Lake Fire Station.-Reporter Clear Lake and Ventura firefighters battled five small fires in the ditch along I-35 Friday.-Reporter photo by Chris
photo by Chris Barragy. Barragy.
The Clear Lake Area Cham-
ber of Commerce kicks off its Fire department sets You could
Thursdays on Main celebrations date to christen new win this
this week. Main Avenue activi- fire and rescue boat gas grill!
ties are 6-9 p.m. At 6:30, special
entertainment on the 300 block The Clear Lake Fire Department will christen its new fire and rescue boat and introduce Mirror-Reporter Owner/Publisher Mike Finnegan (left) and Lake Fire- Watch your mailbox in the coming
(SE corner of City Park) will be those responsible for the incredibly generous donation. place and Spa Owner George Simpson are pictured with the MHP gas weeks for your opportunity to win this
provided by Dancin’ With Rox- Doug Meyers, chief of the Clear Lake Fire Department, said the fireboat christening will grill which will be given away during a June 19-July 10 subscription MHP Patriot gas grill from Lake Fire-
ie. From 7-9 p.m. Crossfire will be held at 6:45 p.m. Thursday, June 18, at the Main Avenue boat launch. Family members will campaign. -Reporter photo place and Spa.
conduct the christening. The public is invited to attend. The Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
continued In March it was announced that the department had received a very generous, private will be conducting a spring/summer
donation to the Clear Lake Volunteer Firefighter’s Association directed toward two specific subscription campaign from June 19 to
More CALENDAR projects. July 10 in which participants can not
on page 2 The first project is the purchase and installation of a brass fire pole and railing system at the only receive free ground beef or Clear
fire station. A fire pole was included in the original fire station plans but the pole and hardware Lake Mirror-Reporter cookbooks, but
Inside were reserved from the project and was to be funded by private donations. will also be entered to win a gas grill.
The second project was the purchase, equipping and delivery of the community’s first true When you get your entry, don’t hes-
Opinion..................4-5 fire-rescue boat. itate to retrun it to the Mirror-Reporter
Weather.................... 5 A 26-foot custom built aluminum fire-rescue boat was built at the Fraser Shipyards by because the special offer and chance to
Sports.................. 9-11 Lake Assault Boats LLC of Superior, Wis. The boat will be a multi-purpose boat for both fire win the grill ends July 10.
Legals..........13, 16-17 and rescue operations on the water. The 1,000 gallon per minute fire pump can be used to fight
Classifieds.........18-19 fires on or near lake shore properties as well as fires in boats both in the water or while docked. Marble-eye meltdown: Advancing
The pump can also be used to supply water to fire apparatus for fires in areas around the lake storm system triggers Walleye rampage
More rain caused the lake to without fire hydrants or with poor hydrant capabilities.
rise 1.56” to its new reading by Lowell Washburn frothing the water with everything idly marching its way toward Cerro
of +6.84” above the weir. Last Championships “Man, you should have been your tackle box has to offer; you Gordo county. The radar map dis-
year at this time the lake mea- catch Rubio’s here yesterday!” finally surrender and head for the played a dazzling array of green and
sured +1.80” above the weir. eye Sooner or later, every angler nearest hamburger stand – hum- yellow, further illustrating the sys-
will become acquainted with that bled, defeated and empty handed. tem’s weather changing potential.
PHONE: 641-923-2837 EXT. 3 Florida Senator, turned Republican sad statement. You know the story. But there are those rare – and It didn’t take a professional fishing
presidential hopeful, Marco Rubio You’ve just arrived at your favorite I do mean rare -- occasions where guide or trained meteorologist to
How to contact us at: has winning on his mind and in his fishing water where everyone in the you do manage to find yourself in determine that a ‘Perfect Storm’
hands Saturday. While attending bait shop is absolutely raving about exactly the right place at exactly was brewing or that a major baro-
Mail: 12 N. 4th St., the Roast and Ride fundraiser and the vicious, no holds barred walleye the right time. That’s the precise metric change was about to send
Clear Lake, IA 50428 rally in Boone, hosted by Iowa Sen. feeding frenzy that occurred in this circumstance I found myself in on Clear Lake walleye populations
Telephone: 641-357-2131 Joni Ernst, Rubio caught sight of the very spot - - - yesterday. Clear Lake last Wednesday. into a serious feeding binge.
Fax: 641-357-2133 news of Clear Lake’s State Champion Today will prove to be an en- By the time daybreak arrived, Grabbing an ultralight fishing
Email: [email protected] tennis player Sam Jones and golfer tirely different story, of course. Doppler radar was showing a sig- rod and a couple dozen minnows,
Website: Dane Waldron and passed along his Following three solid hours of nificant low pressure system rap-
congratulations. Rubio was joined See WALLEYE on page 5
@CLReporter at the event by Wisconsin Governor
Scott Walker, former Arkansas Gov-
ernor Mike Huckabee, former Texas
Governor Rick Perry, retired physi-
cian Ben Carson, former CEO Carly
Fiorina and South Carolina Senator
Lindsey Graham.