Page 3 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 10-14-2015
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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter					                                                                                                                                                                           Oct. 14, 2015 • Page 3


Lorena L. Etchen                          daughter of Henry and Ruth (Lemke)         Sandra S. Hepperly                          	 Sandy enjoyed spending time               Lynn M. Harris                         recruiting top-notch talent worldwide
                                          Katter, in rural Garner. She grew up                                                   at their lake home in Elysian, Minn.,                                              to work in Israel. He received the Ar-
	 Lorena Luella Etchen, 85, of Clear      and attended school in Garner, gradu-      	 Sandra S. Hepperly, 69, of Mason          where she loved to fish trying to out-    	 Lynn Markay Harris, 70, of Clear       my’s second highest civilian award for
Lake, died Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2015, at      ating from Garner High School in           City, Iowa, died Friday, Oct. 9, 2015,      fish her husband, which she normally      Lake, died Friday, Oct. 9, 2015, at      his work there.
her home.                                 1948. She was a homemaker most of          at the Muse Norris Hospice Inpatient        did. She also enjoyed going out on        Mercy Medical Center-North Iowa, in      	 Lynn retired as Colonel from the
	 A funeral service was held on Sat-      her life and later worked at Denny’s       Unit, Mason City, Iowa.                     the pontoon, watching the eagles and      Mason City.                              U.S. Air Force Reserve. He had 10
urday, Oct. 10, 2015, at Ward-Van         School of Dance in Mason City.             	 A funeral mass will be held at            going on nature trail walks where she     	 Per Lynn’s wishes, his body has        years of command experience in secu-
Slyke Colonial Chapel with the Rev.       	 Luella was a member of the Rural         10:30 a.m. on Thursday, Oct.15, 2015,       saw many animals. She had an over-        been cremated and a memorial service     rity police and logistics units and as a
Kirk M. Wilkie officiating. Inurnment     Lakettes and Zion Lutheran Church,         at the Epiphany Parish St. Joseph           whelming passion for animals. Sandy       for Lynn will be held at a later date.   base commander at the Twin Cities Air
will be at a later date in Memorial Park  in Clear Lake. She was a great cook,       Catholic Church, Mason City, with           had a green thumb for planting flow-      	 Family suggests memorial con-          Force Base.
Cemetery.                                 gardener, and seamstress. She liked        the Rev. Neil Manternach officiating.       ers and shrubs, making anything grow      tributions to Lewy Body Dementia         	 Lynn was Human Resources
	 In lieu of customary remembranc-        to dance and enjoyed watching her          Burial will be in Elmwood–St. Joseph        and look beautiful. She loved horses,     Association,, or North      Director, Installation Management
es, memorials may be made to Central      daughter, Teri, dance. Her two cats,       Cemetery, Mason City. Visitation will       having many of her own. She en-           Iowa Humane Society.                     Agency, Northeast Region in Ft. Mon-
Gardens of North Iowa, in Clear Lake,     Muffy and Rambo, were a true joy in        be held on Wednesday, Oct. 14, from         joyed going to the fairs, watching her    	 Lynn was born March 4, 1945,           roe, Va., where he played a lead role
or Humane Society of North Iowa, in       her life.                                  5-7 p.m. at the Hogan-Bremer-Moore          two granddaughters compete in horse       the son of Merl and Vida (Monson)        in bringing garrisons under a central
Mason City.                               	 Luella is survived by a daughter,        Colonial Chapel, Mason City. Fam-           races activities, taking home many rib-   Harris, in Forest City, Iowa. He         financial and human resource system.
	 Luella was born May 6, 1930, the        Teri Lynn (Mark) Larson of Ames,           ily suggests memorials to Hospice of        bons and prizes. She also loved her two   was united in marriage to Mary Lou       	 Lynn was a part of many profes-
                                          Iowa; a sister, LaVonne Etchen, of         North Iowa.                                 grandsons, playing family games, going    Haberkamp, in Forest City, in 1967.      sional activities during his career in-
  Sandra E. Tyer                          Mason City; two nephews, Dan Pope,         	 Sandy was born June 29, 1946, in          to the parks and watching them ride       To this union two sons were born.        cluding: adjunct faculty member at
                                          of Mason City, and David (Kristie)         Mason City, the daughter of Hollis and      their ATV in the park.                    	 Lynn graduated from Forest City        the University of Minnesota Carlson
	 Sandra “Sandy” Elaine Tyer, 73,         Pope, of Mason City; three nieces,         Violet (Erickson) Burke. She attended       	 She and her sister, Karen, were         High School and Coe College, in Ce-      School of Business, a member of the
of Clear Lake, died Saturday, Oct. 10,    Cheri Etchen, of Mason City, Debbie        Clear Lake High School and Hamilton         very close, they enjoyed spending time    dar Rapids, Iowa, where he played        Board of Education in Minnesota’s
2015, at the Muse-Norris Hospice          (Mark Nelson) Etchen, of San Diego,        Business College, Mason City. She           together decorating their homes, going    football all four years. He graduated    fourth largest school district, two
Inpatient Unit in Mason City, sur-        and Laurie Etchen, of Golden Valley,       worked at Mercy Hospital, in Mason          to antique stores, and taking many va-    Summa Cum Laude and was a mem-           term president of Twin Cities Federal
rounded by her family.	                   Minn.; and great-nephews and nieces,       City. She later was employed at Cur-        cations together.                         ber of Phi Beta Kappa. Lynn was com-     Personnel Association and was an ex-
	 A funeral service for Sandy will        Jason Youngblood, Heather Pope, Al-        ries manufacturing plant in Mason           	 She had met a lot of nice friends       missioned in 1967 in the AFROTC          perienced mediator and arbitrator on
be held at 2 p.m. on Thursday, Oct.       lison Pope, and Ryan Pope.                 City for 18 years, until her early retire-  over the years, in town and at the re-    Program. He obtained two graduate        human resource issues.
15, 2015, at Zion Lutheran Church,        	 She was preceded in death by her         ment in 2007.                               sort, having many gatherings, at pot-     degrees from the University of Minne-    	 Lynn enjoyed traveling, animals,
112 North 4th St., Clear Lake, with-      parents; a brother, Henry Katter; a sis-   	 Sandy married Duane Hepperly              lucks, dinners, suppers, and breakfast.   sota: MAIR and MBA.                      reading, and watching his grandson
the Rev. Kirk Wilkie officiating. Buri-   ter, Rachel Pope; and a brother-in-law,    on June 17, 1967, at St. Patrick Catho-     	 Sandy is survived by her husband,       	 Lynn had many accomplishments          grow. He especially loved spending
al will be in the Clear Lake Cemetery.    Merle Etchen.                              lic Church, Clear Lake, and they had        Duane Hepperly, Mason City; son,          during his professional career. He       time with his family.
Visitation will be held from 5-7 p.m.     	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel,          48 memorable years together.                Brian (Brooke) Hepperly, Northwood,       served as Civilian Personnel Officer     	 Lynn is survived by his wife,
on Wednesday at the Ward-Van Slyke        was in charge of arrangements.                                                         Iowa; daughter, Debbie (Mike) Jones,      of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,     Mary Harris, of Clear Lake; two sons,
Colonial Chapel, 101 North 4th St.,       St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, in Hamp-       Dennis D. Simmer                            Cedar Falls, Iowa; grandchildren, Bri-    St. Paul District, in St. Paul, Minn.,   Jonathan (Mindy) Harris, of Shako-
Clear Lake. Visitation will also be       ton. Sandy received her education in                                                   anna and Hailey Hepperly and Landon       where he was involved in cutting-edge    pee, Minn. and David (Cobi) Harris,
held one hour prior to the service        the Hampton Community Schools.             	 Dennis Dale Simmer, 63, of Gar-           and Bryce Jones; her sister, Karen (Ron)  changes to human resource manage-        of Thousand Oaks, Calif.; a grand-
time on Thursday at the church.           Sandy was a waitress and bartender         ner, Iowa, and formerly of Clear Lake,      Hintch, Hampton, Iowa; her brother,       ment.                                    son, Gage Harris, of Thousand Oaks;
	 The family would like to suggest        at the Viking Lounge, in Hampton,          died Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2015, at the Con-     Bill (Anne) Burke, McGregor, Iowa;        	 Lynn was handpicked by the             a sister, Nancy Harris, of Pleasant
that those wishing to give a memorial     Flaming Embers, Jack of Diamonds,          cord Care Center, Garner.                   and numerous nieces and nephews.          Commanding General to serve as the       Hill, Iowa; and a sister-in-law, Joan
in her memory, and in lieu of flow-       for 17 years, Martha’s Restaurant, for     	 A celebration of life will be held at     	 She was preceded in death, by her       principal organizational troubleshoot-   Haberkamp, of Davenport, Iowa.
ers may wish to consider a memo-          15 years, the Colony, and the Town         a later date.                               parents, Hollis and Violet Burke; two     er for the Israeli Airbase Program, a    	 He was preceded in death by his
rial contribution to Hospice of North     Pump. Sandy had been a waitress and        	 Dennis was born July 23, 1952             brothers, John and Larry Burke; sister,   cornerstone of the Camp David Ac-        parents and grandparents.
Iowa.                                     a bartender for 45 years.                  in Estherville, Iowa, the son of Don-       Pat Patrick; step-brother, Peter Nissan;  cords. That project was considered a     	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel,
	 Sandra Elaine (Day) Tyer was            	 She was united in marriage to            ald and Margaret (Rosander) Simmer          and three nephews, Christian Burke,       remarkable engineering achievement.      Clear Lake, was in charge of arrange-
born on Aug. 25, 1942, in Hampton,        Robert L. Tyer on March 4, 1979, in        Sr. His family moved to Clear Lake in       Timothy Burke and Scott Patrick.          Based in Tel Aviv, he played a key role  ments.
Iowa, the daughter of John D. and         the Little Brown Church, in Nashua,        1958. He graduated from Clear Lake          	 She will be sadly missed.               in streamlining the organization and
Esther M. (Kruse) Day. She was bap-       Iowa.                                      High School in 1970.                        	 Hogan-Bremer-Moore Colonial                                                      vv THEATRE
tized and reaffirmed the faith of her     	 Sandy’s greatest love and enjoy-         	 He worked for Jensen Grocery in           Chapel was in charge of arrangements.
baptism through confirmation at the       ment in life was her children, grand-      the meat deptartment and later worked       	 He married Judy Cummings and                                                        The Intern
                                          children, and great-grandchildren,         for Andrews Prestress Concrete, Clear       to this union had two children, Chad                                                               Wednesday & Thursday “PG-13”
                                          and great-great-grandchildren. Sandy       Lake.                                       and Shelley.
                                          was always willing to lend a helping                                                   	 He enjoyed playing cribbage, pool                                                Hotel Transylvania 2
                                          hand and open her heart to anyone.                                                     and with his dogs.                                                                      Friday & Saturday 7 p.m“.PG”
                                          	 She was a member of Zion Lu-                                                         	 He is survived by his two children,
                                          theran Church in Clear Lake.                                                           Chad (Terra Gaffney-Simmer) Simmer,                                                   Saturday & Sunday Matinee • 1:30 p.m.
                                          	 Those left to cherish her mem-                                                       Clear Lake, and Shelley (Mark) Good,
                                          ory are her husband, Robert “Bob”                                                      Clear Lake; grandchildren, Brianna                                                     Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. & Thurs., • 7 p.m.
                                          Tyer, of Clear Lake; her children,                                                     Simmer, Brooke Gaffney-Simmer, fu-
                                          Jodi Craighton, of Clear Lake, James                                                   ture grandson, Brecken Simmer, Sa-                                                  Starring: Adam Sandler, Andy Samberg, Selena
                                          (Julie) Craighton, of Ventura, Julie                                                   mantha Schroeder and Oliver Mon-                                                    Gomez, Kevin James, Steve Buscemi, David Spade,
                                          (Shawn) Bogle, of Clear Lake, Jeana                                                    son; great-grandchildren, Drayton                                                   Keegan-Michael Key, Fran Drescher (1 hr. 29 min.)
                                          Duit Amundson, of Clear Lake, and                                                      Ward, Daxton Ward, Jaxon Rozevink
                                          Jason (Deha) Tyer, of Grafton, Iowa;                                                   and Amelia Mary; eight siblings, Tim                                                   Adults ~ $5 • 12 & Under ~ $4
                                          daughter-in-law, Lora Meier, of Forest                                                 Simmer, Clear Lake, Karen (Robert                                                                  357-2414
                                          City; her step children, Susan Cran-                                                   Christiansen) Olinger, Clear Lake, Di-
                                          dall, of Oelwein, Iowa, Dan (Judy)                                                     xie (Larry) Haugen, Clear Lake, Sandy     Refresh
                                          Tyer, of Waverly, Iowa, and Deborah                                                    Katz, Mason City, Robert (Colleen)
                                          (Kevin) Fitzgerald, of Mason City;                                                     Simmer, Clear Lake, Francis (Shelley              YOUR HOME
                                          many grandchildren, great-grandchil-                                                   Paulsen) Simmer, Ventura, Dale Sim-
                                          dren, and two great-great-grandchil-                                                   mer, Mason City, and Tom Simmer,          THIS Fall Fall Decor Sale
                                          dren; her sister, Alice (Wayne) Bloom,                                                 Clear Lake; and many nieces and neph-
                                          of Park City, Ill.; as well as many other                                              ews.                                                                All the latest fall trends
                                          special relatives and friends.                                                         	 He was preceded in death by his                               in home decor can be found in
                                          	 Sandy was preceded in death by                                                       parents; five brothers, Donald Simmer
                                          her parents; son, John Craighton; a                                                    Jr., Larry Simmer, Fredrick Simmer,                                         store now!
                                          step-daughter, Mary Lee Tyer; and                                                      Paul Simmer and Richard Simmer; two
                                          a sister and brother-in-law, Barbara                                                   brothers-in-law, Merle Olinger and        The Red Geranium
                                          (Harlan) Joslin.                                                                       Dale Katz; sister-in-law, Michele Sim-
                                          	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel                                                       mer; and a niece, Grace Simmer.           301 Main - Across from the Park • Clear Lake
                                          was in charge of arrangements.                                                         	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel                 357-1505 or Toll Free (888) 353-1505
                                                                                                                                 was in charge of arrangements.
                                                                                                                                                                                           We Deliver!

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Rich Oehlert                                                                         My name is Jim Boehnke, and I’m running for                                            Stop in and look at new                 47th AnnivPerriszaersy Prices
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Paid for by Rich Oehlert, 106 Fairway Dr., Clear Lake, IA                            Renee, and I have been married 26 years, raised two
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                                                                                     My goals are simple; listen and do my best for all
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                                                                                     speak up and vote how the people have asked me to                                                your appliances.
                                                                                     vote. I would like to continue to bring “Hometown
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                                                                                                  Please vote for me                                                               Monday-Friday 9am to 7pm • Saturday 9am-5pm
                                                                                                  November 3rd.
                                                                                                  Thank you                                                                Where Quality, Service, and Fair Prices Meet

                                                                                                   Paid for by Jim Boehnke, 1510 N. 3rd St., Clear Lake, IA
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