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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter					                                                                                                                                                                           Jan. 13, 2016 • Page 3


  David N. Parks                         Secret Service in the White House un-       Homer C. Bienfang                        coached the team to their first two         Rev. Paul Hasel                           Ariz. and for UMC congregations in
                                         der Richard Nixon, then for Job Ser-                                                 winning seasons. He was also a sci-                                                   Cedar Falls and Ventura, Iowa, where
	 David Newton Parks, 70, of             vice in Mason City. He also worked as       	 Homer C. Bienfang, 86, of Clear        ence teacher, Junior High Principal        	 Paul Frederick Hasel graduated           he retired a third time in 2003.
Clear Lake, died Monday, Jan. 4,         a realtor in Clear Lake for many years,     Lake, died Thursday, Jan. 7, 2016, at    of Rockwell-Swaledale and retired as       into eternal life on Dec. 31, 2015 in      	 Paul was a participant in the 1963
2016, at St. Mary’s Hospital, Roches-    working for Triad Realty at the time of     Oakwood Care Center, in Clear Lake.      Vice President for Student Services at     Osceola, Iowa.                             March on Washington and picketed
ter, Minn.                               his passing.                                A memorial service was held on Tues-     North Iowa Area Community College          	 Born in Cincinnati, Ohio in              for fair housing in Des Moines. He
	 There will be a Celebration of         	 Dave was a member of the Clear            day, Jan. 12, 2016, at Apple Valley As-  in 1990. Homer could fix anything          1921, Paul earned his masters of di-       also was active in healing, charismatic
Dave’s life from 1-4 p.m. on Satur-      Lake V.F.W., where he was command-          sisted Living, 405 27th Ave. S., Clear   and enjoyed construction projects.         vinity from Colgate Rochester in           and prison ministries. After the 9/11
day, Jan. 16, 2016, at the Clear Lake    er for two years and a member of            Lake, where he resided with his wife     He built roller skating rinks in Iowa      1946. Paul faithfully served in pas-       attack, Paul sought greater inter-faith
V.F.W. with a sharing of memories at     Clear Lake V.F.W. Honor Guard for           the past year. Pastor Scot McCluskey     Falls, Cedar Falls, Newton, and Clear      toral ministry for 65 years. From          dialog and worshipped regularly with
3 p.m. followed by military honors       many years. He had a great passion          officiated.                              Lake. He and Pat owned and operat-         1947-50 he and his wife, Haven, were       Muslim and Jewish communities in
presented by the Clear Lake V.F.W.       for Clear Lake and was involved in          	 In lieu of flowers, family suggests    ed the Clearview Roller Rink in Clear      Baptist missionaries to Burma, where       Mason City. He embodied the in-
Honor Guard. Family suggests me-         the Clear Lake Chamber, Economic            memorial contributions to North          Lake until 1977.	 Homer was a part         he laid the groundwork for the Hpu         struction that Muslims, Christians
morials to Clear Lake V.F.W. Honor       Development Corp., and Clear Lake           Iowa Area Community College or           of many boards and organizations           Hsan Paw Bible School that he con-         and Jews should “compete in doing
Guard or St. Mary Hospital, Roches-      Board of Realtors.                          Opportunity Village and may be sent      including: Clear Lake School Board,        tinued to support throughout his life.     good deeds.”
ter.                                     	 He married Diane Ward on June             to: Kandice Bienfang-Lee at 14632        Northern Trails AEA Board, Oppor-          	 From 1951-56 he served Bap-              	 He is survived by his wife, Pa-
	 Dave was born March 2, 1945            12, 1999, in Laughlin, Nev.                 Evergreen Ave., Clear Lake, IA 50428.    tunity Village Board, formerly Handi-      tist churches in California and from       tricia Harris Hasel, Ventura, and his
at his home in Rockwell, Iowa. He        	 He enjoyed hunting, fishing and           	 Homer was born March 25,               cap Village, where he enjoyed his          1956-86, pastored Iowa United Meth-        children Anne (Tom) Murr, Osceola;
was the son of Victor and Helen (Vi-     spending his winters in Florida.            1929, the son of Alfred and Helen        time with the residents by driving the     odist churches in Colo, Des Moines         Cheryl Hasel, Delhi; Philip (Eliza-
erkant) Parks. He graduated from         	 Dave is survived by his wife, Di-         (Houck) Bienfang, in Grundy Center,      church bus to Zion Lutheran Church         (Easton Place), Columbus Junction/         beth) Hasel, Paso Robles, Calif; nine
Rockwell High School in 1963. Fol-       ane Parks, Clear Lake; two daughters,       Iowa. He was united in marriage to       and dining with residents in their cot-    Columbus City and Cedar Rapids             grandchildren and seven great-grand-
lowing high school he attended and       Victoria (Nick) Murphy, Sherman             Patricia Thompson on June 1, 1952,       tages. He was also on the Clear Lake       (Salem).                                   children.
graduated from the University of         Oaks, Calif. and Davi Jakl, Pop-            in Waterloo, Iowa, and to this union     Public Library Board. He enjoyed           	 In retirement he was an ecumeni-         	 He was preceded in death by his
Northern Iowa.                           lar Grove, Ill.; and one son, Zach-         they had four children.                  fishing and hunting in earlier years,      cal minister to winter visitors in Mesa,   parents, Fred Hasel and Ruth Peters
	 He served in the United States         ary Parks, Kansas City, Mo.; stepson,       	 A graduate of Iowa Falls High          and always enjoyed watching football                                                  Hasel; by his wife of 46 years, Haven
Army, after graduating from college.     Adam (Erin) Tyler, Ventura, Iowa;           School, Homer received undergradu-       live and on television. Grandchildren                                                 Binford Hasel; his brother, John; and
After his discharge he worked for the    brother, Jack (special friend, Bonnie       ate degrees in education and physi-      were his love and skating was his pas-                                                granddaughter, Michelle Murr Kelley.
                                         Fritz) Parks, Rockwell; sister, Donna       cal education from the University of     sion. He made sure he taught each of                                                  	 He is remembered with gratitude
                                         Ludvigson, Edgewood, Iowa; six              Northern Iowa, formerly Iowa State       his seven grandchildren how to skate,                                                 by all whose lives he touched.
                                         grandchildren, Travis, Ceann, Leo,          Teachers College, while playing foot-    and always had all the necessary sizes                                                	 A service to honor Paul’s life will
                                         Jules, Ivy and Avah; mother-in-law,         ball there. He continued his educa-      of skates available as they grew. He re-                                              be held in June at Easton Place United
                                         Rosemary Ward, Clear Lake; broth-           tion at UNI and received Masters         ligiously attended his grandchildren’s                                                Methodist Church, in Des Moines.
                                         ers-in-law, Doug (Linda) Ward, Clear        Degrees also in Education and Physi-     activities and sporting events, and                                                   	 Memorials may be sent to
                                         Lake and Dave (Jacque) Ward, Mon-           cal Education. Homer was a United        didn’t stop skating until three years                                        for the Hpu Hsan
                                         roe, Conn.; aunts, Hazel Darg, Rock-        States Army veteran, and played foot-    ago. Homer and Pat enjoyed traveling                                                  Paw Bible School.
                                         well and Wilda Vierkant, Springfield,       ball and taught the Daily Dozen while    all over in their RV, including visiting                                              	 Arrangements under the direc-
                                         Mo.; and many nieces and nephews.           in the service. He was honorably dis-    their children in Texas and Florida.                                                  tion of McLaren’s Chapel, West Des
                                         	 He was preceded in death by his           charged from the Army as Captain.        	 Homer was a wonderful man                                                           Moines, Iowa, 515-225-7225.
                                         parents; father-in-law, Chan Ward;          	 Homer’s professional career was        who touched and helped many lives.
                                         brother-in-law, Casper Ludvigson;           in education and a few highlights in-    He’s remembered by his family as be-           CONGREGATE                             Serving the Clear Lake & Ventura area since 1869.
                                         and many aunts and uncles.                  clude: assistant superintendent at the   ing very thoughtful and by far the best             MEALS                             15¢We
                                         	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-              Iowa Juvenile Home in Toledo, before     husband, father, grandfather, father-
                                         pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar-       becoming the varsity football coach      in-law, role model and hero that they      	 THURSDAY - Turkey noodle cas-            Make
                                         rangements.                                 at Scranton High School, where he        could ever have.                           serole, garden beets, hot fruit com-       Copies
                                                                                                                              	 Homer is survived by his wife,           pote, whole wheat roll, tomato juice.
                                         in 1944.  On Aug. 21, 1945, Hazel                                                    Pat Bienfang, of Clear Lake; three         	 FRIDAY - Taco soup or white chili,                                      each
                                         was united in marriage to Earl S. Lea-                                               children, Kevin (Linda) Bienfang, of       tortilla chips, lettuce salad, applesauce  12 N. 4th Street, Clear Lake • (641) 357-2131
                                         man in Mason City.  Over the years,                                                  Fort Myers, Fla., Kendil (Sheila) Bien-    Jell-o
                                         she was a homemaker and also worked                                                  fang, of Clear Lake and Kandice (Jim)      	 MONDAY - Liver and onions or             vv THEATRE
                                         for Libby Owen Ford for 18 years be-                                                 Bienfang-Lee, of Clear Lake; seven         beef patty, mashed potatoes, mixed
                                         fore retiring in 1988.  Hazel enjoyed                                                grandchildren, Tamarik, Erik, Torian,      vegetables, oatmeal raisin bar, orange          Daddy’s Home
                                         spending time with her family.  She                                                  Kelly, Sharrell, Katrina, and Kyra; and    juice.                                                   Wednesday & Thursday “PG-13”
                                         also enjoyed playing the organ, shop-                                                a sister, Rochelle (John) Dungan, of       	 TUESDAY - Cook’s Choice.
                                         ping and crafting tables from ceramic                                                Newton.                                    	 WEDNESDAY - Meat loaf, boiled             Star Wars: The
                                         tile.  Hazel found joy and happiness                                                 	 He was preceded in death by his          potatoes, spinach au gratin, strawber-      Force Awakens
                                         in helping others.  She was a former                                                 parents; a son, Kim; and a sister, Artis.  ries, angel food cake.
                                         member of the First United Method-                                                   	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-             	 Congregate meals are served                   Friday & Saturday 7 p.m.“PG-13”
                                         ist Church where she was active in                                                   pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar-      at the Senior Centers in Clear Lake,
                                         Church Circle.                                                                       rangements.                                105 S. 4th St., at 11:40 a.m. and in          Saturday & Sunday Matinee • 1:30 p.m.
                                         	 Hazel is survived by two daugh-                                                                                               Ventura, 4 N. Weimer St. at 11:45 a.m.
Hazel E. Leaman                          ters, Gloria Hegland, of Mason City,        SCHOOL LUNCH MENUS                                                                  Call 357-5443 in Clear Lake and 829-           Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. & Thurs., • 7 p.m.
                                         and her special friend, Howard Mar-                                                                                             3517 in Ventura for reservations.
	 Hazel E. Leaman, 90, of Mason          shall, of Nora Springs, Iowa, and                                                                                                                                           Starring: Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher,
City, Iowa, died Sunday, Jan. 3, 2016,   Carol Washburn and husband, Low-                                                                                                                                            Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac,
at the Good Shepherd Health Center,      ell, of Clear Lake; one grandson, Matt                                                                                                                                      Lupita Nyong’o (2 hr. 16 min.)
Mason City.  Funeral services were       Washburn and his wife, Renee, of
held on Thursday, Jan. 7, 2016, at       Ventura; two great-granddaughters,                                                                                                                                             Adults ~ $5 • 12 & Under ~ $4
Major Erickson Funeral Home, 111         Natalie and Riley Washburn; one sis-                                                                                                                                                      357-2414
N. Pennsylvania Ave., with Pastor Ja-    ter, Mary Sable, of Mason City; and
net Dorenkamp, Chaplain – Hospice        brother-in-law, Dale Raymond of Os-                       Clear Lake                 and gravy, roll, mashed potatoes,                                                     NEW!
of North Iowa officiating. Interment     hkosh, Wis.  She is also survived by        	 THURSDAY - Breakfast: French           green beans, apple slices, pumpkin
was in Elmwood-St. Joseph Cem-           her special friend, Jay Erickson, of        toast sticks, sausage link or cereal,    bar. Alt.: Sub-stacker, fresh veggies                          Delivery or
etery.  		                               Good Shepherd Health Center.                cinnamon toast or yogurt cup. Lunch:     with dip.                                                  Carry-out Service
	 Memorials may be directed to           	 She was preceded in death by her          Popcorn chicken, rice pilaf, green
the Hazel Leaman memorial fund in        parents; her husband in 1988; grand-        beans, Raisels. Alt.: Sub-stacker, ro-       Garner-Hayfield-Ventura                11 am - 1 pm • Monday - Friday
care of the family.  Online condolenc-   son, Travis Washburn; son-in-law,           maine salad.                             	 THURSDAY - Breakfast: Break-
es may be left for the family at www.    Max Hegland; one brother, Melvin            	 FRIDAY - Breakfast: Croissant          fast pizza, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch:     ($20 minimum order for delivery. Call by 11 am for Noon delivery)             Howe; two sisters, Mildred Prohaska         sandwich or cereal, cinnamon toast       Macaroni and cheese, apple slices,
	 Hazel was born Sept. 17, 1925,         and Alberta Rheingans; and sister-in-       or yogurt cup. Lunch: Fish sticks,       peas and carrots, side salad, Rice         (No dine-in will be available, however the bar will open at 3 pm and the
in Mason City, the daughter of Uel       law, Maurine Raymond.                       mashed potatoes, peas, orange            Krispie bar.                                                   kitchen opens at 5 pm for dinner)
and Dorothy (Sells) Howe.  She grad-     	 Arrangements were with Major              wedges, oatmeal raisin cookie. Alt.:     	 FRIDAY - Breakfast: Breakfast
uated from Mason City High School        Erickson Funeral Home & Crema-              Sub-stacker, cherry tomatoes and         wrap, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: Baked     Full Menu &
                                         tory, Mason City.                           baby carrots.                            potato bar, mandarin oranges, roll,        Daily Specials
                                                                                     	 MONDAY - No School                     crackers.                                    Available                                Dudes + 1 Band
                                                                                     	 TUESDAY - Breakfast: Pancake           	 MONDAY: No School                                                                   Friday, Jan. 15th
                                                                                     on a stick or cereal, cinnamon toast     	 TUESDAY:   Breakfast:   Waffle
                                                                                     or yogurt cup. Lunch: Chicken fa-        sticks with syrup, fresh fruit, juice.                                                9 p.m.
                                                                                     jita, Mexican rice, refried beans with   Lunch: Chicken broccoli bowl, ba-
Beekeeping program at CL library                                                     cheese, banana. Alt.: Sub-stacker,       nana, side salad, bread stick.                                                              See our Facebook page
                                                                                     romaine salad.                           	 WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Egg                                                                 for our daily specials
	 Clear Lake beekeeper Kirk Nel-         self, Nelson has done extensive re-         	 WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Om-              biscuit, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch:
son will present a program about bee-    search on how beekeeping fits into          elet and toast or cereal, cinnamon       BBQ pork on a bun, applesauce tator                 1210 S. Shore Drive, Clear Lake • 357-1035
keeping at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan.    the beekeepers’ lives and livelihoods       toast or yogurt cup. Lunch: Turkey       tots, carrots, veggie sticks and dip.
26, in the Clear Lake Public Library’s   amidst increasing threats to honey-                                                                                                 Townhouses by
meeting room.                            bees. For more information call the                                                                                              Meints Construction
	 Besides being a beekeeper him-         library at 357-6133.
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