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Local NewsPage 2 • Jan. 13, 2016									                                                                                                                                                Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

Blues jam slated at Arts Center                                                                                                                                                                                                 Snowmobile
	 The Clear Lake Arts Center’s           	 This night of live music with                       A sea of voters, and their cell phones, awaited Republican Donald Trump as he entered the Surf Ballroom Saturday afternoon.      rescheduled
January Jam will be Saturday, Jan. 23,   North Iowa Blues guitarist Melvin                     -Reporter photo by Chris Barragy.
(snow date Saturday, Jan. 30). Doors     Lavert, accompanied by Andy Blu-                                                                                                                                                       	 The 7th Annual “The Jack” Hel-
open at 7 p.m., with the jam starting    menthal on harp (harmonica), is titled                                                                                                                                                 gren Memorial Iowa Lemans Cham-
at 7:30 p.m.                             “Beat Them Low Down and Dirty                                                                                                                                                          pionship has been rescheduled from
                                         Winter Blues.”                                                                                                                                                                         its original Jan. 15-16 dates to Feb.
      MORE                               	 Lavert has played at Baird Audi-                                                                                                                                                     12-13.
   Clear Lake                            torium at the Smithsonian National                                                                                                                                                     	 Questionable ice conditions led
Mirror-Reporter                          Museum in Washington, D.C. and                                                                                                                                                         organizers to postpone the event.
 CALENDAR                                other capital venues. He is a past-                                                                                                                                                    	 Pre-registration will be held
                                         president of the DC Blues Society,                                                                                                                                                     Friday night, Feb. 12, at the VFW,
f	rom page 1                             having held that position for 10 years.                                                                                                                                                downtown Clear Lake, beginning at
                                         Since moving to the North Iowa area,                                                                                                                                                   6 p.m.  A cruise around the lake will
Tuesday                                  Lavert has played in Mason City at                                                                                                                                                     also be held Friday night.  On Satur-
                                         MacNider Art Museum, Coffee Cat                                                                                                                                                        day, Radar Runs begin at 9 a.m.  Le-
Head-gear for a cure                     and the Brewery; and in Charles City                                                                                                                                                   mans Style Racing, a Vintage Show,
                                         at The Underground.                                                                                                                                                                    Kitty Kat and 120 races begin at 10
	 The American Cancer Society            	 There is no admission fee for this                                                                                                                                                   a.m. at Clear Lake State Park. 
will hold a Coaches vs. Cancer event     event; a freewill offering will be ac-                                                                                                                                                 	 The awards ceremony and a
at Tuesday’s wrestling match featuring   cepted. Doors open at 7 p.m. All are                                                                                                                                                   dance with a live band will be held at
Clear Lake vs. Mason City Tuesday,       encouraged to come early, as seating                                                                                                                                                   7 p.m. Saturday night at the Surf Ball-
Jan. 19. The match is slated for 6:30    is limited. Cash bar (beer and wine)                                                                                                                                                   room. 
p.m. CLHS Coaches vs. Cancer T-          and refreshments will be available for                                                                                                                                                 	 “The Jack” is sponsored by North
Shirts are for sale at Theiss Shirts at  purchase.                                                                                                                                                                              Iowa Snowseekers.
a cost of $12 for short sleeve and $15
for long sleeve. Another Coaches vs.     First of four                                         TRUMP
Cancer event is slated for Friday, Jan.  Arty Parties is
22, at the Lions vs. St. Edmond girls    Jan. 23                                               from page 1
and boys basketball games.
                                         	 The Clear Lake Arts Center is                       can’t do that. You can’t do that with
Wednesday                                offering four Arty Parties in the next                three weeks to go (until the Iowa Cau-
                                         three weeks. Arty Parties are fun-                    cuses)...Nobody really believes it.”
CARES fundraiser                         filled parties centered around an art                 	 Trump often referred to his busi-
                                         activity with a cash bar (beer and                    ness experience and commitment to
	 The CARES Committee invites            wine) and step-by-step instructions                   strengthening the military, stopping
the entire community to dine at the      from an art instructor.                               illegal immigration as reasons Iowans
Clear Lake Culver’s on Wednesday,        	 The first Cocktails & Canvas is                     should vote for him.
Jan. 20, between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m.       scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 23, at 1                 	 “When I’m president, our mili-
A portion of the night’s proceeds will   p.m. A 12” x 12” Winter Graphic                       tary will be bigger and better and
be donated to Clear Lake High School     will be created.                                      stronger than ever before. No one’s
Prom.  The Junior Class Parents ap-      	 To register for a Clear Lake Arts                   going to mess with us,” he said. “Our
preciate the public’s support.           Center Arty Party, call or email the                  military is not prepared. We need
                                         Clear Lake Arts Center at 357-1998                    strength.”
                                         or [email protected]                                     	 Trump was highly critical of the
                                                                                               Obama administration in its dealings
                                                                                               with ISIS, nuclear deal with Iran and
                                                                                               trade agreements with world powers.
                                                                                               	 “We lost $505 billion in trade
                                                                                               deficits last year. There’s no reason for
 Buying or Selling a Home in                                                                   that. We have the power over those
      the Clear Lake Area?                                                                     countries. We have incompetent
                                                                                               people negotiating,” he said, point-       About 1,700 persons listened as Presidential hopeful Donald Trump outlined his plans for the country at a rally held Saturday
Trust one of these Real Estate Professionals                                                   ing to the recent nuclear deal with        at the Surf Ballroom.-Reporter photo by Chris Barragy.

                                                                                               Iran. “Iran’s getting $150 billion and Amendment and recent attempts to
                                                                                               we don’t even get our prisoners back. restrict gun ownership. Gun-free

                                                                                               Clear Lake woman pronouced deadWe should have said at the beginning zones would be a thing of the past, he
                                                                                               of negotiations we want our prisoners      said, calling them “bait to bad guys.”
415 First Ave. S., Clear Lake                                                                  back. If they say no, we get up and        	 “There’s many things our coun-            	 A Clear Lake woman found un-            An officer found  Swalve and she was
      (641) 357-3330                                                                           leave. Then we double the sanctions        try can do,” Trump told the audience.       responsive in front of a Mason City       transported to the hospital by ambu-
                                                                                               against them.”                             “We need to be smart… be vigilant.          business Thursday night, Jan. 7, has      lance. She was later pronounced dead                                                                          	 Trump’s other campaign promises          What we’re doing is a movement. It’s        been identified as 31-year-old Vanessa    at Mercy Medical Center-North Iowa. 
                                                                                               included making the country more           me, but it’s you. It’s a movement to        Swalve.                                   	 The department is conducting an
                                         4116 South Shore Dr., Clear Lake                      secure and restructuring the Veterans      make America great again.”                  	 The Mason City Police Depart-           investigation into the death, but the
                                                                                               Administration, which he calls cor-        	 Although protesters have been a           ment reported they were alerted by        department says it does not appear the
   This updated lake home has rustic cabin charm. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. Wrap                  rupt. He defended his plan to build        regular occurrence at Trump events,         a citizen shortly before 10:45 p.m.       cause of Swalve’s death is suspicious. 
around porch and deck with nearly a half acre of lawn leading to the lake. $895,000            a wall along the southern border to        there were none inside or outside of        Thursday to check on a person down        	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-
                                                                                               address illegal immigration, as well       the Surf Saturday.                          in front of a business in the 1400        pels is in charge of arrangements.
                                                                                               as his plan to temporarily ban immi-       	 Denni Sue Erickson, from Clear            block of 4th Street S.W., Mason City. 

                                                                                               grants from coming into this country. Lake, had listened to Trump in person
                                                                                               He also vowed to protect the Second before and she said she was glad others SCHOOL BOARD
                                                                                                                                          had the chance to meet him in person                                                  UPMEYER
                                                          2800 4th St. SW #3, Mason City       Boy Scouts serving                         	 “I’m so sick of news sound-bites,”        from page 1                               from page 1
                                                   641.424.9400 • 1.877.243.8221               soup, chili Jan. 25                        she said. “It’s important to hear what’s
                                                                                                  really being said-- and it’s far different  	 Anita Micich has served as super-       States that a father and daughter have
111 Lakeview Meadows Ct., Clear Lake                                                           	 Clear Lake Boy Scout Troop 30            from what’s being heard on the news.”       intendent of the Clear Lake School        served as Speakers.  
Nice 3 BR townhouse on a quiet cul-de-sac. Spacious open floor concept. Main floor             will hold its Annual Vegetable Soup        	 Erickson found herself becoming           District on a shared basis with the       	 Six years ago Republicans selected
            laundry. Lower level with heated floors. Close to Lake! $229,900                   and Chili Supper on Monday, Jan. 25,       part of a piece about the Iowa Cau-         Mason City School District since the      her to be House Majority Leader.  In
                                                                                               from 5-7 p.m. at the United Method-        cuses being filmed by a British media       2010-11 school year.  Micich will be      that job, she managed House debate. 
      302 Main Ave., Clear Lake                                                                ist Church, 508 2nd Ave N. Cost is         outlet, ITV News. Crews filmed Er-          solely employed by Mason City in          In her new role, Upmeyer will be the
          (641) 357-0500                                                                       $7 for adults and $3 for children un-      ickson’s attendance at the Surf event,      2016-17.                                  top-ranking Republican in the legis-
                                                                                               der the age of 12. Carryouts are avail-    along with her comments on the po-          	 After receiving public comment          lature, presiding over House debate,                                                                    able beginning at 4:30 p.m.                litical process.                            and discussing the possibility of dis-    negotiating with other key players
                                                                                                                                                                                      continuing the superintendent shar-       behind the scenes and making House
                                                                28 W Venetian Dr., Clear Lake  Monday Night                                                                           ing agreement last spring, the Board      committee membership decisions. 
    Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath with custom cabinets, granite countertops, heated                Special                                                                            began to more fervently discuss mak-      	 Upmeyer was selected in August
   2- car garage and sprinkler system. $5,000 buyers allowance at closing. $314,900                                                                                                   ing a change this fall.  In early Decem-  2015 to replace Kraig Paulsen as the
                                                                                                                                                                                      ber it voted unanimously to terminate     speaker.
                                                                                                                                                                                      the sharing agreement and employ its
                                                                                                                                                                                      own superintendent in the 2016-17
                                                                                                                                                                                      school year.

615 South South Dr., Clear Lake          203 Main Avenue, Clear Lake                           2 Quarter                                                                                              Grissom says…
                                                 (641) 357-7373                                Pound Burgers                                                                                          Stay Balanced.
                                                                                                                                                                                        If your car develops a shimmy (a back-
                                                          with the works                                                                          and-forth vibration, usually felt through
                                                                                               & fries                                                                                the steering wheel) at a certain speed, it’s
Combining the call of Clear Lake’s historic past and all the attributes of today’s                                                                                                    possible that one of your tires has lost its
                                                                                                  $5                                                                                       balance weight. Having your tires
busy life, this lakeside beauty offers charming living areas. $750,000                                                                                                                             re-balanced is a fairly
                                                                                                                                                                                                       inexpensive job.
Find these listings plus so much more in the

Home Buyers Guide

Published monthly, the last Wednesday of the month                                             Kitchen open ‘til 10 pm • Serving the full menu
             and also available for FREE at
                                                                                               307 Main Ave., Downtown Clear Lake
• AmericInn                  • Best Western        • Budget Inn                                                    (641) 357-4629
• 7 Stars Family Restaurant  • Clear Lake Chamber  • Clear Lake Bank & Trust
• CLTel                      • Farmers State Bank  • Fareway
• Glen’s Tire                • Hall Realty         • Kum & Go
• KFC/Taco Bell              • Larson Mercantile   • MBT
• Mason City Airport         • Microtel            • The Other Place
• Payless Foods              • Quick Shop          • South Shore Inn
• Super 8                    • Ventura Mart        • Oakwood Market

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