Page 3 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 9-16-2015
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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter Sept. 16, 2015 • Page 3
Mason City High School in 1980, and and Wycliff Translators, and enjoyed Daryl Lee Ostercamp, son of
attended NIACC for two years before being a member of the Aquabells. She Otto and Ruth (Lee) Ostercamp was
continuing her education at the Uni- enjoyed traveling for 20 years with born Feb. 5, 1932, in Garner, Iowa.
versity of Northern Iowa, where she Harold to their winter home in Flor- He graduated from Clear Lake High
earned her BA Degree in teaching. ida, and visiting Canada and Alaska; School in 1949. Post high school
Jenny began her teaching career even after his passing she fulfilled a education was at Waldorf College, in
in Mason City in 1985. She then dream of traveling to Europe, visit- Forest City, Iowa, St. Olaf College,
taught in Dubuque, Iowa, for two ing Italy, Portugal, and Rome. She University of Wisconsin, and Univer-
years before returning to Mason City, continued traveling to various sites sity of Minnesota, where he received
where she taught at John Adams Mid- in the United States and Canada with his PhD in 1959.
dle School for 28 years. On March 28, friends. She also was an avid Bridge On June 21, 1958, Daryl married
1987, Jenny married John Hutchens, player, loved cooking and preparing Janet Freed. In 1960, he joined the
in Las Vegas, Nev. meals, and paying for meals once she faculty of Concordia College, Moor-
Jenny was a great teacher, mentor, was unable to cook. She loved the head, in their chemistry department,
Jennifer Hutchens instructor, role model and caregiver. Lord and being a member of St. John retiring in 2002.
She loved spending time with her M. Ruth Knop Lutheran Church, and cherished all Daryl Ostercamp Survivors include his wife, Janet,
Jennifer J. Hutchens, 54, of family and friends, horseback riding, the time she spent with her family. Moorhead; sons, Stephen (Marie-
Ventura, Iowa, died Saturday, Sept. biking, bird watching, being outdoors M. Ruth Knop, 86, of Clear Ruth is survived by a daugh- Daryl L. Ostercamp, 83, Moor- Francoise) and Rev. Daniel (Kristin)
5, 2015, at her home. A Celebration and having fun. She was also a dog Lake, went to be with her Lord, Jesus ter, Julie (Steve) Livingston, of Clear head, Minn., died Sunday, Sept. 6, Ostercamp; four grandchildren; and
of Life service was held on Saturday, lover, people pleaser and comedian. on Friday, Sept. 11, 2015, at Mercy Lake, their son, Ben (Traci) Livings- 2015, in Sanford Health, Fargo, N.D. brother, Donald (Genevieve) Oster-
Sept. 12, 2015, at the E.B. Stillman She will be deeply missed. Medical Center-North Iowa, in Ma- ton, of Omaha, Neb., and their chil- A funeral was service was held camp.
Auditorium, 1601 Avenue North, Jenny is survived by her hus- son City. dren, Jacob, Noah, and Drew; a son, on Friday, Sept. 11, 2015, at The Lu- Funeral service is Friday, September
Clear Lake, with Pastor Kathy Graves, band of 28 years, John Hutchens, of A funeral service was held on Greg (Carolyn) Knop, of Nevada, theran Church of Christ the King, 11, 2015, at 11 AM in The Lutheran
of Trinity Lutheran Church officiat- Ventura; her mother, June Sandvik, Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2015, at St. John Iowa, their children, Chad (Brooke) Moorhead. Memorials preferred to Church of Christ the King, Moor-
ing. Per her wishes, her body was cre- of Mason City; two brothers, Stephan Lutheran Church, 2405 260th St, Knop, of Nevada, and their children, Ostercamp International Scholarship head.
mated. Sandvik and wife, Janet, of Littleton, Garner, Iowa, with Pastor Carl Hed- Cade, Jax, Bianca, and Dekker and Fund, Concordia College, Moor- Online guest book at www.kor-
In lieu of flowers, memorials may Colo., and Mark Sandvik and wife, berg officiating. Burial was in Me- Jenny (Brad) Melton, of Nevada, and head.
be directed to the Jennifer Hutchens Sherry, of Thompson, Iowa; one sister, morial Park Cemetery, Mason City, their children, Bailey and Gavin; a
memorial fund in care of the family. Teddi Klein, of Littleton; half brother, by Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel, daughter, Denise (Kerry) Hiscocks, of Iris I. Ong pride. She traveled all 50 states, but
The memorials will be used to set up Matt Query, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Clear Lake. Ventura, their children, Ryan (Bran- was happiest at her home, full of
a scholarship fund in her honor. The and two half sisters, Karen Wilson, Family suggests memorial contri- di) Hiscocks, of Britt, and their chil- Iris Irene Ong, 96, of Clear Lake, love and laughter. She will be deeply
family has requested that friends wear of Mason City and Jill Query, of Ma- butions to the M. Ruth Knop Memo- dren, Riley, Parker and Brinley, Em- died Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2015, at Muse- missed and forever loved.
a hat to the service in Jenny’s memory. son City. She is also survived by many rial Fund. ily (Lanse) Hill, of Clear Lake, and Norris Hospice Inpatient Unit in Ma- She is survived by her three
Online condolences may be left for the nieces, nephews, cousins and extended Ruth was born June 23, 1929, their children, Aspen and Ruger, and son City, Iowa. A private burial will children, Darrel Morehouse and Sue
family at www.majorericksonfuneral- family members. the daughter of Rev. Elton M. and Erin (Josh) Missman, of Algona, and take place at a later time. Brakke, of Clear Lake, Nick (Jane) She was preceded in death by her Lola Mae (Cornford) Miller, in Des their daughter, Ellie; and a daughter, Iris was born April 21, 1919, in Ong, of Ankeny; 12 grandchildren;
Jennifer June Sandvik was born father. Moines. She married Harold Frank Karen (Jim) Leslie, of Maple Grove, Ventura, Iowa, the daughter of Leo 29 great-grandchildren; 11 great-
Sept. 5, 1961, in Mason City, Iowa, Major Erickson Funeral Home & Knop on June 25, 1947, at the E.U.B. Minn., their children, Michael (Ash- and Ilo Kinsella. great-grandchildren; her sister, Gayle
the daughter of Laverne S. and June E. Crematory, Mason City, was in charge Church, Ventura. They shared over ley) Leslie, of Brooklyn Park, Minn., She married Phil Ong on Oct. Bieber; and niece, Cindy Fistler, of
(Quevli) Sandvik. She graduated from of arrangements. 57 years of marriage before his passing and baby, Leslie, due in February 30, 1945 in Topeka, Kan. and dedi- Ventura.
on Oct. 22, 2004. 2016, and Kelly (James) Lundberg of cated her life to her entire family. She was preceded in death by her
SCHOOL LUNCH MENUS A graduate of Ventura High Minneapolis, Minn.; and five siblings, From working in the ammunitions parents and husband.
School, Ruth attended York College. Elizabeth Piper, Robert Miller, Wil- factory during WWII to baking pies Ward-Van Slyke Colonial
Clear Lake chicken with brown rice, apple slices, She had various secretarial jobs at liam Miller, Paul Miller, and Nancy for everyone, she did it all with great Chapel, Clear Lake, was in charge of
THURSDAY - Breakfast: French fruit cup, veggies and hummus, side Sears, Ventura State Bank, and Iowa Anderson. arrangements.
toast sticks, sausage, or cereal, cin- salad with dressing, dinner roll. Mold and Tool handling payroll. She She was preceded in death by her
namon toast or yogurt cup. Lunch: MONDAY: Breakfast: Western was also very active at home helping parents; husband; a daughter, Cheryl vv THEATRE
Hot dog on a bun, baked beans, po- omelet quesadilla, fresh fruit, juice. raise four children and farming with Knop; and five siblings, Leland Mill-
tato wedges, diced peaches. Alt.: Sub- Lunch: Chicken alfredo with twist, Harold for over 40 years. er, Richard Miller, Beverly Kile, Elton Ricki and the Flash
stacker, romaine salad. pears in Jello, fruit cup, broccoli, side Ruth was a member of St. John Miller, Jr. and Elaine Miller. Wednesday & Thursday “PG-13”
FRIDAY - Breakfast: Mini pan- salad with dressing, dinner roll. Lutheran Church, in Garner, volun- Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Shawn the Sheep
cakes, sausage or cereal, cinnamon TUESDAY: Breakfast: Waffle teered at Opportunity Village Store Chapel, Clear Lake, was in charge of Friday & Saturday 7 p.m.“PG”
toast or yogurt cup. Lunch: Popcorn sticks with syrup, fresh fruit, juice. arrangements. Saturday & Sunday Matinee • 1:30 p.m.
shrimp, brown rice pilaf, peas and car- Lunch: Fish tacos with cole slaw, ci- Alan D. Patro Burial will be in Memorial Park Cem-
rots, orange wedges, oatmeal choco- lantro lime rice, peaches, fruit cup, side etery, Mason City. Family suggests Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. & Thurs., • 7 p.m.
late chip cookie. Alt.: Sub-stacker, salad with dressing. Alan D. Patro, 53, of Clear Lake, memorials to Alan D. Patro memorial
cherry tomatoes and baby carrots. WEDNESDAY: No School died Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015, at the fund. Starring: Justin Fletcher, John Sparkes, Omid Djalili
MONDAY - Breakfast: Breakfast Muse Norris Hospice Inpatient Unit, Alan was born in Mason City, (85 min)
pizza or cereal, cinnamon toast or yo- CONGREGATE Mason City, Iowa after a short battle on Jan. 20, 1962. He attended Clear
gurt cup. Lunch: BBQ rib patty on a MEALS with cancer. Lake High School. Adults ~ $5 • 12 & Under ~ $4
bun, fries, green beans, rosey apple- A celebration of Alan’s life was He had various jobs in the Ma- 357-2414
sauce. Alt.: Sub-stacker, veggies with THURSDAY - Cheeseburger on a held on Tuesday Sept. 15, 2015, at son City and Clear Lake areas. He
dip. whole wheat bun, Santa Fe corn, baby the Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel, enjoyed walking, fishing and dining
TUESDAY - Breakfast: Pancake carrots, plums, orange juice. Clear Lake, with Rev. Dr. Pat Hall, out with his buddies. In his younger
on a stick or cereal, cinnamon toast FRIDAY - Golden baked chicken, of Zion Lutheran Church officiating. years he enjoyed coon hunting and
or yogurt cup. Lunch: Walking ta- potatoes with gravy, garden beans, trapping.
cos, Mexican rice, refried beans with fruit cup, whole wheat roll, tomato He is survived by his mother,
cheese, banana. Alt.: Sub-stacker, ro- juice. Nancey (John) Guhl, Clear Lake; his
maine salad. MONDAY - Salisbury ground sister, Joleen (Ron) Wheeler, Mason
WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Om- beef, baked potato, mixed vegetables City; nephews, Joe Hall, Chris Jen-
elets, toast or cereal, cinnamon toast or mixed vegetable salad, peach crisp, sen and Zach Jensen, all of Mason
or yogurt cup. Lunch: Pepperoni piz- raspberry lemonade. City; two great nieces, Maddisen Hall
za, romaine salad, apple slices, ba- TUESDAY - Cook’s Choice. and Noel Jensen; father, Louis Patro,
nana bar. Alt.: Sub-stacker, veggies WEDNESDAY - Hot pork sand- Edgewood, Iowa; and several aunts,
with dip. wich with whole wheat bread and po- uncles and cousins.
tatoes and gravy, carrots and broccoli, He was preceded in death by his
Garner-Hayfield-Ventura oatmeal raisin bar. maternal and paternal grandparents;
THURSDAY - Breakfast: Break- Congregate meals are served and a brother-in-law, Pete Jensen.
fast pizza, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: at the Senior Centers in Clear Lake, Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel
Taco salad with dressing, mandarin 105 S. 4th St., at 11:40 a.m. and in was in charge of arrangements.
oranges, fruit cup, tortilla chips, cookie. Ventura, 4 N. Weimer St. at 11:45 a.m.
FRIDAY - Breakfast: Breakfast Call 357-5443 in Clear Lake and 829-
wrap, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: Teriyaki 3517 in Ventura for reservations.
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