Page 16 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 9-16-2015
P. 16
Local NewsPage 16 • Sept. 16, 2015 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
Stories from the History Room
Take a lesson in early Clear Lake schools
by Dana Duesenberg This photo depicts the Clear Lake Bank which stood on Lot 8, Block 10, facing Main 1872 School House. In June of 1890
School days are upon us and Street. To the rear of the bank building shows only a portion the first school built in the land where the school house stood
I thought this to be a good time to 1857. The school house originally sat on the lot facing Main Street, but was later was deeded to S.J. Clausen, a well-
write about the beginning of Clear turned so as to face North 4th Street. known mill operator in Clear Lake.
Lake’s school history. The perplexing It is unclear just what portion
question facing history buffs is how 1857, James Dickerson is shown was turned to face 4th Street. Mrs. of the existing garage on the Clausen Flag ceremony at Veterans Memorial
the early school history went down- deeding to School District No. One L.E. Ashland said, “Clear Lake’s first property is from the old school. The
- when and where the schools were of Clear Lake Township, the lot where schoolhouse did some traveling— it 1881 map of the city shows a much Veterans Memorial Golf Club in Clear Lake wrapped up its Patriot Golf Week
built. the present day Clear Lake Bank & eventually ended up as a private resi- larger structure than the existing ga- with a flag raising ceremony on Friday morning, Sept. 11. During the week of
My recent review of the Library’s Trust now sits. At this location in dence on South 3rd Street where it rage. In an article dated July 12, Sept. 4-11, 10 percent of all green fees were earmarked for donation to the Folds
History Room--early memories, 1857, a 26 x 26 foot building with stands today.” 1951, the Clear Lake Mirror Centen- of Honor Foundation. Folds of Honor provides annual educational scholar-
newspaper microfilm and souvenir a cupola was constructed and is now The second school house was nial Edition reads, “The building on ships to the military families of those who have been killed or disabled while in
editions, county history books, maps recognized as the first school house in built in 1869. The 1883 map depicts the Louise Clausen property is half of active duty. Golf Course Manager Mike Oimoen said he plans to continue The
and pictures-- help reconstruct the town. One chronicler remembers that the school where the Parks and Recre- the Clear Lake School. This was not Patriot Golf Week program, which raised nearly $900 in a short week. Oimoen
past. The difficulty is that articles the school was painted white, with a ation building is located present day. the first school.” Another article in stressed the golf course is here for Veterans and always will be. Pictured raising
were written after the fact and photo- colored cornice painted Turkish red, By the 1870’s it was recognized that a the same paper states the school built the flag are Mike Tarr and Dave Theiss.-Reporter photo.
graphs are hard to come by. but time had softened the colors. separate high school was needed. The in 1872 was on the lot occupied by
The first records indicate that Circa May 1870, the school house school would become known as the Louise Clausen’s home. The garage is
children were taught in the private part of the original building.
cabin of the first settler, Joseph Hewitt, Humane Society sets fall festival The 1889 school stood on the
and the teacher was Elizabeth Gard- North end of the present day Central
ner. Ms. Gardner was the daughter The Humane Society of North The event is being held at the Na- Gardens. It was completed at a cost
of Roland Gardner, who with other Iowa will host its 16th Annual Fall tional Guard Armory, located at 1160 of $40,000. In 1901 it went through
members of the family died in the Festival Fundraiser on Sunday, Sept. 19th St. S.W., Mason City. There is a complete renovation and expansion.
infamous 1856 Spirit Lake Massacre. 20, at the National Guard Armory in no admission charge for the event and This school was destroyed by fire in
Elizabeth was living elsewhere during Mason City. The free event is open all activities are free with the excep- 1912.
the tragedy and so survived. to the public and will take place from tion of a nominal fee for some of the In 1874 there were two school
It appears that the early pub- noon to 4 pm. children’s activities. districts, Clear Lake and Lake Town-
lic schools were constructed in Clear The Fall Festival Fundraiser will “The Fall Festival is an important ship’s, and they were combined into
Lake in 1857, 1869, 1872, 1889, and feature activities such as a silent auc- annual event for our organization,” one district called the Independent
1901. The 1901 school was a remodel tion, a bounce house for kids, horse said Humane Society Executive Di- School District of Clear Lake. This
and extension of the 1889 school. rides, games, bake sale, concession rector Sybil Soukup. “Proceeds from summary, taken from historical docu-
Rose McIntosh and Ida Gary, stand, and other fun activities. Adopt- this fundraiser will allow us to provide ments, seems to answer the questions
two well-known early settlers, re- able animals from the shelter will also quality care to the animals that rely on of where and when the schools were
ported in newspaper articles that they be at the event. us in our shelter as well provide ser- built.
recalled a school stood somewhere vices to communities in North Iowa.” If you have documents or infor-
south of the outlet. Ida remembers mation conflicting with this summa-
that there were two schools in Clear ry, please contact the Public Library’s
Lake when she moved here in 1870. History Room.
One was formerly where the 1857
school stood and was used as city hall.
The other was where the Outlet Park
is now, meaning south of the outlet.
Later, Ida says, she attended a
school where contractor Ernest An-
dersen’s mill shop was later located.
Still later, Ida says, she attended high
school on what became known as
the Clausen residence on the lot at
the corner of North 5th and Benton
In a Warranty Deed, July 4th,
Flu Clinic planned
locally Sept. 25
Thrifty White Pharmacy will be Starting off the school year in style
holding a Flu Clinic at Lake Plaza
Apartments, 20 N. 4th St., Friday, Josif Miranda was the Clear Lake Public Library’s Summer Reading Program winner of a limousine ride on the first day
Sept. 25, from 10-11:30 a.m. The of school. On Tuesday, Aug. 25, Ethan Zickefoose, Josif, and Sadie Sellers arrived at the Clear Lake Middle School to
clinic is open to the public and Thrifty begin the 2015-16 school year. Josif ’s sisters, Abbie and Kloie Miranda are also pictured here. All middle school students
White will bill health insurance carri- who read 10 hours this summer were eligible for the limo ride drawing. The Friends of the Library sponsor the library’s
ers if that information is provided by Summer Reading Program, including the ride from Odyssey Limousine Service.-Submitted photo.
the patient.
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