Page 15 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 6/3/2015
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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter June 3, 2015 • Page 15
GH/V High School announces honor rolls NEWS OF RECORD
From page 20
Garner-Hayfield/Ventura High Conner Shaw, Haley Suby, Mackenzie Cassandra Davis, Spencer Duregger, Wright. Stadtlander, Madison Taft, Emma ambulance service with a medical call
School has announced its Fourth Van Gerpen, *Anna Williams. Summer Eenhuis, Spencer Formanek, Seniors: Dakota Acheson, Madi- Whelan, Reva Winkelman. on Highway 18 W.
Quarter and Second Semester Honor Eleventh Grade: Turner Alb- Bailee Frayne, Taylor Gerdes, Saman- son Benzing, Dylan Brown, Brianna Tenth grade: Samara Ades, Aus- May 27, at 6:17 p.m. CLFD
Roll recipients. To be eligible for the ertson, Payton Bamrick, Benjamin tha Hall, Blaine Hanson, Erin Hatch, Doble, Hailey Fandel, Trevor Frascht, tin Case, Hailey Crowder, Tucker Paramedics were called to assist another
“A” honor roll a student must have Baumgard, Brandon Bell, Olivia Matthew Heinemann, John Hulbert, Ryan Grunwald, Zelin Hennings, Ja- Datema, Cassandra Eichmann, Bran- ambulance service with a medical call
a Grade Point Average of 3.67 and Buseman, Samuel Cataldo, Sydney Connor Kiss, Mariama Larson, Ash- cob Hessler, Brianna Huinker, Andrea don Feuring, Dallas Goll, Katheryn on Highway 18 W.
above. To be eligible for the “B” hon- Childress, Ashlee Diaz, Todd Finley, ley Markla, Seth Miller, Kaitlin Miller, Huse, Remington Jorgensen, Beckie Groom, Cassidy Hannah, McKin- May 27, at 6:46 p.m. CLFD Fire
or roll a student must have a 3.0-3.66 Jacob Folkers, Alek Goll, MaryGrace Star Pralle, Jade Pringnitz, Cherrice Jutting, Tjaden Kramer, Austin Lo- ley Hawe, Jasie Heitland, Holden Dept. was called to the 2100 block of
GPA. Hulbert, Miranda Jackson, Payton Risius, Rachel Sokol, Alex Stadtland- ers, Mikah Millard, Logan Miller, Hutcheson, Clayton Johnson, El- 14th Ave. N. to assist with a medical
Fourth Quarter A Honor Roll James, Kiersten Jass, Mallory John- er, Madison Taft, Morgan Westendorf, Joshua Miller, Jordan Nelson, Dani- lyana Johnston, Ryley Kozisek, Re- call.
Fourth Quarter “A” Honor Roll son, Caitlynn Ostrem, *Katherine Emma Whelan, Reva Winkelman. elle Nelson, Zachary Powers, Clayton bekah Larson, Dylan Mahlstedt, Alan May 29, at 7:39 a.m. CLFD Fire
students include (* denotes 4.00): Rasmuson, Cole Schreiber, Kyleigh Tenth grade: Samara Ades, Prescott, Colby Reid, Harrison Rob- Mohlis, Keegan Sassaman, Emily Sch- Dept was called to the 17000 block of
Ninth grade: *Taylor Bell, Slaichert, Hannah Sokol, Matthew Austin Case, Tucker Datema, Cas- erts, Zachary Scholl, Payton Stadt- reiber, Conner Shaw, Emily Siems, Kingbird Ave. to assist with a medical
*Breanna Billings, Connor Burke, Sonquist, Kayla Stoychoff, *Alex sandra Eichmann, Brandon Feur- lander, Jaron Townsend, Jennie Vaage, Chase Theobald, Grady Umbarger, call.
Ray Cataldo, Jillian Heitland, Ady- Stromer, Gabriel Umbarger, *Autumn ing, Abbigayle Garcia, Dallas Goll, Kaden Young. Allyson Units, Mackenzie Van Ger-
son Hook, *Emily Howke, Nicholas Weaver, Sarah-Michele Weaver. Katheryn Groom, Cassidy Hannah, Second Semester A Honor Roll pen, Katelyn Wilson, Mason Wirtz. Dave’s
Joynt, Abby Kale, *Tyler Kumsher, Seniors: Sadhna Ades, Anna Jasie Heitland, Ellyana Johnston, Ry- Second Semester “A” Honor Roll Eleventh grade: Derek Ander- Deck Care
Kaylee Mahlstedt, Amidy Mego, Baccam, Allison Bell, Jack Bertilson ley Kozisek, Rebekah Larson, Dylan students include: son, Bailey Ayers, Payton Bamrick,
Leah Meinders, *Ryan Meyers, Tehya *Kevin Boehnke, *Michael Chizek, Mahlstedt, Alan Mohlis, Johnathan Ninth grade: *Taylor Bell, *Bre- Tucker Barickman, Brandon Bell, Carpentry
Mitchell, *Ethan Nelson, Tyler Ober- Miranda Dodd, Courtney Field, Me- O’Connor, Keegan Sassaman, Dustin anna Billings, Jillian Heitland, Ady- Kaleb Bruggeman, Olivia Buseman, & Remodeling
mann, Bryce Olson, Kaylee Parris, gan Finley, Amelia Gillen, *Mackenzie Schlawin, Parker Schnieders, Emily son Hook, *Emily Howke, Nicholas Taryn Carolus, David Cook, Todd
Paige Rasmuson, Colton Schroeder, Haag, *Stacy Hackenmiller, *Corey Schreiber, Emily Siems, Chase Theo- Joynt, Abby Kale, *Tyler Kumsher, Finley, Brett Formanek, Harley Forry, New Decks
*Alaina Scott, Jack Van Dusseldorp, Hauptmann, Madison Hejna, Sydney bald, Grady Umbarger, Allyson Units, Leah Meinders, *Ryan Meyers, Kaitlin Morgan Graham, Hannah Hejlik,
*Jacqueline Van Oort, Hannah Wel- Holmes, Braeden Johnston, *Riannan Katelyn Wilson, Mason Wirtz. Miller, Tehya Mitchell, Ethan Nelson, Trevor Kluver, Taylor Lackore, Sa- (Wood & Composite)
lik, Dane Whipple, Alexis Wirtz. Kadrlik, *Jeremiah Loschen, Dane Eleventh grade: Derek Ander- *Tyler Obermann, Bryce Olson, Kay- mantha Luscombe, Brianna McNeil,
Tenth grade: *Rebekah Baxter, Neuberger, Angela O’Hara, Anna son, Lauren Arnold, Bailey Ayers, lee Parris, Paige Rasmuson, Colton Nathan Nedved, Kelsey Obermann, Deck Repairs
Katelyn Bierle, Derek Brown, Olivia Oppedahl, Autumn Prehn, Courtney Tucker Barickman, Kaleb Brugge- Schroeder, *Alaina Scott, Jack Van Caitlynn Ostrem, Holden Oulman,
Carew, Joshua Chizek, Candie Cue- Prescott, Austin Price, *Logan Ryer- man, Taryn Carolus, David Cook, Dusseldorp, *Jacqueline Van Oort, Colton Raw, Theodore Schoneman, & Ramps
va, Andrew Dornbier, *Rachel En- son, Jenna Schlawin, *Shelby Schro- Tyeis Ewing, Brett Formanek, Harley Hannah Wellik, Dane Whipple, Alex- Rachel Weaver, Alec Weyland, Jordan
right, Kyle Hansen, McKinley Hawe, eder, *Emily Spilman, Grace Tusha, Forry, Morgan Graham, Samantha is Wirtz. Wright. Deck Cleaning
Holden Hutcheson, Clayton John- *Tiara Van Gerpen, Mallory Van Haugen, Hannah Hejlik, Trevor Klu- Tenth grade: Rebekah Baxter, Seniors: Dakota Acheson, Madi-
son, *Mallory Keech, Carlie Knutson, Oort, *Laura Welsh, Sydney Young. ver, Ana Kozisek, Taylor Lackore, Bet- Katelyn Bierle, Derek Brown, Olivia son Benzing, Dylan Brown, Brianna & Staining
Brooklyn Laird, Hannah Lau, *Kayla Fourth Quarter B Honor Roll shaida Larson, Samantha Luscombe, Carew, Joshua Chizek, Candie Cueva, Doble, Hailey Fandel, Trevor Frascht,
Leerar, Anastasia Nannenga, Katelyn Fourth Quarter “B” Honor Roll Brianna McNeil, Nathan Nedved, Andrew Dornbier, *Rachel Enright, Ryan Grunwald, Zelin Hennings, Ja- General Home
Oetken, Brooklynn Ossman, *Paige students include: Kelsey Obermann, Holden Oulman, Kyle Hansen, Mallory Keech, Carlie cob Hessler, Brianna Huinker, Andrea
Penning, Bailee Pitzenberger, Court- Ninth grade: Jonah Albertson, Lucas Prohaska, Colton Raw, Theo- Knutson, Brooklyn Laird, Hannah Huse, Remington Jorgensen, Beckie Remodeling
ney Pletcher, *Lydia Seelhammer, Cade Bamrick, Deserae Clevenger, dore Schoneman, Chase Smith, Ra- Lau, *Kayla Leerar, Anastasia Nan- Jutting, Tjaden Kramer, Austin Lo-
chel Weaver, Alec Weyland, Jordan nenga, Katelyn Oetken, Brooklynn ers, Mikah Millard, Logan Miller, Windows & Doors
Ossman, *Paige Penning, Bailee Pit- Joshua Miller, Jordan Nelson, Dani-
zenberger, Courtney Pletcher, *Lydia elle Nelson, Zachary Powers, Clayton Dave Marreel
Seelhammer, Haley Suby, *Anna Wil- Prescott, Colby Reid, Harrison Rob-
liams. erts, Zachary Scholl, Payton Stadt- 641-357-0227
Eleventh grade: Turner Albert- lander, Jaron Townsend, Jennie Vaage,
son, Benjamin Baumgard, Samuel Kaden Young. A Clear Lake Family Owned Business.
Cataldo, Sydney Childress, Ashlee Serving North Central Iowa since
Diaz, Jacob Folkers, Alek Goll,
MaryGrace Hulbert, Miranda Jack- 1989
son, Payton James, Kiersten Jass, Mal-
lory Johnson, *Katherine Rasmuson, Summer Is Here!
Cole Schreiber, Kyleigh Slaichert,
Hannah Sokol, Matthew Sonquist, Pull up a chair and relax
Kayla Stoychoff, *Alex Stromer, Ga-
briel Umbarger, Autumn Weaver, Nightly Fish Fry
Sarah-Michele Weaver.
Seniors: Sadhna Ades, Allison (641) 829-3850 Summer Hours: Mon. - Fri. Open at 4:30 p.m.
Bell, Jack Bertilson, *Kevin Boehnke, 702 East Lake St., Ventura
*Michael Chizek, *Courtney Field, Sat. & Sun. Open at 11:30 a.m.
Megan Finley, *Mackenzie Haag, *Sta-
cy Hackenmiller, Corey Hauptmann, Create a Tom Alexander
Madison Hejna, Sydney Holmes, Financial Plan Financial Consultant
*Braeden Johnston, Riannan Kadrlik,
*Jeremiah Loschen, Dane Neuberger, Securities America
Angela O’Hara, Anna Oppedahl, Au- Member FINRA/SIPC
tumn Prehn, Courtney Prescott, Aus-
tin Price, *Logan Ryerson, *Shelby 641-357-7106
Schroeder, *Emily Spilman, *Grace 888-357-7106
Tusha, Jennie Vaage, *Tiara Van Ger-
Newman Catholic elementary students flash their milk stash with KIMT TV3 news anchor Amy Fleming.-Submitted photo. pen, *Laura Welsh, *Sydney Younge. Located at Clear Lake Bank & Trust
Second Semester B Honor Roll 322 Main Ave • PO Box 8, Clear Lake
Amy Fleming named honorary chair for Second Semester “B” Honor
Hawkeye Harvest milk fundraiser Roll students include: [email protected]
Ninth grade: Jonah Albertson,
Cade Bamrick, Connor Burke, Ray
Cataldo, Deserae Clevenger, Cassan- Not FDIC/NCUA Insured. May Lose Value. No Bank Guarantee
dra Davis, Spencer Duregger, Sum- Not a Deposit. Not insured by any Federal Government Agency.
mer Eenhuis, Spencer Formanek,
Bailee Frayne, Taylor Gerdes, Saman- Securities offered through Securities America Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC, Tom Alexander, Representative.
tha Hall, Blaine Hanson, Matthew Investment Center and the Securities America Companies are unaffiliated.
Heinemann, John Hulbert, Connor
Flash Your Milk Stash” will kick min D. TV3 and several Newman Catholic Kiss, Mariama Larson, Kaylee Mahlst- Clear
off in June. Amy Fleming, a news an- The Hawkeye Harvest Food students ask that you post a “selfie” edt, Amidy Mego, Seth Miller, Derek the clutter!
chor at KIMT TV3 and several New- Bank “Flash your Milk Stash” project and go to the Hawkeye Harvest Face- Neuberger, Star Pralle, Jade Pringnitz,
man Catholic elementary students is a huge step to raising the money to book page and donate $5 or more on Cherrice Risius, Rachel Sokol, Alex Advertise in our May 13th
have taken up the challenge and are providing milk on a year round basis,” the PayPal link. Those who don’t issue for Clear Lake’s
encouraging others to Flash Their added Fleming. wish to do a “selfie” but just want to
Milk Stash. Early this spring the Mason make a donation can send their dona- Citywide Garage Sales
Fleming wanted to serve as the City’s Noon Rotary organization tion to Hawkeye Harvest Food Bank
honorary chairperson in their efforts chose Hawkeye Harvest Food Bank c/o PO Box 1535 Mason Citym, IA the weekend of June 20
to raise $18,000 for Hawkeye Har- as their charity of choice for the 2015 50401 with “Got Milk” in the memo
vest Food Bank by helping lead the Hole In One Contest has enabled the line.
“Flash Your Milk Stash” milk project. local food bank to purchase a three
She said as a mom she understands door commercial refrigeration unit
the daily beneficial need for milk — so they could begin their “Got Milk”
including eight grams of high-quality program for the summer.
protein. In every eight ounces, milk “Flash Your Milk Stash” and
provides potassium, calcium and vita- Amy Fleming, news anchor at KIMT
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