Page 11 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 4-20-2016
P. 11
SportsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter April 20, 2016 • Page 11
A week of ups and downs for GHV girls compete in three
the GHV boys track team track meets last week
It was a week of highs and lows finishes was the 4x800 team and the It was a very busy week for the In field events, Emma Whelan
for the Garner-Hayfield-Ventura boys shuttle hurdle team. The 4x800 re- Garner-Hayfield-Ventura girls track cleared 4’4” in the high jump for a
track team, as they finished at the top lay ran the race in 8:40.72. Members team as they competed in three meets. third place finish, while Amanda Bierle
of the pack in one meet, and at the bot- included Smith, Derek Brown, Ray Cowgirl Relays leaped 13’9” in the long jump for fifth
tom of another. Cataldo and Dalbeck. The shuttle hur- The Garner-Hayfield-Ventura place.
Lake Mills Bulldog Invitational dle team of O’Connor, Cook, Connor girls track team may have finished at In the long distance races, Re-
A team effort helped the GHV Shaw and Sam Cataldo crossed the line the bottom of the six-team pack at the bekah Larson ran the 3000 meter run
boys to a second place finish at the Lake in 1:05.88. Cowgirl Relays on Tuesday, April 12, in 13:01.82 and Hannah Wellik ran
Mills Bulldog Invitational on Thursday, The 4x400 meter relay team but some of the events placed well. the 1500 meter run in 6:07.99. Both
April 14. The Cardinals racked up 114 of Dalbeck, Reece Smith, Marro- Pocahontas Area/LB won the meet girls placed fifth.
points. Lake Mills won the seven-team quin and O’Connor ran the race in with 336 points. GHV finished with The Cardinals had two relay teams
meet with 129 points. 3:50.23. Good for third place. 168 points. place third. The Sprint Medley relay
“Our goal is to have everyone The distance medley team and “We’re heading in the right direc- of Amanda Bierle, Meinders, Oulman
contribute to team points,” said Coach the 4x200 meter team both picked tion. We had several personal bests and and Jacki Van Oort ran the race in
Kelsey Steffens. “The boys have had to up sixth place finishes. The distance many girls are reaching or getting close 2:03.28. The 4x400 team of Maddie
step up and compete in different roles medley team of Cook, Holden Larson, to their season goals,” said Coach Dyan Williams, Van Oort, Mara Anderson
and they are doing so with a fantastic Brown, and Nathan Larson ran the race Childress. and Oulman ran the race in 4:33.86.
attitude.” in 4:20.48. The 4x200 team clocked Jillian Heitland racked up some The Distance Medley team placed
That “can-do” attitude paid off a time of 1:56.58. Team members team points by finishing second in the fourth with a time of 5:07.18. Mem-
with four individual first place fin- included Spencer Formanek, Colyn 400 meter hurdles in 75.54 and sixth bers of the relay were Trinity Smith,
ishes. Ray Cataldo won the 800 me- Schoneman, Nathan Larson and Lucas in the 100 meter hurdles with a time of Whelan, Droste Hennings and Han-
ter run with a time of 2:07.89. Logan Rayhons. 17.92. nah Lau.
Dalbeck ran the 1600 meter run in a Indian Relays Jayden Hughes and Leah Meinders GHV had three relay teams that
time of 4:41.64. Chase Smith won the A short staffed GHV team strug- finished second and fourth in the 100 were disqualified.
3200 meter run with a time of 9:52.73 gled at the Indian Relays held in Forest meter dash with times of 13.78 and “I’d rather have them DQed now
and Sam Cataldo won the 400 meter City on Friday, April 15. The Cards 13.9 respectively. than later in the season. We’ll work out
hurdles in 57.35. finished at the bottom of the 13-team Sadie Oulman finished fourth in those kinks and move on to the next
Picking up second place finishes meet with 31 points. Saint Ansgar won the 400 meter dash in 64.54. meet,” said Childress.
was Sam Cataldo in the 110 meter hur- the meet with 177.50 points. See GHV GIRLS on page 12
dles with a time of 16.29. Ezra Marro- Only three Cardinal runners put
quin ran the 200 meter dash in 24.65. up points for the team, Sam Catal- GHV’s Ryan Meyers goes head-to-head literally with a Denver player in Friday GHV girls golf team
Marroquin and Johnathan do, Johnathan O’Connor and Chase night’s home match. The Cardinals won, 6-4. -Reporter photo by Chris Barragy rolling over competition
O’Connor finished in third and fourth Smith.
place respectively in the 400 meter Cataldo tied for first place in Productive week for The Garner-Hayfield-Ventura GHV’s Bailee Frayne also had a re-
dash. Marroquin’s time was 53.61 and the 400 meter hurdles with a time of GHV boys soccer team girls golf team is rolling, picking up markable day. She claimed medalist
O’Connor finished in 54.26. 58.29. He also placed fifth in the 100 three wins last week and earning med- honors with a 39, which was the lowest
David Cook picked up a third meter dash with a time of 12.38. It was a productive week for the goal in the first minute of the match, alist honors at all three. score of the day by any boy or girl play-
place finish in the 100 meter dash with Smith also tied for first place in the Garner-Hayfield-Ventura boys soccer followed by another goal later in the Home Meet ing.
a time of 12.30. 1600 meter run with a time of 4:49.42. team, picking up two wins and drop- first half. Turner Albertson and Ryley The Cardinals won their home “Bailee adjusted very well to the
The 4x100 meter relay team of O’Connor earned a fifth and sixth ping one match. Kozisek also scored a goal apiece in the meet on Monday, April 11, against strong winds and slick greens and card-
Marroquin, Connor Shaw, Cook and place finish. He was fifth in the 200 IF-A 2, GHV 1 first half. North Union and Belmond-Klemme. ed the best score of the day,” said Coach
Sam Cataldo won the event with a time meter dash with a time of 24.80 and The week started with a match The Cardinals played the start- GHV carded a 207, while North Union Todd Greiman.
of 45.53. sixth in the 400 meter dash with a time against Iowa Falls-Alden on Monday, ers the first five minutes of the second recorded a 240 and Belmond-Klemme The tough weather conditions led
Relays finishing with second place of 55.54. April 11. Cold and windy weather half and then substituted with the JV ended with a 282. to higher scores than the coach would
didn’t help the Cardinals, as they fell, squad. “Monday’s weather was brutal, have liked to see. Kyleigh Slaichert
GHV boys post 6-1 record 2-0, to the Cadets. “I was extremely proud of the way with very cold temperatures and some carded a 48, while Paige Penning and
The Garner-Hayfield-Ventura 166. The Cardinals earned runner-up “Iowa Falls is a very good team,” they played,” said Coach Williams. “It icy wind,” said Coach Todd Greiman. Rachel Enright ended with a 64 and 65
boys golf team improved their record status with a 179. West Hancock shot said Coach Eric Williams. “We did was really fun watching the JV play. “Kyleigh and Bailee played remarkable respectively. Kayla Leerar carded a 73
to 6-1 in action last week. a 191. miss a couple of open shots, but I They give a hard effort every time they considering the conditions.” and Cassie Eichmann ended with a 76.
The Cardinals beat North Union “This was a challenging course,” thought we played really well. When are on the field and never give up. It Kyleigh Slaichert led the Cardinals
and Belmond-Klemme in a home said Coach Ken Krause. “Again big you play a good team like Iowa Falls also gave them some great experience at with a 43. Bailee Frayne was only two Eagle Grove Meet
meet held on Monday, April 11. The numbers hurt our scoring and bad you can’t make any mistakes and you the varsity level.” strokes behind her with a 45. Round- Once again the Cardinals cap-
meet was close, with GHV topping swings are more costly in 25-30 mph have to take every advantage that you Jace Pringnitz scored GHV’s final ing out GHV’s score was Kat Groom tured the top spot at Eagle Grove on
North Union by two strokes, 175- winds. This was an important meet, are given.” goal of the game. with a 58 and Paige Penning with a Saturday, April 16. GHV ended with a
177. Belmond-Klemme didn’t post a since the conference meet will be Cardinal mistakes led to the Ca- GHV 6, Denver 4 61. Rachel Enright and Kayla Leerar 211, while Eagle Grove shot a 222.
team score. played at Spring Valley this year.” det’s two goals. Friday night’s match against Den- recorded a 66 and 69 respectively. Bailee Frayne and Kayleigh
The Card’s success came from The Cardinals had their best GHV 5, CAL 1 ver was a hard fought battle for the “This was one of our better scores Slaichert led the team with a 44 and
consistent scores on the cool and scores of the season on Saturday, April With four matches in five days, Cardinals, but they came out victorious of the season, but we still have a lot of 47 respectively. Paige Penning carded
windy day. Grady Umbarger and 16, when they competed at Eagle Coach Williams’ goal for the CAL with a 6-4 win. work to do,” said Greiman. a 58, while Rachel Enright shot a 62.
Matthew Heinemann led the team Grove. game was to score some quick goals “All night bodies were flying Spring Valley Meet Also golfing was Kayla Leerar with a 67
with a 42 and 43 respectively. Parker Jordan Babcock had a great and then start playing the JV players to around, as the game was very physi- GHV rolled over the competi- and Cassie Eichmann shot a 69.
Olsen, from North Union, was the round, carding a 37. Umbarger’s give the varsity boys a rest. The plan cal,” said Coach Williams. “I was re- tion in Spring Valley on Friday, April “As expected, Bailee and Kay-
meet medalist with a 38. Umbarger round of 38 had two doubles, while played out perfectly for the Cards, as ally proud of our young men as they 15. The Cards took the top spot by leigh played pretty well on another
was the runner-up. Heinemann included two triples. they picked up a goal early that set the continued to play their game.” a margin of 37 strokes with a score of windy day,” said Coach Todd Greiman.
Tyler Obermann shot a solid 44, “Each player scored very well on tone for the rest of the game. GHV GHV started quickly, with three 216. Bishop Garrigan was second with “Paige is beginning to show noticeable
while Brandon Bell’s 46 rounded out the other seven holes,” said Krause. cruised to an easy 5-1 victory. shots on goal, but Denver’s goalie was a 253, followed by West Hancock with improvement and I’m confident that
the Cardinal’s score. “Tyler Obermann is becoming a solid Connor Burke scored the first See GHV SOCCER on page 12 a 283. the other girls will start to come around
On Friday, April 15, GHV com- varsity contributor, while Jake Folkers In addition to the team’s success, soon.”
peted in a triangular at Spring Val- and Tyler Kumsher had their first var- The team has a perfect 6-0 record.
ley Golf Course in Livermore, Iowa. sity experience of the season and both
Bishop-Garrigan won the meet with a performed well.”
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