Page 6 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 3-30-2016
P. 6

Local NewsPage 6 • March 30, 2016									                                                                                                                                     Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

RESTORATION                                                                                                                                                                    City will begin testing
from page 1                                                                                                                                                                    sirens monthly

will be an emporium, where vendors can      Once a ballroom, this area in the upstairs will be available to rent. Owner Vicki Sukup is also hoping to open the area to the     	 The cities of Clear Lake and           pose a direct risk to life if people are
rent space and consign their wares. This    public for live entertainment and some lighter food fare and beverages. The beautiful woodwork and antique light fixtures lend     Ventura have scheduled the 2016          caught outdoors. 
level will likely be called KB Emporium,    to the charm of this area. Built in booths, an antique bar and comfortable, soft seating areas are also part of the plan for this  spring and summer outdoor siren           	 5.  Why can’t I hear the sirens
in honor of the original builders, Knaak    space. -Reporter photo                                                                                                             test dates. Sirens will be tested on     in my house? Sirens are a warning
and Buss, whose names are still imprint-                                                                                                                                       the first Monday of the month at 10      system designed only to alert those
ed on the front of the structure.           PICKUP                                   be accepted if the drivers can see that     	 For information about the pick-             a.m., unless the Monday is a holiday.    who are outside. Due to construc-
	 “Vendors will rent space by the           from page 1                              the paint is dried or absorbed with a       up day for your area or items eligible        The makeup day for a holiday will        tion designs and building density,
square foot, depending on their display                                              substance like cat litter or saw dust.      for pick-up, call the Public Works De-        be Tuesday. The test dates are:          there is no way to design a siren sys-
requirements,” said Sukup. “Vendors         	 •E-Waste (electronics). The Land-      	 •Hazardous/toxic materials (flam-         partment at 357-6135, or City Hall at         	 •April 4                               tem capable of penetrating all struc-
have to submit a proposal of their prod-    fill of North Iowa has an electronic     mables, propane tanks, auto parts,          357-5267.                                     	 •May 2                                 tures.
ucts and we’ll decide if they are admit-    waste recycling program. Landfill        tires, batteries, pesticides, explosives).  	 The Spring Large Item Pick-Up               	 •June 6                                	 6.  How can I get alerts when
ted. I want more boutique-type busi-        customers may drop off VCR’s, DVD        Auto parts should be taken to an auto       is offered as a special service to Clear      	 •July 5 (Tuesday)                      I’m at work or in my house? For
nesses that will lend to the character of   players, stereo equipment, clock ra-     salvage yard. Propane tanks may be          Lake residents only. The public is            	 •Aug. 1                                alerts indoors, every home and busi-
the building itself.”                       dios, gaming equipment, computer         taken to area recyclers. Call the Land-     asked to call the Police Department           	 •Sept. 6 (Tuesday)                     ness should have a NOAA Weather
	 Although all vendors are indepen-         towers, mouses and keyboards, input      fill of North Iowa at 641-357-5452          at 357-2186 to report anyone from             	 The department will utilize            Radio.  A NOAA Weather Radio
dent, there will be one check-out area      devices, scanners, video and surveil-    for information regarding hazardous         outside the Clear Lake City limits un-        social media, such as the Facebook       is like a smoke detector for severe
for all items purchased in the empori-      lance cameras, fax machines, and         substance disposal.                         loading items.                                page, as a reminder of siren test days.  weather, and it can wake you up
um.                                         cordless phones for recycling at the e-                                                                                            	 The purpose of the sirens is to        when a warning is issued for your
	 Sukup is planning for some major          cycling building adjacent to the Land-   Ventura schedules large item                                                              notify people who are outdoors with      area so you can take appropriate ac-
cooking and baking to be done in the        fill’s south parking lot. Many of the    pickup for Saturday, April 9                                                              an audible warning to seek further       tion. Also, most news outlets and
commercial kitchen she is building in       above items may be recycled free of                                                                                                information, and possibly shelter.       the National Weather Service have
the basement. The Basement Bakery           charge.                                  	 The City of Ventura has sched-            can be taken to the Ventura Com-              When activated, sirens generally         apps you can download for your
will have products for sale in the empo-    	 •Yard waste (grass, leaves, and        uled its Large Item Pick-Up Day for         munity Center parking lot on April            sound for a period of one minute.        smartphone.
rium.                                       garden residue) and wood waste           Saturday, April 9, from 7-9 a.m.            9, between 7-9 a.m. A $15 payment             Sirens sounding outside the testing       	 7.  Will the sirens warn me of
	 The upstairs, which was once a ball-      (brush, branches and tree limbs less     	 The event is designed for the             is required at the time of drop-off. A        dates indicates severe weather for the   every dangerous storm? No. The
room, will feature three separate areas     than 6-inches in diameter). These        pickup of large items, with the follow-     collection supervisor will be on site to      area.                                    safest approach is to be proactive and
that can be rented for a variety of pur-    items may be taken to the City yard      ing exceptions: no construction waste,      take payments and answer questions.           	 Please do not call 911 on test-        use all of the information available
poses, such as conferences, lectures, re-   waste drop-off site and disposed of at   no solvents, no batteries, no hazard-       	 Drop off tires at the Ventura               ing days to ask why the sirens are ac-   to protect yourself and your fam-
ceptions, etc. Two new bathrooms and        no charge.                               ous or yard waste, no truck or tractor      Community Center parking lot on               tivated. These calls tie up emergency    ily from threatening weather. Noth-
a small kitchen are also located on the     	 •Construction and demolition           tires. No household trash that could        April 9 between 7-9 a.m. The $5 pay-          lines into the department.               ing can replace common sense.  If
floor. A name for this area is still being  material (bricks, stones, concrete,      be picked up on a normal trash day          ment for each tire is required at the         Frequently Asked Questions               a storm is approaching, lightning
considered.                                 concrete block or rubble, shingles,      will be accepted.                           time of drop-off. A collection supervi-       	 1.  When are the sirens acti-          alone can be a threat. Sirens do not
	 The upstairs features beautiful           lumber, landscape timbers, siding,       	 Appliances will be picked up              sor will be on site.                          vated? Generally, under the outdoor      warn of lightning.  Outdoor sirens
woodwork and doors that were original       and drywall). City crews will take       for a $20 charge including: TVs, de-        	 Note that the collection process            warning system guidelines, sirens        are only one part of a warning sys-
to the building. Sukup has also pur-        small amounts of dimensional lum-        humidifier, microwave, stove, refrig-       for appliances, E-Waste and car tires         will be sounded for: tornadoes (in-      tem that includes preparation, a
chased light fixtures, furniture and a      ber and drywall, less than 4-feet in     erator, hot water heater, washer/dryer.     will only be for two hours on April 9.        cluding warnings), thunderstorms         NOAA Weather Radio, and local
gorgeous, wood bar from Architectural       length and bundled (bundles less than    Purchase a sticker at Ventura City          	 Regular large items must be at              with winds of 70 mph or greater          media.
Antiques in Minneapolis, Minn. The          50-pounds).                              Hall and have the appliance out at the      the curb by 6 a.m.                            (potential for whole trees to snap        	 8.  Who activates the sirens?
room will also feature built in booths,     	 •Liquids (motor oil, antifreeze,       curb by 7 a.m. 	                            	 Questions regarding Large Item              or uproot) or, golf ball sized hail      Sirens are typically activated by city
comfortable soft seating areas, a small     paint, and household chemicals).         	 E-Waste, such as televisions,             Pick-Up can be directed to Absolute           or larger (potential for windows to      or county officials, usually dispatch
stage wired for live entertainment, and     Some service stations accept motor oil   monitors, copiers and fax machines          Waste Removal at 357-4517.                    break). The same siren tone will be      or emergency management person-
some tables. In addition to a rental area   for recycling. Empty paint cans will                                                                                               used for all threats. The sirens may     nel.  In the Clear Lake/Ventura area,
for special occasions, Sukup said she                                                                                                                                          be sounded multiple times during         the on duty Clear Lake Police De-
would also like to see the room opened                                                                                                                                         the event. There will be no all-clear    partment dispatcher is responsible
to the public for live entertainment and                                                                                                                                       signal from sirens.                      for activating the sirens.
serving tapas or other light fare, beer                                                                                                                                         	 2.  What should I do when I           	 9. Where are the sirens locat-
and wine. The large room will open to a                                                                                                                                        hear the sirens? When the sirens are     ed? The Clear Lake Police Depart-
roof top deck for open air seating.                                                                                                                                            heard tune to local media outlets to     ment is responsible for the sirens at:
	 Sukup hopes to employee 12 full                                                                                                                                              gain more information and possibly       •North 5th Street and Highway 18
time staff, including three managers;                                                                                                                                          seek shelter.                            •7th Avenue N. and N. 20th Street
one for the emporium, one for the up-                                                                                                                                           	 3.  Why is there no all-clear         •N. 35th Street and Main Avenue
stairs and one mechanical manager to                                                                                                                                           signal? People should be indoors         •S. 8th Street and 12th Avenue S.
take care of the facilities. She is also                                                                                                                                       seeking shelter and monitoring local     •Highway 18 and Park Lane
planning to hire part-time seasonal help.                                                                                                                                      media for updates on the storm. The      •2380 East Lake Street (Ventura)
	 Sukup is not new to the renovation                                                                                                                                           sirens are not designed to be heard      •Ventura Elementary
world. She also restored a two-story for-                                                                                                                                      indoors, although often they can be      •Ventura Heights
mer bank building in Sheffield, Iowa.                                                                                                                                          heard inside. Sounding an all-clear      •Dogwood Avenue (near Tanglefoot
She opened Banker’s Corner, a coffee,                                                                                                                                          signal may encourage people to go        Girl Scout Camp)
tea and gift shop, in the refurbished                                                                                                                                          outside in order to hear it.             •South Shore Drive and 235th Street
building.                                                                                                                                                                       	 4.  Why will the outdoor              For further information, check out
	 Sukup is reluctant to give an open-                                                                                                                                          warning sirens be sounded for   or
ing date, due to the fact they don’t know                                                                                                                                      hail and wind? When thunder-   
what they will uncover day-to-day, but                                                                                                                                         storm winds exceed 70 mph, trees         management-agency
she is hoping to make an announce-                                                                                                                                             can be uprooted or snapped.  Hail
ment, on at least the opening of the up-                                                                                                                                       that is golf ball sized or larger can
stairs by the end of the summer.                                                                                                                                               break windows. Both of these events
	 “It’s so fun to see something that
has been neglected for so long brought
back to life,” said Sukup.

WE BRING OUT THE SMILE IN YOU                                                                                                                                                  We’re Rolling out the Red Carpet for You!


Drs. Thomas Bieber and Jason Skinner, along with their staff,                                                                                                                   Assisted Living and Memory Care Community
               would like to welcome Dr. Dan Scarrow!
                                                                                                                                                                                Take a moment to answer these questions to determine if you or your loved
102 N. 5th St., Clear Lake • (641) 357-4112                                                                                                                                                              one could benefit from a move to
                                                                                                                                                                Country Meadow Place
                                                                                                                                                                                          Assisted Living and Memory Care Community
                     Monday - Friday • 7:30 -5:00
                                                                                                                                                                               1. Do you worry about your personal health and safety?
                                                                                                                                                                               2. Do you snack instead of eating balanced meals?
                                                                                                                                                                               3. Do you worry that in an emergency, there is no one to help?
                                                                                                                                                                               4. Is the upkeep of your home and yard becoming more than you can handle without
                                                                                                                                                                               5. Are you becoming increasingly dependent on others to assist you?
                                                                                                                                                                               6. Is housework and laundry becoming more difficult?
                                                                                                                                                                               7. Do you have to arrange your appointments and outings around others’ schedules?
                                                                                                                                                                               8. Are you alone more than three days per week?
                                                                                                                                                                               9. Have you decreased the amount of time you spend involved in activities?
                                                                                                                                                                               10. Do you want to regain your independence?

                                                                                                                                                                                     If you answered “yes” to three or more of these questions, it may be time to
                                                                                                                                                                                  consider a move to Country Meadow Place. At Country Meadow Place, we have
                                                                                                                                                                                   solutions to all of these obstacles and encourage our residents to enjoy active,

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                                                                                                                                                                               Call Kimberly Boyd, Manager, at 641-423-7722 for your personal tour

                                                                                                                                                                                 17396 Kingbird Ave., Mason City • 641-423-7722

                                                                                                                                                                                           [email protected]
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