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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter					                                                                                                                                                                                   March 16, 2016 • Page 3

                                          OBITUARIES                                                                                                                               DNR: 10,000 boat
                                                                                                                                                                                   owners still need to verify
                                          to Glendale, Calif., where she lived for                                                     Oct. 16, 1984, to Dennis and Becky          hull ID number by April 30
                                          a short time before returning to Gar-                                                        Maertens in Mason City.
Beverly Anderson                          ner in 1959 as group chief operator for   Lauren Maertens                                    	 She attended school in Mason              	 An estimated 10,000 Iowa boat          	 Part of the verification process in-
                                          NW Bell. In 1962, she was transferred                                                        City, graduating in 2004. Shortly after     owners who were notified that their      cludes boat owners signing an affida-
	 Beverly A. Anderson, 79, of             by the company to Red Oak, Iowa. On       	 An Angel on Earth has gone to be                 graduation, Lauren moved to Oppor-          crafts were assigned a hull identifica-  vit included in the mailing that con-
Ventura, Iowa, died Sunday, March         March 23, 1963 she was married to         with her Grandpa’s Bill and Bill. Lau-             tunity Village where she met another        tion number by the manufacturer that     firms they will permanently attach the
13, 2016, at the Muse Norris Hospice      Roy L. Anderson at the United Meth-       ren Lee Maertens, 31, of Clear Lake,               loving family.                              is not in compliance with the U.S.       new HIN to the boat (if a new HIN
Inpatient Unit in Mason City.             odist Church in Garner. They lived        passed away on Monday, March 14,                   	 Lauren loved to greet people with         Coast Guard have yet to verify their     is provided) to comply with US Coast
	 Funeral services will be held at        on the Anderson family farm north of      2016, at her home at the Opportunity               her infectious smile. She loved the wa-     HIN with the Iowa Department of          Guard regulations.
10:30 a.m., Thursday, March 17, at St.    Ventura where they raised their fam-      Village main campus.                               ter, fishing, vacations to Okoboji, and     Natural Resources before their current    	 “If they no longer own the boat
John’s Lutheran Church, east of Gar-      ily. Beverly continued her employment     	 A funeral service will be held at                was granted a Make-A-Wish trip to           registration expires on April 30.        in question, they should let us know
ner, Iowa, with the Rev. Carl Hedberg     with the telephone company in the         11 a.m. on Thursday, March 17, 2016,               Disney World in Orlando, Fla. Lauren         	 “This is no fault of the boat own-    in the space provided on the affidavit,”
officiating. Burial will be at Concord    Mason City, Algona and Des Moines         at Trinity Lutheran Church, 213 N.                 loved to sing her favorite songs, Jesus     er; they purchased a craft that had an   Stocker said.  
Township Cemetery in Garner.              offices until 1986, when she retired      Pennsylvania Ave., Mason City, Iowa,               Loves Me, Take Me Out To The Ball-          incorrect HIN issued by the manufac-     	 If boat owners have questions
	 Visitation will be held from 5-7        from U.S. West. In 1988, she and Roy      with the Reverands Kathy Graves and                game, and Away in The Manger. She           turer. We want to help them resolve      they should contact the Iowa DNR
p.m., Wednesday, March 16, at the         moved from the home farm to Ventura       Rich Murray officiating. Burial will be            enjoyed macaroni and cheese every           this before their registration expires   at [email protected] or 515-725-
Cataldo Funeral Chapel, 160 E. 4th        Heights.                                  in Park Cemetery, Nora Springs, Iowa.              chance she got.                             but time is starting to run out. Don’t   8200.
St., in Garner, and will continue one     	 She enjoyed her family, grandchil-      	 Visitation will be held one hour                 	 Lauren has been a steadfast fund-         wait until the last minute to take care
hour prior to services at the church.     dren, great-grandchildren, crocheting     prior to services at the church.                   raiser in the annual Opportunity Vil-       of this,” said Susan Stocker, boating    County Relay for
	 Beverly Ann Anderson, the               and fishing at Leech Lake in Minne-       	 In lieu of flowers, those wishing                lage Benefit Walk since 2007. She has       law administrator for the Iowa DNR.      Life team brings
daughter of Dale and Doris (Nonnwei-      sota.                                     to give a memorial in her memory may               raised over $66,000 and was inducted        	 The DNR has placed information         back Daffodil
ler) Young, was born May 24, 1936, in     	 She was a member of St. John’s          do so by directing them to the fam-                into the Benefit Walk Hall of Fame in       regarding the process and to help an-    Days fundraiser
Garner. She was baptized at Faith Lu-     Lutheran Church in Garner where she       ily, who will distribute to Hospice of             2011.                                       swer questions online at http://www.
theran Church, in Miller, Iowa. Bev-      belonged to the Fellowship Club and       North Iowa and Opportunity Village.                	 Left to cherish her memory is           	 Daffodil Days are back! The Cer-
erly grew up in Garner and graduated      was a charter member of the Evening       	 Lauren Lee Maertens was born on                  her mother, Becky Marshall, of Ma-          	 Stocker said the process is fairly     ro Gordo County Relay for Life team
from Garner High School in 1954. In       Guild.                                                                                       son City; her father, Dennis (Heidi)        simple; they need to either trace the    will be selling bundles of daffodils be-
August of 1954 she began working at       	 Beverly is survived by her two sons,                                                       Maertens, of Clear Lake; grandmoth-         HIN with a pencil or take a photo of     ginning this week, with all proceeds
Northwestern Bell Telephone Compa-        Dale (Judy) Anderson, of Ventura, and                                                        ers, Linda Marshall, of Mason City,         it and email it to [email protected],     going to the American Cancer Society.
ny, in Garner. She later was transferred  Carl Anderson, of Ventura; five grand-                                                       and Iola Maertens, of Toledo, Iowa;         fax to 515-725-8201 Attn: HIN Veri-      	 Buy daffodils for $10 a bunch at:
                                          children, John (Megan) Anderson and                                                          stepbrothers, Cody (Britney) Marzen         fication or mail to Iowa Department      Larson’s, Cabin Coffee, Lake Coffee
   Janice Taylor                          their three children, Kailyn, Nolan                                                          and Lee Marzen, both of Greene, Iowa;       of Natural Resources, Attn: HIN          and Ice Cream, Fareway, and Farmer’s
                                          and Jacob, Logan Anderson, Chelsea                                                           many aunts, uncles and cousins. Lau-        Verification, 502 East Ninth Street,     State Bank in Clear Lake and Ventura.
	 Janice (Jan) Taylor, 80, of Kensett,    (Trent) Maakestad, Ambre Anderson                                                            ren will be missed dearly by her family     Des Moines, Iowa 50319-0034. Boat
Iowa, passed away Saturday, March 5,      and Jessica (J.D.) Schroeder and their                                                       at Opportunity Village.                     owners will need to verify the HIN
2016, at Mercy Medical Center North       two children, Cheyanne and Ayden;                                                            	 Lauren was preceded in death by           prior to April 30, 2016, in order to
Iowa, in Mason City, Iowa.                and a sister, Barb Young, of Garner.                                                         her grandfathers, Bill Marshall and Bill    renew their boat registration.
	 Funeral services were held on           	 She was preceded in death by her                                                           Maertens.
Saturday, March 12, 2016, at Bethany      parents, Dale and Doris Young; her                                                           	 Hogan-Bremer-Moore Colonial               CONGREGATE MEALS
Lutheran Church, in Kensett, with         husband, Roy, June 1, 1995; her son,                                                         Chapel, Mason City, was in charge of
Pastor Tom Martin officiating, with       Bart in 1973; and sister, Janice Young                                                       arrangements.
burial afterwards at the Kensett Cem-     in 1993.
etery.                                    	 Cataldo Funeral Homes, Garner,          SCHOOL LUNCH MENUS                                                                             	 THURSDAY - Liver and onions or beef patty, mashed potatoes, mixed veg-
	 Jan was born June 15, 1935,             Iowa, was in charge of arrangements.                                                                                                     etables, oatmeal raisin bar, orange juice.
in Aberdeen, S.D., to Clifford and                                                                                                                                                 	 FRIDAY - Cook’s Choice.
Rosella (Lohman) Barber. Jan gradu-       Kensett. Chuck passed away March                        Clear Lake                           cup, green peas, bean and corn salad.       	 MONDAY - Turkey roast, potatoes with gravy, peas and carrots, pumpkin
ated from Central High School in          20, 1974, and Jan continued to run        	 THURSDAY - No School                             	 TUESDAY:   Breakfast:   Waffle            custard, tomato juice.
Aberdeen in 1953. Following gradu-        the business on her own, until 1977.      	 FRIDAY - No School                               sticks with syrup, fresh fruit, juice.      	 TUESDAY -   Crunchy baked fish, parsleyed potatoes, green beans, pine-
ation, Jan moved to Boston to be          She then worked for the Iowa State        	 MONDAY -   Breakfast: Waffles,                   Lunch: Tetrazzini, banana, fruit cup,       apple crunch, raspberry lemonade.
a nanny, returning to Aberdeen in         University Extension Office in Cerro      sausage link or cinnamon toast or yo-              carrots, tossed side salad, whole grain     	 WEDNESDAY - Lemon-herbed chicken, scalloped corn, tomatoes florentine,
1954. Later in 1954 she moved to          Gordo County until her retirement in      gurt cup. Lunch: Sloppy Joe on a bun,              bread stick.                                mandarin oranges.
Minneapolis where she met her hus-        1997. While working for the Exten-        baked beans, calico wedges, diced                  	 WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Egg                 	 Congregate meals are served at the Senior Centers in Clear Lake, 105 S. 4th
band, Charles (Chuck) Taylor. They        sion Office she was most proud of the     pears. Alt.: Sub-stacker, veggies with             biscuit, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: Chick-  St., at 11:40 a.m. and in Ventura, 4 N. Weimer St. at 11:45 a.m. Call 357-5443 in
married on Nov. 16, 1956. They lived      chick embryology program and the          dip.                                               en fajita with veggies and salsa, fruit     Clear Lake and 829-3517 in Ventura for reservations.
in Minneapolis until 1964 when they       Crime Prevention and Safety Puppet        	 TUESDAY - Breakfast: Scrambled                   cocktail, fruit cup, refried beans, Span-
moved to Kensett. To this marriage        program she started. She reached over     eggs, toast or cereal, cinnamon toast              ish rice.
three children were born, Scott David,    100,000 students with the puppet          or yogurt cup. Lunch: Soft shell taco,
Debra (Deb) Kay, and Brian Charles.       program alone. Also, while employed       Mexican rice, corn, banana. Alt.: Sub-
	 Jan worked at Deluxe Products,          at the Extension Office, she served as    stacker, romaine salad.
in Lake Mills, Iowa, from 1964 un-        the manager of the 4-H Food Stand,        	 WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Break-
til 1971, when they purchased a res-      and she coordinated the Hunter Safe-      fast Bites or cereal, cinnamon toast or
taurant and bar, Chuck and Jan’s, in      ty Education Program in Cerro Gordo       yogurt cup. Lunch: Popcorn chicken,
                                          County, and in 1985 she became a          buttery noodles, broccoli, apple slices,
                                          Chief Hunter Safety Instructor. Dur-      Jello cake. Alt.: Sub-stacker, fresh
                                          ing her time at the Extension Office      veggies with dip.
                                          she received many awards, including
                                          two Governor’s Awards.                         Garner-Hayfield-Ventura
                                          	 Jan is survived by two children,        	 THURSDAY - Breakfast: Break-
                                          Scott, from Kensett, and Deb and her      fast pizza, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch:
                                          husband, Larry Billings, from Clear       Chicken nuggets, pears, fruit cup,
                                          Lake, “her other kid” Lisa Crees,         honey and cinnamon sweet potatoes,
                                          of Mena, Ark.; her grandson, Blake        green beans, whole grain dinner roll.
                                          Billings, of Clear Lake; sister, Mari-    	 FRIDAY - Breakfast: Breakfast
                                          lyn Smith and her son, Wayne, of          wrap, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: Tuna
                                          Kensett; a brother, Curt Barber, of       and noodles, mandarin oranges, fruit
                                          Winter Park, Fla.; and a special sister-  cup, carrots, broccoli, graham crack-
                                          in-law, Alice Barber, of LaPorte City;    ers.
                                          sister-in-law, Anna Mae Taylor, of        	 MONDAY: Breakfast: Western
                                          Nora Springs, Iowa; and sister-in-law,    omelet quesadilla, fresh fruit, juice.
                                          Ardyce Gardner, of Manly, Iowa; and       Lunch: Meatbal sub, peaches, fruit
                                          many other nieces and nephews.
                                          	 She was preceded in death by her        vv THEATRE
                                          parents; her husband; her son, Brian,
                                          on Oct. 24, 2001; her grandson, Ryan               Risen
                                          Charles Billings, on April 23, 2000;
                                          brothers, Don Barber, and Eugene                         Wednesday & Thursday “PG-13”
                                          (Spud) and his wife, Char Barber;
                                          sister-in-law, Jenny Barber; sisters-in-  London Has Fallen
                                          law, Lola Hall and Alvina Ross; and             Friday & Saturday 7 p.m“.R”
                                          brother-in-law, Kenneth (Bud) Taylor.
                                          	 Conner Colonial Chapel, North-              Saturday & Sunday Matinee • 1:30 p.m.
                                          wood, Iowa, was in charge of arrange-
                                          ments.                                         Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. & Thurs., • 7 p.m.

                                                                                      Starring: Gerard Butler, Aaron Eckhart, Morgan
                                                                                      Freeman, Angela Bassett, Alon Moni Aboutboul,
                                                                                      Radha Mitchell, Charlotte Riley (1 hr. 39 min.)

                                                                                         Adults ~ $5 • 12 & Under ~ $4
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