Page 2 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 3-16-2016
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Local NewsPage 2 • March 16, 2016 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
MORE High turnover common for Iowa superintendents
Clear Lake
SUPERINTENDENT In conjunction with Sunshine Week, March 13-19, the Iowa Newspaper to consult for pay on the side. The review also showed many Iowa superintendents
from page 1 Association is providing the below story to newspapers courtesy of the Cedar Rap- are splitting their time between two districts or have additional roles, such as
ids Gazette. The Gazette requested the superintendents’ employment contracts, principal, special education director or transportation director. The review found
hire date and list of perks not included in the contract from Iowa’s 336 school nearly half of Iowa’s superintendents have been in their position for fewer than
Mirror-Reporter establish building and district goals. districts. More than 90 percent of the districts responded to the open records re- five years and, for 12 percent, this is their first year on the job. The enclosed report
CALENDAR Once we do that we will continually quest. Analysis of these records showed a median salary of $135,000, four weeks includes information from 271 superintendents overseeing 314 districts, which is
talk about these goals with the board, median vacation and a variety of benefits that include allowing superintendents 93.5 percent of the total 336 districts in the state for 2015-16.
from page 1 staff and out in the community. An- by Erin Jordan median for 2015-16 being about Samuel Abrams, director of the Na- Little schools and bigger schools
other immediate goal will be to pro- tional Center for the Study of Priva- alike are cashing in as new money
mote the really great things going on of the Cedar Rapids Gazette $135,000. tization in Education at Columbia doesn’t come close to covering the
Friday at our schools currently.” As with CEOs, school super- The lowest full-time salary is University, told The Gazette last fall. increased cost of doing business, said
School Board President Chyrl intendents manage multimillion- $28,500 for Steve Lane, superinten- The superintendents are mak- Fred Whipple, the part-time super-
Legislative update Bergvig said Gee was a unanimous dollar budgets, work long hours, an- dent for CAL, a 261-student district ing money from counseling other intendent for the 468-student Waco
choice for superintendent by each of swer to boards and employ hundreds in north central Iowa. Lane, retired school districts about getting scores school district in southeast Iowa.
The Clear Lake Area Chamber the groups he met with, including to thousands of people. But unlike in 2012, must be paid less than up. They’re consequently that much The Waco school board is talking
of Commerce will host a a Legisla- the administrative team, community top corporate officers, school district $30,000 because he’s collecting his less likely to criticize an accountabil- with three other districts about shar-
tive Forum from 10-11 a.m. Friday, members, students and staff. leaders make decisions in public, are education pension. ity system that should be criticized. ing a superintendent next year. The
March 18, in the Clear Lake Bank “We are excited to welcome Doug blamed for everything from snow The highest superintendent sal- About one-third of the Iowa dis- law requires each sharing district
& Trust Community Room. Elected Gee. He has a strong financial back- days to lackluster lunches, and most ary in Iowa is $279,864 for Thomas tricts that submitted superintendent have at least 20 percent of the full-
state officials from North Iowa will be ground, curriculum knowledge, is don’t get the lavish pay and perks Ahart, who leads the Des Moines contracts permit superintendents to time contact hours for the positions.
on hand to provide an update on is- enthusiastic and a self-starter,” said awarded company executives. school district, with 32,580 stu- do consulting, writing, teaching or Whipple, 66, had led four
sues and answer questions. Bergvig. “You’re a public servant,” said dents. other outside work. Most of those school districts before coming to
Prior to becoming a shared su- Robert Olson, who has been super- One in five Iowa superinten- districts allow outside work “on the Waco as an interim appointment to
Mom & Me perintendent for the Woodbine and intendent 27 years at Clarion-Gold- dents who submitted contracts re- clock” as long as it doesn’t interfere work two days a week.
Boyer Valley School Districts in 2015, field-Dows, a central Iowa district ceive payments into a retirement with superintendent duties. “I’m able to meet expectations,
Celebrate spring at the Clear Lake Gee was the superintendent and 6-12 of about 950 students. Olson, 61, fund. Waukee Superintendent Da- The Waterloo school district, but your ability to inspect what
Arts Center with a special “Mom and principal for Boyer Valley for two has served his school district longer vid Wilkerson, whose suburban with 10,936 students, limits Super- you’ve expected is not there any-
Me” jewelry class on Friday, March years. From 2008 to 2014 he was as- than any other Iowa superintendent, Des Moines district has 9,448 stu- intendent Jane Lindaman to five more,” Whipple said. ”You transfer a
18, from 1-3 p.m. Art Instructor sistant principal (9-12) and activities according to a Gazette analysis of dents, receives the largest payment at days of consulting a year. Pella, with lot of pressure and accountability to
Wendy Kuhl will teach participants director for the Adel-Desoto-Minburn superintendent contracts and data $50,000 a year into an annuity and 2,140 students, requires Superinten- building principals.”
how to design and make their own Community School District. His ex- from 314 Iowa school districts. $5,000 into 457(b) retirement plan. dent Greg Ebeling to use vacation Clear Lake and Mason City
felted bead bracelets. Participants will perience also includes 16 years as a Nearly half of Iowa’s district The bulk of Iowa districts pro- days for consulting and, even then, agreed in January to stop sharing Su-
then have an opportunity to wear math and physical education teacher leaders have been in their positions vide a car for their superintendent he can use only five days. perintendent Anita Micich, the As-
their newly created, one-of-a-kind and coach of several sports. He re- five years or less and, for 12 percent or pay mileage. One-third of Iowa sociated Press reported. Clear Lake’s
bracelets to the tea party that follows. ceived his Bachelor’s degree from the of Iowa superintendents, this is their school districts are paying for super- Superintendents spread thin board decided to hire its own leader
This special event is for all ages, moth- University of Northern Iowa, Master’s first year on the job. This churn intendents’ cellphones. Iowa superintendents are in- focused solely on the 1,222-student
ers and daughters, grandmothers and Degree from Drake and Superinten- reflects, to some degree, the large The median vacation for Iowa creasingly being asked to take on ad- district, despite estimated cost sav-
granddaughters, neighbors and special dent License from Iowa State Uni- number of baby boomers retiring. superintendents is 20 days, which ditional roles, such as principal, spe- ings of $800,000 over five years of
friends. Workshop fee is $25 per cou- versity. He and his wife, Nancy, have But lower-than-expected state ap- is higher than the national average cial education coordinator or human sharing.
ple, which includes all supplies and grown children. propriations have accelerated turn- of 16 days for all jobs. But, judging resources director. About 15 percent
tea party event. Class size is limited; Gee likened his leadership style to over as district leaders struggle to by many superintendent contracts of Iowa’s superintendents lead more Few women in
to register call 641-357-1998, email that of a coach, or leader by example. economize without harming student allowing leaders to redeem some than one school district to save mon- upper management
[email protected] or stop by the Clear “I want to help build a strong learning, said Roark Horn, executive unused vacation for cash, education ey. Micich is one of nearly 40 fe-
Lake Arts Center at 17 S. 4th St. team among our administrators and director for the School Administra- leaders aren’t using much of their When Lynnville-Sully, with male superintendents who submit-
staff. We will work together to find tors of Iowa, which represents more time off. 434 students, decided in February ted contracts for this story, which is
Arty Party each others strengths and utilize every than 2,000 Iowa superintendents, Superintendent contracts also 2015 to eliminate the position of about 15 percent of the total. Three-
ones strengths,” he said. “I work to principals and other administrators. revealed some unique benefits, such high school principal, Superinten- quarters of teachers nationally are
Join Sally Rasmussen at the Clear build trust in people by building re- “People who take on this re- as a $1,500 tuition reimbursement dent Shane Ehresman was asked to women, but relatively few seek up-
Lake Arts Center for an evening of lationships. I get to know people and sponsibility really want to help oth- for Missouri Valley Superintendent take over those duties with no addi- per management.
fun, friends, and artistic expression they get to know me as a person. Ev- ers, but they soon realize there are Dierdre Drees, a golf club member- tional pay. “It’s time-intensive and educa-
on Friday, March 18, at 6:30 p.m. erything in leadership rises and falls limits to what you can do,” Horn ship for Roland-Story’s Matthew “The school board has been tion-intensive work,” said Micich,
Rasmussen will teach simple technics on relationships and trust.” said. Patton, free school lunches while having ongoing discussions since 68, who started her career teaching
and guide Arty Party participants in Gee added that he has high ex- More than 90 percent of Iowa’s Kingsley-Pierson Superintendent the state Legislature continues to music and special education. Af-
creating a 16 x 20-inch masterpiece. pectations for himself and the staff. 336 school districts responded to an Scott Bailey is on duty and rent-free provide inadequate supplemental ter her son was grown, she went to
While you paint, Rasmussen will “I believe that you communicate Open Records request from The Ga- living in a district-owned house for state aid,” said Ehresman, who is Vanderbilt University in Nashville to
add a little bit about the artists who those expectations clearly to people zette seeking their superintendent’s South Hamilton Superintendent paid $123,469 and has been with get her Ph.D.
inspired the painting - in this case and then hold them accountable to employment contract, hire date and Kenneth Howard. Lynnville-Sully since 2010. “I thought maybe I would be a
Georgia O’Keeffe and Edgar Degas. those expectations. I like to challenge list of perks not included in the con- Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad ve- principal,” she said. “I never thought
Soft drinks, light snacks and Cash Bar people to get better everyday and we tract. This story and the data col- Consulting allowed toed $55.7 million in additional I would be a superintendent.”
(beer and wine) available. Call 641- will strive to make Clear Lake the best lected is being offered to newspapers by most districts funding for K-12 schools last year. Micich found she loves envi-
357-1998 to register. All materials, school district in the state.” around the state as part of Sunshine School officials in Iowa and An Iowa law expanded in 2014 sioning the future for her school dis-
including paint smocks, are included Gee said he believes the Clear Week, a national initiative to pro- across the country are moonlighting provides districts the per-pupil tricts and helping principals grow in
in the $35 price ($32 for Arts Center Lake School District is progressive mote open government and freedom for educational companies, universi- funding equivalent of eight stu- their skills.
members). and innovative, based upon its com- of information. ties and professional organizations. dents (about $52,000) if they share “It’s difficult times,” she said.
mitment to technology at all levels. These opportunities can help ad- a superintendent. There are lesser ”There’s a sense of, ‘Who needs a su-
Lime Creek trails “The elementary is doing great Superintendent salaries, ministrators refresh their skills -- but savings for sharing other adminis- perintendent?’ But I would encour-
closed to horse, things with (PBIS) and their “Every- perks they also can lead to potential con- trators, adding up to a maximum age women interested in becoming
bicycle traffic thing is Awesome,” along with doing Superintendent salaries in Iowa flicts of interest. credit equal to 21 students, or about a superintendent to consider it. It’s
projects that keep them on the cutting range widely depending on the It’s not just about the extra $136,500. very fulfilling.”
With cross country skiing and edge. I really like what the middle size of the school district, with the money you’re making on the side,”
snow biking seasons completed at school is doing with their Project Memory Care
Move In Special
Ventura offers software forLime Creek Conservation Area, Based Learning (PBL). Things like
Cerro Gordo County Conservation upcycling furniture, Shark Tank, Move into your new apartment by
March 31st and receive your first six
homeowners to monitor water usereminds users that all trails at Lime working with the area businesses on month’s rent for only $4,000 per month
Creek Conservation Area are closed to media and marketing and their mak- The City of Ventura is now of- tended periods or snowbirds that are
horse and bicycle traffic. The LCCA erspace projects. I also like the great fering water customers access to new gone during the winter. It is very easy ($7,000 - $10,000 value)
trails are still open to foot traffic. variety of high school classes offered, software called EyeOnWater. EyeOn- to set-up on a personal computer or
The recent moisture and freeze/ like Personal Law, Entrepreneurship, Water is consumer engaged software smartphone device, putting consumer
thaw conditions have made for poor Creating a Company, Automotive that goes beyond traditional billing data in the utility customers’ hands.
trail conditions. Horse or bicycle I and II, Building Trades and many statements to connect utility water us- To sign up, Ventura residents
use during this time will cause con- more. This is looking for ways to find age and their customers. The software will need the Beacon account num-
siderable damage to the trails and classes that students can get excited enables utility customers to access and ber associated with their address. Call
make them difficult for others to use about,” said Gee. “Clear Lake has view their usage profile through easy- 641-829-3860 or stop by the Ventura
throughout the season. When condi- great fine arts and athletic programs to-understand consumption graphs City Hall for the Beacon number. In-
tions improve to allow horse and bi- and participation. It is the perfect size and provides a simple method to es- structions are also available on the city
cycle traffic, an additional press release district. It is big enough to offer plen- tablish alerts. website ( There is
will be posted. For more information ty of opportunities for students, but City leaders feel the software is a no fee for this added service.
and trail condition updates, contact small enough to get to know students, perfect tool for those that travel for ex-
the Cerro Gordo County Conserva- parents and people in the community.
tion office at 641-423-5309, visit the I am looking for a community that I Townhouses by
web site at can get involved in and work together
or stop at the Lime Creek Nature with. Clear Lake seems like the per- Meints Construction
Center Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. to fect fit for my wife and I.”
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