Page 16 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 3-16-2016
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CLEAR LAKE Shop your neighborhood Fareway meat NewsPage 16 • March 16, 2016 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
STORE departments known for the last 76 years for
selling only the finest USDA choice beef, farm NEWS OF RECORD
Prices Effective Through fresh poultry, all natural pork, cut fresh daily
Monday, March 21, 2016. COLLISIONS: Clear Lake, was cited for driving while of 1st Ave. S. for a medical call.
We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities. in our full service meat departments. March 5, William Yohn, Clear suspended. March 5, at 1: 40 p.m. CLFD
Monday - Saturday • 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Lake, backed into a vehicle that was March 5, Janice A. Anderson, medics were called to the 1100 block
LOTTERY NOW AVAILABLE! driven by Kelli Enabnit, of Clear Clear Lake, was cited for speeding. of 7th St. W. for a medical call.
Grocery 357-5773 • Meat 357-5769 We accept the following major credit cards: Lake, in the Thrifty White parking March 5, Annette L. Boehlje, March 6, at 7:03 p.m. CLFD
lot. Mason City, was cited for speeding. medics were called to the 00 block of
©201162FFaraerweawy aStyorSest,oIrnecs., Inc. March 5, Kristine Olson, Clear March 5, Sylvia J. Orozco, Clear N. 4th St. for a medical call.
Lake, backed into a vehicle owned by Lake, was cited for no seatbelt. March 6, at 11:24 p.m. CLFD
Fareway’s Own Linda Johnson, of Mason City, in the March 5, Lynn J. Swenson, of medics were called to the 1300 block
Village General Store parking lot. Minnesota, was cited for speeding. of 2nd Ave. N.E. for a medical call.
Original March 7, Dean Gerzema, of Buf- March 5, Nicholas A. Reich, of March 8, at 8:01 a.m. CLFD
Bratwurst falo Center, Iowa hit into a vehicle Fertile, Iowa was cited for speeding. medics were called to the 100 block of
driven by Ben Bergman, of Clear March 7, Audrey J. Haag, Clear N. 20th St. for a medical call.
1$ 99 Lake, in the McDonald’s parking lot. Lake, was arrested on a warrant. March 8, at 8:18 a.m. CLFD fire
Lb. March 10, Jordan Banks, Clear March 8, Cody R. Winters, of fighters were called to the 1500 block
Lake, reported hitting a deer on 27th Nashua, Iowa was cited for speeding. of N. 24th St. for a medical call.
85% Lean, 15% Fat Fresh Ave. S. March 8, Charles R. Albright, of March 8, at 9:17 a.m. CLFD
THEFT/VANDALISM: Thornton, Iowa was cited for speed- fire fighters and medics were called
Ground March 4, David Klang, Clear ing. to the 200 block of N. 4th St. for an
Beef Patties Lake, reported a theft. March 8, Gavin A. Duckert, of automatic alarm call.
March 6, Kum & Go, Clear Mason City, was cited for speeding. March 8, at 9:38 a.m. CLFD
2/ 4$ Lake, reported a theft. March 8, Erica L. Pischel, of Ma- medics were called to the 1400 block
6 Oz. March 9, Loriann Jost, Clear son City, was cited for speeding. of 6th Ave. S. for a medical call.
Lake, reported a burglary. March 8, Jonathan W. Hanig, of March 8, at 2:22 p.m. CLFD
PBoorkneLleosisnAll Natural Whole Cut & CITATIONS/ARRESTS: Mason City, was cited for speeding. medics were called to the 400 block of
WForarpFpreede March 4, Katie L. Kirchhoff, March 8, Greg A. Gosnell, of 27th Ave. S. for a medical call.
Clear Lake, was cited for no registra- Mason City, was cited for speeding. March 8, at 5:56 p.m. CLFD fire
tion. March 8, Alex C. Kreimeyer, of fighters were called to the 17000 block
March 4, Melissa L. Voigts, Clear Aplington, Iowa was cited for speed- of Kingbird Ave. for a medical call.
Lake, was cited for speeding. ing. March 8, at 10:13 p.m. CLFD
March 4, Terry D. Williams, Ma- March 8, Douglas C. Dushan, of medics were called to the 300 block of
son City, was cited for a stop light vio- Nebraska, was cited for speeding. N. 4th St. for a medical call.
lation. March 8, Nichole M. Graziano, March 9, at 7:45 a.m. CLFD
March 4, Stacey E. Strilchuk, of Des Moines, Iowa was cited for medics were called to the 300 block of
Mason City, was cited for speeding. speeding. N. 8th St. for a medical call.
March 4, Joshua P. Wellik, of March 8, Beth A. Benesh, Clear March 9, at 7:04 p.m. CLFD
Garner, was cited for speeding. Lake, was cited for speeding. medics were called to the 200 block of
March 4, Tyrell D. Walker, of March 9, Kyle D. Fitzpatrick, of Main Ave. for a medical call.
Nora Springs, Iowa was cited for Mason City, was charged with posses- March 10, at 9:46 a.m. CLFD
speeding. sion of marijuana with intent to de- medics were called to the 1000 block
March 4, Mark D. Bang, Clear liver, paraphernalia and outstanding of 6th Ave. S. for a medical call.
Lake, was cited for speeding. warrant. March 10, at 5 p.m. CLFD medics
March 4, Belinda L. Cowell, Ma- March 9, John R. Curtin, of were called to the 17000 block of
son City, was arrested for insurance, Georgia, was cited for speeding. Kingbird Ave. for a medical call.
failure to secure a child, child endan- March 9, Steven A. Dethlefs, March 10, at 7:35 p.m. CLFD
germent, speeding and OWI. Clear Lake, was arrested for harass- fire fighters and medics were called to
March 4, Joshua J. Pappas, Clear ment. the 1900 block of Main Ave. for a CO
Lake, was arrested for OWI. March 10, Jordan B. Banks, check.
March 5, Brittnie N. Roggeman, Clear Lake, was cited for driving while
1$ 99 Mason City, was arrested for public suspended. Woman charged
Lb. intoxication. FIRE/AMBULANCE CALLS: with OWI traveling
March 5, Scott R. Krecl, Clear March 4, at 9:39 a.m. CLFD 100 mph with
Lake, was cited for speeding. fire fighters and medics were called to children in car
March 5, Gale M. Simpson, of the 2700 block of N. Shore Dr. for a
Lake, Mills, Iowa was cited for speed- sprinkler system. A Clear
ing. March 4, at 10:41 a.m. CLFD Lake police
March 5, Lindsay R. Karsjens, medics were called to the 2300 block officer pulled
Fresh Clear Lake, was cited for no seatbelt. of Willow Creek Ct. for a medical call. over a Mason
Fresh March 5, Melissa A. Schenker, March 4, at 3:18 p.m. CLFD City woman
Strawberries Red or Green medics were called to the 1300 block driving al-
Grapes most 100
1$ 99 mph. while
16 Oz. $199 Per Pound Retirement Tom Alexander drunk with
Plans Financial Consultant COWELL
Jacks Chunk or Shredded two children in the car March 4. Be-
Securities America linda Cowell, 34, of Mason City, was
Original Fareway Member FINRA/SIPC charged with child endangerment,
Pizza Cheese second-offense OWI, speeding, failure
1$ 99 3/ 4$ 888-357-7106
12” 8 Oz. Located at Clear Lake Bank & Trust to secure a child, and driving under
322 Main Ave • PO Box 8, Clear Lake suspension.
Cowell was stopped at about 8
[email protected] p.m. on State Highway 122 just west
Not FDIC/NCUA Insured. May Lose Value. No Bank Guarantee of 56th Street near the Mason City
Not a Deposit. Not insured by any Federal Government Agency. Municipal Airport. She was clocked
at 97 mph.
Securities offered through Securities America Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC, Tom Alexander, Representative. Cowell had two passengers in
Investment Center and the Securities America Companies are unaffiliated. the vehicle, a 16-year-old and a four-
year-old. The younger child was not
secured in a car seat.
Cowell was taken to the Cer-
ro Gordo County Jail and held on
$4,000 bond.
Crystal Limit 2 Fareway Arrest made in
Sugar 4 Lb. Bag burglary case
Angel Food
$168 Cake Mix A Mason City man has been ar-
rested in connection with a summer
Campbell’s $199 16 Oz. Box theft in Clear Lake.
Stephen Louis Bartling, 31, is
Cream of Fareway charged with third degree burglary.
Mushroom or Bartling is accused of entering a stor-
Chicken Soup Hamburger or age shed at 1720 Highway 18 West
Hot Dog and taking property that did not be-
Buns long to him. The alleged crime oc-
curred on July 14, 2015.
99¢Excludes Wheat Bartling was booked into the
8 Ct. Cerro Gordo County Jail on $5,000
3/ 210.5 Oz.$ Products Clear Lake! Happy 50th Birthday
5/$10 Joe Barlow
Coor Light or 6 Pack, 1/2 Liter Bttls. • + Tax & Dep. “The Jack” race would like to thank the Love ~ Dad, Mom & Rose
Miller Lite Beer City of Clear Lake, the D.N.R., all of our
sponsors/volunteers, and the area snowmobile
$1799 clubs for making the 7th annual “The Jack”
24 Pack Cans • + Tax & Dep.
race a success.
See you in 2017!