Page 11 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 3-16-2016
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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter 															                                                                                                                     March 16, 2016 • Page 11

                                                                                                                               March 21-15 proclaimed as
                                                                                                                               Severe Weather Awareness Week

                                                                                                                               Daily subjects suggested for storm preparation

A pair of mature gobblers square off. -Photo by Lowell Washburn.                                                               	 Governor Terry E. Branstad has          nesses, state and local governments      	 There are three simple steps you
                                                                                                                               proclaimed March 21-25, 2016, as          and individuals are strongly encour-     can take:
                                                                                                                               Severe Weather Awareness Week. The        aged to participate in the drill. Addi-  	 •Build a kit. Your emergency
                                                                                                                               Iowa Department of Homeland Se-           tional information about the tornado     supply kit should have everything you
                                                                                                                               curity and Emergency Management           drill can be found on local NWS web-     need to sustain you and your family
                                                                                                                               (HSEMD) and the National Weather          sites.                                   for three to five days.
                                                                                                                               Service (NWS) have again joined           	 “Severe Weather Awareness Week         	 •Make a plan. Knowing what to
                                                                                                                               together to promote severe weather        is the perfect time to practice our      do in the event of an emergency is key.
                                                                                                                               awareness and family preparedness.        emergency plans and review the items     Make sure everyone in your family
                                                                                                                               	 For each day during Severe              in our emergency supply kits,” said      knows what to do.
                                                                                                                               Weather Awareness Week, a different       Stefanie Bond, public information of-    	 •Be Aware. Learn about the haz-
                                                                                                                               subject will be featured:                 ficer for HSEMD. “Make sure your         ards that can affect your community,
                                                                                                                               •Monday – Severe Thunderstorms            medications, batteries, food, and wa-    and learn how to obtain information
                                                                                                                               •Tuesday – Weather warnings               ter are all up to date. And, every mem-  about current weather and road con-
                                                                                                                               •Wednesday – Tornadoes (10-11 a.m.        ber of your family should know what      ditions. Visit the website to find out
                                                                                                                               Tornado drill 10:15 a.m.)                 to do if severe weather strikes – no     more about specific hazards that affect
                                                                                                                               •Thursday – Family Preparedness           matter where you are when it does.”      Iowa.
                                                                                                                               •Friday – Flash Flooding
Pre-season scouting leads                                                                                                      	 The annual tornado drill will take      Artists invited to submit entries
to turkey hunting success                                                                                                      place on Wednesday, March 23, at
                                                                                                                               approximately 10 a.m.  Schools, busi-     for regional show in Clear Lake

by Lowell Washburn                         educate birds, they say, resulting in     clude in-your-face gobbling, nonstop      Registration                              	 Artists from a nine-county area        [email protected] or mail to me
	 Iowa’s youth turkey hunting sea-         spooky, call shy toms that will lead to   strutting, and if you’re extremely for-   open for Autism                           are invited to submit entries for the    at 717 N. 16th Court, Clear Lake,
son begins April 9. The regular spring     reduced success when hunting seasons      tunate, a good old fashioned Gobbler      Advocacy Walk                             2016 Iowa Artists regional show to be    Iowa 50428. You must be a member
seasons commence April 18. For lo-         finally open for real. Often repeated     Smack Down. Those who have en-                                                      held in Clear Lake Saturday, April 2.    of Iowa Artists to enter, but we will
cal turkey hunting enthusiasts, the        and widely accepted, the theory has       joyed a ring side seat know that few      	 Residents throughout North              	 Scheduled from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.        accept dues for new members at the
seasons can’t come a minute too soon.      been around since Iowa turkey seasons     wildlife dramas are more breath taking    Iowa are invited to join radio person-    at the Clear Lake Arts Center, 17 S.     show.”
Most hunters are already pacing the        first began more than 30 years ago.       than when a couple of long bearded,       ality J. Brooks of 98.7 KISS Country      4th Street, this one-day show involves   	 Acceptable works must be origi-
floor in anticipation of what to expect    	 I’ll admit that the theory does         needle-spurred heavyweights vie for       and the Opportunity Village Chil-         two and three dimensional art, which     nal, stemming from the artist’s own
when they finally take to their favorite   sound logical. In reality, it’s far from  dominance.                                dren’s Autism Center to celebrate au-     will be judged and critiqued, with       experience and executed within the
woodland in search of the elusive gob-     the truth. As long as hunters adopt       	 In addition to the entertainment        tism advocacy at the third annual J.      first, second, third and honorable       last two years,” she stated. “”Photos,
bler. Chronic outbreaks of Gobbler         a stealthy common sense approach,         value, preseason forays also have a       Brooks Walk-A-Block fundraiser on         mention ribbons awarded. Artworks        computer art slides, videos and work
Fever are further intensified by this      preseason excursions with call, bin-      practical side. They offer a chance to    April 2.                                  receiving blue ribbons are then quali-   done in classes or workshops are not
year’s abnormally early snow melt.         oculars, or camera can result in some     explore new territories or to become      	 This year’s walk will be held from      fied for entry into the state competi-   eligible. Ready-to-hang paintings,
	 I’m plenty anxious myself. But           of your most productive hours afield.     reacquainted with familiar timbers.       9-11 a.m. at City Park in Clear Lake.     tion in May.                             drawings, works in pastel, pencil, ink
regardless of what this year’s hunts       	 Upon closer scrutiny, the idea          They also provide spring turkey en-       In honor of Autism Awareness Month,       	 Artists over age 18 from the fol-      or charcoal, and triptychs are accept-
may bring, I’ve already had an exciting    that the gobbler who hears your call,     thusiasts with unparalleled opportu-      participants will join other friends and  lowing counties are eligible to enter:   ed, as well as jewelry, ceramics, sculp-
season. During the past several days       comes looking, and then doesn’t find      nities to look, listen and learn as wild  supporters to walk a block around the     Cerro Gordo, Franklin, Hancock,          tures, fiber and textile works.”
I’ve been exploring familiar timbers,      a real hen will not respond to the same   turkeys communicate and interact          park. Registration starts at 9 a.m. and   Humboldt, Kossuth, Pocahontas,           	 Maximum dimensions are four
blasting away on turkey calls, and gen-    sound another day is just plain ridicu-   within a completely natural setting.      the walk starts at 10 a.m.  A balloon     Winnebago, Worth and Wright.             feet in either direction. Each entrant
erally having an all around good time      lous. Wild turkeys are highly social,     If you really want to know what tur-      release from the Clear Lake Sea Wall      	 Iowa is divided into 12 such re-       may enter a total of three works.
with preseason gobblers. As always,        highly vocal, and extremely mobile.       key calling is supposed to sound like,    will follow the walk. From 9-10 a.m.,     gions, and persons may enter only in     	 “Iowa Artists, a non-profit group
the boisterous crack-of-dawn turkey        In the real woods, games of hide and      nothing tops the instruction of live      a resource reception will take place in   the region where they live.              organized in 1970, includes varied
shows have been nothing short of           seek play out on a near continual ba-     hens. It’s an education that can’t be     the Lakeview Room directly behind         	 “Artists wishing to submit works       media. This is an advantage because
spectacular and I’ve had opportunities     sis. When such scenarios do occur         matched – even by the pros. Arming        the City Park Bandshell.  Area autism     should pre-register by March 26,”        artists come together with various
to watch and photograph adult gob-         and a roving gobbler doesn’t actually     yourself with knowledge obtained          supports and services will be present     explained Delores (Dee) Frederick,”      forms of art and receive exposure to
blers as well as some jakes and hens.      see every hen he hears, that tom will     directly from the wild bird itself can    to visit and answer questions.            event co-chair. “Register with me at     and inspiration and encouragement
As is usually the case, I’ve had the pre-  not automatically become a hermit.        only serve to increase, not decrease,     	 All proceeds from the walk go           641-357-8076, or by email at dng.        from others,” stated Frederick.
season woodlands all to myself --- just    Think about it.                           your probability for future success.      toward services provided by Opportu-
me, the birds and an occasional rac-       	 In reality, hunters have plenty         	 My advice? Quit listening to the        nity Village Children’s Autism Center
coon.                                      of incentive for getting into the tim-    pros – at least on this point. Instead,   to local families of children with au-
	 It’s unfortunate that so many            ber well in advance of legal hunting      get into the woodlands and enjoy          tism.
spring turkey hunters are entirely         seasons. Generally speaking, spring       some preseason fun for yourself. Bet-     	 Individuals wishing to partici-
missing out on the preseason fun. I        mornings are crisp and invigorat-         ter hurry though. Opening day will        pate should register at www.jbrook-
blame the pros. For years now, turkey      ing. As daylight hours continue to        be here before you know it.      Early registration
hunting professionals have been using      lengthen, the predawn gobbling be-                                                  will take place through 9 a.m. March
seminars, magazine articles, and other     comes as loud and raucous as it gets.     Enjoy more wildlife tales online at       21. Cost is $15 for adults and $5 for
communication mediums to preach            When sunrise approaches and birds         Washburn’s Outdoor Journal at             children 12 and under. After 9 a.m.
the evils of preseason calling. Engag-     finally hit the ground, they rarely fail                       March 21, registration cost for adults
ing in such activities will needlessly     to provide dramatic displays that in-                                               is $20. Participants can register at the

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