Page 5 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 10-28-2015
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Local NewsOct. 28, 2015 									                                                                                                                               Page 5

al                                     Take a closer look at City Council candidates

        Clear Lake                     MARK EBELING                            special education teacher at Clear      self. The City (as well as the State    	 Affordable housing is a prob-         and issues related to maintaining a
      0900                             from page 1                             Creek.                                  of Iowa) must maintain the great        lem and challenge not only for those    healthy lake. Another significant
                                                                               Why have you decided to seek elec-      improvements we have made and           who live in Clear Lake, but for the     challenge is how retirement friendly
      Clear Lake                       of Commerce, following my sec-          tion? Is there a specific issue which   needs to remain committed to the        young families that want to return      will Clear Lake be and what can we
    0-606-3552                         ond term as President. During my        interests you?                          Lake’s long-term well being.            to their hometown to raise their        as a community do to attract and
                                       tenure, I dealt with the impending      	 I chose to seek election because      	 Part of our quality of life is the    families. Many other communities        keep more young people here or to
       Clear Lake                      closure of the All Vets golf course as  I want to take an active role in the    quality of our infrastructure proj-     face similar circumstances, so we       come (or return) to Clear Lake to
       757                             well as the resignation of the Cham-    public process and enhance the          ects, to include the roads, local wa-   will have the benefit of learning how   work, live and play. We have way
                                       ber’s Executive Director. I served as   quality of life and direction of Clear  ter supply and sewer systems. We        other towns face this challenge and     too much to offer to not be consid-
      , Clear Lake                     Co-Chairperson for the Ignite Clear     Lake for all our families. 	            must maintain and constantly pro-       improve on how they tackled the         ered a great place to retire or raise a
      88                               Lake fireworks endowment cam-           	 As a member of the business           vide the best services that we can.     problem.                                family and continue a career track.
                                       paign in which we have raised over      community and a business owner, I       The City has successfully helped to     	 Safe neighborhoods and schools        Additional comments:
       Lake • 357-8118                 $1,000,000 to ensure that the fire-     am particularly interested in main-     recruit a major employer which          are a priority for any family and       	 I entered the race for City
                                       works will go on in perpetuity. I am    taining fiscal responsibility, expand-  is expected to bring several new        must be for Clear Lake. Support for     Council to have the chance to serve
      Shops                            also a board member and Past Presi-     ing plentiful job opportunities, and    families to Clear Lake. Do you          our police force and our volunteer      the citizens and to work towards
                                       dent for the Association for the Pres-  nurturing a growing small business      feel the city has enough available      firefighters are paramount. Encour-     the type of community in which
       ore                             ervation of Clear Lake. When I was      base. Attracting a large business like  housing? What can the City do to        aging partnerships and fostering re-    my children and grandchildren can
       A Whole Lot More!               my children’s age, the lake looked      McKesson to Clear Lake was no           help families choose to make Clear      lationships with schools and other      thrive and prosper. I have seen how
      0 Hwy. 18 W.                     entirely different than the one they    small feat and clearly demonstrates     Lake their home?                        community entities must be pur-         working together and bringing con-
      Clear Lake                       now enjoy. Our efforts, along with      that Clear Lake is a hospitable com-    	 There certainly is market de-         sued if we are to achieve the desired   sensus to key issues can bring own-
                                       our many partners, have improved        munity to do business. Small busi-      mand for homes in Clear Lake.           results.                                ership to solutions and solve knotty
    1) 357-7117                        the water quality for all that use the  ness is and always has been a driving   This is evident in the cost of hous-    	 Equally important, as Clear           problems. In short, I want to do my
                                       lake and those that depend on it to     force and cannot be overlooked.         ing which doesn’t seem to go down.      Lake continues to grow, the sense of    part to bring out the very best in
    s                                  make a living. I am proud to have       The City has tackled a number of        This has spurred some new home          community cannot be lost.               Clear Lake in every way that I can.
                                       been a part of this truly important     infrastructure projects in recent       developments and housing options        Please identify the biggest chal-       I ask for your vote and support and
     ., Clear Lake                     achievement.                            years. What projects do you see as      to fill this need. Keeping property     lenge you see facing the City of        would be honored to serve as your
     17                                	 My wife Kristin and I have been       the next priority for the City?         tax rates low is a major priority. To   Clear Lake in the short term (1-2       Ward 1 City Council representative.
                                       married for ten and a half years. We    	 Though this is not a specific         be able to do this the City has to      years) and long term (10-20 years):     Thank you for your consideration of
                 •High Speed Internet  have two daughters, Elleanor, 8, and    project, I feel that the biggest pri-   make the smartest possible decisions    	 I think both short-term and           my candidacy.
                 •Phone                Georgia, 5. Kristin is an elementary    ority for Clear Lake is the lake it-    on how our tax dollars are spent.       long-term challenges are housing
                 •Digital Cable TV
                 •Business Solutions   RICH OEHLERT                            to another ward. This is a perfect      future of Clear Lake. This will take    four seasons. What a job they do!       ties in immaculate condition. Why
                 •Wireless             from page 1                             opportunity to represent our friends    time and money! As far as I can see,    And because of our police depart-       wouldn’t you want to live in Clear
                 •Home Security                                                and neighbors. Being in the hous-       the city is financially stable.         ment, we are basically crime free.      Lake? It is a beautiful city.
                                       portation Co., Billings, Mont.,         ing rental business, I receive four to  The City has successfully helped to     I have personally worked with the       Please identify the biggest chal-
      eet • 357-2111                   Gulf-Tex Oil Co., Houston, Texas.       10 calls a week from people looking     recruit a major employer which          police department; they are a dedi-     lenge you see facing the City of                     	 We have been living in Clear          for housing in Clear Lake. With all     is expected to bring several new        cated group of professionals who        Clear Lake in the short term (1-2
                                       Lake the last 30 years, where Cherie    the new business coming to town,        families to Clear Lake. Do you          know how to do their jobs. The          years) and long term (10-20 years):
   mation                              retired from Opportunity Village.       housing will be a priority.             feel the city has enough available      city crews keep our streets and parks   	 I think Clear Lake is in its in-
   ertising                            Why have you decided to seek elec-      The City has tackled a number of        housing? What can the City do to        clean, water flowing to our homes.      fancy. The biggest challenges short
    ge call                            tion? Is there a specific issue which   infrastructure projects in recent       help families choose to make Clear      I’ve seen crews in our neighborhood     and long term will be housing and
    the:                               interests you?                          years. What projects do you see as      Lake their home?                        at midnight fixing a broken water       having enough people to fill jobs
                                       	 Our family has been living in         the next priority for the City?         	 All we have to do is have hous-       main, working through their shifts      that will be created. If we all work
    131 or                             Ward One, or Sherwood Hills since       	 I’ve only been to a handful of        ing available. Everyone wants to live   moving snow during blizzards. Not       together we can “keep Clear Lake                        1968. Our Councilman was moved          meetings, but the projects they are     here. We are so fortunate to have a     to forget our Clear Lake people         moving forward.”
                                                                               proposing are well in line with the     Chamber that has events going all       who keep their lawns and proper-        Additional comments: None.

                                       MIKE CALLANAN                           Sewer project. We have looped the       have enhanced the walking experi-       tified by our 2014 sidewalk study.      not really impact the free market
                                       from page 1                             community with 12” water mains          ence. We have an ongoing invest-        We have an ongoing program to re-       in real estate, but we have tried to
                                                                               and upgraded the water treatment        ment in upgrading the equipment         surface needy streets and to address    do a few things to encourage devel-
                                       You have served on the Council for      plant. We have lined thousands of       our public works department uses        improvements to storm water and         opment. These include partnering
                                       two terms. What have some of the        feet of old sewers, and resurfaced      to serve our citizens.                  sanitary sewer projects as necessary.   with developers on some infrastruc-
                                       major accomplishments been dur-         many blocks of city streets.            	 I love this community and have        South Lake View Drive will prob-        ture items and a five year property
                                       ing your eight years on the Coun-       	 We have upgraded public safety        enjoyed serving as a councilman. I      ably be the next big street project we  tax abatement in Pine Brook for
                                       cil? What made you decide to seek       with a new ladder pumper and two        hope to continue the forward prog-      look at.                                first-time new home buyers. Mak-
                                       a third term?                           new ambulances. A new computer          ress and help implement our side-       The City has successfully helped to     ing some upgrades to an area such
                                       	 We have definitely moved Clear        system and several new squad cars       walk improvement plan. I am also        recruit a major employer which          a Lincoln Village also helps develop-
                                       lake forward while holding the tax      have kept the police up to date. A      working with three members of the       is expected to bring several new        ers build units which might free up
                                       rate the same (with the exception of    retail incentive program has helped     VFW to find an agreeable location       families to Clear Lake. Do you          existing single-family housing.
                                       the voter approved fire station bond    attract sever key merchants to the      for the Veterans Memorial that will     feel the city has enough available      	 The city’s most important func-
                                       issue) for the past ten years. A new    downtown business area. City in-        help get it built.                      housing? What can the City do to        tion in this area is to continue to
                                       fire station and city hall, police de-  centives have helped to bring several   The City has tackled a number of        help families choose to make Clear      make Clear lake an attractive place
                                       partment remodel (without any bor-      new businesses to our community         infrastructure projects in recent       Lake their home?                        for people of all ages to live and help
                                       rowing) plus two new million gallon     including Titan Pro, McKessen and       years. What projects do you see as      	 I feel the city has a shortage of     attract and retain employers who
                                       water towers lead the infrastructure    Kwik Star. We have continued to         the next priority for the City?         housing in the lower-priced catego-     pay good wages to help our citizens
                                       improvements. They are followed         make improvements to our public         	 We hope to rebuild the brick          ries as we have become a desirable      buy affordable housing.
                                       by a South Shore and North Shore        areas including the outdoor recre-      paver sidewalks in the downtown         location for many weekenders and        Additional comments: None.
                                       Drive rebuild, the Surf Area en-        ation facility, various parks and the   area and replace defective sidewalks    retirees which have helped drive
                                       hancement project and the CDGB          lakefront. Upgraded street lights       throughout the community as iden-       property values up. The city can-

                                       JIM BOEHNKE                             The City has tackled a number of        is expected to bring several new        this with our best feature, our lake.   Ward 3 race are both experienced
                                       from page 1                             infrastructure projects in recent       families to Clear Lake. Do you          Please identify the biggest chal-       incumbents. Why should voters
                                                                               years. What projects do you see as      feel the city has enough available      lenge you see facing the City of        choose you?
                                       interests you?                          the next priority for the City?         housing? What can the City do to        Clear Lake in the short term (1-2       	 First, I must say my opponent
                                       	 I am running for re-election for      	 The city staff is always analyzing    help families choose to make Clear      years) and long term (10-20 years):     is a good man. I feel I’m willing to
                                       the same reason I ran the first time.   the needs of the city. This is played   Lake their home?                        	 I see Clear Lake continuing to        listen to the people in my ward, do
                                       I love this city and just want to see   out in a future plan of potential       	 I feel the city can sell itself. We   actively pursue business growth,        my homework regarding an issue,
                                       the city continue to prosper and        projects. It is our job as Council-     have first class fire, police and am-   which could lead to housing issues.     and if necessary be a stand alone
                                       hold onto hometown values. We           men to give them the tools to tackle    bulance services. Furthermore, our      I also think that we need to stay fo-   vote to best represent the major-
                                       are a unique community and I want       a needed project.                       city staff is excellent and helpful.    cused on current businesses and of-     ity in our ward. I refuse to rubber
                                       to help both large and small busi-      The City has successfully helped to     Our downtown is beautiful and our       fer to support them in any way we       stamp a vote. I am honored to have
                                       nesses prosper.                         recruit a major employer which          Chamber is always having some-          can.                                    been the voice in Ward Three and
                                                                                                                       thing in the park for families. All     You and your opponent in the            I’m asking for your vote.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Additional comments: None.

                                       DANA BRANT                              The City has tackled a number of        families to Clear Lake. Do you          time that Clear Lake is a great place   You and your opponent in the
                                       from page 1                             infrastructure projects in recent       feel the city has enough available      to live.                                Ward 3 race are both experienced
                                                                               years. What projects do you see as      housing? What can the City do to        Please identify the biggest chal-       incumbents. Why should voters
                                       sible and blessed community where       the next priority for the City?         help families choose to make Clear      lenge you see facing the City of        choose you?
                                       we live.                                	 I would say the reconstruction        Lake their home?                        Clear Lake in the short term (1-2       	 Voters should choose Dana
                                       Why have you decided to seek re-        of South Lakeview Drive from the        	 As an active real estate inves-       years) and long term (10-20 years):     Brant because he takes a fair and
                                       election? Is there a specific issue     Y all the way to Clear Lake State       tor in Clear Lake, I can say for sure   	 Short term I would say mak-           balanced approach to all matters
                                       which interests you?                    Park. Yes, that will be a BIG one,      that we do not have enough rentals      ing sure the Veterans Memorial          related to city growth. There is the
                                       	 I have decided to run again           but I see that needing to be done in    available for our future needs. The     gets done. Build a new and bigger       letter “i” in city, but as the old say-
                                       because I love people and the chal-     the next several years. Also, the im-   city is limited in what can be done     bathroom at City Beach and tear         ing goes, there is no “i” in “team.”
                                       lenges that come with dealing with      provement of the brick paver side-      to curve the real estate issue that we  down the old bathroom. Enlarge          The city needs a well managed, bal-
                                       the day to day issues of running a      walks downtown on Main Avenue.          are faced with, but the city can work   the Splash Pad to enhance the very      anced and fair team to continue the
                                       city. The specific issues I would like  I would like to continue progress on    with developers, entrepreneurs, and     popular City Beach area. Long           blessed success of Clear Lake.
                                       to see get finished are the Veterans    developing or expanding the City        businesses through incentives, tax      and short term would be to have a       Additional comments: If you take
                                       memorial. The continued effort to       Industrial Park. I also feel as a city  abatements, infrastructure credits.     great working relationship with the     some time to ponder the big pic-
                                       make the City Beach area an attrac-     we need to have a priority of doing     This, in turn, allows for our com-      police, fire and ambulance depart-      ture in life and agree there is a lot of
                                       tion for citizens and tourists. Work    all we can to aid developers with       munity to grow, creates options and     ments. At this point if you’re still    chaos in the world, I choose not to
                                       with developers to encourage new        new home construction.                  continues the enhancements to our       reading these answers, please take      engage in chaos, but choose to find
                                       construction of homes and busi-         The City has successfully helped to     beautiful Main Street area and sur-     a moment to reflect on your sur-        solutions, balance and lead with in-
                                       nesses. Work to identify areas of       recruit a major employer which          roundings. As a landlord in this        roundings. You’re in an amazing         tegrity. I ask for your vote in Ward
                                       our infrastructure that still need to   is expected to bring several new        community, people tell me all the       and blessed community.                  3 on Nov. 3.
                                       be updated and redone.
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