Page 2 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 10-28-2015
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Local NewsPage 2 • Oct. 28, 2015									                                                                                                                                   Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

                                                                                              Portion of N. Shore Dr. closed this week                                      SCHOOL LUNCH MENUS

More Clear Lake Reporter                                                                      	 Clear Lake city officials have an-   	 According to Public Works Di-                       Clear Lake                 	 WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Om-
                                                                                              nounced that North Shore Drive will    rector Joe Weigel, the intersections   	 THURSDAY - Breakfast: French            elets, toast or cereal, cinnamon toast
  CALENDAR                                                                                    be closed between 2nd Avenue North     of 2nd Avenue North and 3rd Av-        toast sticks, sausage, or cereal, cinna-  or yogurt cup. Lunch: Chicken noodle
                                                                                              and 3rd Avenue North to through        enue North will remain open and all    mon toast or yogurt cup. Lunch: Hot       soup, cheese pretzel stick, romaine
from page 1                                        Treats at Oakwood                          traffic Wednesday through Friday this  the driveways will remain accessible.  dog on a bun, baked beans, carrots        salad, apple slices, banana bar.. Alt.:
                                                                                              week, weather permitting, to repair a  Wicks Construction, of Deborah,        and celery with dip, watermelon. Alt.:    Sub-stacker, veggies with dip.
Saturday con’t                                     	 Oakwood Care Center, 400                 section of cracked pavement.           Iowa will be patching and replacing    Sub-stacker, romaine salad.
                                                   Highway 18 West, invites children                                                 sections of the road.                  	 FRIDAY - Breakfast: Mini pan-                Garner-Hayfield-Ventura
Fort Dodge for the State Meet. The                 of all ages to stop in for a warm, safe,                                                                                 cakes, sausage or cereal, cinnamon        	 THURSDAY - Breakfast: Break-
entire CLHS boys team and Gretchen                 fun Trick-or-Treat time from 2-4 p.m.                                                                                    toast or yogurt cup. Lunch: Chili with    fast pizza, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch:
Jones from the girls squad will com-               Saturday, Oct. 31.                                                                                                       cheese and Fritos, pineapple, cake        Chili with bread bowl, applesauce cup,
pete at State.                                                                                                                                                              with choco frosting, fresh veggies with   carrots with hummus, saltines.
                                                   Trick or Treat!                                                                                                          dip. Alt.: Sub-stacker, romaine salad.    	 FRIDAY - Breakfast: Breakfast
                                                                                              This is a weekly feature highlighting some of Iowa’s unsolved homicides       	 MONDAY - Breakfast: Breakfast           wrap, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: Turkey
                                                   	 The City of Clear Lake has desig-        in the hopes that it will lead to new tips and potentially help solve cases.  pizza or cereal, cinnamon toast or        and ham deli sub, banana, cucumbers
                                                   nated Saturday, Oct. 31, as the night      The project is a partnership between this newspaper and other members         yogurt cup. Lunch: Breaded chicken        and tomatoes, side salad.
                                                   for Trick or Treating. Recommended         of the Iowa Newspaper Association.                                            patty on a bun, buttery noodles, Cali-    	 MONDAY: Breakfast: Western
                                                   hours are 5-7 p.m.                                                                                                       fornia veggies. Alt.: Sub-stacker, veg-   omelet quesadilla, fresh fruit, juice.
                                                                                              DORIS ELAINE KONECNE | AGE: 38 | DIED: OCTOBER 27, 1973                       gies with dip.                            Lunch: Hamburger on a bun, pineap-
Halloween parade                                   King’s Kids                                Hometown: Creston                                                             	 TUESDAY - Breakfast: Pan-               ple chunks, tator tots, broccoli salad.
                                                                                              Doris Elaine Konecne, secretary for Union County Attorney Robert              cake on a stick or cereal, cinnamon       	 TUESDAY: Breakfast: Waffle
	 The Clear Lake Parks and Recre-                  	 King’s Kids, an alternative to Trick     Rolfe, was found dead on the kitchen floor of her Creston apartment           toast or yogurt cup. Lunch: Soft shell    sticks with syrup, fresh fruit, juice.
ation Department’s Halloween Parade                or Treating for pre-schooler through       the morning of October 28, 1973. Overturned and broken furniture as           taco, Mexican rice, refried beans with    Lunch: Potato and ham soup, peach-
is Saturday, Oct. 31, at 9:30 a.m. at              sixth grade, will be held again this year  well as numerous bruises around Konecne’s neck indicated she had been         cheese, banan.. Alt.: Sub-stacker, ro-    es and Jello, spinach strawberry salad,
City Hall. Come dressed in costume.                Saturday, Oct. 31, from 6 to 8 p.m. at     strangled after a struggle.                                                   maine salad.                              dinner roll.
Pictures will be taken of each age                 the Evangelical Free Church of Clear       First to arrive at the crime scene were Union County Deputy Sheriff James                                               	 WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Egg
group from pre-school through third                Lake, 1310 Highway 18 W. The car-          Hildebrand and Marion Manley, acting chief of police for the Creston          CITY COUNCIL                              biscuit, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: Or-
grade, which will be published in the              nival atmosphere gives children the        Police Department. With foul play clearly evident, the two began taking       from page 2                               ange chicken with brown rice, fresh ba-
Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter. The pa-                fun of earning points to “buy” prizes      evidentiary crime scene photos. Shortly after photographing the full crime                                              nana, green beans, tossed salad with
rade will begin at City Hall and pro-              donated by local businesses. Hot dogs      scene, County Attorney Rolfe and County Sheriff Don Loy arrived on the        study and report by Iowa State Uni-       dressing.
ceed down Main Ave. to City Park. All              and chips will be served. The event is     scene and conducted their own walk-through. Once those two finished           versity Professor Dr. John Downing.
participants will receive a goodie bag.            free, but each family is asked to bring    and left the scene, Hildebrand and Manley reentered the apartment, where      Its goal is to make Clear Lake clear          CONGREGATE
                                                   two bags of candy to share. Door           they found the crime scene had been tampered with. Hildebrand and             again by helping residents control al-             MEALS
Halloween art                                      prizes will be awarded at 7:45 p.m.        Manley asked that an autopsy be conducted, but Loy and Rolfe denied the       gae by reducing nutrients loading into
                                                   Besides the door prizes, there will be     request, claiming that Konecne had died from an unfortunate accident          the lake from its watershed.              	 THURSDAY - Tater tot casserole,
	 After the Halloween parade, chil-                prizes for the best Bible girl costume,    while drinking alone.                                                         	 The City Council will also hold a       California blend, fruit salad, whole
dren are invited to a Free Creative                the best Bible boy costume, the cutest     Konecne was rumored to be involved in an extramarital affair with both        public hearing for the sale of real es-   wheat roll.
Kids Halloween Art Activity offered at             girl costume, the cutest boy costume,      Rolfe and Loy. On the night of the death, Loy’s 15-year-old daughter alleg-   tate during its regular meeting Mon-      	 FRIDAY - Crunchy pollock, corn,
the Clear Lake Arts Center, 17 S. 4th              and the most original costume. Dress       edly overheard an explosive argument between her parents and her father’s     day, Nov. 2.                              spinach au gratin, carrot cake, manda-
St. This free art activity is sponsored            in costumes that are not scary, vio-       secretary/mistress, Jule Sturzenegger, followed by a discussion among those   	 The City received two bids for          rin oranges.
by the Clear Lake Noon Lions.                      lent, or occult, like witches or ghosts.   three and County Attorney Rolfe, on how all of them would handle the          city-owned land at 1123 (including        	 MONDAY - Egg and potato cas-
                                                   Leave any guns, knives, or other weap-     unfortunate incidents that had transpired.                                    south one-half of 1119) S. 3rd Street.    serole, asparagus, apple slices, fruit
vv THEATRE                                         ons at home.                               No calls to the BCI (now known as the Iowa DCI) to request investiga-         City Administrator Scott Flory has        oat muffin, tomato juice.
                                                                                              tive assistance into Konecne’s suspicious death were ever made. An au-        advised the Council to accept the         	 TUESDAY - Ham and bean soup,
     The Martian                                   Sunday                                     topsy was not conducted. No criminal investigation took place. Konecne        highest offer, submitted by Jim and       corn bread, carrots, strawberries and
                                                                                              was buried in a turtleneck sweater to hide the choke marks on her neck.       Judy Hilgendorf, of Clear Lake, in the    bananas, orange juice.
                Wednesday & Thursday “PG-13”       Daylight savings time ends                 Anyone with information concerning Doris Elaine Konecne’s unsolved            amount of $40,100. The Hilgendorfs        	 WEDNESDAY - Turkey roast,
                                                                                              murder is encouraged to contact the FBI at (712) 258-1920 or contact          have proposed construction of a twin      sweet potatoes, green beans, pumpkin
  Goosebumps                                                                                  Special Agent in Charge Mike Motsinger at the Iowa DCI at (515) 725-          home on the site.                         custard.
                                             “PG”                                             6010 or email [email protected].                                       	 The Council is also expected to
                                                                                                                                                                            consider offering an Employee Early       Fareway closed
     Friday & Saturday 7 p.m.                                                                                                                                               Retirement Program at its Nov. 2          Thursday, 9-noon
                                                                                                                                                                            meeting. Flory told the Council he        for funeral
   Saturday & Sunday Matinee • 1:30 p.m.                                                                                                                                    has received requests from current
                                                                                                                                                                            employees interested to know if the       	 The Clear Lake Fareway Store
    Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. & Thurs., • 7 p.m.                                                                                                                              City will again be offering the pro-      will be closed Thursday, Oct. 29, from
                                                                                                                                                                            gram.                                     9 a.m. to noon for an employee fu-
  Starring: Jack Black, Dylan Minnette, Odeya                                                                                                                                                                         neral.
  Rush, Ryan Lee, Amy Ryan, Jillian Bell,
  Halston Sage, Steven Krueger (1 hr. 43 min.)

    Adults ~ $5 • 12 & Under ~ $4
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