Page 1 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 10-14-2015
P. 1
Friday night action pg. 9
Weather More weather on page 5.
Sunny skies for the week, but cool, with a low of
29 degrees Friday night.
USPS 117-120 VOL. 145 Issue 41 Oct. 14, 2015 Serving Clear Lake and Ventura since 1869 • Hometown newspaper of Jason & Stacy Heitland $1.50
Clear Lake October is Patriots
Mirror-Reporter Breast Cancer for Pets
CALENDAR Awareness Month leader
ordered to
Wednesday Did you know.... return
Harvest dinner Approximately one in eight U.S. adopted dog
women will develop invasive breast can-
Galilean Lutheran Church, cer over the course of their lifetime. Owner accused
Highway 18 West, Clear Lake, of abuse sues
will hold its annual Fall Harvest Tiffani Ward is now optimistic about her future. - Photo courtesy of John Manning.
Festival Dinner on Wednesday, One chapter of a bizarre pet
Oct. 14, from 5 to 7 p.m. The ‘I have an all new outlook on life’ adoption case has ended, but another
menu is creamed chicken and has opened.
biscuits, assorted vegetables Clear Lake woman spends an Last week a Cerro Gordo Coun-
and assorted desserts. Proceeds ‘amazing year’ battling breast cancer ty magistrate judge ruled in favor of
from the free will donation for a Jewell, Iowa man whose dog was
the meal will support the ELCA by Marianne Morf coincidence. Admittedly, she was frightened. She de- “He was incredibly knowledgable and answered confiscated by Patriots for Pets Coor-
World Hunger Appeal and to Tiffani Ward calls 2014 an amazing year. It’s scribed her daughters as “deer in the headlights.” so many questions for me,” she added. “I could feel dinator Debbie Kern, of Clear Lake.
the Youth Ministries of the a superlative that seems contradictory. After all, the Biopsies, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), his passion for the work and it comforted me.” This week Kern and the Patriots for
Church. year included her diagnosis of breast cancer, a double and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scan Allgood leads a Breast Cancer Review Confer- Pets organization were sued by Justin
mastectomy and reconstructive surgery. showed her cancer in two lymph nodes. Fortunately, ence, a comprehensive group of medical specialists Deppe, seeking attorney fees and an
Wed. - Thurs. As a medical assistant at Mercy Medical Center’s it was contained to the breast and had not spread. from the Mason City Clinic and Mercy Medical unspecified amount in punitive dam-
Citywide pickup Regency Clinic in Mason City, Ward, 37, recognized Within a week Tiffani met with Mason City Clin- Center-North Iowa who meet regularly and discuss ages for pain and suffering.
a potential health problem while checking herself. ic surgeon Dr. Steven Allgood. the best course of treatment for their breast cancer pa- Last month Kern, 57, refused to
The City of Clear Lake be- “I found a lump and I asked a doctor here about “I didn’t know what to expect. I had never had tients. The conference includes primary care provid- turn over Deppe’s nine-month-old
gan its Fall Large Item Pickup it. I went for my first-ever mammogram and the ra- surgery,” said Tiffani. “He sat me down, gave me a ers, radiologists, pathologists, general surgeons, plastic shepherd mix dog and was ordered
Monday, Oct. 12 and it con- diologist knew it was cancer. You hear that “C” word hug and said ‘We will get through this together.’ It was surgeons, medical oncologists, and radiation oncolo- into custody under no bond until a
tinues through Thursday, Oct. and you get scared. You think, I have two kids— 17 exactly what I needed to hear. I was not a number. He gists dedicated to delivering a full range of services on judge’s order to release the dog was
15. Residents are encouraged to and 10. I’m a single mom. What is going to happen made me feel like a friend. We talked about family; he one campus in Mason City as the Mercy Breast Center fulfilled.
use this opportunity to dispose to me?— to them? It’s scary no matter what age you asked about my school. I felt like it was going to be of North Iowa. After a three-hour hearing
of large items that cannot be are.” okay and I didn’t have to go through this alone.” “We are dedicated to providing each person with Wednesday, Oct. 7, Magistrate Judge
discarded through their weekly Tiffani had no family history of breast cancer. Her During their conversation Tiffani learned Dr. All- exceptional care from the initial evaluation through Patrick Byrne ruled that Kern had
garbage service. City residents father, Chris, had brain cancer, but she was told there good’s wife had died three years ago from breast can- been misled by Deppe’s ex-wife, the
can have old appliances and/ was no connection between the cancers, just a cruel cer. See BREAST CANCER on page 7 ex-wife’s spouse and one of their
or electronic items picked up friends and allowed Deppe to keep
during Large Item Cleanup for the dog.
a cost of $15 an item. Stickers Kern had picked up the dog from
can be purchased for $15 each Deppe’s ex-wife’s home, claiming
at Clear Lake City Hall, 15 N. that Deppe had violated the terms of
6th Street. Stickers must be his April 2015 adoption contract by
purchased by 5 p.m. on Oct. 14. abandoning the dog. Kern brought
Pickup of appliances in all areas the dog back to the shelter and re-
will be on Oct. 15. The City will fused to give it back to Deppe.
not pickup any items that may Deppe is now accusing Patriots
be recycled through the Land- for Pets of violating a pet adoption
fill of North Iowa’s electronic contract by unlawfully taking away
waste-recycling program. his dog. He is seeking attorney fees
and an unspecified amount in puni-
Saturday tive damages for pain and suffering.
Farmers Market
The final Clear Lake Farm-
ers Market of the season will be
held from 9 a.m. to noon Satur-
on page 2
Inside These Clear Creek Elementary students (left) and Sunset School preschoolers (right) were the first to receive recognition for their acts of kindness dur- This is a weekly feature highlighting some of Iowa’s
ing the week. They received gift certificates from the Half Moon Inn for their actions and are helping to reach a goal of 2,000 acts of kindness by unsolved homicides in the hopes that it will lead to new
Opinion..................4-5 World Kindness Day on Nov. 13.-Submitted photos. tips and potentially help solve cases. The project is a
Weather.................... 5 partnership between this newspaper and other members of
Sports..................9-12 Acts of kindness add up for students the Iowa Newspaper Association.
Legals..................... 15
Classifieds.........16-17 Students at Clear Creek Elementary and and I both used to teach at Clear Creek,” ex- (preschool) will receive gift certificates to the COREY LEE WIENEKE | AGE: 22 | DIED: OCTOBER 13, 1992
Sunset Schools are being rewarded for their plained VanHorn. Half Moon.
Heat and high winds last week good deeds by a local restaurant. The students have been issued a chal- “It will be amazing to see 2,000 colored Hometown: West Liberty
caused the lake level to drop Sara VanHorn, a former elementary lenge to be “caught” doing 2,000 acts of notes forming a rainbow at the schools,” said
1.08” to its new reading of school teacher who works at the Half Moon kindness by World Kindness Day on Nov. VanHorn. “I know they can do it. It’s time Corey Wieneke was found bludgeoned to death
+1.08” above the weir. Last Inn in Clear Lake, said she and others didn’t 13. If the goal is reached, their principal, the kids get recognized for all the kindness on the bedroom oor of his rural West Liberty
year at this time the lake mea- think kids were getting enough credit for the Mike Barkley, will be duct taped to a wall. they show others.” home on Tuesday, Oct. 13, 1992. The cause of
sured +.6” above the weir. good things they do everyday. That’s why To reach the goal, students have to be The Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter is pleased death was blunt trauma to the body. A blood-
she asked her employer to partner with Clear caught by school staff demonstrating an act to feature these students who have been “caught stained aluminum softball bat found one mile
Mail: 12 N. 4th St., Lake Schools to promote kindness. of kindness at school. They will be given a being kind” each week leading up to World from his home was conrmed to be the murder weapon.
Clear Lake, IA 50428 “Some of us at the Half Moon— Deb- colored note to place on a rainbow displayed Kindness Day Nov. 13.
Telephone: 641-357-2131 bie Heine, Cathy Bancroft and I, were talk- at their school. Each Monday, 18 students Wieneke was the late shift bartender at Wink’s Tap, a
Fax: 641-357-2133 ing about promoting kindness, and the from Clear Creek (kindergarten through downtown West Liberty tavern.
Email: [email protected] school seemed a great place to start. Cathy fifth grade) and three from Sunset School
Website: Authorities believed Wieneke knew his killer and said
there was no evidence to suggest it was a random killing,
@CLReporter and that they believed the person responsible was not from
West Liberty but possibly from Iowa City. Investigators
also said they did not believe the murder was drug-related
and that it could be connected to a relationship he had with
a woman. Wieneke was returning home from Iowa City
around 7 a.m. the day of the murder.
Anyone with information about Corey Wieneke’s unsolved
murder is encouraged to call the Muscatine County Sheriff’s
Office at (319) 263-6055 or (800) 369-9635 or the Iowa DCI at
Find out more about this and other unsolved homicides at
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Clear Lake