Page 1 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 2-24-2016
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State wrestling page 11

Weather                                More weather on page 5.

Mostly sunny for the weekend with a high of 33
degrees on Saturday.

USPS 117-120 VOL. 146 Issue 8                                   Feb. 24, 2016                  Serving Clear Lake and Ventura since 1869 • Hometown newspaper of Mike & Renae Joynt                    $1.50

Clear Lake                                                                                                                                     School Board to
                                                                                                                                               review superintendent
Mirror-Reporter                                                                                                                                candidates Monday

CALENDAR                                                                                                                                       	 The consultants of McPherson & Jacobson L.L.C. have com-
                                                                                                                                               pleted Phases I and II of the superintendent search process for the
Friday                                                                                                                                         Clear Lake School District. Last month consultants met with the
Dance Team show                                                                                                                                district’s Board of Education to establish selection criteria for the
                                                                                                                                               screening process.
	 The Clear Lake Dance                                                                                                                         	 On Thursday, Feb. 4, the consultants met with Clear Lake
Team invites the public to its                                                                                                                 School District students, employees, and community patrons to
Spring Show Friday, Feb. 26,                                                                                                                   solicit their input into the selection process. This input will be
at 7 p.m. at the CLHS Gym.                                                                                                                     used by the Clear Lake Board of Education, as they continue to
Admission is $5 for all ages (no                                                                                                               establish the profile for the next superintendent.
activity passes). The show will                                                                                                                	 The deadline for submitting application materials was Feb.
feature guest performances by                                                                                                                  10. After that date the consultants began reviewing the completed
the Mason City Danz Team,                                                                                                                      files and rating the candidates against the established criteria. The
Newman Dance Team, Iowa                                                                                                                        consultants have been conducting extensive background checks
State Hip-Hop Club- Dub-H,                                                                                                                     on the candidates.
Dancin’ with Roxie Competi-                                                                                                                    	 On Monday, Feb. 29, the consultants will meet with the
tion Teams, and elementary and                                                                                                                 Board of Education to review candidates and assist the Board as it
middle school dance clinic par-                                                                                                                selects final candidates to be interviewed. At that meeting, inter-
ticipants. There will be six state                                                                                                             view dates and schedules will be established and the involvement
championship routines featured
Friday night.                                                                                                                                                                See SCHOOL BOARD on page 2

Fri. - Sat.                                 Sky filled                                                                                         MC man arrested after
Love Letters                                with color                                                                                         high speed chase on
                                                                                                                                               Highway 122, I-35
	 Clear Lake’s Blue Horizon                 Thousands of people turned out Saturday
Players will present “A. R. Gur-            to enjoy Color the Wind in the unseason-                                                           	 A Mason City man is under arrest after leading authorities on
ney’s Love Letters” Friday and              ably warm weather. Kite fliers donned                                                              a high-speed chase Tuesday, Feb. 16.
Saturday, Feb. 26 and 27, in the            their waterproof boots and ice cleats as                                                           	 According to the Cerro Gordo County Sheriff’s Department,
Lakeview Room in Clear Lake’s               the sun had melted the snow cover on the                                                           at about 8:52 p.m., a deputy attempted to make a traffic stop
City Park.  Tickets are now on              lake, making it very wet and slippery, but                                                         on US Highway 18 near the intersection of Mallard Avenue. The
sale at the Clear Lake Chamber              still safe for the venture. Organizers Larry                                                       driver of a 2000 Buick Regal, Dillon Rasmussen, fled the scene,
office and Lake Liquors. The                and Kay Day declined to guess how many                                                             with additional deputies, along with Clear Lake police and an
cost is $10 in advance and $12              people made the trip out to see the kites, but                                                     Iowa State Patrol trooper assisting in the pursuit.
at the door. Doors open at 6:30             noted several local restaurants and snack                                                          	 The pursuit went west to Interstate 35, north on I-35 onto
p.m. with showtime at 7 p.m.                shops reported huge crowds.                                                                        State Highway 122, and then back onto I-35 southbound. Speeds
                                                                                                                                               during the pursuit ranged from 45 mph to over 100 mph. The
Monday                                               -Reporter photos by Chris Barragy                                                         chase ended after the driver drove off at the Thornton exit and
Leap concert                                                                                                                                   crashed into the ditch.
                                            Students bring history                                                                             	 Rasmussen, 32, was arrested without further incident and
	 The Clear Lake Schools                                                                                                                       charged with eluding, OWI, driving under suspension, and nu-
Vocal Music Department will
present its 2016 “Leap Day”                                                                                                                                                               See CHASE on page 2
Vocal Concert at 7:30 p.m. on
Monday, Feb. 29, in E. B. Still-


      on page 2

     Inside                                 alive with radio dramas

Opinion..................... 6              Projects will air on KCMR Radio in March
Weather.................... 7
Sports................ 11-13                	 History has come alive for Clear Lake            sented to schools by John Jaszewski, a volun-   John Jaszewski, from KCMR in Mason City, meets with CLHS students to record their original radio dramas. The
Legals................14-15                 High School students, and soon the public will     teer announcer and special projects producer    students’ projects will air on FM 97.7 beginning Tuesday, March 8.-Submitted photo.
Classifieds.........16-17                   share in the experience.                           at KCMR. Jaszsewski recently went in to the
                                            	 Juniors in an English class taught by Sar-       classrooms to record the dramas for airing.     Workshop helps businesses
  Road Reports                              ah Raymond and an American History class           	 Raymond and Richtsmeier explained the         prepare for the unthinkable
                                            taught by Kate Richtsmeier have combined the       project spanned three weeks, allowing stu-
Iowa	 1-800-288-1047                        two fields of study to create Civil War radio      dents time to work in small groups to develop
Illinois 1-800-865-5394                     dramas. Their work will be aired on KCMR           a storyline, characters and screen play about
Kansas 1-800-585-7623                       97.7 FM starting Tuesday March 8, at 7 p.m.        some aspect of the Civil War era. Twenty-
Minnesota1-800-542-0220                     That program will be rebroadcast on Wednes-        four students worked to bring stories based in
Missouri 1-800-222-6400                     day, March 9, and one more time on Satur-          Iowa, New York, Georgia or Alabama to life.
Nebraska 1-800-906-9069                     day, March 12. The second program will then        	 “They had to use their notes from our
S. Dakato 1-866-697-3511                    air the following week on the same days and        classes to build storylines. I think the most
Wisconsin 1-800-762-3947                    times.  Subsequent 15-minute programs will         fun was seeing the information we shared
                                            air on the same schedule.                          with them pop up in unusual ways,” said
     Forecasts                              	 The idea to create radio dramas was pre-
                                                                                                        See RADIO DRAMA on page 2
Des Moines 1-515-270-2614
Sioux Falls 1-605-330-4444
Waterloo 1-319-234-6600

       Call 511 for Iowa, Minnesota
              and South Dakota

          non-emergency weather
            and road conditions.

     Mail: 12 N. 4th St.,                   Clear Lake Police Officer Zach Hall facilitated an ALICE training for members of the Clear Lake    	 Clear Lake business leaders received an introduc-     barricade themselves improved their chances of sur-
    Clear Lake, IA 50428                    Area Chamber of Commerce.-Reporter photo.                                                          tion to training they never hope they need.             vival, while those who fled increased their odds of sur-
 Telephone: 641-357-2131                                                                                                                       	 “Someone enters your workplace with a weapon          vival the most,
     Fax: 641-357-2133                                                                                                                         and starts firing. A horrible thought,” the Chamber     	 “You have a choice to be proactive, or just sit
Email: [email protected]                                                                                                                   of Commerce stated in its invitation for members to     there,” said Hall. “Ninety-seven percent of workplace
Website:                                                                                                                    attend Friday’s ALICE training.                         violence is non-fatal, but you have to be ready to re-
                                                                                                                                               	 ALICE stands for Alert, Location, Inform,             spond.”
                          @CLReporter                                                                                                          Counter and Evacuate. According to Clear Lake Po-       	 The need for ALICE training has been on the rise
                                                                                                                                               lice Officer Zach Hall, who led the training for about  as attacks against schools, courthouses and places of
                                                                                                                                               35 people, ALICE is a proven technique that prepares    business have grown over the past decade.
                                                                                                                                               staff for an unthinkable act.                           	 While the majority of media attention given to
                                                                                                                                               	 “ALICE teaches what to do,” Hall told the group.      active shooter events involve school shootings, Hall
                                                                                                                                               He shared statistics showing that those who sat pas-    said 76 percent of active shooter events do not hap-
                                                                                                                                               sively as an armed intruder approached were almost      pen at a school. Most active shooters are a single male
                                                                                                                                               always killed. Those who had time to react and could
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       See ALICE on page 2

                                                                Drive Wise Driver Education                                                                                                            Registration

     (641) 357-2612                                                         Next session starts March 8th                                                                                              form available                                                                                                                                                                                        online at
3005 Willow Creek Ct.                                           March 8th - April 19th                                                                                                       

        Clear Lake                                              *No class during spring break   Fully certified instructors
                                                                  Tuesday & Thursday
                                                                                                Follows all state requirements and DOT expectations
                                                                5:30 - 8:30 pm
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