Page 12 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 10-21-2015
P. 12
SportsOct. 21, 2015 • Page 12 Clear Lake Mirror Reporter
Central Springs captures
GHV Tournament title
Cards finish regular season Thursday
It was a tough night on the road GHV Tournament and fell in the third, 15-11. Lau -Photo by Lowell Washburn
for Garner-Hayfield-Ventura Cardi- Central Springs claimed the title smashed 10 kills in the match and
nals, when they traveled to Rockford at Saturday’s GHV Tournament. The made seven digs. She was 8/8 serving. Field of Dreams
on Tuesday, Oct. 13. Rockford won Panthers topped host GHV, West Childress made 12 assists and had
all three matches, 25-14, 25-15 and Fork, Newman Catholic and Rock- eight digs and was effective at the ser- A ‘slam dunk’ hunting the wild goose
25-17. ford in straight sets on their way to a vice line, going 12/12 with two aces. doesn’t quite go as planned
Hannah Lau led the team at the convincing win. Jacki Van Oort and Carlie Knutson
net, with eight kills. Taylor Gerdes GHV topped Newman 2-0, but had four and three kills respectively. by Lowell Washburn of heavy machinery. Looking to the there was no question that he planned
had three kills, while Carlie Knutson fell to West Fork, 1-2, and Central Central Springs controlled their Three o’clock in the morning and side, I witnessed a most amazing sight. to come all the way to the decoys. The
and Jacki Van Oort each had one kill. Springs, 0-2. match with the Cards and won, 21- the anticipation was building. I was Enveloped in a cloud of swirling dust, descending Canada loomed ever larger
Bailee Frayne and Katie Rasmuson “The girls made great adjust- 9, 21-9. Knutson put down five kills so wound up, in fact, that I literally a giant stalk rake was hurtling down until at the near point blank distance
had one kill apiece. Frayne also had ments throughout the day. We got to lead the team, while Taylor Gerdes couldn’t sleep; which is how I hap- the field at breakneck speed. Fol- of ten paces, the gander arched his
one and one-half blocks and Van Oort more touches on blocks and as a team had three and Lau had two. Childress pened to know it was three a.m. lowing close on the rake’s heels was a black neck and began back peddling
had a block. we were more aggressive and competi- made six assists and Miranda Jackson The excitement had begun the tractor pulling a giant baler. I’d never for a landing.
Knutson led the team on de- tive as hitters. We need to clean up had a team-high four digs. Knutson day before when I discovered a freshly seen anything quite like it. I don’t A delicious roast goose dinner was
fense, with eight digs. Lau and Van our defensive coverage and push every and Jackson each were 4/4 serving, harvested cornfield. A stalk chopper know exactly how fast those pieces mine for the taking and the day’s out-
Oort had four digs apiece and Jillian point,” said Coach Kelsey Steffens. Van Oort was 5/5 and Childress was had already been over the tract and the of machinery were going, but I do look had suddenly improved. It wasn’t
Heiland and Miranda Jackson had In their win over Newman, Han- 6/6 with an ace. Payton Bamrick led leftover residue had been leveled to the know that they were spitting out gi- until the bird was on the ground that I
three digs each. nah Lau led the team with six kills and the team, going 7/7 with an ace. ground. The newly mulched field had ant round bales of corn stalks with detected the silver glint of a U.S. Fish
Van Oort and Jackson led the four digs. She also recorded three aces This week the Cards (6-16) are not gone unnoticed by passing flocks impressive frequency. & Wildlife Service band on its left leg.
team at the service line, with three in the match. Sydney Childress made slated to host Hampton-Dumont of Canada geese. With an abundance The approaching geese – now at a Funny how much a single bird can
points each on serve. Jackson, Payton nine assists. Thursday, Oct. 22. They begin post- of waste grain clearly exposed, it was mere 50 yards -- were not impressed. brighten your day.
Bamrick, Sydney Childress and Taryn Against West Fork, the Cards season play Monday, Oct. 26, at For- a waterfowl’s Field of Dreams – a free Abandoning their landing formation,
Carolus had one ace serve each. won the first game, 21-10, then est City. for the taking, first come first served the squawking birds pulled up the Enjoy more wildlife tales online at
dropped game two by the same score honker buffet. Around 400 of the flaps and climbed for the heavens. To Washburn’s Outdoor Journal at iawild-
huge birds had already made their make the situation even more painful,
Clear Lake Middle School harriers noisy arrival and were enthusiastically an endless procession of distant geese
peak at conference meet chewing their way across the field. could be seen heading our way. For Lime Creek
After a long season of training Team scores were kept at this al steady race and finished in 21:10, The landowner was quick to grant a brief instant we clung to the hope announces
hard, the Clear Lake Middle School meet and the Lions finished in third good for 66th place. Garratt Paul per- permission, and the stage was set. It that some of the flocks would still Timber Trot
Cross country team was ready to tack- place as a team. severed to finish in 24:56 and 68th would be clear sailing and easy pick- settle into the decoys when the rake run winners
le the North Central Conference meet Jacob Pedelty once again led the place. Austin Jager rounded out the in’s for the next day’s hunt. But as our and baler traveled to the far end of the
on Tuesday, Oct. 13. It was a beau- boys team as he ran under 13 minutes Lion runners, as he finished in a time man Forrest Gump might say, “Goose field. Didn’t happen. Instead, we sat The Lime Creek Nature Center
tiful day and the young Lions were for the first time, finishing in 12:56, of 25:36 for 69th place. hunts are like a box of chocolates. You helpless as each and every one of those Timber Trot was recently held at the
ready to run their fastest times of the good for 8th place. Justin Wright The boys team also fared well never know what you’re gonna get.” 400 Canada geese returned to the field Lime Creek Conservation Area. There
year over the two-mile course. ran another strong race in a time of against the competition and placed When it comes to hunting the wild and anxiously wheeled above our de- were a total of 34 runners entered in
In the girls race, two Lions took 13:34 and 13th place. He was fol- fifth as a team. goose, “sure things” usually are not. coys -- just beyond range, of course the event, which was sponsored by the
off with the lead runners and stayed lowed closely by Sam Nelson, who “The team worked hard all year The best laid plans of mice and men, – before reluctantly heading for a qui- Cerro Gordo County Conservation
strong throughout the race. Finish- ran a 13:58 to place 17th. Next came and improved from start to finish,” as they say. eter abode. Our Field of Dreams had Board, Lime Creek Nature Center,
ing in fourth place was Riley Cooney Theo Swanson in 26th place with a said Coach Tim Fyfe. “I am proud But this time things would be dif- become a nightmare; our fantasy hunt North Iowa Spin, North Iowa Tour-
in a time of 14:11. Right behind time of 14:46, followed by the pack of of their effort and how willing they ferent. I mean, what could go wrong? was now a full blown clown show. ing Club and Taco Johns.
her in fifth place was Jillian Enke in Ashton Eckenrod (15:23, 38th place) were to put themselves on the line With hundreds of birds peacefully The ordeal lasted for nearly an hour. The results of the five-mile run
a time of 14:29. Courtney Doughan and Seth Froiland (15:33, 41st place). each meet. It was a good year for Lion feeding in an undisturbed oasis, it was The air remained full of dust and are as follows:
ran her best race of the year, finishing Tim Swanson finished next in 46th Cross Country.” a slam dunk goose hunt in the mak- birds as each high speed pass brought •Male Overall - Creighton
in 16:50, good for 24th place. Next place in a time of 16:23. Another ing. the baler closer to our position. We Whitehall, 34:12
came the pack of Kara Branstad in pack of Lions finished close together Yellow bass fishing The hours continued to crawl by finally surrendered and began pick- •Female Overall - Tina Friday,
17:27, 30th place; and Kacey Zick- as Elijah Eldridge, Isaiah Smith, and reported excellent until time for the scheduled hunt fi- ing up the decoys as additional flocks 40:14
efoose in 17:31, 32nd place. Riley Cameron Dugan came across the fin- nally arrived. Once on site, it didn’t of confused geese continued to mill •Male 20 and Under - Mason
Schuchard finished in 19:53, 39th ish line in times of 17:07 (54th place), The Iowa Department of Natural take long for our party of four to scat- above the stalks. Berge, 42:34
place, and Gretchen Guetzlaff ran a 17:16 (57th place) and 17:18 (58th Resources issues a weekly fishing re- ter more than five dozen of our best With the baling completed, all •Male 21-29 - Francis Lapointe,
time of 22:29 in 41st place. place). Alex Gabrielson ran his usu- port on Thursdays in an effort to pro- full bodied goose decoys atop the fresh was quiet the following morning. 42:15
vide the latest information heading stubble. With decoys in place, the Hunting alone, I decided to give the •Female 21-29 - Kayla Thomp-
Registration open for 3rd into the weekend. The weekly fishing spread looked real enough to fly. Even field a second try. The wind was son, 41:05
Lights On 5K Run/Walk report is compiled from information the most wary of honkers were sure to perfect; the sunrise spectacular. And •Male 30-39 - Mathias Wilson,
gathered from local bait shops, angler be fooled; success was imminent. although dozens of noisy flocks flew 48:06
Area runners and walkers are in- disabilities supported through the Vil- creel surveys, and county and state Feeding time arrived as right on past, the gig was up. The geese were •Female 30-29 - Sara Heinz,
vited to “turns the lights on” for Op- lage. parks staff. cue, the first band of geese appeared steering clear and I watched as flock 41:07
portunity Village’s Festival of Trees Earlybird registration is available Clear Lake above the horizon. The birds kept after flock poured into a stubble field •Male 40-49 - Tina Friday, 40:14
celebration at the third annual Lights now through Nov. 13. Cost is $20 per Yellow Bass - Excellent: Yellow their course and at a distance of 100 located a mile to the south. Although •Male 50-59 - Creighton White-
On 5K Run/Walk. person and includes a race T-shirt. The bass action has been good to excellent. yards or less, the flock set their wings I had now become a mere observer, it hall, 34:12
Registration is open for the Lights first 100 people to register online also A good percentage of the catch is from and began the long glide that would was nevertheless a beautiful show. •Female 50-59 - Karen Hutzey,
On 5K, scheduled to take place on will receive a free travel mug to use 8.5 to 9.5 inches. Boat anglers are still lead them into the decoys. As the I had just poured a final cup of 48:14
Dec. 3 at 4:30 p.m. The run (not race) for hot chocolate or cider at the race catching fish near the Baptist camp distance narrowed, the geese began to coffee when I suddenly heard the •Male 60 & Over - Dan Murphy,
will start at The Other Place, 200 after-party. After Nov. 13, registration area, mid-lake by the island, and out boisterously announce their arrival. sound of a single goose – a sound that 52-54
U.S. Highway 18, and follow streets cost increases to $25 per person and a from the swim beach on the little lake. The plan was coming together. An- seemed much closer than what I’d
throughout the Opportunity Village T-shirt is not guaranteed. Shore anglers have been doing well other five seconds and the flock would been hearing. I called and the goose
neighborhood in northwest Clear The event is sponsored by Wayne’s on the tips of the jetties at Ventura. be ours. answered back. Although the honk-
Lake. Participants are encouraged to Ski and Cycle, WeCare Chiropractic, White Bass - Fair: Anglers have been It was at that precise moment ing grew progressively louder, I was
dress in holiday lights and costumes. The Other Place, Splash Multi-Sport catching a few (five-10) some days that I began hearing the sudden roar unable to immediately spot the bird.
The run is a benefit for Oppor- and Custom and Holmes Murphy. on the Ventura jetties. Walleye - Fair: When I finally did locate the goose,
tunity Village. All proceeds from The Lights On 5K Run/Walk pre- Anglers have been picking up a few
registration and donations will buy cedes Opportunity Village’s 20th an- more walleyes with yellow bass this
Christmas gifts for individuals with nual Festival of Trees. week. Channel Catfish - Fair: Catfish
have been caught on minnows on the
Ventura jetties.
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