Page 10 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 10-21-2015
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SportsPage 10 • Oct. 21, 2015 														                                                                                                                          Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter

LIONS                                    	 Defensively, Justin Sholly record-                                                                                                                                    LIONS XC
from page 9                              ed 12 solo tackles and three assists and                                                                                                                                from page 9
                                         Ben Mason had eight solo and two
Bulldogs kicked the extra point and      assists to lead the Lions. Pitzen and                                                                                                                                   their work ethic is sure to pay off next
their good fortune continued, making     Tatum each had six solo tackles. Stor-                                                                                                                                  season.”
the score 45-6.                          beck made four solo tackles and two                                                                                                                                     Junior varsity
	 Guerrero accounted for 186 of          assists.                                                                                                                                                                	 Clear Lake’s junior varsity boys
Hampton-Dumont’s 403 yards rush-         	 “H-D is a good football team— a                                                                                                                                       team ran extremely well in their last
ing in the game. The Bulldogs had 20     physical bunch. They outplayed us,”                                                                                                                                     meet of the year. Sam Jones paced the
first downs, compared to eight for the   said Coach DeVries. “We’ll have to                                                                                                                                      team, finishing seventh in a time of
Lions.                                   mend some wounds and get back to                                                                                                                                        19:00. Jonah Pedelty completed his
	 Clear Lake finished with 75-yards      work.”                                                                                                                                                                  first race in under 20 minutes to place
on the ground and 59 through the air.    	 DeVries said he and his coach-                                                                                                                                        13th in a time of 19:34. Josh How-
Lester completed three of seven pass     ing staff are making adjustments this                                                                                                                                   ard was also under 20 minutes for
attempts for 59-yards and ran four       week, due to injuries and schematics.                                                                                                                                   the first time, placing 14th in 19:36.
times for three yards. Tatum caught      He listed Sholly as doubtful for Friday                                                                                                                                 Lewis Callaway placed 20th in a time
all three passes. Storbeck was 0/1 with  due to injury. “It’s a big blow, for sure.                                                                                                                              of 20:09. Dylan Schuchard finished
an interception.                         We hadn’t had any injuries for a while,                                                                                                                                 out the scoring for the Lions in 22nd
	 Tatum was the leading rusher,          but it happens. We will ask the kids to                                                                                                                                 place with a time of 20:13. Also run-
carrying 12 times for 29-yards Gar-      step up and do what they can. GHV                                                                                                                                       ning was: Carter Olk, 32nd, 21:01;
rington picked up 24-yards on nine       will present some of the same prob-                                                                                                                                     Gage Bendickson, 33rd, 21:10; Zeke
rushes, while Storbeck ran four times    lems (as H-D). They are big, physical                                                                                                                                   Branstad 39th, 21:18; Jacob Wessels,
for 24-yards. Parker Pitzen ran once     and strong. We will have to play with                                                                                                                                   42nd, 21:26; Jackson Hamlin, 44th,
for six-yards and Nick Eggers carried    more effort,” added the coach.                                                                                                                                          21:59; Bryan Hillyer, 47th, 22:08;
twice for -11-yards.                     	 Kickoff Friday night is 7:30 p.m.                                                                                                                                     Shane Fuhrman, 50th, 22:16; Dan-
                                         at Lions Field.                                                                                                                                                         iel Tank, 55th, 22:37; Noah Copney,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 57th, 23:02; Carson Meyer, 58th,
GHV                                      sion. The ensuing punt was taken to         Jack VanDuesseldorp runs through the C-G-D defense on his way to a good gain. The GHV sophomore carried the ball four       23:08; Nick Currier, 59th, 23:13;
from page 9                              the house by Joynt on a 47-yard tote.       times for 35-yards against the Cowboys.-Reporter photo by Chris Barragy.                                                    Joel Groeneweg, 60th, 23:36; Hunt-
                                         	 The Cowboys’ shining moment                                                                                                                                           er Gerhardt, 61st, 23:37; and David
Seconds into the half, Cade Baker        of the game came on a drive that            	 The Cardinals tallied up a season      carries; and Anthony Sherwood had       	 The Cowboy offense was led               Guetzlaff, 68th, 26:01.
burst onto the scene with a 59-yard      began with a short kickoff and solid        high 501-yards rushing compared to       seven-yards on two carries.             by the aerial unit. Kainan Braun           	 The JV girls continued to work
touchdown. Lucas Prohaska followed       return. After two run attempts went         a season low of two yards rushing al-    	 Doing the passing for the Cards       completed six of 13 passes for one         hard and placed second in the confer-
that up with a two-point quarterback     nowhere, GCD went to the air where          lowed on defense. The only glimmer       was Prohaska, with one completion       105-yards and a touchdown. His re-         ence. The team was led by Nikki Tesar,
keeper.                                  Braun Kainan found Chase Harker             of light for the Cowboys came on the     on three attempts for 13-yards to       ceivers were Israel Rivera with four       who placed 11th with a time of 26:01.
	 Seconds later Nick Joynt secured       on a 39-yard pickup. After another          passing game where 105-yards and a       Shaw.                                   catches for 54-yards and Chase Hark-       Kara Reineke was right behind and
the ball for the home team again by      failed run, the Cowboys took to the         solitary touchdown were put into ef-     	 The Cardinals were led on de-         er with two catches for 51-yards and a     placed 12th in 26:05. Michela Niles
way of interception with a 34-yard re-   air again, connecting once more with        fect.                                    fense by Baker with five tackles and    touchdown. Leading the Cowboy run          was16th in a time of 27:10. Krystle
turn. On the following play, Jack Van-   Harker for a 12-yard touchdown.             	 Leading the offensive front for        two sacks. Finley added four and one-   game was Reymundo Vasquez with             Lu finished 19th in a time of 27:43.
Dusseldorp hit the end zone hard on a    	 Todd Finley wrapped up the                GHV was Shaw with 194-yards on 17        half and a fumble recovery. Chase       23-yards on 14 attempts. Also con-         Breauna Archer was 30th in 30:18.
nine-yard rushing touchdown for the      game with a 32-yard touchdown for a         attempts and two touchdowns. Baker       Theobald had four tackles and two       tributing positive yardage was Jarrod      Ivy Pruisman placed 32nd in a time of
Cards.                                   final score of 52-6.                        had 100-yards on six attempts for one    interceptions for 73 total yards and    Littlejohn with two carries for seven-     30:59.
	 The bleeding continued as a take-      	 “We still need to clean some              touchdown; Joynt added 72-yards          a touchdown on the returns. Joynt       yards.                                     	 “Both the JV boys and girls teams
no-prisoners Cardinal defense forced a   things up with penalties etc.,” said        on eight carries for two touchdowns;     had one and one-half tackles and one    	 GHV heads East Friday night to           have several runners that are poised to
three-and-out after holding the Cow-     VanDusseldorp. “Overall I’m pleased         Lucas Prohaska had 40-yards on six       interception with a 34-yard return.     take on the Clear Lake Lions (4-4,         make significant contributions next
boys to negative yards on the posses-    with the way we played, especially in       carries; VanDusseldorp had 35-yards      Shaw and Feuring added three tack-      4-1) for the district title. “This week    year,” said Coach DiMarco. “The en-
                                         the second half.”                           on four carries for a touchdown; Fin-    les; Connor Smith and Gabe Um-          is going to be a tough week. We will       tire Lion cross country team is look-
                                                                                     ley had 34-yards on two carries for a    barger had two and a half each; Dane    have to come prepared if we want to        ing forward to Districts on Thursday,
WE BRING OUT THE SMILE IN YOU                                                        touchdown; Brandon Feuring had           Whipple, Matt Sonquist and Grady        have a good showing,” said VanDus-         Oct. 22, held in Dike. The Lions are
                                                                                     14-carries on two touches; Dylan         Umbarger had one and a half tackles     seldorp.                                   focused and determined to do well at
                                                                                     Mahlstadt had eight-yards on two         each.                                                                              this event.”


Drs. Thomas Bieber and Jason Skinner, along with their staff,                        GHV runners capture west                                                                                                             MORE
               would like to welcome Dr. Dan Scarrow!                                division conference titles                                                                                                  Clear Lake Reporter

102 N. 5th St., Clear Lake • (641) 357-4112                                          	 The Garner-Hayfield-Ventura            led the boy’s team with a ninth and     Top of Iowa Meet                             SPORTS
                                                                                     cross country team has been racking      10th place finish. Meier finished in    	 It was a great day to be a GHV           CALENDAR                                                up some impressive placings this sea-    18:40, while Marroquin clocked an       cross country runner on Thursday,
                                                                                     son and that includes an impressive      18:23. Mason Wirts finished 21st        Oct. 15, when the team competed at         from page 9
                     Monday - Friday • 7:30 -5:00                                    outing at the Top of Iowa Conference     with a time of 18:08, while Andrew      the Top of Iowa Conference Meet held
                                                                                     meet.                                    Schreur was 22nd with a 19:23.          on the NIACC campus. Both the              •Volleyball: Wed., Oct. 21, home
FOOTBALL & VOLLEYBALL!                                                               Forest City Meet                         Rounding out the varsity runners was    boys and the girls claimed the West        vs. Dubuque, 7:30 p.m.
                                                                                     	 On Monday, Oct. 12, the Car-           Parker Schneiders, 28th, 19:00; Derek   Division championships. The boys           •Volleyball: Sat., Oct. 24, at Coe
Play by Play On-Air and Streamed on or on our Mobile App                dinals faced some tough competition      Anderson, 32nd, 20:01; and Nathan       team finished with 17 points, while        College Tournament, 10 a.m.
        (download the free app for your smartphone or iPad on GooglePlay or iTunes)  at the Forest City meet held on Mon-     Larson, 37th, 19:27.                    the girls had 35 points. The boys also     •Volleyball: Tues., Oct. 27, at Wart-
           on KIOW FM 107.3                                                          day, Oct. 12. The boys team finished     	 Rebekah Larson led the girls          claimed the overall title, while the       burg, 7:30 p.m.
             Friday, October 23                                                      in third place with 70 points. Osage     team a 13th place finish in 23:08. Ni-  girls were fifth with 137 points.
        FB Forest City at Hampton, 7:30 p.m.                                         won the meet with 33 points, followed    cole Upmeyer was 17th with a time       	 GHV’s Chase Smith won the                •Men’s Soccer: Sat., Oct. 24, at Il-
   FB GHV at Clear Lake, 9:30 p.m. Game of the Week                                  by Newman Catholic with 67 points.       of 25:10. Kaylee Hudspeth, Morgan       individual title with a time of 16:36.     linois College, 1:30 p.m.
           Saturday, October 24                                                      The girls finished in fourth place with  Graham and Hannah Wellik finished       Smith’s teammates were right behind
              FB ISU at Baylor, 11:00 a.m.                                           102 points. Newman Catholic won          in the 23rd, 24th and 25th spots.       him, with four runners placing in the      •Football: Sat., Oct. 24, at Univer-
           Monday, October 26                                                        the girls meet with 35 points.           Hudspeth ran a 23:07, while Graham      top 10. Reece Smith was second in          sity of Sioux Falls, 2:30 p.m.
       VB Playoffs GHV at Forest City, 7 p.m.                                        	 “I though that the girls and boys      clocked a 23:05 and Wellik finished     16:27, while Logan Dambeck was             Area athletes playing in a college
           Tuesday, October 27                                                       teams both ran great. They have          in 24:08. Emma Whelan and Rachel        third in 16:54 and Ray Cataldo was         sport include: Tanner Tusha,
        VB Playoffs TBA at Lake Mills, 7 p.m.                                        shown progression throughout the         Sokol also ran varsity. Whelan fin-     fourth in 17:15. Rounding out the          Clear Lake, Football, Iowa State;
         Wednesday, October 28                                                       year and they continue to drop their     ished 33rd with a time of 25:47 and     top 10 was Derek Brown, who ran the        Andrea Toppin, Ventura, Cross
           FB Playoffs TBA, 7 p.m. & 9 p.m.                                          time, which we strive for,” said Coach   Sokol was 39th with a tim of 24:55.     race in 17:03, good for eighth place.      Country, Iowa State; Jackson
            on KHAM B103.1                                                           Jeff Short.                              	 GHV did not run their top run-        Also claiming varsity spots was Austin     Finn, Clear Lake, Men’s Soc-
             Friday, October 23                                                      	 Jacob Meier and Ezra Marroquin         ners in preparation for the Top of      Siegrist, 16th, with a time of 17:58       cer, NIACC; Adam Bueller, Clear
   FB West Hancock at Bishop Garrigan, 7:00 p.m.                                                                              Iowa meet later in the week.            and Jacob Meier, 21st, 18:20.              Lake, Football, Waldorf College;
           Saturday, October 24                                                                                                                                       	 On the girl’s side, Maria Gonza-         Antonio DiMarco, Clear Lake,
         FB Presentation at Waldorf, 1:00 p.m.                                       From Start to Finish,                                                            lez also claimed the individual title for  Men’s Soccer, Grinnell College;
           Tuesday, October 27                                                       Call the Professionals                                                           the Western Division with a time of        Joel Toppin, Ventura, Cross
               VB Playoffs TBA, 7:00 p.m.                                                                                                                             21:19. Kayla Hudspeth was fifth with       Country, Warburg; Pete Swen-
         Wednesday, October 28                                                                        Over 35 Years experience                                        a time of 22:46, followed by Nicole        son, Clear Lake, Football, West-
               FB Playoffs TBA, 7:00 p.m.                                                                                                                             Upmeyer who was eighth with a time         ern Illinois; Emily Mathews, GHV,
                                                                                     NRAeedwmdiH••otoidomenlesss  CONSTRUCTION                                        of 23:22. Morgan Graham took the           Volleyball, Buena Vista Universi-
                                                                                                                                                                      final spot in the top 10 with a time       ty; Bryson Hamilton, Clear Lake,
                                                                                                                    641-357-4987                                      of 23:30. Rounding out the var-            Football, Augustana University.
                                                                                                                                                                      sity squad was Rebekah Larson, 11,
                                                                                                                      [email protected]                              23:31; Hannah Wellik, 16th, 23:52
                                                                                                                                                                      and Emma Whelan, 24th, 25:07.
                                                                                                                                                                      	 “The girls and boys are both
                                                                                                                                                                      heading to a tough Regional Qualify-
                                                                                                                                                                      ing Meet on Thursday, Oct. 22, but
                                                                                                                                                                      the success of this past week should
                                                                                                                                                                      motivate them the rest of the season,”
                                                                                                                                                                      said Coach Jeff Short.
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