Page 3 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 8-12-2015
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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter Aug. 12, 2015 • Page 3
OBITUARIES Association for
Preservation of
Ginger Brand George Peterson Arnie Nichols Gertrude Thoe John Ayers Clear Lake picnic,
meeting is Sunday
Ginger Wanita Brand, 68, of George Johan Peterson, 90, of Arnie Drew Nichols, 57, of Clear Gertrude J. Thoe, 96, of Mar- John Ayers was born on Sept. 22,
Clear Lake, died Tuesday, Aug. 4, Clear Lake, died Thursday, Aug. 6, Lake, died Thursday, Aug. 6, 2015, at shalltown, Iowa, formerly of Webster 1939, to Lowell and Kathryn (Peter- The Association for the Preser-
2015, at Muse-Norris Hospice Inpa- 2015, at Muse-Norris Hospice Inpa- the Muse Norris Hospice Inpatient City, Iowa died Monday, Aug. 10, son) Ayers. He grew up in Waterloo, vation of Clear Lake will hold its an-
tient Unit, in Mason City. tient Unit, in Mason City. Unit, Mason City, Iowa. 2015 at the Iowa Veterans Home, Iowa with his siblings, Jo, Dave, Jim nual picnic on Sunday, Aug. 16. The
A funeral service was held on Sat- A memorial service was held on Memorial services were held on Marshalltown. and Joan. He died on Aug. 4, 2015 at event, which will be held at P.M. Park,
urday, Aug. 8, at Clear Lake United Monday, Aug. 10, 2015, at Ward-Van Monday, Aug. 10, at the Open Bible Graveside services will be held Edgewater Retirement Community, will begin at 5 p.m., with a social pe-
Methodist Church, with the Rev. Slyke Colonial Chapel, in Clear Lake, Church, Clear Lake, with the Rev. at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 15, at West Des Moines, Iowa. riod followed by dinner.
Dr. Jacqueline Thompson officiating. with Pastor Dennis Ganz officiating. Will Hunsacker officiating. Family the Clear Lake Cemetery, Clear Lake. Visitation will be held at Ham- The meal will include a pulled
Burial was in Memorial Park Cem- A private family inurnment was held suggests memorials to Arnie Drew Visitation will be from 10 a.m. Sat- ilton’s on Westown Parkway, 3601 pork sandwich, pasta salad, ships and
etery. in Elim Cemetery, rural Fertile. Nichols Memorial Fund. urday until the time of the service at Westown Parkway, West Des Moines, dessert bars and is available for $9.50
Family suggests memorial contri- In lieu of customary remem- Arnie was born July 12, 1958, in the Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel, on Thursday, Aug. 13, from 2:30- in advance and $10 at the door.
butions to the Ginger Brand Memo- brances, family suggests memo- Mason City, Iowa, the son of Donald Clear Lake. The family suggests me- 4:30 p.m. This will be followed im- Invited speakers include Chuck
rial Fund. rial contributions to Elim Cemetery, and Dorothy (Kennedy) Nichols. He morials to Alzheimer’s Research or mediately by a vigil service at 5 p.m. Gipp, Iowa Department of Natu-
Ginger was born April 2, 1947, Kingland Cemetery, or Hospice of graduated from Britt High School in charity of your choice. The Memorial Mass will be held at ral Resources director; Scott Grum-
the daughter of Merritt “Slim” and North Iowa. 1976. Gertrude Julia Thoe was born St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, mer, Iowa DNR Fisheries biologist;
Frances Fisher. She married Robert George was born Nov. 19, 1924, He worked at Opportunity Vil- June 3, 1919 in Spring Valley, Minn., 7075 Ashworth Road, West Des Dr. John Downing, ISU professor of
“Bob” Charles Brand on July 16, 1966 the son of George Luther and Inge- lage, Clear Lake. Arnie enjoyed pho- the daughter of Gjert Peter and Julia Moines on Friday, Aug. 14, at 11 a.m. Ecology/Evolution & Organismal Bi-
at the Clear Lake United Methodist borg (Kvamsdal) Peterson. He mar- tography, fishing, gourmet cooking (Moen) Oss. She received her el- John was a professor, a lawyer, a ology; and Dereck Namanny, urban
Church. He preceded her in death on ried Marilyn Jean Kingland on Nov. and especially shooting pistol with ementary and high school education judge, an ordained Catholic deacon, conservationist, Dickinson County
Sept. 4, 2011. 19, 1946, in the Little Brown Church, his daughter. His favorite saying was, at Spring Valley and her cosmetology an A-league player in tennis, rac- SWCD.
Ginger graduated from Clear Nashua, Iowa. “Go with the flow.” degree at Fort Dodge, Iowa. quetball and handball, a member of Speakers will provide updates on
Lake High School, class of 1965. He attended Forest City High Arnie is survived by his daughter, She married Emery Thoe in countless councils and boards, teller topics such as Ventura Marsh, wa-
She owned and operated the Wagon School and graduated from Waldorf Kristyn (Tony) Maciej, Farmington, 1941, in Mason City, Iowa. Besides of lousy jokes and the ultimate en- tershed improvements, water quality
Wheel, and was a homemaker most of College. He was a U.S. Army Veteran Minn.; three granddaughters, Kylie, being a wife and mother she was a joyer of the finer things in life. monitoring and the CLEAR Project.
her life. serving during World War II from Brianna and Alivia; his parents, Don nurse’s aide for 10 years and cosme- John was preceded in death by Everyone is invited to attend.
Ginger was a tremendous cook 1943-1946. He worked 35 years for and Dorothy Nichols, Clear Lake; tologist for 25 years. They resided in his parents; siblings, Jo, Dave and
who enjoyed playing cards, billiards, Gjellefald Construction Company as his brother, Ken Nichols, Clear Lake; Clear Lake and later moved to Web- Jim; son, John, Jr.; and infant daugh- CONGREGATE
gambling on the slot machines at an Operating Engineer and five years and nieces and nephews, Leslie, Lind- ster City in 1957. ter, Susan. MEALS
the casino, watching her soap operas, for the Clear Lake Water Department, sey and Joe. She was a member of American He is survived by his wife of 54
and taking pontoon rides. She loved retiring in 1986. Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha- Legion Auxiliary and Royal Neigh- years, Cathie (Agey); a son, Michael THURSDAY - Taco salad, corn
spending time with family and grand- George was a member of the pel was in charge of arrangements. bors Lodge, in Webster City, and Red K. Ayers; three granddaughters, salad, plums, Royal Brownie, tomato
children, especially while playing American Legion, Veterans of For- Hat Ladies, Marshalltown. Mackenzie, Isabella and Samantha. juice.
board games. eign Wars, Odd Fellows, serving as Rodney Wallace She was preceded in death by Survivors also include his sister, FRIDAY - Crunchy baked fish,
Ginger is survived by a son, Todd the Noble Grand, and the Interna- her parents, Gjert and Julia Oss; hus- Joan, and her partner, Diane; sisters- parsleyed potatoes, creamed peas,
(Amanda) Brand, of Mason City; tional Union of Operating Engineers Rodney G. Wallace, 63, passed band, Emery (Bud) Thoe; her sons, in-law, Maggie, Bev, Sandy, Marilyn fruited pudding, raspberry lemonade.
three grandchildren, Ashley Brand, Local 234 B. He was an avid stamp away July 29, 2015, surrounded by Emery Richard Thoe and Gerald Lee and Janelle; brother-in-law, Phil; and MONDAY - Crab or tuna salad,
Britny Brand, and Nevyn Fisher, all and coin collector, collecting not only his loving family after a courageous Thoe; her half-brother, John Oss; and many relatives and friends. potato salad, corn salad, cranberry/
of Mason City; seven great-grand- for himself, but his two daughters and battle with cancer. sister- in-law, Willie Oss. In 1961 John designated his pear crisp, whole wheat roll, raspberry
children, Nevaeh, Naomi, Kennedi, grandchildren. He also loved collect- He was born Feb. 10, 1952, to She is survived by two children, body to be donated for medical re- lemonade.
Anastasia, Mathayus, Sapphira, and ing and working with model trains. Richard Lee Wallace Sr. and Wilma Larry Donald (Kay) Thoe, Fairmont, search to University Hospitals in Iowa TUESDAY - Roast beef, potatoes
one on the way; three siblings, Myrna George is survived by his wife, (Dolan) Wallace, in Odessa, Texas. Minn., and Pamela Sue (Roger) Roth, City, Iowa. with gravy, carrots and broccoli, apple-
(Richard) Berneman, of Mason City, Marilyn Peterson, of Clear Lake; two Rodney served his country during the Evansdale, Iowa, and a daughter-in- Memorial contributions may be sauce Jello, orange juice.
Burton Fisher, of Burchinal, Iowa, and daughters, Barbara (Dale) Charl- Vietnam War as a parachute rigger in law, Elaine Thoe, Colorado Springs, directed to the American Parkinson WEDNESDAY - Chicken rice cas-
Bob Fisher; four sisters-in-law, Wavel son, of Clear Lake, and Susan (Paul) the Army. Colo.; seven grandchildren; 11 great- Disease Association, 1200 Pleasant serole, beets or layered lettuce, hot
Lichman, of Britt, Marvel Thompson, Strome, of Des Moines; three grand- If you knew Rodney, you under- grandchildren; one great-great-grand- St., E-524, Des Moines, Iowa 50309 fruit compote, chocolate chip bar, or-
of Mason City, Sharon Jenkins, of Bay children, Todd (Kristen) Charlson, of stood his love for adventure. He spent child; two brothers, Calvin (Mary or Edgewater Good Samaritan En- ange juice.
City, Wis., and Karen Hueneman, of Clear Lake, Xan (David) McNelly, of nine months a year in the Philippines Lou) Oss, Minneapolis, Minn. and dowment Fund, 9225 Cascade Av- Congregate meals are served at
Garner, Iowa; and many nieces and Norwalk and Paul Strome III, of Des kite surfing and building his dream Donald (Mary Jo Dathe) Oss, Spring enue, West Des Moines, Iowa 50266. the Senior Centers in Clear Lake, 105
nephews. Moines; one great-granddaughter, home on the beach in Romblon, Phil- Valley, Minn.; and several nieces and Condolences may be expressed at: S. 4th St., at 11:40 a.m. and in Ventura,
She was preceded in death by Sutton McNelly, of Norwalk; and a ippines. Rodney also loved hiking, nephews. 4 N. Weimer St. at 11:45 a.m. Call 357-
her parents; husband; two sisters, sister-in-law, LaVonne Berry of Visalia, base jumping and all things adventur- Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha- 5443 in Clear Lake and 829-3517 in
Rose Olthoff and Delores Jesse; three Calif. ous. pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar- Ventura for reservations.
brothers-in-law, Ronald, Larry, and He was preceded in death by his He is survived by his mother, rangements.
Richard in infancy; a sister-in-law, parents; five sisters, Lillian Akers, Hel- Wilma Butner; siblings, Robert But- vv THEATRE
Janyce Stromley; and a nephew, David en Lyng, Ruth Davis, Evelyn Helge- ner, Jr., Richard (Smitty) Wallace, Clare Hoblit
Hueneman. son, and Edith Peterson; and a brother, Debbie Butner, Max Butner and Dar- Trainwreck
Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha- C. Melvin Peterson. rell (Polly) Butner; also a son, Chris- Clare C. Hoblit, 89, of Mason Wednesday & Thursday “R”
pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar- Ward-Van Slyke Colonial topher (Susan) Kunz; and grand- City, Iowa, formerly Clear Lake, died
rangements. Chapel was in charge of arrangements. children, Sydney, Rylan and Reagan Saturday, Aug. 8, 2015 at the Good Mission: Impossible
Kunz; and numerous nieces and Shepherd Health Center, Mason City. Rogue Nation
nephews. Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-
He was preceded in death by his pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar- Friday & Saturday 7 p.m“.PG-13”
dad, Richard Wallace, Sr.; and step- rangements.
dad, Robert Butner, Sr. Saturday & Sunday Matinee • 1:30 p.m.
Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. & Thurs., • 7 p.m.
Starring: Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg,
Rebecca Ferguson, Ving Rhames, Sean Harris,
Simon McBurney, Zhang Jingchu (2 hr. 11 min)
Adults ~ $5 • 12 & Under ~ $4
Gaylen Wilson
Gaylen Wilson, 78 of Thornton, Family suggests memorial contri- Is your DRYER keeping up with
Iowa, died Sunday, Aug. 9, 2015, at butions to the Gaylen Wilson Memo- all the BEACH TOWELS?
his home. rial Fund, 112 Elm St., Apt. 2, Thorn-
Per Gaylen’s wishes, his body has ton, Iowa.
been cremated and a private inurn- Ward-Van Slyke Colonial
ment will be in Memorial Park Cem- Chapel, Clear Lake, was in charge of
etery, Mason City. arrangements.
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