Page 3 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 6/3/2015
P. 3
Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter June 3, 2015 • Page 3
Robert Farris Minnesota. Reconsidering his stance Hope “Peg” Clausen were in the area. She may be remem- Cinda Michel to this union had a son, Troy.
on higher education, he earned an As- bered most for the fact that she taught She moved to Pittsburgh, Pa. in
Robert “Bob” J. Farris, 72, of ru- sociate’s Degree in electrical engineer- Hope Margaret “Peg” Clausen, a large number of Clear Lake residents Cinda “Secory” Michel, 64, of 1975, where she married Greg Michel
ral Clear Lake died Wednesday, May ing and embarked on a career in com- wife of TV and radio personality Bob how to swim, beginning with being a Clear Lake, Iowa lost her battle with and raised their daughter, Rachael.
27, 2015 at his home. puters and networking. In the 1980s Clausen, passed away peacefully on Red Cross instructor while she was in ALS Wednesday, May 27, 2015, at While living in Pittsburgh she worked
Visitation and a service were he was the Engineer In Charge of the April 13, 2015, after losing her battle high school and teaching off the fam- her twin sister Linda’s home in Mason in retail for many years.
held on Sunday, May 31, 2015 at the mainframes — computers the size of with breast cancer. She was surround- ily’s dock into her 70s. She was also City, Iowa. Due to her wishes she was She moved back to Clear Lake due
Cataldo Funeral Chapel, in Garner, football fields — at the Dearborn, ed by family and friends. a familiar figure to be seen riding her cremated. to health issues and to be closer to her
with the Rev. Ed Bard, chaplain at Mich. world headquarters of the Ford Peg was a lifelong resident of bicycle around the lake which she A celebration of her life was held family. She was diagnosed with ALS in
Hospice of North Iowa, officiating the Motor Company. Clear Lake, having been raised by continued until into her early 80s. She on Monday, June 1, 2015, at Central 2012.
service. Garner Veterans Ceremonial On Dec. 30, 1970, Bob married her grandparents, Amonde Heff- remained passionate about fitness and Gardens of North Iowa, Clear Lake. Cinda loved traveling, camping,
Unit conducted military rites. Crema- Lorraine Amundsen, of Minneapolis. ner and John McKee Heffner in the health until her death. Burial will be in the Clear Lake Cem- canoeing and was known for her free
tion will follow the service with inurn- They lived in Texas and Minnesota house next door to the Clausen fam- Hope is survived by three daugh- etery at a later date. spirit. She always enjoyed being dressed
ment at a later date. before settling in Michigan, where ily home. Hope was born July 29, ters, Carrie Clausen Rocke, Chris El- Cinda was born May 1, 1951, up and never was without her lipstick
Robert James Farris, the son of they raised their three children. Lor- 1926, in Iowa City, Iowa, to parents len Hankenson (Robert Brown), and in Mason City, Iowa, the daughter of and heels, embracing her nickname,
Adolphus and Verdella (Meister) Far- raine passed away in 1990. Bob never William Dwight and Hope Harriet Darcy Somervill (John). She is also Ralph and Catherine (Barber) Secory. “Queenie.” She especially loved spend-
ris, was born March 10, 1943 in Al- remarried. (Heffner) Meyer. She was a graduate survived by nine grandchildren, Scott She grew up in Clear Lake and gradu- ing time with her grandchildren.
bert Lea, Minn. He graduated from In 2003, Bob moved north of of Clear Lake High School, where she Allen Hankenson, Abby Elizabeth ated from Clear Lake High School in Cinda is survived by her two
Glenville High School in 1961. He Ventura and became a truck driver at was awarded the Bausch Lomb science Wright, Jennifer Lynn Hanna, Steph- 1969. She then attended North Iowa children, Troy Thornton, Mason City,
received scholarship offers to play T.S. Trucking in Northwood. He ad- award, and attended the community anie Hankenson, Christopher Han- Area Community College, Mason and Rachael Michel, Pittsburgh; four
football at the collegiate level, but opted an Australian shepherd from an college in Mason City. She married kenson, Emily Rocke, Miriam Rocke, City. grandchildren, Haley Thornton, Isiah
opted instead to enter the workforce. animal shelter in Los Angeles, Calif., her husband, Robert Clausen, in 1946 Charles Somervill, Laura Somervill She married James Thornton and Betterton, Isaac Thornton and Mal-
For a few years he painted water tow- named her Bailey, and they became when he returned to Clear Lake fol- Ocker and 17 great grandchildren. akye Talley; step-mother, Karen Secory,
ers, drove harvesters, and worked at a each other’s constant companions. He lowing World War II. Hope was preceded in death by Clear Lake; her siblings, Don (Judy)
meat packing plant. enjoyed his Harley Davidson, work- Peg was always highly involved in her grandparents, John and Amonde Secory, Gilbert, Az., Mike (Bonnie)
With the war in Vietnam esca- ing in the yard, golfing, and visiting community affairs. She was a member Heffner; parents, William and Hope Secory, Clear Lake, Linda Graff, Ma-
lating, Bob was drafted into the U.S. with friends and family. Most of all, of the Clear Lake Arts Council, His- Meyer; husband, Robert; and an in- son City, Pam Marsh, Clear Lake, Tom
Army. He considered himself lucky he enjoyed being a grandfather. tory Club, PEO, and heavily involved fant daughter, Catherine. Secory, Clear Lake and Danniele (R.J.)
to be assigned to South Korea peace- Bob is survived by his three chil- with the AFS foreign exchange stu- The family respectfully requests Sexton, Clear Lake; and a host of ex-
keeping operations. Following his dren, Mark (Asha) Farris, and their dent program. Peg loved art and mu- that in lieu of flowers, memorial con- tended family.
honorable discharge, he returned to two children, Callan and Isla of Pasa- sic, and rarely missed any events that tributions be made to the charity of She was preceded in death by
dena, Calif., SueAnn Farris, of Los one’s choice in support of breast can- her parents, Ralph and Katie Secory;
Harlan Riggle Angeles, Calif., and Ryan (Sarah) Summer lunch cer research. There will be a celebra- brother, Steve Secory; nephew, Michael
Farris, and their two children, Niels program begins tion of life held June 6, 2015, at Clear Secory; and a great-nephew, Andrew
Harlan Eldridge Riggle, 76 of and Tesla of Raleigh, N.C.; siblings, Lake Arts Council Building, from 6-8 Schroeder.
Clear Lake, died Tuesday, May 26, Loretta (Donald) Nordon, of Kens- The Summer Food Service Pro- p.m. This will be preceded by a Hope Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel,
2015, at Mercy Medical Center, in ington, Kan., Laverne “Sonny” Farris, gram for children up to age 18 began Clausen Memorial Bike Ride around was in charge of arrangements.
Mason City. of Garner (special friend, Janice Peter- June 1 and continues through July 10, the lake which the family hopes will
A funeral service was held on Sat- son), and Norma (James) Nelson, of 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. Monday - Friday become an annual event in support of Jump into Summer!
urday, May 30, 2015, at Zion Luther- Albert Lea, Minn.; and many nieces at the United Methodist Church, 508 breast cancer research. The bike ride
an Church, Clear Lake, with the Rev. and nephews. 2nd Ave. N., Clear Lake. will commence at 2 p.m. beginning at New merchandise just arrived.
Kirk M. Wilkie officiating. Burial He was preceded in death by his All children age 18 and younger the Clear Lake City Park. Jazz up any decor.
was in Grandview Memorial Gardens, wife, Lorraine in 1990; his parents; needing a nutritious lunch are wel- Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-
Rochester, Minn., with military hon- sisters, Beverly Brabec and Darlene come. There is no enrollment and pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar- Stop in and see what’s new
ors rendered by the Rochester Ameri- Farris; sister-in-law, Dottie Farris; and no cost. Adults may eat for a small rangements. for summer
can Legion Post 92. brother-in-law, Elvin Lambert. charge.
Family suggests memorial contri- Cataldo Funeral Home was is in Timothy Tyler We Deliver!
butions to Zion Lutheran Church and charge of arrangements.
Wycliffe Associates. Church in Clear Lake. He was also SUMMER LUNCH Timothy J. Tyler, 55, of Clear The Red Geranium
Harlan was born May 14, 1939, a member of the Veterans of Foreign PROGRAM Lake, passed away Saturday, May 29, 301 Main - Across from the Park • Clear Lake
in Fairmont, Minn., the son of Harold Wars Post 4868 in Clear Lake, and 2015, in Clear Lake. 357-1505 or Toll Free (888) 353-1505
E. and Martha M. (Forbes) Riggle. A Civil Air Patrol. Arrangements are pending at
graduate of Truman High School in Harlan and Darlene enjoyed Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel,
Minnesota, he enlisted in the United camping throughout their lives in ev- 101 North 4th Street, Clear Lake.
States Army on Dec. 4, 1961. While ery state, except Hawaii. He also en-
serving in the Army he was stationed joyed cross country skiing, going on THURSDAY: Italian chicken sand-
at Ft. Hood in Texas and Ft. Carson a number of cruises and fishing. He wich, buttery noodles, broccoli, fresh
in Colorado. He married Darlene especially loved spending time with veggies with dip, fruit.
Urban on Aug. 29, 1969, in South his grandsons. FRIDAY: Sloppy Joe on a bun,
Branch Township, Minn. Harlan is survived by his wife, pototo wedges, fruit, fresh veggies with
Harlan was a welder for Chi- Darlene, of Clear Lake; two sons, Bri- dip.
cago Northwestern and Union Pacific an (Jennifer) Riggle, of Cedar Rapids, MONDAY: Corn dog, baked
Railroad for 33 years, while living Iowa, and Shawn (Cindy) Riggle of beans, fruit, fresh veggies with dip.
in Truman and Stewartville, Minn., Woodbridge, Va.; six grandsons, Zan- TUESDAY: Soft shell tacos, taco
and Clear Lake. He was a very active der, Levi, David, Aidan, Ethan, and fixings, corn, Mexican Rice, fruit, fresh
member of Trinity Lutheran Church Mason; three brothers, Orville (Car- veggies with dip.
in Truman, Zion Lutheran Church ol) Riggle, of San Gregowo, Calif., WEDNESDAY: Chicken nuggets
in Stewartville, and Zion Lutheran Frank Riggle, of Overland Park, Kan., and roll, mashed potatoes, peas and
and Howard Riggle, of Hutchinson, carrots, diced pears, fresh veggies
Minn.; and two brothers-in-law, Ron- with dip.
ald Shoen, of Truman, and Robert
Sandmeyer of St. James, Minn.
He was preceded in death by
his parents; a step-father, Raymond
Brown; two sisters, Elsie Shoen and
Alice Sandmeyer; and two sisters-in-
law, Betty and Alice Riggle.
Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-
pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar-
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