Page 9 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 6/24/2015
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Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter	                                              Lifestyle                                                                                                                                   June 24, 2015 • Page 9

                                                                                       Stay on track with
                                                                                       your wellness goals

                                                                                       	 It’s easy to get back on a healthy living track:

	 (Family Features) Looking for             brownies, ice and chocolate milk.          1. Get Back on Track
a healthy, convenient and delicious         	 Each of the following single-serving     	 Falling off the wagon can be discouraging, but don’t let your
breakfast boost, afternoon refuel or        recipes shows you how deliciously easy     mind get in the way of your might. Track your daily meals and
sweet treat? If so, break out the blender   it is to create a unique and flavorful     snacks to help you stay focused on what and how much you
and whip up a delicious and nutritious      smoothie to fit any craving. For each      are eating. Writing in a food journal is a great way to look back
smoothie.                                   recipe, combine ingredients in a blender,  over your week to see what you did well and could do better
	 Made with fruits and vegetables,          mix until smooth and frothy, and serve.    next week.
smoothies provide important nutrients       	 For more delicious recipes,
that our bodies need. When prepared         visit, or look for          2. Pack Your Lunch                                                 and absorbed slowly by the body, which helps to            to track your movement throughout the day.
with chocolate milk, they can also be an    TruMooMilk on Facebook, Twitter and        	 Being in control of what you eat throughout the day is           sustain energy over a longer period of time compared       5. Make it Fun
excellent source of protein - and a tasty   Pinterest.                                 powerful in staying on track with your resolutions. Why hit the    to foods with a higher glycemic index.                     	 The key to lasting, lifelong health is to
treat for kids and adults alike.                                                       greasy food truck outside when you can whip up a fresh salad       4. Get Moving                                              make changes you enjoy. Make eating well
	 “Chocolate milk is a delicious and              Chocolate-Berry Blast                at home? Sunsweet’s Quinoa, Grape and Prune Salad is an easy,      	 Everyone has a lot on their plate and with a busy        and exercising fun and it won’t be hard to
nutritious base for smoothies because it    1 	 cup chocolate milk                     protein-packed lunch that will power you through the day.          schedule comes loads of stress and anxiety, but much       stick with.
not only contains protein and minerals,     1 	 cup frozen mixed berries               3. Choose Right at Snack Time                                      of that can be alleviated with exercise. If you think      	 Staying on track takes will power and
it also provides calcium and vitamin D,     1 	 tablespoon golden flaxseed meal        	 The 3 p.m. slump is almost unavoidable. You’re three hours       about it, 30-40 minutes of exercise a day is only 2        determination, but by squeezing a few easy
which are essential for bone health,” said                                             past lunch and it’s too soon for dinner. Instead of reaching for   percent of your day. Small changes, like walks around      hacks into your day you’ll be on your way to
registered dietitian Rebecca Scritchfield.    Cookies ‘n Cream Smoothie                an unsatisfying bag of pretzels or chips, bring Sunsweet Ones      the block or using an app to count steps is a great way    reaching your wellness goals.
“Plus, combining a nutrient-rich option     1/2 	cup low-fat fudge brownies or low-    Individually Wrapped Prunes or nuts from home to curb the
such as chocolate milk with fruits and      fat chocolate cookies, coarsely broken     afternoon hunger. Ones are lower in sugar than other dried fruit
vegetables like bananas, berries and kale   1 	 cup Chocolate milk                     and have a low glycemic index of only 29. Prunes are digested
is a great way to get kids to consume       1 	 cup ice cubes
the nourishment they need, all in an                                                   Get healthier with research-proven diets
enjoyable treat.”                                    Fuel Up Smoothie                  	 It might be time to focus on research-proven         	 Fiber is also filling, providing volume with few      exercise. You may be surprised by what you learn.
	 If you’re not sure what to put in         1 1/2 	 cups chocolate milk                approaches to get healthier that actually work -       calories because our bodies don’t have the enzymes      How to Spot a Fad Diet
your smoothie, you can get creative         1/2 	cup baby kale                         without gimmicks, diets that eliminate foods.          to break it down. But fiber can be digested and used    	 Fad diets come and go and return again. Here are some
with the ingredients you already have       1 	 cup ice cubes                          Start Well: Eat Breakfast                              for fuel by the 10 trillion bacteria that live in the   obvious clues that a diet is a fad rather than a realistic approach
on hand. If you’re a fan of PB&J            1 	 tablespoon almond butter               	 Start the day right, and it really can make          colon and prevent numerous health conditions.           for becoming healthy.
sandwiches, simply combine chocolate                                                   things go better all day. Research has repeatedly      Get Your Facts Straight                                 	 1. Sounds too good or easy to be true
milk with bananas, peanut butter and             Banana PB&J Smoothie                  shown that people who eat breakfast tend to take       	 Losing 10 pounds in two weeks only to regain          	 2. Promises rapid weight loss (5-10 pounds a week) or
jelly for a delicious take on the classic   1 	 cup chocolate milk                     in more nutrients (calcium, iron, protein and fiber),  it in eight makes no sense. Whether you’ve tried to     “miracle cures”
lunch staple.                               1 	 ripe banana, peeled and cut into       are more alert and can concentrate better, and may     go gluten-free, low carb or avoid all white foods,      	 3. Allows only certain foods or food groups (cutting out
	 Trying to get your kids to eat            chunks                                     even have better success with weight management.       chances are quite high that your efforts didn’t result  others)
their veggies, such as kale, is easier      2 	 tablespoons low-fat peanut butter      	 To get yourself off to a strong start, think         in long lasting effects. What does work? A balanced     	 4. Promotes a product, special herb, vitamin or other
when they’re disguised in chocolate-y       2 	 tablespoons strawberry or grape        about combining protein, carbohydrates and low-        eating pattern and an active lifestyle.                 compound
goodness. And if you’re looking to satisfy  jelly                                      fat dairy. Some possibilities: whole grain cereal      	 There is no one perfect diet, and anyone              	 5. Can only be “followed” temporarily but is not supervised
your sweet tooth, combine low-fat           	 Tips: For a colder smoothie, freeze      and a high protein yogurt, an English muffin with      who says otherwise is typically selling a book          by a doctor
                                            banana chunks one day ahead. If you        peanut butter, or an egg sandwich with fruit and       or products promising weight loss. Registered           	 6. Hard to imagine or difficult to follow the diet forever
                                            have a nut allergy, omit peanut butter.    yogurt.                                                dietitian nutritionists can be trusted to provide       	 7. Doesn’t recommend a form of exercise or says that it’s
                                                                                       Eat Rough(age): Make Fiber a Priority                  credible, evidence-based information.                   unnecessary
                                                                                       	 Fiber, found in whole grain wheat, barley,           Schedule and Track Your Progress                        	 8. Warns that one food or food group will make you
                                                                                       corn and oats, as well as in fruits, vegetables and    	 Make a schedule of your health goals, and             seriously ill or worse
                                                                                       beans, helps keep things moving easily through         keep track of progress by writing in a food and         	 9. Makes recommendations based on pseudo-science not
                                                                                       the digestive tract. Remember that grain fiber         activity journal or calendar. Write things down; it     endorsed by credible organizations or peer reviewed by other
                                                                                       has different nutritional benefits than fruits and     makes them more likely to happen. Note things           scientists
                                                                                       vegetables, so you need both.                          like how you feel before and after meals and            	 10. Cites research that is preliminary, based on animals,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      has very few subjects, or uses poor methodology

                  From                                                    they were great this way!                                              Flat leaf parsley, 12-16 single leaves
                  The                                                     	 Although radish sandwiches are most picturesque when                 Coarse sea salt
                  Market                                                  they are made with the small French breakfast radishes, any            	 Heat French bread in 350 degree oven 6-8 minutes,
                                                                          little radish can be used. If the radish is a bit larger, try cutting  to crisp the outside. Slice into ½-inch thick slices. Cool
By Marysue Salmon                                                         a small slice lengthwise from one side of the radish. This allows      completely. When bread is cool, spread generously to outer
	 The first time I had this unusual but delicious appetizer was when I    it to snuggle down against the buttered bread slice.                   edges with butter. Press a single leaf of parsley at extreme
was in France. I was instantly “hooked” on it and I have since served it  	 I notice there is a wonderful supply of all kinds of radishes        side of each bread slice. Lay a trimmed radish on each but-
often at home. Friends who said they didn’t really like radishes thought  at our new expanded farmer’s market. A radish sandwich is just         tered bread slice, (so that the parsley leaf looks like the radish
                                                                          one way to enjoy them while they are in season!                        greens).
                                                                                                                                                 	 You can refrigerate sandwiches at this point, carefully
                                                                                       French Radish Sandwiches                                  covered.
                                                                          1 medium size loaf of good quality French bread                        	 When you are ready to serve, sprinkle each radish with
                                                                          About 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, room temp.                        a pinch of coarse sea salt. If you do this too far ahead, the
                                                                          12-16 small radishes, washed thoroughly and trimmed of                 salt will dissolve. You want to have the texture of the sea salt
                                                                          greens. (Take small lengthwise slice from radish, if it is large).     along with the crunchiness of the radish!

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