Page 16 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 5/27/2015
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Sports/OutdoorsPage 16 • May 27, 2015 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
Clear Lake Booster CL 8th grade
Club updates girls claim
North Central
(Right) The Clear Lake Booster Club Conference
welcomed new board members (L-R): title
Scott Gerhardt, Andrea Raber, and
Wade Nielsen. The Clear Lake eighth grade girls
track season came to an end on Friday
(Below) The 2015-2016 Clear Lake with an astounding win at the North
Booster Board members include Central Conference Meet held in
(L-R): Scott Gerhardt, Kim Wen- Webster City. The Lions scored 124
del (Vice President), Andrea Raber, points and finished 25 points bet-
Jen Fasbender, Mark Holck, Wade ter than second place Algona and 34
Nielsen, Cindy Rurup (President), points better than third place Hamp-
Kristy Emerson (Secretary), Shaun ton-Dumont.
Finn, Courtney Orte (Treasurer), Tim “I knew we had a shot going
Nosbitsh, and Pam Pingel. -Submit- down to Webster City, but we were
ted photos down to 16 girls, and I knew Hamp-
ton, Algona and Humboldt all had
Early morning encounter tremendous numbers and teams,” said
with a fired up gobbler Coach Troy Einterson. “The girls real-
By Lowell Washburn and were soon standing at ten yards. ly rallied around each other, and with
Everyone loves an early morning After strutting for awhile, one of the the help of a healthy Sharrell Lee, they
encounter with a fired up spring gob- birds headed for greener pastures. pulled out the win.”
bler. But once the episode concludes, The second, however, stayed around Lee won the open 400, was part
have you ever wondered how many -- never venturing for more than 50 or of the 4x100 team with Ashley Archer,
times you actually heard the bird gob- 60 yards before returning to my loca- Kaylee Nosbicsh and Macy Mixdorf
ble? tion. Remarkably, the strutting tom that also brought home the cham-
Sure, all of us have asked that was still around and sounding off at 7 pionship, and ran a leg on the third
question at one time or another. Did o’clock -- I timed him on my watch; place 4x400 team.
the bird gobble 50 times? Or was still going at the rate of six to seven Also picking up wins for the Li-
it maybe 150? Well, this morning I gobbles per minute. ons were Makia Fessler in the 100 and
took the opportunity to answer that At 7:18, he finally shut down and 200 meter hurdles, Ashley Archer in
question by literally counting gobbles. walked away -- probably to go look for the long jump, and the shuttle hurdle
What I discovered was more than a some throat lozenges. relay team of Olivia Amos, Kaylee
little bit amazing -- at least to me. Time to do the Math: Discount- Nosbisch, Archer and Fessler.
5 am: When the morning began ing the high intensity double and tri- “We also got a lot of help from
the weather was clear, calm and cool. ple gobbles heard at daybreak, I used our two throwers, Laura Ross, who
When I arrived at the woods, two the lower average of 6.5 gobbles per finished fourth in both the shot and
widely separated toms were already minute x 120 minutes to calculate a discuss, and Kacie Royster, who fin-
sounding off from the roost. Although grand total of 780 gobbles for the bird ished seventh in both with personal
daylight was coming on fast, a curtain that hung around. records in both events,” added Einter-
of unfurling oak leaves allowed me to Considering that I “threw away” son.
pop my blind within about 40 yards a ton of early gobbling and shaved off “We had a great season for track
of the closest bird. By now both tur- several minutes; I’d say the estimate Gas prices and field this year, and it couldn’t have
keys were going nuts; enthusiastically is fairly conservative. But regardless rise 2.8 cents ended better. Although we didn’t have
responding to each others calls with of what the actual count may have a gallon last the best practice weather this year, we
double and triple gobbles. The noise been, one thing is certain. That loud week only had one meet cancelled, and the
was incredible. mouthed gobbler was the kind of bird weather at the others was really nice.
At 5:28, both birds exited their that makes rolling out of bed at 4 Average retail gasoline prices in The girls worked really hard this year,
roosts and flew to the ground. Better o’clock in the morning well worth the Iowa have risen 2.8 cent per gallon and I think all of their hard work paid
yet, both came to hurrying to the call effort -- and then some. in the past week, averaging $2.66 per off,” said the coach.
gallon Sunday, May 24, according He noted the long distance gang
Stocks, Bonds, Tom Alexander Catch of the day to GasBuddy’s daily survey of 2,036 of Alena Gabrielson, Bailey Larsen
Mutual Funds Financial Consultant gas outlets in Iowa. This compares and Rowen Fread started off the year
Fred Wieck, of Clear Lake, caught this 49” Muskie on Friday, May 22. Wieck with the national average that has in- slow, but after putting some serious
Securities America was trolling south shore when he caught the monster. Lending him a hand was creased 3.5 cents per gallon in the last miles on throughout the year, and
Member FINRA/SIPC his grandson, Mateo Rwayitare. -Submitted photo week to $2.75 per gallon, according adding Mallory Leisure, and Mia Kat-
to gasoline price website GasBuddy. ter to the mix, they all peaked at the
641-357-7106 Dr. Todd D. Hocraffer com. right time, dropping almost :30 sec-
888-357-7106 Chiropractor Including the change in gas pric- onds off their early season times.
641.357.7189 es in Iowa during the past week, pric- “We had a very well balanced
Located at Clear Lake Bank & Trust es Sunday were 85.5 cents per gallon team this year, but our strength was
322 Main Ave • PO Box 8, Clear Lake lower than the same day one year ago with our hurdlers, and sprinters,” said
and are 19.3 cents per gallon higher Einterson.
[email protected] than a month ago. The national aver- The hurdlers, led by Makia Fes- age has increased 21.0 cents per gal- sler, Olivia Amos, Kaylee Nosbisch,
lon during the last month and stands Ashley Archer, Nikki Tesar, Kara
Not FDIC/NCUA Insured. May Lose Value. No Bank Guarantee 91.4 cents per gallon lower than this Reineke and Page Wells dominated
Not a Deposit. Not insured by any Federal Government Agency. day one year ago. their races. The shuttle hurdle team
“As the summer driving season won every race and Fessler finished
Securities offered through Securities America Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC, Tom Alexander, Representative. has begun, gasoline prices have risen the year undefeated in the 100 and
Investment Center and the Securities America Companies are unaffiliated. slightly as demand rises and parts of 200 hurdles. Archer also was a force
the country have seen supply and re- in the long jump, finishing first four
finery disruptions,” said Patrick De- times, and second once.
Haan, GasBuddy senior petroleum The Lion sprinters were led by
analyst. “There’s light at the end of Macy Mixdorf and Sharrell Lee. Mix-
the tunnel, however. We’re expecting dorf picked up numerous wins in the
over the next two weeks trends will 100 and 200, and along with Lee, was
shift and relief will start flowing to part of the 4x100 team that ran a very
pumps as issues fade into the back- fast 56.1 in Hampton.
ground. Overall, this summer will “Finally, we were very fortunate
be the cheapest at the pump across to have two good throwers this year,”
much of the U.S. since 2009 with added the coach. “Laura Rose and
prices likely remaining well below Kacie Royster both had wonderful
year ago levels. I forecast that the na- years throwing. I would also like
tional average will not breach $3/gal to thank the best manager in the
this summer,” DeHaan said. world, Maranda Harrison for all of
her hard work this year. Without her
help, the season would not have gone
as smoothly as it did.”