Page 19 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 4-20-2016
P. 19

Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter Earth Day 2015 • Page 3

Do some spring cleaning on Saturday!

Opportunities to dispose of outdated medicine, old batteries

Expired                                                                               Interstate Batteries will share
medicine                                                                              battery disposal, recycling options
disposal at
Clear Lake                                                                            	 A battery recycling station will be provided by Interstate Batteries in City Park
Earth Days                                                                            from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. on Saturday. Interstate Batteries will collect alkaline and re-
OutdoorFest                                                                           chargeable batteries.
                                                                                      	 Alkaline batteries are the normal AA, AAA, C, D, and 9 Volt batteries are often
	 Area residents can                                                                  used in remotes, flashlights, children’s toys, smoke alarms, and other items used
safely dispose of their ex-                                                           every day.
pired medicine during the                                                             	 Because alkaline batteries are now landfill safe, there is a price to recycle them.
Clear Lake Earth Days                                                                 Although alkalines are landfill safe, it is much better for the environment if they are
OutdoorFest in City Park                                                              recycled. We will be collecting these batteries for free in City Park with no charge or
on Saturday, April 23.                                                                limit.
	 A Clear Lake police                                                                 	 Rechargeable batteries – cell phone, laptop, cordless telephone, power tool, cam-
                                                                                      era, and many more – ALWAYS need to be recycled, and Interstate Batteries offers
officer will be on site with a disposal container from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. April 23. The   this service free at all times.
following items are accepted: prescriptions; over-the-counter medications; vitamins;  	 These types of batteries need to be properly wrapped or put in plastic baggies
samples; medications for pets; ointments; lotions and liquid medication that is in    before taking to a drop off site. There will be baggies, tape, and the box needed to
glass or leakproof containers.                                                        recycle at City Park on Saturday.
	 Here are the items that are not accepted: needles (Sharps); thermometers;           	 Children who recycle batteries will be given a certificate of participation and
bloody or infectious waste; medication from businesses or clinics; hydrogen perox-    adults will receive exclusive coupons.
ide; aerosol cans; inhalers.
	 The Clear Lake Police Department and Cerro Gordo County Sheriff’s Depart-           Thursday too!
ment have partnered to provide this service.                                          	 Interstate Batteries will have a booth set up at the Green Expo on Thursday
	 Properly disposing of excess drugs is a matter of public safety to prevent pollu-   where the local business will raffle prizes, hand out lots of awesome information
tion of our waterways and medicine abuse in the household.                            regarding battery recycling, and give away lots of Interstate swag and goodies.

                                                                                            Stop and see us at the
                                                                                      Green Expo and enter to win a



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