Page 3 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 3-23-2016
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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter March 23, 2016 • Page 3
Michael R. Freeden Family suggests memorials to
James C. Hill Memorial fund.
Lucille M. Anderson Shirley E. Shurson Eleanor Manganiello Michael R. Freeden, 57, of James C. Hill Jim was born Jan. 30, 1966, in
Clear Lake, died on Tuesday, March Waterloo, Iowa, the son of Larry and
Lucille M. Anderson, 98, former- Shirley Evelyn Shurson, 86, of Eleanor Manganiello, 91, of 15, 2016, at Mercy Medical Center James C. “Jim” Hill, 50, of Clear Ada (Tobey) Hill. He graduated from
ly of Clear Lake, died Sunday, March Clear Lake, died Sunday, March 20, Clear Lake, passed away Saturday, – West Lakes in West Des Moines, Lake, died Friday, March 18, 2016, Clear Lake High School in 1984.
20, at Wissota Health and Regional 2016, at I.O.O.F. Home, Mason March 12, 2016, at Hospice of North Iowa. Memorial services were held on at the Mercy Medical Center North He worked for the pipeline
Vent Center, Chippewa Falls, Wis. City, Iowa. Iowa, in Mason City. Funeral services Monday, March 21, 2016, at Major Iowa, Mason City, Iowa. on various job sites throughout the
Services are set for 11 a.m. on Memorial services will be held at were held on Friday, March 18, at Erickson Funeral Home, Mason City, Memorial services will be held United States, with many of his good
Wednesday, March 23, at Zion Lu- 11 a.m. on Tuesday, March 29, 2016, First Reformed Church, in Meser- with Pastor Jeni Bohls, of St. James at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, March 23, friends of the Pipeline Union Broth-
theran Church, Clear Lake, with the at Zion Lutheran Church, Clear vey, Iowa, with the Rev. Rodney Lutheran Church and Pastor Rich 2016, at the Ward-Van Slyke Colonial ers. He lived most of his life in Clear
Rev. Dr. Pat Hall officiating. Visitation Lake, with the Rev. Steve Bang offici- Meester presiding. Interment was at Murray, with Opportunity Village of- Chapel, Clear Lake, with Chaplin Ed Lake, where he enjoyed fishing, hunt-
will be at the church one hour preced- ating. Burial will be in the Clear Lake the Meservey Cemetery. Eleanor Mae ficiating. Inurnment will take place in Bard of Hospice of North Iowa of- ing and landscaping.
ing the service. Interment will be at Cemetery. Family will greet friends (Faaborg) Manganiello was born on Elmwood-St. Joseph Cemetery. ficiating. Visitation will be held one He was a member of Pipe Liners
the Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason from 5-7 p.m. on Monday, March the family farm in Meservey, Iowa on Memorials may be directed to hour before the service on Wednesday Local Union 798.
City, Iowa, and family and friends are 28, at the Ward-Van Slyke Colonial August 1, 1924, the daughter of An- Opportunity Village, 1200 N. 9th at the funeral home. Jim is survived by his mother, Ada
invited to a luncheon at the church fol- Chapel, Clear Lake, and then one drew and Lillie (Barkema) Faaborg. Street West, Clear Lake, Iowa 50428. Hill, Clear Lake; two brothers, Ken
lowing the interment. hour before the service at the church. She attended Meservey Public School, Online condolences may be left for (Darcie) Hill, Clear Lake, and Tim
Memorials are preferred to Zion Family suggests memorials to Shirley graduating with the class of 1941. She the family at www.majorericksonfu- Hill, Clear Lake; nephews and niec-
Lutheran Church or the Alzheimer’s Shurson Memorial Fund. then attended the Minneapolis School es, Charlie, Taylor and Hunter Hill;
Association. Shirley was born Nov. 9, 1929, of Business. Michael was born Sept. 15, 1958, uncles and aunts, Robin (Pat) Hill,
Lucille Anderson Kennedy was in Kenneth, Minn., the daughter of Eleanor worked in Portland, in Mason City, the son of Robert C. Mason City, Jim (Deb) Hill, Garner,
born to Lydia and Louis (Red) Kenne- Thomas and Selma “Sally” (Thu) Ke- Ore., Minneapolis, Minn. and the and Marlene (Byl) Freeden. Michael Iowa, Bonnie (Rudy) Scheibel, Forest
dy on Jan. 21, 1918, in rural Meservey, ane. She graduated from Waseca High Meservey Bank, in Meservey, before lived at the Village for the past several City, Iowa and Terry (Ozzie) Tobey,
Iowa. She graduated from high school School, Waseca, Minn. in 1947. returning to work the family farm years working at various jobs there, Las Vegas, Nev.; and several cousins.
in Meservey in 1936, and married Car- Shirley married Harold Shurson with her dad. He was so proud she re- where he always continued to learn. He was preceded in death by his
roll D. Anderson on Nov. 18, 1939. on Sept. 30, 1950, in Waseca, and to turned to work on the farm. He enjoyed watching almost all sports father, Larry Hill; and aunts and un-
Lucille was known for her friendli- this union five children were born; On June 26, 1949, Eleanor was and cheering on the Green Bay Pack- cles.
ness and hard work. She was employed Janice, Julie, Jacki, Joe and Jeanne. united in marriage with Sam Mangan- ers and other favorite teams. But best Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-
for many years at the Clear Lake Bak- They lived in New Richland, Minn. iello at the First Reformed Church, in of all, he enjoyed visiting and interact- pel, was in charge of arrangements.
ery. She also assisted her husband in his until they moved to Clear Lake in Meservey. They lived in New York
management of the Surf Ballroom, and 1963. City where she and her husband suc- SCHOOL LUNCH MENUSing with friends, family and his Op-
in Carroll’s Cafe and she worked as a Shirley enjoyed being the fam- cessfully ran Friendly Garage. Even
cook at the Clear Lake High School. ily historian, crocheting, crosswords, then, with her family always im- portunity Village family. Michael had
Lucille worked at various places until reading and writing letters daily to portant to her, she would return to a strong faith and was a member of
she was 80-years old, never wanting to family and friends. She loved all ani- Meservey every summer where she St. James Lutheran Church, in Mason Clear Lake banana. Alt.: Sub-stacker, salad.
be inactive. mals, especially her walking compan- and her children would stay with Lil- City. THURSDAY - Breakfast: French WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Om-
Lucille loved her family and was ion, Louie, the little white poodle lie, Jack, Andy and Laura Faaborg. Michael is survived by two aunts, toast sticks, sausage link or cereal, elets, toast or cereal, cinnamon toast
a wonderful mother, grandmother, mix. She also enjoyed many walks After the death of her husband in Marie Whipple, of Rock Falls, Iowa, cinnamon toast or yogurt cup. Lunch: or yogurt cup. Lunch: Chicken ten-
and great-grandmother. She was al- with her grandchildren and great- 1980, Eleanor moved to Clear Lake and Linda Hoblit and husband, John, Pork riblets, roll, seasoned oven po- ders, mashed potatoes, peas and car-
ways ready to help when needed and to grandchildren to places around Clear where she became very active in Zion of West Union, Iowa; cousins, Car- tatoes, mixed veggies, Raisels. Alt.: rots, apple slices, frosted applesauce
plan and join in many fun-filled fam- Lake. She enjoyed spending time with Lutheran Church. As a volunteer in lene Gonnerman, of Mason City, Sub-stacker, romaine salad. bar. Alt.: Sub-stacker, fresh veggies
ily events. She enjoyed traveling, fish- her friends with Grace Circle and the the community she spent many hours FRIDAY - Breakfast: Croissant with dip.
ing trips, and spending winters in Las Wednesday morning Do Days at on the committee that built the facil- Robert Whipple, of Mason City and sandwich or cereal, cinnamon toast or
Vegas with her husband, and brother Zion Lutheran Church where she was ity for Hospice of North Iowa. She Lee Whipple, of Waseca, Minn. and yogurt cup. Lunch: Fish sticks, dinner
and sister-in law, Lloyd and Sally Ken- a member. was also a member of Tri-T. She loved Garner-Hayfield-Ventura
nedy. She was very talented in needle- Shirley is survived by her four a large garden and gave away many their families. He is also survived by roll, mashed potatoes, peas, orange THURSDAY - No School
work, having knitted many sweaters by children: Janice (Quentin) Ander- vegetables and flowers. Eleanor also extended family, many friends and wedges, sugar cookie. Alt.: Sub-stack- FRIDAY - No School
hand and by machine, and she made son, Joice, Iowa, Julie (Allan) Angle, enjoyed traveling and made trips to care providers. er, cherry tomatoes and baby carrots. MONDAY: No School
hundreds of neckties for family and Clear Lake, Jacki (Jay) Lee, Mason China, Greece, South America, Den- He was preceded in death by his MONDAY - Breakfast: Breakfast TUESDAY: Breakfast: Waffle
friends. City, and Joe (Irene) Shurson, Iowa mark and many other places. parents; his grandparents, Carl and pizza, sausage link or cereal, cinna- sticks with syrup, fresh fruit, juice.
Lucille is survived by her two City, Iowa; six grandchildren, Bridget In 1999 Eleanor married Bill Ju- Matilda Freeden and John and Emily mon toast or yogurt cup. Lunch: Tur- Lunch: BBQ chicken on a bun, pine-
children, Thomas R. (Rozanne) An- (Ryan) Drapeaux, Megan Ander- rgens and together they traveled all Byl; and uncle, Lon Whipple. key burger on a bun, buttery noodles, apple chunks, fruit cup, potato wedges,
derson, of Jim Falls, Wis., and Shelley son, Andrea (Scott) Schmidt, Ben over the United States. They also en- Arrangements are with Major Er- green beans, rosey applesauce. Alt.: veggie sticks and dip.
(Rory) Wadle, of Ankeny, Iowa; three (Meg) Casebolt, Ashton Shurson, joyed and took many day trips around Sub-stacker, veggies with dip. WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Egg
grandchildren, Jon (Lynda) Ander- and Taylor (Ben) Thoma; two step- the state of Iowa.
son, of Muskego, Wis., Kate (Mark) grandchildren, Craig Ziegenhorn Left to cherish her memory are ickson Funeral Home & Crematory, TUESDAY - Breakfast: Pancake biscuit, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: Maca-
Mechelke, of Sartell, Minn., and Jesse and Julie (Daryl) Carson; eight great- her daughter, Becky (Robert) Var- Mason City. on a stick or cereal, cinnamon toast or roni and cheese, banana, fruit cup,
(Darrell) Johnson, of Fargo, N.D.; and grandchildren, Nathan Schmidt, Em- gas, and son, Steve (Bridget Murphy)
six great-grandchildren, Tommy and ily Schmidt, Owen Drapeaux, Max Manganiello, all of Minneapolis; step yogurt cup. Lunch: Chicken fajita, Mex- tossed side salad, green beans, whole
Sarah Anderson, Megan and Callahan Drapeaux, Cael Drapeaux, Sam Case- grandson, Jason Vargas and his son,
Mechelke, and Dylan and Delaney bolt, Ally Carson and Cael Carson; Kyle; Bill’s children, Sonna (Dick) ican rice, refried beans with cheese, grain dinner roll.
Johnson. She is also survived by sisters- her brother, Don (Marlys) Keane; McMahon, Jean (John) Mollenbeck,
in-law, Sally Kennedy and Pat Ander- two sisters, Janet Matz and Sally Ann Diane (Ken) Bird; sister-in-law, Shir- 1907 Hwy 18 E
son, both of Clear Lake; two brothers- (Jim) Howard; two brothers-in-law, ley Faaborg, Clear Lake; niece and ® Clear Lake, IA
in-law, Edward (Betty) Anderson, of Bud (Phyllis) Shurson and Vince Pe- nephew, Andy (Connie) Faaborg,
Clear Lake, and Larry (Pat) Anderson, terson; three sisters-in-law, Lorayne Laura (Andy) Oppermann; several 641-357-5271
of Spencer, Iowa; and numerous nieces Shurson, Pat Shurson and Joan Mc- nieces, nephews and great-nieces and 1-888-357-5271
and nephews. Guire and many nieces and nephews. nephews.
She was preceded in death by her Eleanor is preceded in death by Store Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 am - 6 pm
She was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Harold; daughter, her parents; both husbands; brother, Saturday: 9 am - 4 pm • Sunday: Closed
husband, Carroll; two brothers, Leon- Jeanne; three brothers-in-law; three Jack Faaborg; and a cousin, Marvel
ard (Lois) Kennedy and Lloyd Ken- sisters-in-law; and her favorite walk- Stadtlander, who was raised with her. Health Talk with Robin
nedy; four sisters, Loretta Neil, Luella ing companion, Louie, who died the Retz Funeral Home, Thornton,
Marshall, Lois (Jim) Wilson, Lorene same week she did. Iowa, was in charge of arrangements. Chief Pharmacist, Robin Younge covers
(Frank) Haddy; brother-in law, Rob- Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha- important health care topics with quality
ert Anderson; sisters-in-law, Maureen pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar- information on medication use and
(Harley) Coyle, Phyllis (Jerry) Jensen, rangements. healthier ways of life.
and Lois (Everett) Hansen.
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