Page 2 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 3-2-2016
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Local NewsPage 2 • March 2, 2016 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
Clear Lake
Mirror-Reporter craft. He was also one of the first
CALENDAR aircraft operators to be licensed to fly
hazardous materials. This led him to
from page 1 work as a contractual feeder air service
with Purolator Courier, UPS, FED
EX, and AIRBORNE. Jerry also
Sunday started DWYAIR, a branch operation
located at the Minneapolis Interna-
Eagle Scout What a difference a few days make H.J (Jerry) Dwyer tional Airport. He taught thousands
of people how to fly and many of
Zach Welper, a Scout in Clear Temperatures soaring toward 50-degrees on Saturday brought everyone out of their houses to enjoy ice and snow-free H.J. (Jerry) Dwyer, 85, of Clear those pilots he mentored have gone on
Lake Troop 1030, has recently earned walking. Three-inches of snow Monday night changed the landscape, but don’t worry, forecasters say it will be back in Lake, Iowa, went home to be with to pursue careers in professional avia-
the rank of Eagle Scout. A ceremony the upper 40s by the weekend.-Reporter photo by Chris Barragy. our Lord and Savior on Saturday, Jan. tion. He was a great encourager and
in honor of his achievement will be 16, 2016, at the Muse Norris Hospice cared very much about all of his em-
held at the Galilean Lutheran Church CONGREGATE DUESENBERG continuity of the great things our staff Center in Mason City, Iowa. ployees. Jerry was the corporate pilot
in Clear Lake on Sunday, March 6, MEALS from page 1 has been doing,” she said. “The rela- A Celebration of Life will be held for Northwestern States Portland Ce-
beginning at 1:30 pm. Friends and tionships that have been built between on Saturday, March 5, at 11 a.m., at ment Company in Mason City, and
family are invited to attend and con- THURSDAY: Chicken rice broc- berg. “I worked as a para at the el- families and the schools are very im- the Surf Ballroom and Museum, in flew for many corporations, govern-
gratulate him on his accomplishment. coli casserole, tossed salad, garlic ementary and I have really enjoyed portant to me. Home, school and Clear Lake, with Rev. Dr. Pat Hall of ment agencies, and dignitaries. He
Welper’s Eagle Scout project was the bread, hot fruit compote, orange juice. being a part of the Clear Creek and community relationships are impor- Zion Lutheran Church, Clear Lake, was a Certified Aircraft Examiner with
planning and construction of im- FRIDAY: Cook’s Choice Sunset team the last seven years.” tant to do the best for our kids— and officiating. Military honors will be the Federal Aviation Administration.
provements to the Labyrinth at Gali- MONDAY - Swedish meatballs, Barkley has been a mentor and we really have that in Clear Lake.” provided by the Clear Lake V.F.W. Jerry was a big promoter of many air
lean Lutheran Church of Clear Lake. baked potato with sour cream, Har- “an amazing example” of school lead- Micich expressed her thanks to Visitation will be held from 5-7 p.m. shows and aviation days. One of his
vard beets, mixed fruit, raspberry lem- ership, said Duisenberg, adding that the teacher/staff team for their contri- on Friday, March 4, at the Ward-Van favorite experiences was when he got
Mane event onade. he, along with Assistant Principal butions and careful considerations in Slyke Colonial Chapel, in Clear Lake, to fly with the Thunderbirds! Another
TUESDAY - Turkey noodle cas- and Curriculum Coordinator Tracy the hiring process. The team included: and then one hour before the service highlight for him was when he turned
The Clear Lake High School Mu- serole, garden beans, hot fruit com- Thomsen, Superintendent Micich and Sara Allen, Becky Brandt, Kim Quin- at the Surf Ballroom. 50 he flew the Goodyear Blimp.
sic Department will present, “Mane pote, whole wheat roll, tomato juice. other members of the administrative tus, Lesley Finn, Jane Lobdell, Troy In lieu of flowers, memorials may In 2005, Jerry was inducted into
Event 2016,” a biennial variety show, WEDNESDAY - Taco soup or team have supported and helped to Wiegmann and Ann Kockler. be directed to the Winter Dance Party the Iowa Aviation Hall of Fame.
on Sunday, March 6, at 2 p.m. This white chili, tortilla chips, lettuce salad, prepare her for her new position. Approximately 700 students at- - Jerry and Barbara Dwyer Scholar- In 2008, he was the first ever
show will include a little bit of Bran- applesauce Jello “I have really enjoyed being a part tend pre-kindergarten through fifth ship Fund or to Hospice of North recipient of two Federal Aviation
son, Las Vegas, and Saturday Night Congregate meals are served of the Clear Creek and Sunset team grade at Clear Creek and Sunset Iowa. Administration (FAA) awards at the
Live, all rolled into one. The High at the Senior Centers in Clear Lake, and I hope to provide stability and schools, led by a staff of about 90. On Oct. 11, 1930, Hubert Je- same time. He received the Wilbur
School Jazz Band and Lake-Aires will 105 S. 4th St., at 11:40 a.m. and in rome (Jerry) Dwyer, was born the son and Orville Wright Brother’s Master
be featured, as well as numerous vocal, Ventura, 4 N. Weimer St. at 11:45 SCHOOL LUNCH MENUS of Martin James and Martha Louise Mechanic Award and the Charles Tay-
instrumental, and comedy acts. There a.m. Call 357-5443 in Clear Lake and (Rexroat) Dwyer, in Chicago, Ill. He lor Federal Aviator Award.
will be an admission charged at the 829-3517 in Ventura for reservations. was the youngest of four children. At He also received commendations and
door, and Clear Lake activity tickets age 11, he went to Mattoon, Ill., to was honored by the US Congress and
will be honored. live with his grandparents, James and the Iowa State Legislature for his out-
Edna Rexroat. They lived next to the standing contribution to aviation.
Announcing Clear Lake and Fritos, romaine salad, apple slices, Mattoon airport, which sparked his Jerry logged more than 44,000
THURSDAY - Breakfast: French cinnamon roll. Alt.: Sub-stacker, fresh interest in aviation. When he was 15 hours of flight time in his career, mak-
We are pleased to announce that toast sticks, sausage or cereal, cin- veggies with dip. years old, he bought his first airplane, ing him one of the highest time pilots
Donna Eckard has joined namon toast or yogurt cup. Lunch: but was too young to own it, so they in the world.
CENTURY 21 PREFERRED. Chicken drumstick, roll, mashed pota- Garner-Hayfield-Ventura had to license it in his grandmother’s Jerry was a member of the Jay-
toes, green beans, Raisels. Alt.: Sub- THURSDAY - Breakfast: Break- name. cees, the Mason City Rotary Club,
Visit her at our Clear Lake location. stacker, romaine salad. fast pizza, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: Jerry graduated from Mattoon the Shriners, and the VFW. He served
Donna can be reached at FRIDAY - Breakfast: Croissant Sub sandwich, pears, fruit cup, carrots, High School in 1948. He partici- on the Board of the National Business
641-529-1525 (cell) sandwich or cereal, cinnamon toast or broccoli salad, vanilla pudding cup. pated in football and track, where Aviation Association, was past presi-
641-357-9400 (office) yogurt cup. Lunch: Popcorn chicken, FRIDAY - Breakfast: Breakfast he was an Illinois State Track Cham- dent of the board of the American
brown rice pilaf, peas, orange wedges, wrap, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: Tuna or pion. After studying Aeronautical Red Cross, on the Iowa Board of the
[email protected] chocolate chip cookie. Alt.: Sub-stack- egg salad pita, applesauce, fruit cup, Engineering at the University of Il- American Cancer Society. He served er, cherry tomatoes and baby carrots. green peas, veggie sticks and hum- linois, Champagne, Jerry worked for as a First Mate and volunteer for the
MONDAY - Breakfast: Breakfast mus, graham crackers. Ozark Airlines, under the direction of Clear Lake Chamber of Commerce.
417 Main Avenue,Clear Lake pizza or cereal, cinnamon toast or yo- MONDAY - Breakfast: Western famed aviation pioneer, Roscoe Turn- Jerry’s accomplishments in avia-
gurt cup. Lunch: Breaded chicken pat- omelet quesadilla, fresh fruit, juice. er. During the Korean Conflict, Jerry tion paled in comparison to his love
641.357.9400 ty with bun, buttery noodles, peas and Lunch: Pork patty on a bun, orange joined the National Guard and was of people. His true joy in life was his
carrots, applesauce. Alt.: Sub-stacker, wedges, fruit cup, broccoli, coleslaw. activated into the Air Force. He was family and friends. He enjoyed at-
veggies with dip. TUESDAY - Breakfast: Waffle based in Sioux City, Iowa, and helped tending events at Clear Lake Schools
TUESDAY - Breakfast: Pancake sticks with syrup, fresh fruit, juice. open the base and train mechanics and following all of the kids, not just
on a stick or cereal, cinnamon toast Lunch: Chicken broccoli bowl, ba- and crew chiefs. While in Sioux City, his own. He especially enjoyed being
or yogurt cup. Lunch: Walking ta- nana, fruit cup, veggie sticks and dip, Jerry met the love of his life, Barbara recognized by the Clear Lake Schools
cos, Mexican rice, refried beans with whole grain dinner roll. Sams. It was love at first sight and six as a Super Fan.
cheese, banana. Alt.: Sub-stacker, ro- WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Egg months later they were married. To He was preceded in death by his
maine salad. biscuit, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: Taco, this union four children were born, grandparents; his parents; his son, Dr.
WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Om- salsa, lettuce and tomato, apple wedg- Jeffrey Jerome (deceased), Kim Alan, Jeffrey Dwyer; his father and mother-
elet, toast or cereal, cinnamon toast or es, fruit cup, refried beans, whole grain Kirk Martin, and Dawn Renee. in-law, Harold and Esther Sams; a
yogurt cup. Lunch: Chili with cheese In 1955, Jerry founded Dwyer sister, Mary Louise Cole; his brother
cookie. Flying Service. They operated in Oel- and sister-in-law, Leland and Marilyn
wein, Charles City, and in 1957 they Sams; and nephew, David Sams; along
Visit Our New Clevvar Lake Location! moved the company to the Mason with many uncles and aunts.
City Airport, where they remained Jerry is survived by his wife of 63
Dodie Wilkins Lucy Brunner Jane Fischer Deb Jorgensen Lola Vaith Roger Flieth Jon Hepperly until his retirement in 2003. years, Barbara; son, Kim (Suzy) Dw-
Owner/Broker Owner/Broker 641.425.4900 641.512.1977 641.430.2891 641.420.5635 641.420.1657 In 1959, Jerry had the unfor- yer, Clear Lake; son, Kirk (friend Trac-
641.425.9852 641.425.9285 tunate, first-hand experience of the ey) Dwyer, Anchorage, Ak.; daughter,
famous aviation accident, where his Dawn (Douglas) Southwick, Clear
Donna Eckard Deb Jones Jamie Schulte Mindy Crooks Stephanie Eggerth Alan Wilkins Becky Werner employee and friend, Roger Peterson, Lake; and daughter-in-law, Cheryl
641.529.1525 641.903.9575 641.210.5418 641.430.8369 641.420.2647 641.512.3607 507.380.8592 Buddy Holly, J.P. Richardson (The (Bo) Cote, Indian Wells, Calif.
Big Bopper), and Ritchie Valens were Grandchildren include: Andrew (An-
killed in his airplane. This would for- gela) Dwyer, Alex Dwyer, Michael
ever change the course of his life. In- (friend Janelle) Dwyer, Scott (friend
stead of allowing this to define him in Anna) Dwyer, Cory Dwyer, Matthew
a negative way, he embraced and loved (fiancé Lynne) Dwyer, Danielle (Der-
the families and spent time with them ek) Adolf; Donna, George, Angel,
each year at the Winter Dance Party, and Nancy Jackson-Dwyer; Hillary
where he loved to dance with Barbara Southwick, Harrison Southwick and
and enjoy the music! Halston Southwick. There are five
Jerry was an entrepreneur and great-grandchildren and two more
very diversified in his aviation busi- expected to arrive in April 2016; two
ness. During the Vietnam years, he brothers, The Very Rev. Martin James
obtained an aircraft paint contract (Becky) Dwyer, Boise, Idaho, and
with the US Government and painted John Patrick (friend Patricia) Dwyer,
one-third of all of the US Army air- San Diego, Calif., and many nephews
and nieces.
He will be remembered for his
faith in God, his thankful heart, gen-
erous spirit, and caring influence. Jer-
ry was a friend to all he met.
Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-
pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar-
Ray Stearns Julie Hagen Robb Lori Diehl Scott Johnson Mark Dix Billie Hiatt Cassidy Sliger Steve Bailey Make WISE Tom Alexander
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Your Money
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417 Main Avenue 2800 4th St. SW, Suite 3 513 Central Avenue Located at Clear Lake Bank & Trust
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