Page 2 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 11-4-2015
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Local NewsPage 2 • Nov. 4, 2015 Clear Lake Mirror-Reporter
Clear Lake band, drill team, tennis, Model UN, to Minnesota for camping and riding
speech and drama. Kim’s highest the bike trails with a favorite stop at
THURSDAY: Breakfast: Waf- achievements were to be chosen for “their” pie shop. While slow to anger,
All State Speech and National Honor Kim was steadfast in her beliefs and
fles, sausage, or cereal, cinnamon Society. Kim continued her love of stood up for what she knew was right,
learning by studying Elementary Edu- even if it wasn’t a popular opinion.
toast or yogurt cup. Lunch: Pork cation at the University of Northern Her faith in God and the assurance
Iowa and received her degree in 1994. in a heavenly home is what kept her
riblets, roll, mashed potatoes, peas, Kim’s first teaching position was at peace with all of the adversities she
in Clarinda teaching 5th grade and faced.
CALENDAR Southern Minnesota Coin & Stamp raisels. Alt. Sub-stacker, romaine coaching middle school girl’s basket- Kim was a member of St. John’s
from front page Club Association, the annual, free ad- ball. Her love of family drew her back Catholic Church in Bancroft, on the
mission event will be from 9 a.m. to salad. to Northern Iowa and she accepted board of the Bancroft Public Library
p.m. at the Clear Lake Arts Center on 4 p.m. The venue is wheelchair ac- a position with Titonka Elementary and a member of the Algona Educa-
Friday, Nov. 6. This event is open to cessible. A dozen dealers will buy, sell FRIDAY - Breakfast: Breakfast School where she spent 17 years teach- tion Association.
the public with appetizers and a cash and trade. There will be free, no obli- ing, molding young lives, and being She is survived by Alan, Luke,
bar (beer and wine). The exhibit, fea- gation appraisals. sandwich, or cereal, cinnamon toast an inspiration to everyone she came and Josh, of Bancroft; her parents,
turing the works runs through Nov. into contact with. In 2013, Titonka Doneta Pedelty, of Clear Lake, and
14 at the Clear Lake Arts Center at 17 Tuesday or yogurt cup. Lunch: Tony’s stuffed Schools consolidated with Algona Ray and Lois Pedelty, of Ankeny; two
S. 4th St., Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m.- On stage Community Schools and she finished sisters, Kristi Sly and her daughter,
5 p.m. sticks, marinara sauce, romaine her teaching career in Algona teaching Cora Jane, of Altoona, Iowa, and Shel-
The Clear Lake Area Concert 2nd grade. Kim always put the needs ley Phelps, and her husband, Michael,
Fri.-Sat. Association (CLACA) is pleased to salad, orange wedges, butterscotch of her students first and would go out and their children, Tatum, Thor, and
present piano and violin duo Roy & of her way to make them feel loved Tenille, of Lone Rock. She is also sur-
You’ve Got Mail Rosemary on Tuesday, Nov. 10, at 7 cookie. Alt.: Sub-stacker, cherry to- and welcome while they were under vived by her parents‐in‐law, Mark and
p.m., in E.B. Stillman Auditorium at her care. Barb Bernhard, of Algona; sister‐in‐
Clear Lake High School drama 1601 3rd Ave. N in Clear Lake. From matoes and baby carrots. Kim married Alan Bernhard on law, Judy Wardenburg and her hus-
students will present “You’ve Got the stages of Carnegie Hall to Walt Aug. 14, 1999. To their marriage, band, Brad, of Williamsburg, Iowa;
Mail” Friday and Saturday, Nov. 6 Disney World, pianist Roy Tan and MONDAY - Breakfast: Break- they were blessed with two boys, Luke brother‐in‐law, Andrew Bernhard and
and 7, in E.B. Stillman Auditorium. violinist Rosemary Siemens have been (11) and Joshua (8). While teaching daughter, Calista, of Burt, Iowa; and
Showtime is 7:30 p.m. You’ve Got capturing the hearts of audiences the fast pizza, or cereal, cinnamon toast was her passion, her family was her numerous aunts, uncles, and cousins.
Mail is classic movie that is beloved by world over with their fresh arrange- greatest blessing and received her ab- She is preceded in death by her
many people. The storyline has ap- ments, musical versatility, soul-stir- or yogurt cup. Lunch: Hamburger solute focus. Kim made sure her boys’ grandparents, Dean and Henrietta Pe-
peared in a number of films through ring passion, stellar musicianship and needs were taken care of and always delty and Floyd and Cora Willis; and
the years. This Christmas romantic- unique style. on a bun, fries, baked beans, apple- put their well-being ahead of her own. aunt, Pamela Christiansen.
comedy, written by Miklos Laszlo, Besides teaching, Kim loved Oakcrest Funeral Services, of
will make you laugh and may also Newspaper will be sauce. Alt.: Sub-stacker, fresh veg- Kimberly Bernhard spending time with friends, being out- Bancroft, was in charge of arrange-
make you cry. Tickets are $5 and may late next week doors, working with her flowers, bak- ments. Online condolences may be
be purchased in advance at the high gies with dip. Kimberly Bernhard, 44, of Ban- ing and shopping. One of her greatest made to www.oakcrestfuneralservices.
school office. The next edition of the Mirror- croft, Iowa, joined her heavenly father, joys came from their annual vacation com.
Reporter will arrive a day late in the TUESDAY - Breakfast: Scram- Sunday, Oct. 25, 2015, surrounded
Sunday mailboxes of subscribers. Due to by family, at the Hawkeye Care Cen-
Coin show the Wednesday, Nov. 11, Veteran’s bled eggs, toast, or cereal, cinna- ter in Bancroft, after a long journey
Day holiday, there will be no mail with cancer.
The North Iowa Coin & Stamp delivery by the U.S. Postal Service. mon toast or yogurt cup. Lunch: A funeral Mass was held on
Show is Sunday, Nov. 8, at the Best Newspapers will still be available on Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015, at St. John’s
Western Holiday Lodge on Highway news stands on Wednesday, as usual, Nachos, taco fixings, Mexican rice, Catholic Church, in Bancroft. Burial
18 in Clear Lake. Sponsored by the but will not arrive in mailboxes until was in St. John’s Catholic Cemetery.
Thursday. corn, banana. Alt.: Sub-stacker, ro- In lieu of flowers, memorials may be
directed to the family, an education
maine salad. fund has been established for her sons,
Luke and Josh.
WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Kimberly Sue (Pedelty) Bernhard
was born April 11, 1971, in Oska-
Breakfast bites, or cereal, cinnamon loosa, Iowa, daughter of Steven “Ray”
Pedelty and Doneta (Christiansen)
toast or yogurt cup. Lunch: Spaghet- Pedelty. Kim attended most of her
elementary and high school in Clear
ti with meat sauce, string cheese, ro- Lake, where she graduated in 1989.
During high school she was active in
maine salad, apple slices, brownie.
Alt.: Sub-Stacker, fresh veggies with
Garner-Hayfield-Ventura Dennis Dale Barlow
THURSDAY - Breakfast: Break-
COUNCIL The City received two bids for city- fast pizza, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: Dennis Dale Barlow died on Oct. Medical as a field service engineer, all of Portland, Ore.; two grandchil-
from page 1 owned land at 1123 (including south Pizza, pears, carrot and celery sticks 17, 2015. where he fixed kidney dialysis ma- dren, Andre Amayao and D’Angelo
one-half of 1119) S. 3rd Street. City with dip, peas. A memorial service was held on chines. In 2003, he started his own Balboa-Barlow; three brothers, Don
of 800 hours of sick leave (848 pub- Administrator Scott Flory has advised FRIDAY - Breakfast: Break- Sunday, Oct. 25, 2015, at Starrett Fu- business, “DBSolutionsNW” where Barlow, Paris, Texas, Irvin (Jane) Bar-
lic safety personnel). Intersested em- the Council to accept the highest of- fast wrap, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: neral Home Chapel. he worked as a consultant for Soft- low, Longview, Texas, and Larry (Lin-
ployees would have to provide written fer, submitted by Jim and Judy Hil- Chicken fajita with veggies and sal- Denny was born Jan. 17, 1949, ware Configuration Management in da) Barlow, Clear Lake; several nieces
notice of their intent and meet certain gendorf, of Clear Lake, in the amount sa, brown rice, apple slices, tossed to Dale and Doris Barlow at St. Jo- IT departments to various compa- and nephews, Donna (Mike) Craid,
criteria to retire by Nov. 30, 2015 and of $40,100. The Hilgendorfs have salad with dressing. seph’s Mercy Hospital, Mason City, nies, including USAA. That same Gwen Schumacher, Richard (Youn-
then retire by Dec. 31, 2015. proposed construction of a twin home MONDAY - Breakfast: Western Iowa. He attended and graduated year, Denny moved to San Antonio, Suk) Barlow, James (Becky) Barlow,
Also approved by a vote of 5-0 on the site. omelet quesadilla, fresh fruit, juice. from Clear Lake High School in Texas. In 2009, he started to work for Jud (Shonna) Barlow, Kim (Darin)
was to sell the S. 3rd Street property. Lunch: Chicken sandwich, pears, 1967. Three weeks after his high Information Innovators Inc. Berger, Greg (Faith) Barlow, John
Cowboy Corn salad, broccoli. school graduation he enlisted in the Of all Denny’s travels his favor- (Cherri) Barlow, Teresa (Ernie) Klein,
TUESDAY - Breakfast: Waffle U.S. Army and was deployed to Viet- ite destination was Australia and he Joe (Becky) Barlow, Sheila (Kirk)
sticks with syrup, fresh fruit, juice. nam. In 1970, he was honorably dis- even had dreams of retiring there. He Groeneweg; and several grandneph-
Lunch: Grilled cheese sandwich, charged and moved to Tucson, Az. enjoyed many hobbies and activities, ews and grandnieces, as well as great-
grapes, tomato soup, tossed salad Denny obtained his Associates such as singing, gadgets, playing rac- grandnephews and great-grandnieces.
with dressing. of Applied Science at Pima Commu- ing video games, skydiving, even the He was preceded in death by his
WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Egg nity College in 1984. He then moved occasional TV suspense/drama or father, Dale Barlow; mother, Doris
biscuit, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: to Osaka, Japan in 1984 and taught NASCAR races. His absolute passion Barlow; brother, Raymond Barlow;
BBQ pork on a bun, apricot cup, English at Soka High School for four was to ride “Roxanne,” his beloved two sister-in-laws, Sharon and Helen
years. In 1989, Denny moved back to Harley. Barlow; four uncles, Everett, Herb,
peas, cookie. Seattle, Wash. for a year, then moved Denny is survived by his fiance, Walt, and Art; nephew, James Keith
again to Portland, Ore. where he Nancy Bower, of Helotes, Texas; three Barlow; and great-grandnephew,
worked for Fujitsu, as a field service children, James (Jenny) Barlow, Emily Owen Klein.
engineer. He also worked for Althin Barlow, and Pamela (Mark) Amayao,
Friday Night Wednesday Night
Free Taco Bar Wine Night
5 p.m. until gone $1 off all wine
$2 Domestic Bottles 1/2 Price Appetizer
Until 9 p.m. A different 1/2 price
appetizer every
Country/Karaoke Wednesday night
with $2.50 tall boys Redneck Prom
9 p.m. - close
Saturday, Nov. 14th
A fundraiser for the Humane
Society of North Iowa
Opportunity Village Children’s
Autism Center
Dress up in your best redneck
cliches and party for a great cause!
Holiday Parties
Book your holiday party here
Call 641-357-1222
619 Buddy Holly Place • 641-357-1222
Tuesday - Saturday open at 4 p.m.