Page 3 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 10-21-2015
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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter Oct. 21, 2015 • Page 3
Merlyn Okland lier years fishing and going on Harley Clear Lake. She also enjoyed spending She was preceded in death by her
rides with Troy. She and Troy also were time with her 99-year-old mother father, Edwin Estergard.
Merlyn (Mert) C. Okland, 81, hosts to many gatherings of friends who resides at Apple Valley Assisted Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-
passed away on Oct. 13, 2015, at Is- and family. She constantly worried Living, her husband, kids, grandkids pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar-
rael Family Hospice House, in Ames, about everyone but herself and was and her many friends. rangements.
Iowa. Funeral services were held on a wonderful caregiver. She made She is survived by her husband,
Oct. 17, 2015, at Immanuel Lutheran Christmas a very special holiday for Jack MacDonald, Clear Lake; three Dennis Simmer
Church, in Story City, Iowa. Burial her family and cherished all the times children, Kristen (Charlie) Wilfahrt,
will be at Story City Municipal Cem- spent in her backyard by the pool en- Minneapolis, Minn., Barbara (Jeff) Dennis Dale Simmer, 63, of Gar-
etery at a later date. tertaining her grandchildren, while Meyer, Edina, Minn. and Joel Mac- ner, Iowa, and formerly of Clear Lake,
Merlyn (Mert) C. Okland was listening to the Beach Boys. There Donald, Cantwell, Alaska; five grand- died Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2015, at the
born Aug. 12, 1934, to Merle and was never a dull moment at Nana and children, Abigail Wilfahrt, Luke and Concord Care Center, Garner.
Clarice (Lindebak) Okland in Story Pa’s house, and she made sure no one Natalie Meyer and Fiona and Owen A celebration of life will be held
City. Mert served in the United States ever left hungry. Her greatest joy in MacDonald; and her mother, Helen at 1 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 24, at 311 S.
Army during the Korean War. On life was her grandchildren. She always Estergard. 12th St.
Sept. 14, 1957, he was united in mar- joked that if she could have had her
riage to Darlene Davis at the Little Sandee Monahan grandchildren first, life would have Julie MacDonald Rich Oehlert
Brown Church in Nashua, Iowa. They been easier.
settled in Story City and raised two Sandee Sue Monahan, 60, of Sandee is survived by her father, Julie Ann MacDonald, 70, of Clear Lake City Council
children, Jeff and Michelle. Clear Lake, died Saturday, October Gary Frerichs of Clear Lake; hus- Clear Lake, Iowa died Friday, Oct. 16, Ward 1
Early in his career, Mert worked 17, 2015, at her home. band, Troy Monahan of Clear Lake; 2015 at Mercy Medical Center North
three jobs at one time to provide for A funeral service will be held four children, Tonya (Troy) Ristau of Iowa, Mason City, Iowa. Paid for by Rich Oehlert, 106 Fairway Dr., Clear Lake, IA
his family. He was founder of Okland Thursday, October 22, 10:30 a.m., at Clear Lake, Carrie (Chuck, deceased) A celebration of Julie’s life will
Welding then he and Darlene went First Congregational Church, 205 W. Galkin of Mason City, Troy II (Amy) be held at 1 p.m. today, Wednesday,
on to create Putco Manufacturing, 10th Ave. N., Clear Lake, with Pastor Monahan of Mason City, and Greg- October 21, at the Clear Lake United
in Story City, which mass produced Nancy Monahan officiating. Burial ory Monahan of Clear Lake; eight Methodist Church, Clear Lake, with
running boards and pickup truck ac- will be in Clear Lake Cemetery. grandchildren, Taryn and Tori Ristau, the Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Thompson of-
cessories which were sold throughout Visitation will be from 5 -7 p.m. Bailee, Brandon and Jennifer Galkin, ficiating. Family suggests memorials
North America. Wednesday, October 21, at Ward-Van Jordon (Kayla), Troy David, and Ri- to North Iowa Humane Society.
Mert was a lifelong resident of Slyke Colonial Chapel, Clear Lake. ley Monahan; a great-granddaughter, Julie was born Jan. 30, 1945 in
Story City and a member of Im- Sandee was born February 15, Talia Monahan; four siblings, Barry Mason City, Iowa the daughter of
manuel Lutheran Church, the Story 1955, the daughter of Gary and Eu- (Bonnie) Frerichs of Packwood, Edwin Christian and Helen Doris
City American Legion, the Story City nice (Eckhoff) Frerichs in Grundy Wash., Candace (Jody) McGuckin of (Clawson) Estergard. She graduated
Fire Department, the Jaycees, and Center, Iowa. She married Troy Mo- Dover, Del., Myrna (Al) Hallman of from Clear Lake High School in 1963
Iowa State University Cyclone Club. nahan on March 9, 1973, in Sioux Swaledale, Iowa and Scott (Shawn) and then Hamilton Business College
He was a fan of all ISU athletics and Falls, S.D. Frerichs of Clear Lake; a mother-in- in 1964.
enjoyed morning coffee club, golfing Sandee grew up and lived law, Denise (LeRoy) McNamee of Julie married Jack MacDon-
and going on fishing trips. He loved throughout the United States, as well Greeley, Colo.; and four siblings-in- ald June 27, 1964 at Zion Lutheran
spending time at the lake at Clear as Europe, graduating from Clear law, Mark (Cozette Sullivan) Detra of Church, Clear Lake. They lived in
Lake and Lake of the Ozarks, Mo. Lake High School. She worked at Mason City, Jaye (Joe Allinder) Mo- Rochester, Minn. for over 33 years
Most of all, Mert loved being with his Sperry-Univac, Alexander Battery, nahan of Greeley, Colo., Todd (Kim) where they raised their children. She
grandchildren. Sun Source, and most recently, FRC Monahan of Greeley, and Tom (Jane) was a long-time employee of Mestad’s
Mert is survived by his son, Jeff Corporation. Her work ethic was Monahan of DePere, Wis. Bridal, Rochester, Minn. as a book-
Okland, of Dallas Texas; his daughter, outstanding, and she instilled that in She was preceded in death by her keeper and secretary. They moved
Michelle (Tom) Randall, of Ames; his her children. mother; a son-in-law, Chuck Galkin; back to Clear Lake after they retired
grandchildren, Tanya (Jason) Kroeger, Sandee enjoyed gardening, flow- a father-in-law, Phil Monahan; and a in 1998. Both Jack and Julie loved be-
of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Tara (Lee) ers, baking, animals, crafts, and in ear- sister-in-law, Jody Detra. ing back in the town where they were
Carlson, of Stratford, Texas, Jenni Richard Monson on Oct. 2, 1993, at raised.
(Corey) Graham, of Prosper, Texas, Lee Monson the Little Brown Church in Nashua, Julie was an avid reader and read
Jammi (Cody) Standerfer of Prosper, Iowa. Lee worked at Goss and DW hundreds of books. She spent much
Crystal (Michael) Schoults, of Spring- Lee Monson, 67, of Cedar Rap- Products. She loved taking care of her of her time volunteering at Opportu-
field, Mo. and Bobby Crockett, of ids, Iowa, died Friday, October 16, grandchildren, furniture restoration, nity Village and other organizations in
Springfield; nine great-grandchildren; 2015, at St. Luke’s Hospital, Cedar ceramics, sewing, crafts, wedding de-
two sisters, Ramona Johnson, of Ft. Rapids. Services were held Mon- signing, canning, preparing food, gar- 2 North 4th St.
Collins, Colo. and Nadine Overley, day, Oct. 19, 2015, at Stonebridge dening, collecting dolls and her dogs. ® Clear Lake, IA
of Castle Rock, Colo.; 11 nieces and Church, Cedar Rapids, conducted by Survivors include her husband,
nephews; and Mert and Dar’s special the Rev. Randy Scheil and the Rev. Richard of Cedar Rapids; sons, Brian 641-357-5271
family friends, Lynn and Joyce Knut- Robin Tyner. Burial was in Spring (Jamie) Cruise of Atkins, Iowa, Bill 1-888-357-5271
son, of Jewell, Iowa. Grove Cemetery, Covington, Iowa. (Lisa Patterson) Cruise and Jim (Julie)
He was preceded in death by his Lee was born on Oct. 17, 1947, Cruise, all of Cedar Rapids; grand- Store Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 am - 6 pm
parents; and wife, Darlene Okland. in Cedar Rapids, daughter of William son, Brandon Monson; step-children, Saturday: 9 am - 4 pm • Sunday: Closed
The family sends special thanks and Janet (Tyler) Reilly. She married Karen Monson of Oelwein, John
to Dr. David Carlyle, the special, car- Monson, Scott Monson, Tim Mon- Are you eligible
ing staff at Bethany Life and Timber- son and Ray Monson, all of Clear for Medicare Part D?
land Village, and Israel Family Hos- Lake; many grandchildren and great-
pice House. grandchildren; and siblings, Janet Medicare Part D is prescription drug coverage
Memorials may be made Im- Cerney of Texas, Tom (Sally) Reilly that helps pay for medications prescribed by
manuel Lutheran Church, Bethany of Shueyville, Iowa, and Jim (Sandy) your doctor. Talk to Robin Younge, Chief
Life Communities or Israel Family Reilly. Pharmacist at Thrifty White Pharmacy
Hospice House. She was preceded in death by her to learn more.
Soderstrum Funeral Home, in parents; and brothers, John Reilly,
Story City, was in charge of arrange- Robert Reilly and Ken Reilly. Talk with
ments. Murdoch Funeral Home, Cedar your local
Rapids, was in charge of arrange- Thrifty White
ments. Memories of Lee can be shared pharmacist
at about how you
under obituaries. could save.
Mildred Baker Re-Elect Jim Boehnke Come to Thrifty White Pharmacy
and you could save.
Mildred Baker, 97 of Clear Lake, Ward 3 Clear Lake City Council
went to her Heavenly Father Friday, If you are a member of any of the following Medicare Part D prescription drug
October 16, 2015, at Oakwood Care Thank you for your vote November 3rd plans, you could save when you fill your prescriptions at Thrifty White Pharmacy.
Center in Clear Lake. Talk with your local Thrifty White Pharmacist today.
A private family graveside servic- Paid for by Jim Boehnke, 1510 N. 3rd St., Clear Lake, IA
es will be held at a later date. Additional Medicare plans are also accepted. See pharmacy for details.
Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-
pel, Clear Lake, is in charge of the ar- Thrifty White Pharmacy is not endorsed by or affiliated with AARP.
Questions? Stop in today or call our Patient Care Center at 1-888-558-9941
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