Page 1 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 10-21-2015
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U of I Homecoming royalty	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                pg 2

Weather                                More weather on page 5.

Pleasant temperatures will start to dip and a few
showers are possible this week.

USPS 117-120 VOL. 145 Issue 42                                  Oct. 21, 2015       Serving Clear Lake and Ventura since 1869 • Hometown newspaper of Bob & Donna Furleigh                                           $1.50

  Clear Lake                                                                                                                                                                         Supervisors show
Mirror-Reporter                                                                                                                                                                      support for grant
CALENDAR                                                                                                                                                                             application for
                                                                                                                                                                                     rail facility
Watercolor                             Kwik Star makes it official                                                                                                                   	 The Cerro Gordo County Board of Supervisors has ap-
workshop                                                                                                                                                                             proved a grant application in support of the construction of a
                                       Although it has been open for a little over a week, Kwik Trip/Kwik Star company leaders celebrated the convenience store’s opening Tuesday,   trans-load rail facility in Emery between Mason City and Clear
	 Award winning Clear Lake             Oct. 20, with a ribbon cutting. The event also included $1,000 check presentations by Kwik Star to the Clear Lake Police Department and       Lake.
artist, Delores ‘Dee’ Frederick,       Opportunity Village. Here, Police Chief Pete Roth accepts the gift. The 7,500-square-foot convenience store and truck center is located on a  	 Tuesday, Oct. 13 Supervisors gave their support to a
will teach a Watercolor work-          19-acre parcel at the intersection of Highway 122 and North 32nd Street just east of Interstate 35.-Reporter photo.                           $656,000 facility which would initially employ five persons.
shop at the Clear Lake Arts                                                                                                                                                          	 Sanders Products, of Lawrence, Kan., serves biofuels manu-
Center on Saturday, Oct. 24                                                                                                                                                          facturing plants in north-central Iowa and southern Minnesota
from 10 a.m. -noon and 1 – 4                                                                                                                                                         with the transportation of sulfuric acid used in making ethanol.
p.m. This workshop is for be-                                                                                                                                                        Sanders is proposing to construct a facility that would help ship
ginner, intermediate and expe-                                                                                                                                                       more of the product through the rail system instead of having
rienced painters and will focus                                                                                                                                                      it off-loaded from rail cars into tanks and then trucked to the
on painting fall leaves. Cost                                                                                                                                                        ethanol plants.
for the workshop is $40, plus                                                                                                                                                        	 The project would include the construction of two tanks
supplies, for Arts Center mem-                                                                                                                                                       with a loading tower, plumbing and flow meters, and a contain-
bers and $45, plus supplies, for                                                                                                                                                     ment area.
non-members. A supply list                                                                                                                                                           	 A majority of the facility’s cost would be paid for by the
is provided at registration. To                                                                                                                                                      Iowa Department of Transportation’s new “Linking Iowa’s
register, call or email the Clear                                                                                                                                                    Freight Transportation System.” 	 The program is intended
Lake Arts Center at 357-1998                                                                                                                                                         to find ways to ship more things by rail to decrease the number
or [email protected].                                                                                                                                                                   of heavy-axle trucks on the roads. 
                                                                                                                                                                                     	 A one-time grant through the LIFTS program would pro-
Monday                                                                                                                                                                               vide $520,000 for the project. Sanders will pay the difference
                                                                                                                                                                                     with matching funds. No county money would be used for the
Pumpkin party                                                                                                                                                                        grant.

	 A Pumpkin Party Family               Ssshh! City signs on to encourage quiet travel
Night will be held at the Clear        	 Those traveling through Clear Lake         	 Lagios urged the city to take action         “It seemed like a reasonable approach to
Lake Public Library Monday,            will hopefully take notice of new signage    which would help to bring noisy vehicles       promote awareness and be responsive to
Oct. 26, from 5-6 p.m. as an           being installed.                             into compliance with Iowa and Federal          those citizens that have expressed their
open house for Preschoolers            	 Peter Lagios first introduced the          law. 	 “Clear Lake is a very nice com-         concerns over the issue,” said.
and their families. Children           Clear Lake City Council to the “Ride         munity and I want to ensure that it only       	 Lagios worked with the Council to
ages three-years and older are         Quietly” campaign two years ago and ran      gets better by asking motorists to install     place signs at busy thoroughfares.
welcome.  There will be games          as a candidate for City Council to pursue    proper mufflers on their vehicles,” he         	 The first areas to receive the “Please
and a pumpkin craft. Pumpkin           the issue. His bid for election failed and   said in an earlier statement to media. “I      Ride Quietly” signs are: on the grade go-
stories will be read by a guest        the issue faded away until this year, when   believe most Iowans are decent and law         ing up the hill on South Shore Drive by
storyteller. There will also be a      Lagios again considered a run for a Coun-    abiding, but there are still a few who insist  the Outing Club, in the 12th Avenue
drawing for a real pumpkin and         cil seat.                                    on making loud aggravating noise at the        South vicinity; at the intersection of 4th
a book.  Those planning to at-         	 Although he ultimately decided not         expense of the public good.”                   Avenue South and South 8th Street; at
tend are asked to register by          to seek election, he continued to speak to   	 City Administrator Scott Flory said          27th Avenue South and South Shore
phoning 357-0315.                      the Council about a problem he witnessed     Lagios’ approach to address the issue          Drive; and in the North Shore Drive and
                                       in his neighborhood and elsewhere—           through signage was a good idea.               Clark Road area.
      Inside                           loud vehicles.                               	

  Obituaries..............2-3          GHV school                                                                                                                                   Watch for signs like these in Clear Lake neighorhoods.-Submitted photo.
  Opinion..................... 4       leader finalist
  Weather.................... 5        for top honor
  News of Record......20

 More windy and dry weather            	 Tyler Williams, superintendent of                                                                        -Reporter photo by Chris Barragy  This is a weekly feature highlighting some of Iowa’s
  is causing the level of Clear        the Garner-Hayfield-Ventura Commu-                                                                                                           unsolved homicides in the hopes that it will lead to new
Lake to continue to drop. The          nity School District, was a finalist for     Dry conditions spark field fires,                                                               tips and potentially help solve cases. The project is a
  Water Department reported            the 2015-16 Iowa Superintendent of the       red flag warnings                                                                               partnership between this newspaper and other members of
   the level of the lake as an         Year award sponsored by the School Ad-                                                                                                       the Iowa Newspaper Association.
  even 0.0 at the weir Tuesday         ministrators of Iowa.                        Extremely dry conditions, coupled with wind, have resulted in a number of field fires in
  morning. The new reading             	 “SAI is pleased to recognize leaders       North Iowa, like this blaze which broke out Wednesday, Oct. 14, between Clear Lake              JORGE “LOUIE” GUTIERREZ, SR | AGE: 47 | DIED: OCT. 19, 2004
  means the level has dropped          who are dedicated to promoting student       and Mason City. A Red Flag Warning has been posted statewide for all but a few counties
 1.08 inches from the previous         achievement and committed to educa-          in northwest Iowa. The National Weather Service says the risk of wildfires is high due to                         Location: Davenport
 week. Last year the lake was          tion,” said Roark Horn, the association’s    strong winds, low humidity and dry vegetation. Farmers need to be especially cautious
  +.6 inches above the weir at         executive director.                          as they harvest dry crops. Farmers are urged to be very careful about bearings give their                         Louie Gutierrez, of East Moline, Ill., was found
                                       	 The GHV School District began the          equipment frequent breaks to cool off and for clean up.  Forecasters say there’s a chance                         wrapped in a sleeping bag in the bed of his
            this time.                 current school year as one district after a  for some showers this week.-Reporter photo by Chris Barragy.                                                      maroon 1983 Chevrolet pick-up truck in the
                                       successful reorganization vote, where 93                                                                                                                       early afternoon of October 19, 2004. The truck,
     Mail: 12 N. 4th St.,              percent of voters approved the Garner-                                                                                                                         which was covered in Dallas Cowboys stickers,
    Clear Lake, IA 50428               Hayfield and Ventura school districts                                                                                                        was parked along the Mississippi River in the 3400 block
 Telephone: 641-357-2131               becoming a single district.                                                                                                                  of South Concorde Street in Davenport. Gutierrez was
     Fax: 641-357-2133                 	 Williams received his undergradu-                                                                                                          believed to have been killed two days earlier, on Oct. 17,
Email: [email protected]           ate teaching degree at Central College,                                                                                                      2004, as a result of blunt force trauma to the head.
Website:            a master’s degree in administration at
                                       Drake University, where he also received                                                                                                     Because his body was left to make it look like he died in his
                          @CLReporter  his specialist’s degree in education, lead-                                                                                                  sleep, coupled with other evidence in the case, his family
                                       ing to a four-year stint in Mount Ayr                                                                                                        believes the people responsible for his death must have
                                       where he received his first superinten-                                                                                                      known him. Family members also believe that more than one
                                       dent’s position. Williams is in his 13th                                                                                                     person is responsible for his death because he was a burly
                                       year representing Garner-Hayfield,                                                                                                           man, and it would take more than one person to carry him.
                                       Ventura and now GHV.
                                       	 Nominated for the award by his                                                                                                             If you have any information regarding Louie Gutierrez’s unsolved
                                       peers, Williams will be recognized at                                                                                                        murder, please contact the Davenport Police Department at (563)
                                       SAI’s awards reception Aug. 3, 2016,                                                                                                         326-7979 or the Davenport Crime Stoppers tip line at (309) 762-
                                       along with Council Bluffs Superinten-                                                                                                        9500 or the Iowa DCI at 515-725-6010.
                                       dent Martha Bruckner who was recently
                                       selected as the recipient.                                                                                                                   Find out more about this and other unsolved homicides at

   Our                                                          Favorite Recipes                                                   These recipes were compiled from our readers. We’ve put them                                This
Readers’                                                                                                                                 all together in this beautiful, easy to read cookbook.                      cookbook is sure
                                                                                                                                           You’ll find some great recipes in the categories of:
Also available at                                                                                                                                                                                                      to be an instant
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 312 Main Ave.                                                                                                                     	 Vegetables & Side Dishes	                      Desserts
    Clear Lake                                                                                                                                                                                                           chef on your

                                                                                    12 N. 4th Street, Clear Lake
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