Page 3 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 1-6-2016
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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter Jan. 6, 2016 • Page 3
OBITUARIES Voter registration made easier
Iowans will have an easier way to cost to taxpayers,” said Mark Lowe, project.”
register to vote and update their regis- director of the Iowa DOT’s Division Secretary Pate pledges to contin-
tration information thanks to the new of Motor Vehicles. “We’re very pleased ue to pursue ways to help all Iowans
electronic voter registration system to have had the opportunity to con- participate in the electoral process.
unveiled Monday by Secretary of State tribute our time and resources to this
Paul Pate. The system is housed on the
Iowa Department of Transportation’s Midwest Living editor, IPTV
website, available for use any time of host will present program
day, and is accessible on any computer for Lime Creek senior event
or mobile device with an internet con-
Jack D. Hill Shirley A. Carr Hazel E. Leaman nection. A “For Seniors Only” program almost every one of the 99 Iowa coun-
“Iowa is a national leader in voter will be held at the Lime Creek Nature ties in search of close-to-home attrac-
Jack Duane Hill, 85, of Clear Shirley Ann Carr, 84, of Clear Hazel E. Leaman, 90, of Mason accessibility. Offering electronic voter Center on Wednesday, Jan. 13 from tions and getaways to share with read-
Lake, died Sunday, Dec. 27, 2015, at Lake, died Sunday, Jan. 3, 2016 at her City, Iowa, died Sunday, Jan. 3, 2016, registration increases that stature,” 10 a.m. – noon. ers and viewers.
Muse-Norris Hospice Inpatient Unit, home. at the Good Shepherd Health Center. Secretary Pate said. “I want all eligible Dan Kaercher, retired founding The program will be followed by
in Mason City, Iowa. A memorial service will be held at Funeral services will be held 2 citizens to participate in the electoral editor-in-chief of Midwest Living a catered lunch and social time. Cost
A Mass of Christian Burial was 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, Jan. 7, 2016, p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 7, 2016, at process. This is another step toward magazine and public television host, is $5 for nature center members and
held on Thursday, Dec. 31, 2015, at St. at Clear Lake Christian Church, 302 Major Erickson Funeral Home, 111 that goal. Iowans can now register will discuss his more interesting Iowa $7 for nonmembers. Those planning
Patrick’s Catholic Church, Clear Lake, US Hwy. 18, Clear Lake, with Pastor N. Pennsylvania Avenue, Mason City, to vote online, by mail, at driver’s li- discoveries with his presentation “Io- to attending are asked to call 423-
with the Rev. John Gossman officiat- Drew Rietjens officiating. Inurnment with Pastor Janet Dorenkamp, Chap- cense stations and other government wa’s Hidden Treasures.” 5309 by Jan. 11 to register.
ing. Burial was in Clear Lake Cem- will be in the Clear Lake Cemetery. lain – Hospice of North Iowa officiat- agency offices, through voter registra- Kaercher spent years traveling in
etery with military honors provided by Visitation will be from 5-7 p.m. ing. Visitation will be from 4-6 p.m. tion drives, and at the polls on Elec-
the United States Army. Wednesday, Jan. 6, at Ward-Van Slyke on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2016, at Major tion Day. Every Iowan that wants to SCHOOL LUNCH MENUS
Family suggests memorial contri- Colonial Chapel, in Clear Lake. Erickson Funeral Home and continue register to vote has that opportunity.”
butions to Hospice of North Iowa. Family suggests memorial contri- one hour prior to the service. Inter- Iowa also boasts no-excuse ab- Clear Lake yogurt cup. Lunch: Veggie beef soup,
Jack was born Sept. 3, 1930, the butions to the Shirley Carr Memorial ment will take place in Elmwood-St. sentee voting, and maintains one of THURSDAY - Breakfast: Mini cheese pretzel stick, romaine salad,
son of Lyle and Marjorie (Kutzner) Fund. Joseph Cemetery. the longest early voting (40 days) and pancakes, sausage or cereal, cinna- apple slices, banana bar. Alt.: Sub-
Hill, in Mason City. He married Re- Shirley was born Sept. 28, 1931, Memorials may be directed to the Election Day voting (14 hours) peri- mon toast or yogurt cup. Lunch: Pork stacker, fresh veggies with dip.
nate M. Maroschek on Nov. 23, 1953, the daughter of Carl and Helen Hazel Leaman Memorial Fund in care ods. riblets, roll, mashed potatoes, peas,
in Germany. (Mott) Boyd, in Mason City, Iowa. of the family. Online condolences Secretary Pate demonstrated the Raisels. Alt.: Sub-stacker, romaine Garner-Hayfield-Ventura
A graduate of Mason City High She was united in marriage to Veryl L. may be left for the family at state’s new electronic voter registra- salad. THURSDAY - Breakfast: Break-
School, Jack enlisted in the United Carr on March 15, 1953, in Mason tion system during a Monday morn- FRIDAY - Breakfast: Breakfast fast pizza, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch:
States Army, serving during the Viet- City. To this union four children were ing news conference. Anyone with a sandwich or cereal, cinnamon toast Hot ham and cheese sandwich, pears,
nam War. He was a physician’s assis- born. Veryl preceded Shirley in death Gas prices driver’s license or state-issued I.D. can or yogurt cup. Lunch: Bosco stick, tomato soup, side salad.
tant while serving in the Army and lat- on Dec. 9, 2007. keep dropping utilize the new electronic voter regis- marinara sauce, romaine salad, or- FRIDAY - Breakfast: Breakfast
er was a physician’s assistant at a federal Shirley graduated from Mason tration system, which launched Jan. 1, ange wedges, butterscotch cookie. wrap, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: Oven
prison in Springfield, Mo. He retired City High School. She was a home- Average retail gasoline prices in 2016. Iowa’s system sets it apart from Alt.: Sub-stacker, cherry tomatoes and roasted chicken, orange wedges, po-
from the military after 21 years. maker most of her life, raising her four Iowa have fallen 0.5 cents per gallon other states. baby carrots. tatoes and gravy, stuffing, side salad,
Jack enjoyed fishing, raising many children. in the past week, averaging $1.87 per “Many states claim to have online MONDAY - Breakfast: Waffles, dinner roll.
birds including his parakeets, and Shirley was a member of the gallon Sunday, Jan. 3, according to voter registration, but Iowa’s system is sausage or cereal, cinnamon toast or MONDAY: Breakfast: Western
spending his winters in Texas. Clear Lake Christian Church where GasBuddy’s daily survey of 2,036 gas one of the few that is all electronic,” yogurt cup. Lunch: Hamburger on a omelet quesadilla, fresh fruit, juice.
Jack is survived by his wife, Re- she was a member of the Busy Bee outlets in Iowa. This compares with Secretary Pate said. “Most other states bun, calico fries, baked beans, diced Lunch: Tacos, salsa, lettuce and toma-
nate, of Clear Lake; a sister, Joanne Club for over 55 years. She liked the national average that has fallen 0.5 still require a paper form to be mailed pears. Alt.: Sub-stacker, veggies with to, strawberry cup, spanish rice, refried
(Dean) Snyder, of Clear Lake; four keeping active by doing water aero- cents per gallon in the last week, ac- to the registrant, filled out and re- dip. beans.
nephews, Don (Jane) Snyder, of Ames, bics and working in the yard and gar- cording to gasoline price website Gas- turned. Iowa’s system is all done on- TUESDAY - Breakfast: Scrambled TUESDAY: Breakfast: Waffle
Dave (Vickie) Snyder, of Clear Lake, den. Her favorite chore was to mow line, and our partnership with the eggs and toast or cereal, cinnamon sticks with syrup, fresh fruit, juice.
Dale (Kathy) Snyder, of Clear Lake, the yard with her Cub Cadet, which Including the change in gas pric- Iowa DOT insures security and integ- toast or yogurt cup. Lunch: Nachos, Lunch: Beef stew over biscuit, pears,
and Steve (Deb) Hill, of Mesa, Az.; would take about four hours, but was es in Iowa during the past week, prices rity.” taco fixings, Mexican rice, corn, ba- corn, graham crackers.
cousins, Kenton Kutzner, of Clear so beautiful when it was done. She Sunday were 16.9 cents per gallon “Built entirely with in-house de- nana. Alt.: Sub-stacker, romaine sal- WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Egg
Lake, and Richard (Diane) Kutzner, of enjoyed traveling with family to Yel- lower than the same day one year ago velopers, this online service gives the ad. biscuit, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: Tur-
Casa Grande, Az.; a sister-in-law, Elsie lowstone National Park, by way of and are 17.6 cents per gallon lower vast majority of Iowans more conve- WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Break- key burger, fruit cocktail, sweet potato
Maroschek, of Germany; many nieces Bear Tooth Mountain; Veryl’s favorite than a month ago. The national aver- nience and better access to voter regis- fast bites or cereal, cinnamon toast or fries, green beans.
and nephews in Germany; and great drive. She enjoyed spending time with age has decreased 5.0 cents per gallon tration services without sacrificing se-
nieces and nephews in Iowa. her grandchildren; which she referred during the last month and stands 19.9 curity or integrity, all at no additional
He was preceded in death by his to as “Our Very Special Times.” cents per gallon lower than this day
parents; and a brother, Don (Ann) Shirley is survived by three chil- one year ago. ® MOVING TO NEW LOCATION 1907 Hwy 18 E
Hill. dren, Donna (Gary) Hall, of Garner, “Talk about starting the New MONDAY, NOV. 16TH Clear Lake, IA
Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel Iowa, Robert Carr, of Clear Lake, and Year off right,” said Patrick DeHaan, 1907 HWY 18 E 641-357-5271
was in charge of arrangements. Diane (Derek) Masterson, of Eagan, GasBuddy senior petroleum analyst.
Minn.; and five grandchildren, Kath- “The good news is that we could see 1-888-357-5271
Barbara A. Thompson erine Hove, of Salt Lake City, Utah, even more price drops.” Store Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 am - 6 pm
Rebecca Hove, Zachary Hove, Emily
Barbara Ann Thompson, of Clear Masterson and Ian Masterson, all of CONGREGATE Saturday: 9 am - 4 pm • Sunday: Closed
Lake, died peacefully in her home on Eagan; and many nieces, nephews, MEALS
Monday, Dec. 21, 2015 at the age of 89. cousins, and friends. Health Talk with Robin
She felt blessed to have received calls and She was preceded in death by THURSDAY: Pork loins, baked
visits from dear family and friends, and her parents; husband, Veryl Carr; a potato, cooked cabbage and onions, Chief Pharmacist, Robin Younge covers
was looking forward to seeing Jesus and son, Russell Carr; and a brother, Irvin cranberry orange bar, tomato juice. important health care topics with quality
those she loved who had gone before her. Boyd. FRIDAY: Chicken rice broccoli information on medication use and
Visitation will be held at Ward-Van Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha- casserole, tossed salad, garlic bread, healthier ways of life.
Slyke Colonial Chapel on Friday, Jan. 8, pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar- hot fruit compote, orange juice.
from 5-7 p.m. A Celebration of Life will rangements. MONDAY: Scalloped potatoes Protect Yourself with A Pneumonia Vaccine
be held at Zion Lutheran Church, in and ham, broccoli, cranberry pear
Clear Lake, on Saturday, Jan. 9, at 11 a.m. Dave Parks crisp, orange juice. Pneumonia is a serious bacterial infection that kills thousands
There will be a private burial. Family sug- TUESDAY: Crunchy baked fish, each year. Adults 65 and older are at a greater risk of getting
gests memorial contributions to Hospice Dave Parks, 70, of Clear Lake, tartar sauce, sweet potato, creamed
of North Iowa, Opportunity Village, or died Monday, Jan. 4, 2016, at St. peas, orange/banana/pineapple, to- pneumonia. People of all ages who smoke or have chronic
Zion Lutheran Church. Mary Hospital, Rochester, Minn. mato juice. conditions like asthma, diabetes, COPD or heart disease
Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel, Services are pending at the Ward- WEDNESDAY: Swedish meat-
was in charge of arrangements. Van Slyke Colonial Chapel, 101 N. balls, baked potato with sour cream, are also at greater risk for developing pneumonia.
4th St., Clear Lake. Harvard Beets, mixed fruit, raspberry
vv THEATRE lemonade. The good news is that you can protect yourself!
Congregate meals are served at
The Good Dinosaur the Senior Centers in Clear Lake, 105 The best protection against Pneumonia is to be vaccinated
Wednesday & Thursday “PG” S. 4th St., at 11:40 a.m. and in Ventura, with the pneumonia vaccine.
4 N. Weimer St. at 11:45 a.m. Call 357-
Daddy’s Home 5443 in Clear Lake and 829-3517 in
“PG-13” Ventura for reservations.
Friday & Saturday 7 p.m.
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