Page 10 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 1-6-2016
P. 10
Lake LifestyleClear Lake Mirror-Reporter Jan. 6, 2016 • Page 10
Perfect time for a health assessment Power up with protein Winter superfoods for optimal health
(Family Features) A fresh beginning with a new year is the perfect time for a health Family Features) If the idea of diving into a new year has Illnesses seem to peak during the winter months. A tapped-out immune sys-
assessment to ensure you are ready to take on a full and active year ahead. Even if you’re you feeling more exhausted than invigorated, it may be time tem as well as dry, cold air may encourage the spread of common viruses and bacte-
feeling great, it’s a smart practice to take time to identify potential problems before they to introduce some new strategies to help keep busy days from rial infections more easily. As a result, it’s important that men, women and children
become more serious health concerns. feeling overwhelming. Proper exercise, balanced nutrition and take every step possible to ward off sickness when the temperatures drop. Dietary
Early detection of ailments, such as cardiovascular disease, can significantly impact quality rest can make it easier to adapt when life demands you changes can make a world of difference, and more and more people are including
an individual’s ability to cope with the disease, allowing you to make adjustments such as give a little bit more. these proven superfoods in their winter diets.
changes in diet and lifestyle, or when necessary, drug therapies and other medical treat- Everyone’s life demands are different. Some may be look- • Avocado: Avocado has high levels of essential fatty acids and vitamin B6,
ments. Delaying detection of this serious disease until its more advanced stages can have ing to push through a late night workout or make it to the which is important in the biosynthesis of important neurotransmitters. Foods high
dire consequences. office for an early meeting, while others are looking to enjoy in B vitamins may be able to counteract some of the symptoms of winter-related
With these three steps, you can get a better picture of your cardiovascular health and an outing to the park with their kids at the end of the day. depression.
identify silent, hidden risk factors (like plaque in your arteries) that you may not even These tips will help fuel, inspire and accomplish whatever your • Pomegranate: This quirky fruit has vitamins C and K, folate and potassium
know are there. personal “one more” is. and is a good source of fiber. Pomegranate has anti-inflammatory properties, which
1. Get your blood pressure checked. Blood pressure measures how much force a per- Begin with a bang. With a busy day ahead, it can be can help in reducing joint pain and preventing strokes. Pomegranate may also help
son’s blood is putting on the artery walls as the heart pumps. High blood pressure, or hy- tempting to rush out the door and skip breakfast. However, the body fight viruses.
pertension, occurs when your heart has to work extra hard to pump blood throughout the countless studies have shown this first meal of the day is ex- • Cinnamon: Cinnamon has high levels of antioxidants, and some studies
body. High blood pressure often happens when arteries lose their elasticity through harden- tremely important. Skipping out on a balanced breakfast can point to cinnamon as a natural antibacterial agent. Cinnamon also can help regu-
ing caused by cholesterol, plaque or scarring. Many people do not experience symptoms drag you down all day, both mentally and physically. Being late blood-glucose levels, which is beneficial for those with diabetes.
of high blood pressure, so it’s important to have your blood pressure checked periodically. hungry later in the day may also make you more likely to over- • Prunes: Now widely referred to as “dried plums,” prunes are an important
Screening for high blood pressure involves placing a pressure cuff around your upper arm eat or nibble on high-calorie snacks. For those mornings when source of boron, which could prevent osteoporosis. High in antioxidants, prunes
to monitor both diastolic and systolic blood pressure. A normal systolic reading is between you’re crunched for time, grab a protein-rich ready-to-drink help the body fight a variety of illnesses.
90 and 119, and a normal diastolic reading is 60-79. shake or sandwich with egg, cheese and lean meat to give your- • Cabbage: Cabbage may be a key element in the fight against cancer. Cab-
2. Get your cholesterol checked. A simple finger-stick screening measures total choles- self sustained energy for the rest of the day. bage has phytochemicals that can protect the body against cancer-causing free radi-
terol as well as three different kinds of lipids in your blood (HDL, LDL and triglycerides), Work in a workout. In addition to helping ward off dis- cals. It’s also a good source of dietary fiber, which can stimulate a sluggish digestive
which are important in determining your heart health. Low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, ease and manage your weight, regular exercise helps lift your system.
is known as the “bad” cholesterol and can build up in the walls of the arteries that feed mood by stimulating feel-good chemicals in the brain and • Butternut squash: This food is packed with carotenoids, which are stellar
the heart and brain. Along with other substances, it can form plaque - a thick, hard de- boosts energy by helping your body work more efficiently. A antioxidants. The starches in this squash also have been found to have anti-inflam-
posit that can clog those arteries. High-density lipoprotein, or HDL, is known as “good” combination of aerobic or cardio activity (walking, jogging or matory properties.
cholesterol because it carries LDL away from the arteries and back to the liver, where it’s running) and muscle-strengthening activity (lifting weights, • Chestnuts: Chestnuts are worthy of inclusion in anyone’s diet. Unlike many
passed from the body. A high HDL level helps prevent heart disease, while a low HDL resistance training or yoga) is the winning formula, according nuts, chestnuts are relatively low in fat but have high levels of protein. They’re also
level increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Triglycerides are the most common type to the most recent Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. packed with vitamin C and B vitamins.
of fat. Like cholesterol, they circulate in blood but are stored in the body for extra energy. After your workout, refuel with a rich and creamy Premier
A high triglyceride level combined with a low HDL or high LDL can speed up the process Protein Shake. Swap out sugar for better health
of plaque formation in the arteries. Power with protein. Your body gets energy from three
3. Learn about other risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Many people in the early main sources: carbohydrates, fat and protein. Protein plays (Family Features) You probably realize that eating too many sugary foods and
stages of cardiovascular disease are asymptomatic, meaning they have no symptoms to in- a major role in repairing damaged cells, tissues and muscle. gaining weight go hand in hand. What you may not know is that aside from loading
dicate their health is at risk. Some common risk factors include age (55 and older), family Good sources of protein include meat, fish, eggs, dairy, nuts up on calories that help pack on the pounds, consuming too much sugar can also
history, tobacco use and high blood-pressure, other factors, such as high cholesterol, aren’t and vegetables, but the best sources deliver lots of protein harm your health in other ways.
as easily observed. Preventive health screenings, such as those provided by Life Line Screen- without a lot of fat, carbs and sugar. A protein-based snack is Consuming more than nine teaspoons of sugar a day for men and six teaspoons
ing, can give you a fuller picture of how risk factors may be stacking up. The screenings are a good way to recharge during the day. for women can lead to health problems, such as tooth decay, obesity and depression.
designed by doctors and administered by trained professionals to help detect hidden health Keep up on sleep. Quality sleep - and an adequate amount First, it’s important to recognize that there are two types of sugar - natural
issues. Within a couple of weeks, you can receive easy-to-understand test results to share of it - is critical to your overall wellbeing. While you’re sleep- sugar and added sugar. Natural sugar is found in fruits, milk and some whole grains.
with your doctor so you can work together to prevent serious problems before they start. ing, your body is hard at work healing and repairing from the Added sugar is sugar that is added to processed foods and drinks.
day, as well as regulating your hormonal balance and protect- When you consume too much added sugar, your liver has to work extra hard
Tips for a healthier lifestyle ing your immune system. At the same time, your brain is also to process it. Excess sugar in the liver often turns into fat, which can lead to liver
recharging to help your mental function, including learning damage or other health concerns, such as high cholesterol, diabetes or heart disease.
Getting in shape and leading a healthy lifestyle doesn’t happen overnight, it takes aptitude, problem solving and emotional health. Most adults It can also overload and damage your pancreas, which controls the blood sugar
time, but these simple tips can help put you on the right path: need an average of 7-9 hours of sleep for optimal performance. called insulin that powers your muscles and organs. Lack of insulin can cause muscle
•Be patient. Starting a new fitness regime can be a challenge. There will be ups and nerve damage.
and downs, but remaining committed is key. Limit added sugars in your diet with these healthy alternatives:
•Exercise on a regular basis. Regular physical activity not only helps you look •Skip sugary cereals at breakfast. Instead, opt for a protein-rich meal. Options,
and feel better, it can improve mood, increase quality of sleep and help you manage such as eggs, turkey sausage and whole-wheat toast with peanut butter.
weight. •Bring healthy snacks to work to ward off the temptation of sugary treats. Some
•Undergo an annual physical. To be sure your body is running smoothly, have smart choices include: frozen grapes, trail mix, yogurt, almonds, apple slices and
your numbers, including blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and weight, checked peanut butter with celery sticks.
regularly. •Instead of pie, donuts or cake, curb your sweet tooth craving by reaching for
•Drink lots of water. Experts recommend 64 ounces of water a day to help replen- fresh fruit, low-fat frozen yogurt or a fruit and yogurt parfait.
ish what you’ve lost throughout the day. •If you can’t substitute a fruit, make your treats small, such as a single fun-size
•Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. Both fruits and veggies are loaded with vita- piece of candy.
mins, minerals and antioxidants, which help protect against chronic diseases. •Sodas, energy drinks and sports drinks sneak in a lot of sugar calories. In fact, a
•Go through your cabinets. Get rid of foods that are high in sodium, fat or sugar single can of soda has nine teaspoons of sugar - the maximum an adult male should
and look for low sodium, fat or sugar items instead. consume in an entire day. Skip the sugary beverages and try hot or iced tea, fizzy
water or lemon water instead.
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