HAITI mission

Quest becomes a reality for Bieber, team.

by Michelle Watson

With God all things are possible.  That is what Tom Bieber, a dentist and owner of Lake Dental and Associates in Clear Lake, found when he had the idea of building a dental clinic in Les Cayes, Haiti.  That dream was recently realized when a team 

traveled to Haiti in late March to put the finishing touches on the clinic.  It will now allow Bieber and other dentists to perform a much needed service to the people of Haiti with modern equipment.

Bieber’s quest for a clinic began in 2011 when he traveled with a medical team from Zion Lutheran Church to Carrefour, Haiti.

“At the time, I had no idea what a life changing decision this would turn out to be,” he said.  “After the first trip it became clear the monumental need for these services.  Two years later, our team questioned how they could make a difference that would be sustainable.”

An exploratory group from Zion joined a member of Global Compassion Network (GCN) to determine how Zion could partner with the organization.  Members of that original team, including Tom Thul and Megan Watson, accompanied Bieber on the latest visit and also got to be a part of the inaugural opening.

It was during the exploratory visit that the group visited the Consolation Center of Haiti (CCH) in Les Cayes.  CCH consists of a girls orphanage, community school and a medical clinic that serves the community.

“I couldn’t have done this without Tom Thul,” said Bieber.  “I remember leaving the CCH after my first visit with tears in my eyes wanting to do more.  It was Tom Thul who said, ‘we’ll make this happen,’ and it was his organization and attention to detail that made it happen.”

By the end of the trip, Bieber said he knew that this was the place God wanted him to serve.

“I was certain that my future service would be with CCH and the work GCN was doing in Les Cayes,” said Bieber.

The team agreed and the church provided funding to begin work on the clinic, which was located next to the medical clinic.  The construction was done in phases and as one phase was completed, more money would be sent down.  Les DeRoos, a full-time missionary with Laborers For Christ, oversaw construction. The contractors and laborers were all Haitian and the only plan they were provided with was a hand drawn floor plan by Bieber.

“We relied on pictures to see how things were progressing.  I had to give input on where to place suction lines and water lines,” said Bieber.

Bieber said he could not have done the project without another very important key.  He happened to mention to someone that he was building a clinic in Haiti and would need supplies.  That person put him in contact with Chuck Virgil, a retired dental company supply owner, from Sutherland, Iowa.  Bieber called Virgil out of the blue and asked for help.  Virgil became excited about the project and began making contacts and soon rounded up used equipment that he refurbished.  He loaded a shipping container with the supplies and it was sent to Haiti.  

“Ephesians 2:11 says we are saved by grace, but to do things God equips us to do,” said Virgil.  “I was able to give back by doing something I spent my life doing.  The clinic is beautiful and seeing it completed was a real highlight for me.”

Virgil and Don Haack, a friend who is also in the dental supply business, also made the trip to Haiti in March and installed all the equipment.

“This was something I’ve always wanted to do and what a better way to use my skills.  I’m glad that what I had to offer could be helpful,” said Haack. 

Once Virgil and Haack got the equipment installed and running, the clinic was cleaned and Bieber, assisted by Megan Watson, an RN and Director of Missions at Zion, was able to see patients on the last day of the trip.

“Now that the clinic is ready, we are hoping to do more than just pull teeth, said Watson.  “With the equipment the clinic has now, the dentists can do preventive work, so that pulling teeth isn’t the only option.”

The new clinic is much better than Bieber’s first experience doing dental - Read More Via e-Edition

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