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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter					                                                                                                                                                                                    Feb. 3, 2016 • Page 3


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                                                                                              from page 1                              Thursday                                                                              ent Crickets members will perform to-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             gether, including current members J.I.
  Samuel Bealor                                Mary Ellen                                     at the E.B. Stillman Auditorium for      Community meeting                         Cake auction                                Allison and Sonny Curtis, along with
     Swartz, Jr.                                                                              around 700 students and adults. The                                                                                            Glenn D. Hardin, Tommy Allsup,
                                                 Charest                                      artists are drawn from talented music    	 Community members are invit-            	 The annual Cake Auction to sup-           Tonio K., Gordon Payne, Albert Lee,
	 Samuel Bealor Swartz, Jr., 84, of                                                           fans, the self-styled “Buddy’s Bud-      ed to provide input into determining      port Clear Lake High School’s 2016          Keith Allison and special guests The
Clear Lake, Iowa died Thursday, Jan.      	 Mary Ellen Charest, 85, of Clear                  dies.” Since 2006 Garner-Hayfield        the qualities of the district’s next Su-  Prom will be held Friday, Feb. 5, in        Killer Vees. Other performers will
28, 2016, at his home.                    Lake, Iowa died Monday, Jan. 25,                    School has also entertained ‘Buddy’s     perintendent. A community meeting         the CLHS cafeteria during varsity           include Wanda Jackson, Jason D Wil-
	 Per Sam’s wishes, his body has          2016 at Oakwood Care Center in                      Buddies, adding to their playing         is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 3, at     basketball games. Bidding begins at         liams and Ricky Nelson Remembered
been cremated and a Celebration of        Clear Lake, Iowa.                                   schedule each year. This year, catch     6 the Clear Lake High School       5 p.m. and concludes after halftime of      with Matthew and Gunnar Nelson.
Life will be from 2-6 p.m. Saturday,      	 A funeral service was held at                     ‘Buddy’s Buddies’ at the Winter          Conference Room. The meeting is           the boys varsity game (approximately        Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Feb. 6, 2016, at his home, 5851 S.        11 a.m. Friday Jan. 29, 2016 at the                 School Dance Party at Garner-Hay-        open to any patron who wishes to          8:30 p.m.). If you would like to bake
Shore Dr., Lot 20, Clear Lake.            Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel,                     field / Ventura Elementary Gym-          provide input.                            a cake to donate to the event, contact      Daily
	 Family suggests memorial con-           Clear Lake, with the Rev. Ed Bard                   nasium on Wednesday Feb. 3, from                                                   Lisa Backhaus, 641-210-9280, or
tributions to the Leukemia and Lym-       officiating. Burial was in Memorial                 12.30 – 2 p.m., then at E.B. Still-      Arty parties                              Amy Jandebeur, 641-231-1250. All
phoma Society.                            Park Cemetery, Mason City.                          man Auditorium, Clear Lake Middle                                                  proceeds support the 2016 C.A.R.E.S.
	 Sam was born Nov. 7, 1931, the          	 The family suggests memorials to                  School, on Thursday, Feb. 4 from 1-3     	 The Clear Lake Arts Center is of-       Post Prom efforts.
son of Samuel Bealor, Sr. and Char-       Hospice of North Iowa.                              p.m. Admission for kids is free, 45      fering Arty Parties in conjunction with
lotte Ada (McEnelly) Swartz in Han-       	 Mary was born Oct. 26, 1930,                      for adults, which goes to help pro-      the weekend Winter Dance Part. Arty       Evening entertainment                       Hit the ice!
lontown, Iowa. He married Charlotte       the daughter of Robert and Linnie                   vide the Winter Dance Party Musical      Parties are fun-filled parties centered
Francis in 1954 in Sioux Falls, S.D.      Peal (White) Back, in Oswego, Kan.                  Scholarships.                            around an art activity with a cash bar    	 The Winter Dance Party contin-            	 The Clear Lake Parks and Rec-
	 A graduate of Hanlontown High           She lived in Kansas until her senior                                                         (beer and wine) and step-by-step in-      ues Friday night with Flash Cadillac,       reation Department operates a pub-
School, Sam earned a degree in Eng-       year in high school and then moved to               Wed. - Sat.                              structions from an art instructor. On     the Johnny Rogers Band, Holy Rocka          lice ice-skating rink at Marion Park
lish and Journalism from Iowa State       Waterloo, Iowa where she graduated                                                           Thursday, Feb. 4, at 10 a.m. those at-    Rollaz and dance and costume con-           throughout the winter months. Open
University. He was a United States        from East High School.                              Free movies                              tending a Cocktails & Canvas gather-      tests. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.              skating is permitted anytime at the
Army veteran, serving during the Ko-      	 Mary worked at Caeser’s Palace                                                             ing will produce a 16” x 20” collage of                                               rink, which is located at Marian Park
rean Conflict. He was a newspaper         for five and one-half years and in the              	 Clear Lake residents and Win-          Winter Dance Party iconography. The       Saturday                                    on 2nd Ave. N. and N. 12 St. Warm-
editor most of his life, writing col-     Casino industry for 10 years, retiring              ter Dance Party visitors will have       cost for Cocktails & Canvas events                                                    ing house hours are nightly, 6-8:30
umns for the St. Paul Pioneer Press.      in 1992.                                            a chance to learn more about the         is $32 for Arts Center members, or        Memorial site visit                         p.m. and Saturday and Sundays from
	 Sam received a Pulitzer Prize for       	 Mary enjoyed doing crafts, flower                 life of Buddy Holly on Wednesday,        $35 for non-members; all supplies                                                     1-6 p.m. Monday nights are desig-
his involvement and work getting an       gardening, crocheting and quilting.                 Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Feb.      are included. Wine Glass Painting         	 The Surf Ballroom is offering a           nated as high school skate nights.
ice rink in International Falls, Minn.,   	 Mary is survived by one daugh-                    3 – 6. At 3 p.m. on those dates the      is scheduled on Thursday, Feb. 4, at      motor coach tour to the farm field
as well as for a large article he wrote   ter, Rebecca Ripley, Sac City, Iowa; a              Clear Lake Arts Center is offering free  1 p.m. Paint two wine glasses with a      north of Clear Lake where the ill-          vv THEATRE
about his father after his passing.       son Anthony E. (Judith) Buck, Dav-                  movies in tits Sukup Performing Arts     Winter Dance Party theme. The cost        fated airplane carrying Buddy, Holly,
Family and friends also recall an ar-     enport, Iowa; son–in-law Duane                      Wing, 17 S. 4th Str. The film, “The      for this party is $30 for Arts Center     Ritchie Valens and J.P. “The Big Bop-       The Revenenant
ticle written after a particular fishing  Schlichting, Clear Lake, Iowa; two                  Real Buddy Holly Rockumentary,”          members and $32 for non-members;          per” Richardson came to rest. Cost is                    Wednesday & Thursday
trip to Canada, when he made Char-        sisters, Alice (Mike) Peyton, Waterloo,             is Paul McCartney’s video biography      all supplies included. To register for a  $8. The motor coach leaves the Surf                                            “R”
lotte throw back a very large fish. The   Maudie Ann (Larry) Syhlman, New                     of rock ‘n roll legend Buddy Holly.      Clear Lake Arts Center Arty Party, call   Ballroom lobby at 10 a.m. Saturday.
article opened by asking the question,    Alban, Iowa; two brothers, Charles                  Produced and hosted by Paul Mc-          or email the Clear Lake Arts Center at    A quarter-mile walk is required to see      Ride Along 2
“Is it illegal for your wife to shoot     (Bonnie) Back, Waterloo, Iowa, Jim-                 Cartney. Additional movies will be       357-1998 or [email protected].               the memorial.                                  Friday & Saturday 7 p.m“.PG 13”
you when you make her throw back a        my Dale Back, Evansdale, Iowa; five                 shown on Saturday, Feb. 6, sponsored
20-pound fish?”                           grandchildren Tara Schlichting, Te-                 by The Surf Ballroom. “The Buddy         Dance lessons                             WDP finale                                  Saturday & Sunday Matinee • 1:30 p.m.
	 Sam enjoyed fishing, hunting,           resa (Matt) Baumann, Casey (Teresa)                 Holly Story,” with Oscar-nominated
and especially loved spending time        Schlichting, Chad (Jamie) Ripley and                actor Gary Busey will be shown at 10     	 Learn dance steps for individu-         	 The final night of entertainment          Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. & Thurs., • 7 p.m.
with his family and grandchildren.        Brandy (Shaun Hansen) Ripley and                    a.m. and La Bamba at 12:30 p.m.	         als and couples at a dance class at the   at the Winter Dance Party includes
	 Sam is survived by his wife,            nine great-grandchildren; many nieces               There is free admission for all movies.  Surf Ballroom from 9:30-11:30 a.m.        the largest ever Crickets band mem-         Starring: Ice Cube, Kevin Hart, Tika Sumpter,
Charlotte Swartz of Clear Lake; six       and nephews.                                        Seating is limited, guests are encour-   Thursday. Admission is free for Win-      ber reunion. The night will feature a       Benjamin Bratt, Olivia Munn, Ken Jeong, Bruce
children, Debbie (Steven) Vagstad         	 She was preceded in death by                      aged to come early.                      ter Dance Party ticket holders, or $5     tribute to the band’s late bassist, Joe B.  McGill, Michael Rose (1 hr. 41 min.)
of St. Paul, Minn., Sam III (Dawn)        her parents, Robert and Linnie Back;                	                                        for the general public.                   Mauldin. Many of the past and pres-
Swartz of Minneapolis, Minn., Pat         four brothers Dorsey, Lester, Ray and                                                                                                                                                Adults ~ $5 • 12 & Under ~ $4
(Sam) Aroni of Port Richey, Fla., Wil-    Robert Back; three sisters, Nona Belle              Record show                              Winter Dance Party                                                                                  357-2414
liam Swartz of Isanti, Minn., Jackie      Back, Della Capps, and May Murray;
(Carl) Folsom of Duluth, Minn., and       her daughter, Roberta Schlichting;                  	 A Rockin’ N Boppin’ four-day           	 The Winter Dance Party kicks off        Optimum Health Chiropractic
Vickie Swartz of Alexandria, Minn.;       and great grandson John Baumann.                    Record Show will be held in the Opal     at the Surf Ballroom Thursday, Feb.       fGoriftyBo5Cuu0yerr%1VtigfaOielctefanf1tteinse& Massage
16 grandchildren; 10 great-grandchil-     	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-                      and Veranda Rooms at the Best West-      4. Scheduled to appear are Martha                                                                  14A$lblVoamolkeneadtOisntseh’farsufges
dren; a sister, Jean Sears of Madison,    pel, 101 N. 4th St., Clear Lake,was in              ern in Clear Lake Wednesday through      Reeves & the vandellas, The Coasters,                                                                      Day
Wis., and a brother, Daniel (Shirley)     charge of services. ColonialChapels.                Saturday, Feb. 3-6. The opening day      Tommy Allsup, The Tailfins. Doors
Swartz, of Clear Lake.                    com.                                                of the show provides an opportunity      open at 6:30 p.m. A limited number 641-357-1211 506 Main Ave.,Clear Lake
	 Sam was preceded in death by                                                                for the public to sell records to show   of WDP tickets, good for Thursday
his parents; a son, Scott; two grand-                                                         organizers between the hours of noon     through Saturday, were still available
daughters, Lisa and Stephanie Vags-                                                           and 5 p.m. That will be followed by      at press time. Call the Surf at 357-
tad; a brother, David; and a brother-                                                         a free Early Bird Sale, open to the      6151 for ticket availability.
in-law, Stuart Sears.                                                                         public from 5-9 p.m. Thursday, Fri-
	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-                                                                day and Saturday, Feb. 4-6, the show     Friday
pel, 101 N. 4th St., Clear Lake, is                                                           continues from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
in charge of arrangements, 641-357-                                                           daily.                                   Surf history
                                          Tune in to watch Clear Lake’s own                                                                On Friday, Feb. 5, Clear Lake na-
Ventura firefighters                      ‘Red Carpet’ event Friday night                                                              tive, Jonas Westover, will present his
serving breakfast                                                                                                                      program, “The 1950s at the Surf Ball-
                                          	 Clear Lake and Ventura’s local                    	 During the “Red Carpet,” enter-        room,” at the Clear Lake Public Li-
	 The Ventura Fire Department             TV service will broadcast live from                 tainers, fans and other special guests   brary, starting at noon.  Interviews to
will hold its Pancake breakfast Feb.      the “Red Carpet” prior to the Winter                will be interviewed as they arrive at    collect personal stories about the Surf
14, from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the          Dance Party event at the Surf Ball-                 the Surf Ballroom. Coverage starts       Ballroom will begin at 1 p.m. After
Ventura Community Center. Pan-            room on Friday, Feb. 5.                             at 6:30 p.m. and can be viewed on        completing a survey of the full decade
cakes, sausage and scrambled eggs will    	 “With all of the exciting things                  LightStream Community Channel 1.         of the ‘50s, his lecture will provide
be served. Cost is $7.                    happening at the Surf Ballroom this                 	 LightStream, a part of CL Tel,         a larger look of the Surf during that
                                          weekend, we have utilized our fiber                 is Clear Lake and Ventura’s locally      time, pinpointing several events that
                                          optics to help the Surf share this event            owned television provider with all the   made it an ideal, if last minute loca-
                                          with area residents,” said General                  popular channels, On-Screen Caller       tion for Buddy Holly’s tour. Westover
                                          Manager Tom Lovell. “Area residents                 ID, digital music, and local program-    will discuss how the Surf ’s managers
                                          and guests tell us that they look for-              ming on demand. CL Tel also pro-         found ways to keep the venue rousing
                                          ward to the interviews with people                  vides advanced communications, up        for the variety of music styles popular
                                          who come to Clear Lake from all over                to a Gig Internet and iWireless.         in the 1950s. He will focus on the
                                          the world.”                                                                                  musical experiences of three separate
                                                                                                                                       artists to create a backdrop as  musical
                                                                                                                                       life transform over the years, provid-
                                                                                                                                       ing stories of success, struggle, and
                                                                                                                                       adaptation, as 1959 drew to a close.

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