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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter					                                                                                                                                                                                Feb. 10, 2016 • Page 3


   Janet Baack                           her mother-in-law’s passing in 1986.       R. Robert Hollibaugh                            1958 with the rank of Captain.            Dorothy Wonsmos                            School of Cosmetology in 1969.
                                         Janet’s hobbies included embroidery                                                        	 Robert was united in marriage                                                      Dorothy was an owner and stylist in
	 Janet Baack, 81, of Clear Lake,        and ceramics; she sewed many table-         	 R. Robert Hollibaugh, 92, of                 to Barbara Allred on July 18, 1954        	 Dorothy J. Wonsmos, of Clear             Thornton and Clear Lake until she
passed away Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2016, at    cloths and sets of tea towels for fam-     Aurelia, Iowa, formerly of Kingwood,            at Bay St. Louis, Miss.  To this union    Lake, went to heaven on her 78th           retired in 1998. She was one who al-
Muse-Norris Hospice Inpatient Unit       ily and friends and made each one of       Texas, passed away on Friday, Jan. 29,          five children were born. Robert was       birthday on Feb. 4, 2016 at the Muse       ways had her hair fixed to perfection
in Mason City, Iowa.                     her children a unique and beautiful        2016, at his daughter’s home in Aure-           employed as a chemical engineer           Norris Hospice Inpatient Unit, Ma-         and thought everyone else should do
	 A funeral service was held on Sat-     nativity set in ceramics. In addition,     lia, where he and his wife have made            with Hercules, Inc., of Salt Lake City,   son City, Iowa.                            the same. Dorothy was still styling her
urday, Feb. 6, 2016, at Zion Lutheran    her green thumb produced beautiful         their home since December of 2015.              Utah, Lone Star Cement Co., of Bon-       	 Upon Dorothy’s wishes, a service         own hair until the very end. Her other
Church, Clear Lake, with the Rev.        plants and flowers, and her Christmas      	 Memorial services will be at a                ner Springs, Kan. and New Orleans,        was held on Monday, Feb. 8, 2016 at        passions were gardening, mowing the
Steve Bang and the Rev. Kirk Wilkie      cactus was a centerpiece of beauty in      later date in Winfield, Kansas. The             La. later Northwestern States Portland    the Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel,        lawn, sewing and quilting. But most
officiating. Burial will be at Clear     her home. Her faith and salvation in       Redig Funeral Home, in Aurelia, is in           Cement, of Mason City, Iowa, retiring     Clear Lake, with the Rev. Kenneth          of all, she liked to gamble at Diamond
Lake Cemetery.                           Jesus Christ was the center of her life    charge of local arrangements.                   in 1988.                                  Gehling officiating. Burial will be in     Jo. She said everyone has to have a
	 Memorials may be directed to           and greatly sustained her during her       	 Ralph Robert Hollibaugh was                   	 Robert was a member of the              Pleasant View Cemetery, Thornton,          little fun now and then.
the Janet Baack Memorial Fund or         ongoing health struggles.                  born on June 17, 1923, in Arkansas              Disciples of Christ Christian Church      Iowa.                                      	 She is survived by her two daugh-
to Zion Lutheran Church, in Clear        	 Janet is survived by five children,      City, Kan., the son of Ralph William            where he served as an elder. He served    	 Dorothy was born on Feb. 4,              ters, Debra Friest, Mason City, and
Lake.                                    Rita (Bill) Campbell, of Dixon, Mo.,       and Clara Elizabeth (Calvert) Hol-              two terms as a school board member        1938 in Elma, Iowa. She was the            Valerie Williamson, Granger, Iowa;
	 Janet Mae (Eekhoff) Baack was          Danny (Chris) Baack, of Norwalk,           libaugh. He graduated from the Win-             at Clear Lake, was a past president of    daughter of Virgil and Adeline (Eif-       five grandchildren, Derek (Samantha)
born on May 18, 1934, on a farm          Iowa, David (Becky) Baack, of Clear        field, Kansas High School in 1940.              the Clear Lake Rotary Club and Paul       fler) Hidding. Dorothy was fortunate       Friest, Mason City, Mindy (Matt)
near Britt, Iowa to Edward and Ma-       Lake; Ronda (Danny) Leerar, of Wil-        He then attended Southwestern Col-              Harris Fellow, he was a member of         to love and been loved by two men.         Winters, Rockford, Iowa, Steven
rie (Eenhuis) Eekhoff. She was bap-      liams, Iowa and Renee (Matt) Ritter,       lege in Winfield, Kan. for a time and           Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, a member      First was her husband, Wayne, of 43        Williamson, Granger, Matthew Wil-
tized and made public profession of      of Clear Lake; four grandchildren,         then attended and received his Bach-            of American Institute of Chemical         years who she married Septe. 3, 1954       liamson, Grimes, Iowa and Alison
her faith at the Kanawha Christian       Ryan Baack, of Clear Lake, Reid (Jes-      elor of Science degree in Chemical              Engineers and served as Iowa’s Chair-     in Princeton, Miss. He passed in           Williamson, Granger; two sons-in-
Reformed Church in Kanawha, Iowa.        sica) Baack, of Lakeville, Minn., Erin     Engineering from the University of              man.  He was a Boy Scout leader, and      1997. The other man was her friend,        law, John Harbacheck, Mason City,
She worked hard on the family farm       Baack, of Ankeny, Iowa and Trevor          Kansas.                                         enjoyed playing Bridge and golfing.       Bill, of six years. He passed in 2015.     and Ray Williamson, Spirit Lake,
near Kanawha and treasured the           Baack, of Norwalk; three great-grand-      	 In December of 1942 Robert                    Robert and Barbara enjoyed travel-        	 She attended school in Thornton,         Iowa; four great-grandchildren, Cyd-
memories of her childhood. During        children, Raif Baack, of Clear Lake        enlisted in the Army Air Corps and              ing and family camping trips, and he      Iowa and graduated from La James           ney Shackleton, Hailey Winters, Ca-
high school, she enjoyed playing bas-    and Madeline and Bennett Baack,            became a navigator during WWII,                 adored his dogs and family.                                                          leb Winters and Alexys Winters; one
ketball and pitching for the softball    of Lakeville; two step-grandchildren,      receiving the Distinguished Flying              	 Preceding Robert in death were                                                     brother, Fred Hidding, Dows City,
team. She graduated from Kanawha         Heather (Randy) Kleeschulte, of Rich-      Cross.  He was honorably discharged             his parents; one brother, William Hol-                                               Iowa and her sister, Marlene Barkela,
High School in 1952 as salutatorian      woods, Mo.; and Lee (Monique) Leer-        from the US Air Force in May of                 libaugh; and one sister, Betty Rasmus-                                               Clear Lake.
of her class. Janet married Dorance      ar, of Murrieta, Calif.; four step-great-                                                  sen.                                                                                 	 She was preceded in death by her
Baack on July 18, 1952, in Kanawha.      grandchildren, Tyler Kleeschulte, of       Library will accept                             	 Left to cherish Robert’s memory                                                    parents, Virgil and Adeline; and her
She was a stay-at-home mom to her        Springfield, Mo., Brett Kleeschulte, of    canned food to pay                              are his wife, Barbara, of Aurelia; five                                              husband, Wayne.
five children until 1976 when her        St. Louis, Mo., and Nathan and Riley       book fines                                      children, Holly, and her husband Ted                                                 	 Memorials may be made to Hos-
youngest child started school. She       Leerar, of Murrieta; six sisters, Edna                                                     Peck, of Prescott, Az., Bradley, and his                                             pice of North Iowa or to the family in
worked at X-Size Ladies Fashions in      Peterson, of Kanawha, Ella Josten, of      	 Donate a canned food item in                  wife Linda, of Kingwood, Texas, Julie,                                               care of Deb Friest, 100 Mission Dr.,
Clear Lake from 1976 until the store     Ventura, Esther (Ray) Helps, of Gar-       February and receive $1 off your Clear          and her husband Tim DeStigter, of                                                    Mason City, Iowa 50401 or Val Wil-
closed in 1986. She also cleaned         ner, Iowa, Ida Eekhoff, of Kanawha,        Lake Public Library overdue fine.               Aurelia, Farley Hollibaugh, of Crosby,                                               liamson, 2303 Vista View Dr., Grang-
houses in Clear Lake for over 30 years.  Marie (Chris) Bunk, of Renwick and         	 There’s no limit on the amount of             Texas, Stanley, and his wife Emily, of                                               er, Iowa 50109.
	 Janet was a member of Zion Lu-         Lois (Doug) Ward, of Cedar Rapids;         cans that can be donated. For exam-             Kingwood, and Maarten Gijsbers, a                                                    	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-
theran Church in Clear Lake and she      a brother-in-law, Gordon Baack, of         ple, donating five canswill result in $5        foreign exchange son from Leiden,                                                    pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar-
treasured the church’s commitment        Clear Lake; and several nieces and         off of your library card overdue fines.         The Netherlands. Also surviving are                                                  rangements.
to God’s Word. She was an extraor-       nephews.                                   Canned goods must be unopened and               five grandchildren, Libby, and her
dinary cook and her meals were sa-       	 Janet was preceded in death by           unexpired to qualify.                           husband Dan Gustafson, of Chero-             CONGREGATE MEALS
vored by family and friends alike; and   her husband of 60 years, Dorance;          	 To participate, just drop the cans            kee, Iowa, Lana, and her husband Rob
she enjoyed baking cakes for funerals    parents, Edward and Marie Eekhoff;         off in the library’s special “foods for         Martinez, of Waukee, Iowa, Han-           	 THURSDAY - Ham loaf, sweet               	 TUESDAY - Cook’s Choice
and other events held at church. She     two sisters, Viola Eliason and Mildred     fines” cart during regular library hours        nah Hollibaugh, Clara Hollibaugh,         potatoes, calico corn, mixed fruit, rasp-  	 WEDNESDAY - Salisbury ground
enjoyed crafts and decorating, mak-      Engh and two twin sisters in infancy,      and be sure to let library staff know so        and Phillip, and his wife Luvia Hol-      berry lemonade.                            beef, mashed potatoes, mixed vegeta-
ing every holiday extra-special for      Sally and Kathy Eekhoff; her father-       the donation can be credited toward a           libaugh, all of Kingwood, and Bobby       	 FRIDAY - Spaghetti with meat             bles, peaches, orange juice.
her family. Janet’s greatest joy was     in-law and mother-in-law, August           specific fine.                                  Hollibaugh, of Menomonie, Wis.;           and marinara sauce, broccoli, apricots,    	 Congregate meals are served at
her family and she willingly sacrificed  Baack and Elsie Baack; her sister-in-      	 All donations go to the local food            eight great-grandchildren, brother-       French bread.                              the Senior Centers in Clear Lake, 105
for them. She loved following her        law, Alida Baack; and her brothers-        pantry.                                         in-law, Robert, and his wife Barbara      	 MONDAY - Autumn chicken,                 S. 4th St., at 11:40 a.m. and in Ventura,
children and grandchildren in their      in-law, Howard Baack, Don Eliason,                                                         Allred, of Mission, Texas; nieces and     creamed asparagus, plums, whole            4 N. Weimer St. at 11:45 a.m. Call 357-
various school activities and enjoyed    Norman “Tex” Peterson, Don Engh,           vv THEATRE                                      nephews; and other relatives and          wheat roll, tomato juice.                  5443 in Clear Lake and 829-3517 in
serving as a room mother as well as a    and Calvin Josten.                                                                         friends.                                                                             Ventura for reservations.
Boy Scout and Girl Scout leader. In      	 Janet and her family would like               Ride Along 2
addition, she served as the sole care-   thank Dr. Tracy Mixdorf, of Mercy                        Wednesday & Thursday “PG-13”                                                ®  MOVING TO NEW LOCATION  1907 Hwy 18 E
giver for her deaf brother-in-law since  Family Clinic in Clear Lake, for her                                                                                                        MONDAY, NOV. 16TH   Clear Lake, IA
                                         kindness, compassion, and exemplary        Kung Fu Panda 3                                                                                   1907 HWY 18 E       641-357-5271
                                         care during the last several years.  Dr.
                                         Mixdorf ’s tenacity and attention to             Friday & Saturday 7 p.m.                                                                                       1-888-357-5271
                                         Janet’s many and complex health is-                                                                                                     Store Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 am - 6 pm
                                         sues provided comfort to both Janet           Saturday & Sunday Matinee • 1:30 p.m.
                                         and her family.                                                                                                                         Saturday: 9 am - 4 pm • Sunday: Closed
                                         	 Appreciation and thanks are also             Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. & Thurs., • 7 p.m.
                                         extended to Dr. Yuvaraj Thangaraj,                                                                              Health Talk with Robin
                                         the nurses and aids of the Skilled          Starring: Jack Black, Bryan Cranston, Dustin
                                         Nursing Unit at Mercy Medical Cen-          Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, J.K. Simmons, Jackie                       Chief Pharmacist, Robin Younge covers
                                         ter - North Iowa West Campus, and           Chan, Seth Rogen, Lucy Liu (1 hr. 35 min.)                          important health care topics with quality
                                         the employees of Oakwood Care Cen-                                                                              information on medication use and
                                         ter & Courtyard Assisted Living.               Adults ~ $5 • 12 & Under ~ $4
                                         	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-                            357-2414                                                 healthier ways of life.
                                         pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar-

Jerry Dwyer                                                                                                                         AmMHeeoriancratthn!   To help control high blood pressure, research
                                                                                                                                                           has shown that monitoring blood pressure
	 Jerry Dwyer, 85, of Clear Lake,        5, 2016, at Zion Lutheran Church,                                                                                 at home can be helpful in addition to regular
died Saturday, Jan. 16, 2016 at the      Clear Lake.                                                                                                     monitoring at your doctor’s office.
Muse Norris Hospice Inpatient Unit,      	 Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha-
Mason City, Iowa. 	                      pel, Clear Lake, was in charge of ar-
	 Memorial services are tentatively      rangements.
set for 11 a.m. on Saturday, March

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