Page 15 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 2-10-2016
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Sports/LegalsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter													                                                                                                                            Feb. 10, 2016 • Page 15

CL GIRLS                      Clear Lake’s Chloe Mueller brings the ball down the floor in basketball action against Hum-         Probate
from page 11                  boldt Friday night. -Reporter photo by Chris Barragy
                                                                                                                                       THE IOWA DISTRICT COURT
down the stretch, 13-12,                                                                                                                 CERRO GORDO COUNTY
for a three point win.                                                                                                                        IN THE ESTATE OF
	 Jessica Faber led a bal-                                                                                                               CLIFFORD E. MOURLAM
anced Lion attack with 10                                                                                                                           Deceased
points and five rebounds.                                                                                                                Probate No. ESPR029914
O’Tool and Gretchen
Jones each finished with six                                                                                                      NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, OF
points. Jones dished out                                                                                                         APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND
six assists. Chloe Mueller
and Snelling each had five                                                                                                                NOTICE TO CREDITORS
points. Jordan Barragy put                                                                                                     To All Persons interested in the Estate of
in three points.                                                                                                               Clifford E. Mourlam, Deceased, who died
	 “Humboldt is a good                                                                                                          on or about December 26, 2015:
team.  They have some big                                                                                                      	 You are hereby notified that on the
girls that can move well                                                                                                       25th day of January, 2016, the last will and
which its tough for us to                                                                                                      testament of Clifford E. Mourlam, deceased,
get a good look from the                                                                                                       bearing date of the 28th day of July, 2003,
arc, but our girls were pa-                                                                                                    was admitted to probate in the above
tient and took care of the                                                                                                     named court and that Clifford E. Mourlam
ball and took good shots,”                                                                                                     was appointed executor of the estate. Any
added Coach Smith.  “It                                                                                                        action to set aside the will must be brought
was nice to see our girls                                                                                                      in the district court of said county within
over come some adversity                                                                                                       the later to occur of four months from the
being down six in the mid-                                                                                                     date of the second publication of this notice
dle of the fourth and come                                                                                                     or one month from the date of mailing of
back and take the lead to                                                                                                      this notice to all heirs of the decedent and
this win.  Fun game!”                                                                                                          devisees under the will whose identities are
                                                                                                                               reasonably ascertainable, or thereafter be
                                                                                                                               forever barred.
                                                                                                                               	 Notice is further given that all persons
                                                                                                                               indebted to the estate are requested to make
                                                                                                                               immediate payment to the undersigned, and
                                                                                                                               creditors having claims against the estate
                                                                                                                               shall file them with the clerk of the above
                                                                                                                               named district court, as provided by law, duly
                                                                                                                               authenticated, for allowance, and unless so
                                                                                                                               filed by the later to occur of four months from
                                                                                                                               the second publication of this notice or one
                                                                                                                               month from the date of mailing of this notice
                                                                                                                               (unless otherwise allowed or paid) a claim is
                                                                                                                               thereafter forever barred.

Clear Lake freshman boys wrap up season                                                                                        Dated this 25th day of January, 2016.

CL 66, IF-A 32                           Feb. 1.                                   	 The second half wasn’t quite the                Michael K. Anderson
	 The Clear Lake Freshman boys’          	 The Lions were looking to avenge        same, as the Lions found themselves                  Executor of estate
team hosted the Iowa Falls-Alden Ca-     an earlier loss in the season, but        down three with five-minutes to go.
dets on Thursday, Jan. 26. The Lions     struggled mightily in the first half and  The Lions used great defense to create        4040 W. 36th St., Apt. A
were looking for the season sweep of     found themselves down by 20 heading       turnovers and get themselves to the         St. Lous Park, MN 55416
the Cadets and used a very good first    into the second half.                     free throw line in crunch time. They
half to do it.                           	 The Lions made an early charge          made free throws to seal the victory,       Matthew F. Berry, ICIS PIN No: AT0000802         Read the Legals.
	 The Lions forced turnovers and         and had a chance to cut the deficit to    59-55.                                      Attorney for the Executor                          It’s your right.
turned those into points, taking a 35-   single digits, but couldn’t and strug-    	 Leading the way for the Lions             306 Main Avenue, P.O. Box 187
15 lead into halftime.                   gled to defend, leading to a 75-48 loss.  was Drew Enke with 24. Tate Stor-           Clear Lake, IA 50428
	 The second half was much of the        	 Leading the way in scoring for          beck added 10, while Jacob Peterson
same, with the Lions slowing the pace    the Lions was Tate Storbeck and Drew      chipped in nine. Jared Penning and          Date of second publication: 10th day of
down and executing on the offensive      Enke with 13 apiece, Jared Penning        Alex Snelling had eight points apiece.      February, 2016.
side, leading to a 66-32 win over the    added 10. Carter Backhaus and Alex        	 The Lions finished the season
Cadets.                                  Snelling each had four and Jacob Pe-      with a record of 10-4.                      Ventura City Legals
	 Leading the way for the Lions          terson and Chase Stuver ended with        	 “Obviously it’s nice to see the
in scoring was Mac Adams with 17,        two points each.                          team finish off a game at the free
next was Alex Snelling with 15 and       CL 59, West Fork 55                       throw line, at times we’ve struggled
Jacob Peterson with 13. Also scoring     	 The Lions traveled to take on           closing out games, but as the season
for the Lions was Jared Penning with     West Fork to wrap up the season on        went on we learned how to do that,”
six, Aaron Blum four, Chase Stuver,      Thursday, Feb. 4.                         said Coach Mike Oimoen. “Finish-
Tate Storbeck and Wil Finn each with     	 Clear Lake came out with plenty         ing the season with a 10-4 record is
three, and Drew Enke ended with two      of energy against the Warhawks us-        something the kids should be proud
points.                                  ing an up-tempo pace to create easy       of and hopefully they will use this suc-
Algona 75, CL 48                         baskets. The strategy gave the Lions a    cess as confidence over the next couple
	 The Lions then headed to Algona        lead heading into halftime.               years.”
to take on the Bulldogs on Monday,

Young grapplers compete in wrestling tourney

	 Sixty-seven young grapplers            	 Bracket 5: first, Austin Lim-           	 Bracket 13: first, Tyler Munn;
took part in the Clear Lake Elementa-    baugh; second, Reece Perry; third,        second, Jack Heckman; third, Jackson
ry Wrestling Tournament held Friday,     Ethan Wright; fourth, Colton Carney.      Means; fourth, Caleb Hall.
Jan. 29. All participants received a     	 Bracket 6: first, Carson Shear;         	 Bracket 14: first, Gage Larsen;
trophy in the free tourney, organized    second, Jude Sorenson.                    second, Max Larson; third, Housten
by the Clear Lake Parks and Recre-       	 Bracket 7: first, Henry Jennings;       Paul.
ation Department and Clear Lake          second, Avery Wright; third, Kellen       	 Bracket 15: first, Aaron Richt-
High School wrestling program.           Deiken; fourth, Daren Bach.               meier; second, Brayden Mills; third,
	 Placements by bracket were:            	 Bracket 8: first, Hayden Shear;         Braylin Dieken.
	 Bracket 1: first, Nelson An-           second, Kaine Hackman; third, John        	 Bracket 16: first, Liam Byrnes;
derson; second, Tate Tysdahl; third,     Amos.                                     second, Cooper Cook; third, Antonio
Trace Morrison; fourth, Brody Heck-      	 Bracket 9: first, Carson Riser;         Barcello.
man.                                     second, Jackson Anderson; third,          	 Bracket 17: first, Ethan Gansen;
	 Bracket 2: first, Kayden Hous-         Cayden VanVoorhis.                        second, Carter Perry.
ton; second, Carson Albertson; third,    	 Bracket 10: first, Bryan Lawler;        	 Bracket 18: first, Jessalyn
Emmett Brekke; fourth, Carl Lan-         second, Collon Kuhn; third, Henry         Thompson; second, Natalia Soto;
dau.                                     Carney.                                   third, Nora Jennings; fourth, Madison
	 Bracket 3: first, Drake Larson;        	 Bracket 11: first, Issac Browling;      O’Leary.
second, Landon Geissler; third, Finn     second, Aiden Pippen; third, Hayden       	 Bracket 19: first, Tenley Mon-
Carney; fourth, Rocko Coleman.           Knutson; fourth, Ben O’Leary.             son; second, Mia VanVoorhis; third,
	 Bracket 4: first, Nick Haugland;       	 Bracket 12: first, Raif Bach; sec-      Emry Hippen.
second, James Colter; third, Oliver      ond, Davidae Coleman; third, Reece        	 Bracket 20: first, Rylan Doren-
Byrnes; fourth, Carter Hall.             Warton; fourth, Riley Gauden.             kamp.

CL 8th grade girls end season with 11-11 record

	 The Clear Lake eighth grade girls      	 For the night, Julia Merfeld led        the score showed,” said Coach Einert-       MINUTES OF COUNCIL WORKSHOP SESSION                                                      County
basketball team wrapped up their sea-    all scorers with 23 points, while going   son.                                        VENTURA, IOWA
son at Iowa Falls Feb. 1.                7/10 from the free throw line.  Lexi      	 Lydia Futrell and Steph Penning                                                                                                 PUBLIC NOTICE
	 In the first game of the night the     Fasbender contributed 16 points,          led the team in scoring with one bas-       Item #1 – Call Meeting to order/roll call
Lions came away with a 59-24 win.        while making four threes, and Sara        ket each. Rachel Thornton did a great           A workshop session of the City Council of Ventura, Iowa was held on January 11,   The Cerro Gordo County Board of Supervisors will
	 “This was by far the best game         Faber added 12, all on threes.            job on the boards with five rebounds                                                                                              consider proposed Ordinance 56A, Amended Dangerous
the girls played all year,” said Coach   	 “This was one of the best games         in a little less than six-minutes of play-  2016 at the Ventura City Hall. The workshop session was called to order at 6:00 p.m.  Dog Ordinance at the Board’s regular session meeting
Troy Einertson. “We came out and         I have ever been a part of.  The girls    ing time.                                   by Mayor Pro-tem Darwin Avery. Present were: Council Members John Quintus, Mike       on February 16, 2016. The regular session meeting will
turned the full court defensive pres-    came out and played hard the entire       	 “Sky Toyne again did a wonder-            Thackery, Brian Vaage and Kristie Meints. Absent: Mayor Lynn Benson.                  be held at 10:00 a.m. in the Boardroom located in the
sure up right away and got up by nine    game and everyone who stepped onto        ful job getting the ball to the open                                                                                              Cerro Gordo County Courthouse, 220 North Washington
at halftime.  We backed off the press    the floor contributed to the win,” add-   girls. We just couldn’t get our shots to        The purpose of this workshop session was to discuss employee wage review.         Avenue, Mason City. Copies of the ordinance may be
a little because of foul trouble in the  ed Coach Einertson.                       fall again tonight,” added the coach.       Council discussion focused on Public Works Director William Bredlow.                  obtained at the Cerro Gordo County Auditor’s Office.
second half and started shooting the     	 Because of numbers for the Iowa         	 For the year, the girls were a com-
ball from outside a little more.”        Falls team, the teams were only able to   bined 11-11 overall.                            The workshop ended at 7:00 p.m.
	 The Lions scored 35 points in          play two quarters in the second game      	 “It was a very good year for them.                 _________________________________
the second half, including seven three-  of the night.  The Lions fell, 12-6.      The girls have a bright future ahead of             Darwin Avery, Mayor Pro-tem
pointers.                                	 “The girls played a lot better then     them,” said Einertson.
Check us out all season as we post your favorite sports photos                                                                         Else Taylor, City Clerk

                                                     Check out our photo gallery on our website for both Clear
                                                    Lake and GHV photos. You’ll find both published and un-

                                                      published photos available for purchase. Great gift idea!

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