Page 6 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 12-23-2015
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Dear Santa, Letters courtesy of Mrs. Boehnke’s 2nd Grade Class Dear Santa,
What is your fa- I need new socks and
vorite state? Mine is Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Tittles needs a new family.
Wisconsin. I want a Thank you for giving me my presents Can I have an X Box 360? I would like a remote con-
puzzle ball. Christ- last year. One of my favorite things was Can I have the game Madden trol airplane. I will leave
mas is my favorite the desk you have me. I’m glad you let our NFL16? At my grandma’s house you cookies and milk. I
holiday. elfs come back so we can find them. I love there are carrots and some will give the reindeers
Love, Paityn that you bring everyone presents. Thank cookeis for you. some carrots.
you for putting stuff in all of our stockings. Love, Love, Sam
Dear Santa, Can I please have a phone? I hope you put Hunter
You are awesome! I me on the good list. I really hope my elf
will like anything you
bring me. I like you giv- Ben comes back. Please bring me presents. Dear Santa,
ing me toys. I will leave I wish I could see the elves
cookies and milk for you. Thank you a lot. You are the best. Dear Santa, fly. How old are you? Can you
Love, Rayna Love, Camryn Do you know Snow- please bring me a ball machine and
flakes? I want a gum- Pokemans. Can I please have a Call
Dear Santa, Dear Santa, ball machine. How old of Duty Black Cops3?
Thank you for my For Christmas please could I have are you? I think I know Love, Gage
kindlefire and for the Anki overdrive. Thank you for every- one of your Elves named,
lightsaver. How many thing you gave to me last year. You Jacob. Santa, do you Dear Santa,
elves do you have? You have been my favorite person. Please have lots of Elves? I am very glad that you came last
are the best. send me back a letter and I would like I am sorry for you year. You probably will see my same
Love, a Wii with the game Super Mario Maker because my brother is Christmas tree as last year. It looks
Rowan and lego Dimension. scared of you. good doesn’t it?
Love, Love, Love, Brady
Coby Emersyn
Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Dear Santa,
Every year you Thank you for writing back and I I hope the elves are working hard for you at the North Pole. I
give great presents. always believe in you. Thank you for have been working very hard at school. My family put our Christmas
You are the best. It the toy you brought. How old are you tree up and we are ready for the holidays. I’m not sure what toys I
would be nice to have Santa? What is your favorite thing to want for Christmas. I thought I would leave it up to you to decide.
a kindlefire! I want do? Who is your favorite elf, Santa? I really like things that play music and vibrate. I would love to go
to know how old you You are awesome. I love Christmas see a Taylor Swift Concert. Not sure my mom and dad would go for
are? And I want to and the joy. that but maybe you could talk to them. My friends and I are all
see the reindeer foot Love, very excited that it is almost time for your visit. Travel safely!!
prints? Avery Love, Beckett
Thank you alot!
Love, Delaney Dear Santa,
Dear Santa, Dear Santa, Christmas is my fa-
I want to say thank you for giving the good Have a great vorite holiday. I hope you
Dear Santa, boys and girls toys on Christmas because Christmas Christmas. I hope it like the cookies my fam-
I have been dying is not about getting it’s about giving. Thank you for was good this year. ily makes. Oh by the way
for a drone. I hope last years presents too. Thank you for my tablet Will your sleigh run? thanks for the presents
you can get that for from last year also. Please check the or- you got me last year!
me. Don’t work your Love, phanages. Send love Love,
Elves to hard that Addison around the world. My Dylan
would be perposterous. Mom saw you last
Love, Dear Santa, Christmas.
Aiden Am I on the good list or the bad list? When is Love, Mackenzie
my elf coming to my house? For Christmas can I Dear Santa, Dear Santa,
please have an ipod? I will leave you cookies and Thanks for the presents last Thank you
milk. year. I loved them. Thanks. This Santa for the toys.
Love, Rylan year I want a new water bottle. I have been good.
I also want an ice cream maker Would you give me
and Packers stuff. I will leave you more toys for my
some cookies and milk. sister Adisyn and
Love, me? How many
Ashley elves you have?
Love, Lauren
Dear Santa,
How old are you?
Thank you for the ipod.
Please bring all the jer-
sey’s in the NFL besides
Kam Chancelor and Russell
Wilson because I already
have them. Please bring a
smart balance wheel. What
is your favorite town and