Page 3 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 12-23-2015
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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter Dec. 23, 2015 • Page 3
Marilyn A. Fischer several years she worked for Youth Amil Herker, Jr. also served as the secretary of the Iowa Jerry E. Davis Jerry was an insurance agent for
For Understanding, placing students Water Pollution Control Association most of his life and worked security at
Marilyn Arlene Fischer, 86, of with families and getting to travel Amil Herker, Jr., 89, of Clear for six years, was a life member of the Jerry Edward Davis, 78, of Clear Rees’ Contract Services, Menards, and
Rockford, Iowa, died Thursday, Dec. one summer to Germany, Austria and Lake, passed away on Dec. 19, 2015, Water Pollution Control Federation Lake, died Thursday, Dec. 17, 2015, the Social Security Administration of-
17, 2015, at Nora Springs Care Cen- Holland. at the Muse-Norris Hospice Inpatient and was the recipient of several service at Oakwood Care Center, in Clear fice. He also worked at Shady Beach
ter, Nora Springs, Iowa. She would put the needs of oth- Unit, Mason City, Iowa. awards in the area of water pollution Lake. for a short time.
A visitation was held on Monday, ers first always making sure everyone The family will receive friends at control. A funeral service was held on Jerry enjoyed woodworking, re-
Dec. 21, at First United Methodist was cared for. Marilyn was very in- the Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel, Amil became a Mason at Auburn Sunday, Dec. 20, 2015, at Ward-Van finishing old furniture, gardening and
Church, Rockford, Iowa. A funeral volved in the Rockford’s First United in Clear Lake, from 4:30-7:30 p.m., Lodge #592 in Des Moines in 1950. Slyke Colonial Chapel, Clear Lake, canning. He was always interested in
service was held on Tuesday, Dec. 22, Methodist Church for several years Monday, Dec. 28. A private fam- He joined Verity Lodge #250 in Clear with Pastor Dennis Ganz officiating. motorcycles and boats, especially his
2015. The Reverend Judy Wooton she would organize the Mother - ily graveside service will be held at a Lake in 1960, serving in several sta- Military honors were provided by the 1974 3580 cc Honda motorcycle and
officiated. Interment followed at Riv- Daughter Teas which are still talked later date at Memorial Park Cemetery, tions, including Worshipful Master Clear Lake V.F.W. Per Jerry’s wishes, 1951 Chris Craft Woody boat. He
erside Cemetery, in Rockford. about today. in Mason City, with military honors in 1965 and Secretary from 1977 – his body was cremated following ser- also liked sharing stories about his
Marilyn Fischer was born on Marilyn was a people person provided by the Clear Lake VFW. 1992. He was a member of Benevo- vices and a private inurnment will be past and the things he had seen and
May 7, 1929, in Clear Lake, to Shirley and would always rather give to oth- The family requests that memorials be lence Lodge #145, in Mason City, at at a later date. done. Jerry and Marlene enjoyed
Kimball and Agnetha (Christensen) ers than receive. Her greatest ac- directed to Hospice of North Iowa. the time of his death. In 2000 Amil Family suggests memorial contri- spending time together watching the
Kimball. She grew up in Clear Lake complishment was her children and Amil was born in Des Moines, was presented with his certificate as a butions to Hospice of North Iowa. wildlife in their backyard.
and graduated high school in the class grandchildren. She loved her grand- Iowa, July 31, 1926, the son of Amil 50-year Mason. Jerry was born Aug. 10, 1937, the Jerry is survived by Marlene
of 1947. Marilyn enjoyed working children and loved spending her spe- August and Alta Louise (Lowe) Herk- While his children were in school son of Clair G. and Helen A. (Renz) Barkela, of Clear Lake; two daughters,
summers for her mother at the Lake cial time with them, never wanting er. He went to Des Moines public he volunteered as the time keeper for Davis, in Mason City. A graduate Dawn Chadrick, of Kearney, Neb.
Shore Hotel. After high school she at- to miss a sporting event. Marilyn schools and graduated from Lincoln 15 seasons of basketball at Clear Lake of Clear Lake High School, class of and Jennifer Jo (Mark) Tannenbaum,
tended the Iowa State Teachers Col- enjoyed dinners downtown with the High School in 1944. High School, beginning in the “new” 1955, he enlisted in the United States of Des Moines; seven grandchildren,
lege now known as UNI. grandkids or just spending her special Amil served in the U.S. Army, high school gym in 1960. Follow- Navy, serving as a radioman. Jake Chadrick, Haylee Chadrick,
In 1952, she and her friend, time with them at the house and liked 102nd Division in the European The- ing retirement, when not traveling, Christian Chadrick, Amy Johnson,
JoAnn Watkins, biked the New to keep special treats always on hand ater in World War II. He was hon- Amil and his wife, Wilma, continued Arin Johnson, Emma Tannenbaum
England States. She loved to travel, for them to enjoy. In her free time orably discharged in August of 1946. volunteering in the north Iowa com- and Sophie Tannenbaum; one great
whether down to the Hawkeye Bas- Marilyn enjoyed crafting and working He then attended Iowa State Universi- munity, spending hours helping at the granddaughter, Skyla Chadrick; a sis-
ketball games or with her lady friends the crossword puzzles. Seeing if she or ty, studying civil/sanitary engineering Clear Lake Public Library, KCMR ra- ter, Judy Lincicum, of Clear Lake; and
to Minnesota or Wisconsin for din- her friends could finish first. Marilyn before taking a position with Brown dio, the American Cancer Society and Marlene’s son, Jerry (Lori) Barkela,
ner theaters. will be remembered by her family as a Engineering, in Des Moines. He Mercy Medical Center North Iowa. of Clear Lake; grandchildren, David
Marilyn taught school in Clear giving person with a big heart. was part of the team which designed Amil was a member of the Clear Lake (Ali) Barkela and Adam (Kate) Barke-
Lake and then in Charles City. This Those left to cherish her memory the waste water sewer system around United Methodist Church. la and great-granddaughter, Maren
is when she was introduced to Bob. include children, Bob (Sherry) Fisch- Clear Lake. Survivors include: daughter, Beth Barkela.
On June 2, 1956 she was united in er, of Rockford, Steve (Robin) Fischer, Amil was united in marriage to Ann (Mark) Schumacher, of Clear He was preceded in death by his
marriage to Robert “Bob” Fischer, in of Rockford, and Jane Fischer (Curtis Wilma M. King on Feb. 2, 1951, at Lake; sons, Donald (Sumae) Herker, parents, Clair and Helen Davis; and a
Clear Lake. To this union three chil- Frank), of Mason City; brother, Jack the First Methodist Church, in Des of Clear Lake, and Martin (Anita) brother-in-law, Clayton Lincicum.
dren were born: Bob, Steve, and Jane. (Cynthia) Kimball, of Clear Lake; Moines. The couple moved to Clear Herker, of Traer, Iowa. Grandchil- Ward-Van Slyke Colonia Chapel,
Making their family in Rockford. grandchildren, Kate (Mike) Bowers, Lake in 1954 when Amil was hired as dren are, Rene (Scott) Davis, Joseph Clear Lake, was in charge of arrange-
Marilyn was active in 4-H, teaching Tony (Whitney) Fischer, Leah (David the first superintendent of the Clear Herker, Abigail Schumacher, Ashley ments.
several girls to knit and crochet. For Nassif ), Christopher (Sara) Fischer, Lake Sanitary District, a position he Schumacher, Stephan (Erica) Herker
and Brennan (Holly) Fischer; great- held for 35 years, retiring in 1991. He and Jennifer Herker. Great-grand- CONGREGATE MEALS
granddaughters, Ariel Bowers and children are Jessica, Megan, Avery and
Brynlee Fischer; and several nieces Jaxson. Great-great grandchildren are THURSDAY - Autumn chicken, and oranges, raspberry lemonade.
and nephews. Wesley and Erika. creamed asparagus, plums, whole WEDNESDAY - Egg and potato
She was preceded in death by her Amil was preceded in death by wheat roll, tomato juice. casserole, asparagus, apple slices,
husband, Robert Fischer, in 1996; his wife, Wilma, in 2005; his parents, FRIDAY - Closed. fruit oat muffin, tomato juice.
parents, Shirley and Agnetha Kimball; Amil and Alta (Lowe) Herker; a twin MONDAY - Beef stew, cooked Congregate meals are served at
brother, Maurice (Bea) Kimball and brother, James Herker; and sisters, cabbage, crunchy cranberry salad, the Senior Centers in Clear Lake, 105
brother in-law and sister-in-law, Roy Margaret Virginia (Herker) Lash and whole wheat roll. S. 4th St., at 11:40 a.m. and in Ventura,
(Peggy) Parker. Phyllis Louise (Herker) Stifel. TUESDAY - Crab cake, roasted 4 N. Weimer St. at 11:45 a.m. Call 357-
Online condolences may be left Ward-Van Slyke Colonia Chapel, potatoes, creamed peas, bananas 5443 in Clear Lake and 829-3517 in
at Clear Lake, was in charge of arrange- Ventura for reservations.
Arrangements were with Fuller- ments.
ton Funeral Home and Cremation
Services, Rockford.
Barbara Thompson 1907 Hwy 18 E
® Clear Lake, IA
Barbara Thompson, 89, of 5636 Funeral arrangements are pend- THEATRE
S. Lakeview Dr., Clear Lake, died ing at Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Cha- 641-357-5271
Monday, Dec. 21, 2015, at her home. pel, 101 N. 4th St., Clear Lake. HELD OVER 1-888-357-5271
Alvin & the Chipmunks: Store Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 am - 6 pm
The Road Chip “PG” Saturday: 9 am - 4 pm • Sunday: Closed
“Wayne” Dale Spilman, Jr. Friday & Saturday 7 p.m.
“Wayne” Dale Spilman, Jr., 69, Fullerton Funeral Home, 123 2nd St. Saturday & Sunday Matinee • 1:30 p.m. Health Talk with Robin
of Mason City, died Saturday, Dec. SE, Mason City. Reverend Ron Stein
19, 2015, at the Veteran’s Hospital, in will be officiating. Interment will fol- Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. & Thurs. • 7 p.m. Chief Pharmacist, Robin Younge covers
Des Moines, Iowa. low at Elmwood-St. Joseph Cemetery. important health care topics with quality
A funeral service will be held at Arrangements are with Fullerton Starring: Jason Lee, Tony Hale, Kimberly Williams- information on medication use and
10:30 a.m. with a one hour prior visi- Funeral Home, Mason City. Paisley, Josh Green, Justin Long, Matthew Gray healthier ways of life.
tation on Saturday, Dec. 26, 2015, at Gubler, Jesse McCartney, Kaley Cuoco (1 hr. 28 min.)
Adults ~ $5 • 12 & Under ~ $4
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