Page 3 - Clear Lake Mirror Reporter E-Edition 1-27-2016
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Local NewsClear Lake Mirror-Reporter					                                                                                                                                                                            Jan. 27, 2016 • Page 3

                                           OBITUARIES                                                                          CRICKETS                                                                              Revere & the Raiders for several years.
                                                                                                                               from page 1                                                                           Allison continues to perform today.
 Kristina Masters                                 Marilyn                            mates – most recently in Fairhope,                                                   The Crickets in 1957 (top to bottom):      He’s a longtime member of the Waddy
                                              Broghammer                             Ala. on Mobile Bay.  The family is        Band, Phil Spector, Leon Russell           Jerry Allison, Buddy Holly, and Joe B.     Watchel Band, and also played bass on
	 Kristina  (Kristi) Marie Masters                                                   blessed to have had 35 of them to-        and Maureen McGovern. An accom-            Mauldin                                    Last Man Standing, the 2007 album
died in a car accident on Tuesday, Jan.    	 Marilyn Ann (Muscat) Brogham-           gether this past Christmas in Puerto      plished writer as well as performer,       The Crickets. The group consisted of       by rock and roll legend Jerry Lee Lew-
19, 2016.                                  mer, 79, of Clear Lake, passed away       Rico.                                     Mauldin penned “Last Night,” “I’m          founding members J.I. Allison and          is; as well as recording backing vocals
	 Services will be held at 11:30           on Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016, at           	 Marilyn (known as “Nana” to             Gonna Love You Too” and “Well All          Sonny Curtis, plus Ric Gretch (Blind       on “Love’s Made A Fool of You” on
a.m., Thursday, Jan. 28 2016, at Holy      home surrounded by her family.            her grandchildren) was a loving wife,     Right.” In addition to his work with       Faith, Traffic), Nick van Maarth and       the Crickets 2004 album, The Crick-
Trinity Lutheran Church, 517 SW            	 A Mass of Christian Burial was          mother, grandmother and great-            the Crickets, he toured with the Ever-     Albert Lee (Eric Clapton).                 ets and Their Buddies.
Des Moines St., in Ankeny, Iowa. Vis-      celebrated on Jan. 25 at St. Patrick’s    grandmother who provided a warm,          ly Brothers, Johnny Burnette, Nanci        	 Remnants (1973) and Long Way             	 The Crickets continued to tour
itation with family prior to the service   Catholic Church, Clear Lake, with         welcoming (and always organized!)         Griffith and Waylon Jennings before        from Lubbock (1974) were produced          and record, issuing albums through-
will be held from 9-11 a.m., also at       the Rev. John Gossman, celebrant.         home to family, friends and neigh-        his death in February 2015.                by long-time Cricket and Holly co-         out the ‘80s and ‘90s. In April of
the church.                                Interment was in Mt. Calvary Cem-         bors.                                     	 In a career that has spanned near-       hort Bob Montgomery. In 2004, To-          1995, they recorded “Not Fade Away”
	 Kristi was born in Fargo, N.D.           etery, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.                	 Marilyn was a devout Catholic           ly five decades and millions of records,   nio K. reunited with the Crickets for      with Levon Helm and The Band for
on Dec. 12, 1979, to Jill and Mark         	 In lieu of flowers, donations may       and was a longtime member of St. Jo-      The Crickets are unquestionably The        a track on their star- studded (Eric       a critically-acclaimed musical tribute
Bale. Her family moved to Lincoln,         be made to Mount Mercy University         seph’s Catholic Church in Mason City      American Rock and Roll Band. Since         Clapton, Graham Nash, Phil Everly)         to Buddy Holly entitled “Not Fade
Neb. in 1990. She married her high         (c/o Benjamin and Lucille Brogham-        and, more recently, of St. Patrick’s      the group’s founding in 1957, they         album, The Crickets and Their Bud-         Away” released on Decca Records.
school sweetheart and love of her life,    mer Nursing Scholarship Fund), St.        Catholic Church, in Clear Lake.           have influenced virtually every major      dies, singing lead on the Holly classic,   The following year, The Crickets re-
Matthew Masters, in Lincoln, on July       Patrick’s Catholic Church, or Hospice     	 She was active in a number of           rock performer in the United States        “Not Fade Away.”                           corded Too Much Monday Morn-
27, 2002 and they had two beautiful        of North Iowa.                            social and civic organizations includ-    and abroad – from Bruce Springsteen        	 Gordon Payne was Waylon Jen-             ing an album of all new material and
sons, Zachary (7) and Tyler (3).           	 Online condolences may be left          ing Meals on Wheels (a founding           and Bob Dylan to the Rolling Stones        nings’ right-hand man as guitarist and     which featured guest vocalist Nanci
	 She is survived by her husband,          for the family at www.majorerickson-      member), St. Joseph’s Parish Life, St.    and the Beatles (whose name was even       singer. Gordon spent ten years, from       Griffith. It was released on the Brit-
Matthew; her two sons, Zachary and                           Joseph’s Parish Council, North Iowa       Crickets- inspired). Their hits “That’ll   1985 to 1994, as lead singer and gui-      ish label, Carlton. That year they also
Tyler, Ankeny; her parents, Mark           	 Marilyn was born in Mobile, Ala.        Mercy Hospital Auxiliary, Clear Lake      Be The day,” Peggy Sue,” “Oh Boy,”         tarist with his pals J.I. Allison and Joe  toured extensively with Nanci Griffith
and Jill Bale, Clear Lake; her sister,     on April 17, 1936, to Dr. Joseph and      Yacht Club, Girl Scouts, and P.E.O.       “Not Fade Away,” “Maybe Baby,” “It’s       B. Mauldin of The Crickets.                and The Blue Moon Orchestra.
Kathryn (Blake) Ketterl, West Des          Agnes Muscat.  She attended Webster       In addition, for many years Marilyn       So Easy,” “I Fought The Law“ and           	 Known best for his fingerstyle           	 As the millennium approached,
Moines, Iowa; mother-in-law and            College and then St. Louis University     taught disabled children how to swim.     “More Than I Can Say” are bona fide        and hybrid picking technique, guitar-      the Crickets were again in the studio
father-in-law, Kathy and Steve Mas-        where she graduated with a Bachelor       In recent years, she was a Eucharistic    rock classics and considered by many       ist Albert Lee toured with the Crickets    with Grammy Award-winning pro-
ters, Lincoln, Neb.; brother-in-law        of Science degree in Nursing in 1958.     Minister to residents of the Apple Val-   to be primary lessons in how rock          in 1973. Lee has worked with many          ducer Greg Ladanyi to record what
Clay (Tamara) Masters, Des Moines;         	 While attending SLU, she met            ley Assisted Living Facility in Clear     music should be written, played and        famous musicians from a wide range         may well be their most memorable
grandparents, Lee and Darlene Groff,       the love of her life and her husband      Lake.                                     enjoyed. As Paul McCartney once put        of genres, including the likes of Em-      album of all, The Crickets and Their
Morris, Minn., Harold and Beverly          of 57 years, Dr. Benjamin Brogham-        	 Marilyn was preceded in death by        it, “If it wasn’t for the Crickets, there  mylou Harris, Eric Clapton, Rodney         Buddies. The album features 15 new
Bale, Grand Forks, N.D., Robert Da-        mer.  Marilyn loved Mobile, but she       her parents; her sisters, Helen Robin-    wouldn’t be any Beatles.”                  Crowell, Ricky Skaggs, Bill Wyman’s        tracks of the band’s classic hits with
visson, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; niece and      loved Ben more – and Ben convinced        son and Betty Wilson; her brothers,       	 With the release of “That’ll Be The      Rhythm Kings, The Everly Brothers,         the Crickets joined by their “buddies”
nephews, Justin and Brandon Ketterl,       Marilyn to settle in Mason City, Iowa     Paul, Jim and Joe Muscat; and her         Day” in June of 1957 and their many        and Carlene Carter. Albert Lee is uni-     – Eric Clapton, Graham Nash, John
Madeline and Robert Masters; and           in 1965 where they raised their eight     granddaughter, Michon Runyon.             subsequent hits, The Crickets became       versally recognized in music circles as    Prine, Rodney Crowell, Albert Lee,
numerous aunts, uncles and cousins.        children.                                 	 Marilyn is survived by her hus-         the leading rock and roll band in the      one of the world’s finest, as well as one  Nanci Griffith, J.D. Souther, Johnny
	 In lieu of flowers, memorials can        	 In 1992, shortly before Ben’s re-       band, Dr. Benjamin Broghammer;            world. In late 1958, Buddy Holly de-       of the top rockabilly guitarists in his-   Rivers, Phil Everly, Vince Neil, Keith
be sent to the family for the care and     tirement, Ben and Marilyn moved           and her children, Margaret (Devon)        cided to move to New York and be-          tory. In fact, Eric Clapton is on record   Allison, Bobby Vee, Tonio K. & Peter
education of their children.               to Clear Lake where they made their       Runyon, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, Dr.      come more involved in the business         stating that Albert Lee is “the greatest   Case and Waylon Jennings (one of his
	 Online at www.MemorialSer-               home.  They wintered in warmer cli-       Ben (Kathy) Broghammer, of Me-            side of music. Exhausted from tour-        guitarist in the world.”                   last recordings).                                                                     quon, Wis., Sharon (Andy) Miller,         ing, Nikki Sullivan left the Crickets      	 A cousin to J.I. Allison, Keith Al-      	 An entire schedule of events for the
                                                                                     of Des Moines, Iowa, Tim (Laurie)         at the end of 1957. Holly, Mauldin         lison passed briefly through the lineup    2016 Winter Dance Party is located at
CAUCUS                                                                               Broghammer, of Solon, Iowa, Chris         and Allison carried on as a trio for       of The Crickets and has also worked
from page 1                                                                          (Scott) Long, of Des Moines, Dr.          several months. Tommy Allsup, a            with Roy Orbison, Ray Peterson, The
                                                                                     Matt (Laurie) Broghammer, of Wi-          guitarist from Tulsa, Oklahoma, who        Monkees, Tommy Boyce and Bobby             vv THEATRE
	 •Area Education Agency 267:                                                        nona, Minn., Greg (Kellie) Brogham-       Holly met at Petty’s studio, joined in     Hart, and in 1969, he joined Paul
Lake, Lincoln Townships                                                              mer, of Sheboygan, Wis., and Dr. Liz      the summer of 1958, recording such                                                     Star Wars: The Force Awakens
	 •Harding Elementary, Mason                                                         (Mike) Takacs, of Iowa City; as well      classics as “Love’s Made a Fool of You”
City: W-1, precincts 1-3                                                             as 18 grandchildren and two great-        and “It’s So Easy” with Holly and                                                                    Wednesday & Thursday “PG-13”
	 •Hoover Elementary, Mason                                                          grandchildren.  In addition, she is       the Crickets. Tommy Allsup was the
City: W-2, precincts 1-3                                                             survived by her brother Kenny Mus-        guitarist on the ill-fated 1959 Winter                                                 The Revenant
	 •Lincoln Intermediate: W-3,                                                        cat, of Mobile, and numerous nieces,      Dance Party Tour.                                                                           Friday & Saturday 7 p.m. “R”
W-4, precincts 1-3                                                                   nephews and cousins.                      	 After the tragedy, Allison and
	 •Thornton Community School:                                                        	 Major Erickson Funeral Home &           Mauldin continued on with The                                                            Saturday & Sunday Matinee • 1:30 p.m.
Mount Vernon, Pleasant Valley Town-                                                  Crematory, Mason City, was in charge      Crickets, adding their old friend Son-
ships                                                                                of arrangements.                          ny Curtis as lead guitarist and vocalist.                                                 Sun., Mon., Tues., Wed. & Thurs., • 7 p.m.
                                                                                                                               Sonny had played guitar and fiddle in
    CONGREGATE                                                                                                                 earlier groups with Buddy and J.I, so                                                  Starring: Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy, Domhnall
         MEALS                                                                                                                 his joining was a welcome and seam-                                                    Gleeson, Will Poulter, Forrest Goodluck, Paul Anderson,
                                                                                                                               less fit with the band’s unique sound                                                  Kristoffer Joner, Joshua Burge (2 hr. 36 min.)
	 THURSDAY - Turkey roast, po-                                                                                                 and approach. The first Crickets’ al-
tatoes with gravy, peas and carrots,                                                                                           bum without Buddy Holly, In Style                                                         Adults ~ $5 • 12 & Under ~ $4
pumpkin custard, tomato juice.                                                                                                 With The Crickets, was recorded in                                                                    357-2414
	 FRIDAY - Crunchy baked fish,                                                                                                 the same Clovis, New Mexico studio
parsleyed potatoes, green beans,                           Mary Charest                                                        as had all their hits, with additional     Optimum Health                                                 Dr. Nick McColley
pineapple crunch, raspberry lemon-                                                                                             sessions in New York and Los Ange-           Chiropractic                                                  Palmer Graduate
ade.                                       	 Mary Charest, 85, of Clear Lake, Iowa died Monday Jan. 25, 2016 at the            les. Their classics “I Fought The Law”         & Massage
	 MONDAY - Cook’s Choice.                  Oakwood Care Center, Clear Lake, Iowa.                                              and “More Than I Can Say” were in-                                                     641-357-1211
	 TUESDAY - Swiss style ground             	 Services are pending at the Ward-Van Slyke Colonial Chapel, 101 N. 4th            troduced on this album. Their early-       Bringing you and your family
beef, squash, scalloped cabbage,           St., Clear Lake, Iowa. 641-357-2193.                                                Sixties albums included “Bobby Vee           better health and a better               506 Main Avenue, Clear Lake
blushing pears, tomato juice.                                                                                                  Meets the Crickets” (1962), Some                   way of life.
	 WEDNESDAY - Turkey and                   SCHOOL LUNCH MENUS                                                                  Old, Something New, Something
dumplings, asparagus, mixed fruit, or-                                                                                         Borrowed, Something Else!!! (1963)
ange juice.                                                                                                                    and California Sun (1964). This
	 Congregate meals are served at                         Clear Lake                  yogurt cup. Lunch: Chili with cheese      Crickets lineup comprised Allison,         Be Positive &                                          Tom Alexander
the Senior Centers in Clear Lake, 105                                                and Fritos, romaine salad, apple slices,  Curtis, keyboardist Glenn D. Hardin           Patient                                       Financial Consultant
S. 4th St., at 11:40 a.m. and in Ventura,  	 THURSDAY - Breakfast: French            cinnamon roll. Alt.: Sub-stacker, fresh   (who later played with Elvis Presley,
4 N. Weimer St. at 11:45 a.m. Call 357-    toast sticks, sausage link or cereal,     veggies with dip.                         Gram Parsons and Emmylou Harris)                                                               Securities America
5443 in Clear Lake and 829-3517 in         cinnamon toast or yogurt cup. Lunch:                                                and bassist Jerry Naylor.                                                                Member FINRA/SIPC
Ventura for reservations.                  Chicken drumstick, roll, mashed pota-          Garner-Hayfield-Ventura              	 Glenn D. Hardin became a
                                           toes, California veggies, Raisels. Alt.:                                            member of the Crickets in 1961. He                                                    641-357-7106
                                           Sub-stacker, romaine salad.               	 THURSDAY - Breakfast: Break-            played the piano on the singles “My                                                   888-357-7106
                                           	 FRIDAY - Breakfast: Crossiant           fast pizza, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch:    Little Girl” and “(They Call Her)
                                           sandwich or cereal, cinnamon toast or     Chicken a la king bread bowl, manda-      La Bamba,” on their album Califor-                           Located at Clear Lake Bank & Trust
                                           yogurt cup. Lunch: Popcorn shrimp,        rin oranges, veggie sticks and hum-       nia Sun. Additionally, after Joe B.                          322 Main Ave • PO Box 8, Clear Lake
                                           brown rice pilaf, peas, orange wedges,    mus, cookie.                              Mauldin temporarily left the group,
                                           oatmeal chocolate chip cookie. Alt.:      	 FRIDAY - Breakfast: Breakfast           Hardin furnished their bass sound                         [email protected]
                                           Sub-stacker, cherry tomatoes and          wrap, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: Spa-     with a Fender Rhodes piano bass. He             
                                           baby carrots.                             ghetti, applesauce, California blend      also wrote songs with Crickets guitar-
                                           	 MONDAY -   Breakfast: Waffles,          vegetables, side salad, bread stick.      ist/singer Sonny Curtis, co-authoring                    Not FDIC/NCUA Insured. May Lose Value. No Bank Guarantee
                                           sausage link or cereal, cinnamon toast    	 MONDAY: Breakfast: Western              the group’s single “Teardrops Feel Like                  Not a Deposit. Not insured by any Federal Government Agency.
                                           or yogurt cup. Lunch: Breaded chicken     omelet quesadilla, fresh fruit, juice.    Rain,” and the songs “Count Me In,”
                                           patty with bun, buttery noodles, green    Lunch: Hamburger on a bun, pineap-        “My Heart’s Symphony,” and “Where          Securities offered through Securities America Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC, Tom Alexander, Representative.
                                           beans, applesauce. Alt.: Sub-stacker,     ple chunks, fruit cup, veggie stick and   Will the Word Come From,” recorded                        Investment Center and the Securities America Companies are unaffiliated.
                                           veggies with dip.                         dip, green beans.                         by their fellow Liberty Records artists
                                           	 TUESDAY - Breakfast: Scrambled          	 TUESDAY:   Breakfast:   Waffle          Gary Lewis & the Playboys.                     Townhouses by
                                           eggs and toast or cereal, cinnamon        sticks with syrup, fresh fruit, juice.    	 In the early 1970s, Tonio K. (born        Meints Construction
                                           toast or yogurt cup. Lunch: Walking       Lunch: Tettrazini, banana, fruit cup,     Steve Krikorian) recorded two albums
                                           tacos, Mexican rice, refried beans with   carrots, tossed salad, whole grain        with Buddy Holly’s backing band,           For Sale - Starting Spring 2016
                                           cheese, banana. Alt.: Sub-stacker, ro-    bread stick.                                                                             Lexington Drive location
                                           maine salad.                              	 WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Egg
                                           	 WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Break-            biscuit, fresh fruit, juice. Lunch: BBQ                                                         (Behind Apple Valley Assisted Living)
                                           fast bites or cereal, cinnamon toast or   pork sandwich, mandarin oranges, fruit
                                                                                     cup, tator tots, green peas.

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